هذه النهاية Thread Two: To Allah We Belong and To Him We Return (Giant Robot Quest)

Witness! Qarin! (Part Three)
Witness! Qarin! Part 3

Qarin drops into a gallop, blitzing towards you. The ground shakes due to its sheer mass, buckles and breaks and burns from its passage. It roars at you, burning spittle flying from its mouth, and you nearly freeze up from terror at its charge. Then Shockwave rams into its flank.

The impact craters the ground around the behemoths, a visible shockwave rolling across the grass and over the lake itself. Kim stabs at Qarin, pilebunker spear firing with titanic booms each with each blow, but the Ma'Jooj brings up its massive arm, parrying blows again and again. It waits for an opening, then retaliates, a glob of lava to the face followed by a shovellike forearm slamming into Shockwave's chest. Armored plating boils and buckles under the blow, the Marida catches fire and you can see Kim sweating inside her cockpit. There's no screaming, her readouts say she's fine, you're on the verge of panicking.

You focus. Breathe deeply, banish the panic, gather your soul and preparing to lash out with it-Baibars interrupts. "No," he says, "Don't attack, prepare to deploy a barrier."

"It's going to kill them!"

As if to prove your point Qarin's head swivels towards Tang Ying and spits a steam of lava towards him. It splashes off of Marauder's armor but something in the massive Marida catches light and suddenly flames are spurting from between it's armored plating. Status readouts on your display show that...something inside of Valiant has caught fire. Then Qarin starts galloping for you again.

"They'll be alright, I promise," says Baibars, "But I need you to deploy a barrier now or it is going to hurt you."

You hesitate a moment, then follow orders. You have more conscious control over the process now. Making a barrier isn't the...gut instinct process it was in your first sim, there's more intentionality, more force. You will a shield, a barrier, and it's there. Qarin smashes into it. It almost looks puzzled for a moment, then simply begins hurling itself against the barrier over and over again. "Please tell me that there's a part two to this plan," you say.

Baibars merely smiles before Tang Ying's voice, pained but defiant, cuts through the comms. "Get...the hell away from my friends," he bellows. Marauder Valiant stands, a scant kilometer from the fighting. Flames lick at its skin in a half-dozen places, but Tang Ying seems to be ignoring them entirely. Its missile bays, all of them, are wide open and it's firing occasional bursts at Qarin to distract it.

Tang Ying
[ ] Write-In

[ ] Let Amina deploy (Usman will be incredibly pissed, increases the cost of the operation)
[ ] Umar can do this (Amina does not deploy)

[ ] Wig Out
[ ] Put yourself out, you're on fire.
[ ] Write-In

[ ]Write-In

Turn Summary:
Kim charges Qarin and Sieges, her blow hits but gets Evaded on the reaction. She's hit with an attack of opportunity, Shockwave Cascade catches fire, but she makes her fear save.
Qarin hits Kim for Max Damage with a melee attack, pushing her to Critical Momentum +1 and getting a 3 on the Energy Hit Effect table for the Body. Kim gins 1 Strain. Qarin moves into Engagement Range with Johnathan
Tang Ying panic-fires, accomplishing nothing but driving Collateral Damage to Mild. He is also hit by an attack of opportunity and catches fire, but miraculously makes his fear save.
Qarin shoots Tang Ying. Glancing Hit, 2 Energy Effect to the Body. Marauder Valiant loses 2 Armor and Tang Ying gains 1 Strain.
Johnathan sets up Insha'Allah.
Qarin swings at the Barrier and cannot penetrate.

Fight Summary:

Allied Forces:
Kim Hyun-Soon: Shockwave Cascade, acting Initiative: 12. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Inbuilt Pilebunkers, Pilebunker Spear. Refit: Hyper-Exothermic Gauntlets. Strain: 1, Critical Momentum: +1. Is On Fire.
Johnathan Alvarez: Righteous Penitent, acting Initiative: 9. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle. Refit: Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon.
Tang Ying: Marauder Valiant, acting Initiative: 11. Stamina: 0/3 Armament: 300 CM Gatling Cannon. Refit: 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun. Strain: 1 Is On Fire.
3 Supply Trucks, act on any initiative count. Stamina: 2/2 (Each supply truck has someone's Refit.)
Outpost Wamala: Initiative 1. Stamina: 1/1

Enemy Forces:
Qarin. Stamina: 1/4

Relational Ranges:
Qarin is at Long Range to Outpost Wamala
Qarin is at Tactical Range to Marauder Valiant and Engagement Range to Righteous Penitent and Shockwave Cascade.
Qarin is Long Range to Supply Trucks 1, 2 and 3

Ensure that Outpost Wamala is not destroyed until VIPs are evacuated (4 turns for VIPs to evacuate)
Survive until reinforcements arrive (1 turn until Sandstorm Sultan enters the battlefield by aerial insertion.)

Bonus Objectives:
Secure the survival of Outpost Wamala.
Immobilize Qarin for the cavalry to deal with.

JANNAH Resources for this battle: 2
Base 9, -3 for Supply Copters, -2 for Training Run, -2 for Secondary Supercomputer Analysis
Resource Options:
Orbital Bombardment (Costs 3. Causes Mild Collateral in unsettled areas, Moderate Collateral within a settlement. Only available from the beginning of Turn 3.)
Secondary Supercomputer Analysis (Costs 2, comes in at the end of the turn you use it on)
Remote Care (Costs 2, remotely treats Fatigue or Injury in pilots)
Force Eject (Costs 2, forcibly ejects a pilot from their Marida)
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"Let Amira deploy" should be Amina?
How much does it increase the cost by and how long would it take for her to get here?
"Let Amira deploy" should be Amina?

Oh goddammit I can't believe I didn't catch that.

How much does it increase the cost by and how long would it take for her to get here?

She'd deploy with Umar (She was already on Standby, as noted in the...first Qarin post, I think) and at current time it'd be...about a 20% increase in deployment costs? That's assuming she doesn't cause more collateral or get damaged or something else that would increase the Cost of the operation. You're currently in the lowest tier of Cost (Basically Collateral bundled up with a bunch of other stuff on how expensive the operation was) but if Amina deploys you're all but guaranteed to go up a tier.

In Universe you're probably talking, like, a hundred million dollars or something.
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Fire is bad, especially if we get hit with fire again, but then we only have a roughly 30% chance to put it out... And anything else that Kim could do would only be trying to evade another attack.
Basically being on fire deals 1d10 soft damage per turn, crit moment, which is what kills us , not damage, is increased every 15 points of damage. If we get set on fire again we automatically gain 10 points of soft damage. Soft damage does not trigger crit rolls , but makes all other attacks more effective against us.
I'm wondering if our shield would protect us from Tang's missiles. At least if we're not the target, just in close range to it. If so, holding Qarin in place for the barrage might work out reasonably well if we coordinate that. And give Kim time to put out that fire.
Tang Ying

Missile barrage that sumbitch!

[X] Umar can do this (Amina does not deploy)

[X] Put yourself out, you're on fire.

In case of fire, put it out!

[X] Hold the barrier until Baibars say to drop it

I'm open to alternatives.
Tang Ying

[X] Umar can do this (Amina does not deploy)

Sorry Amina, but we could really use more resources for our next fights.

[X] Put yourself out, you're on fire.

[X] Hold the barrier until Baibars say to drop it

This should just go without saying, given we're standing between it and the VIPs.
Tang Ying

[X] Umar can do this (Amina does not deploy)

[X] Put yourself out, you're on fire.

[X] Hold the barrier until Baibars say to drop it

Seems like a simple yet solid plan. Tang Ying is still on fire, but firing the missiles is probably worth it.
Tang Ying

[X] Umar can do this (Amina does not deploy)

[X] Put yourself out, you're on fire.

[X] Hold the barrier until Baibars say to drop it

Well hopefully Tang is better at aiming the missiles then he was during the first sim.
Witness! Qarin! (Part Four)
Witness! Qarin! (Part Four)

Qarin gives Marauder Valiant a long-suffering glance then turns back to the barrier. It pulls one massive arm back, winding up for a massive haymaker in a movement so rapid and violent that it creates a sonic boom. It punches, your barrier cracks, but holds as the force of impact craters the ground and sends debris flying on Qarin's side of the barrier.

"VALIANT MISSILE, FIRE!" bellows Tang Ying. Dozens of rockets erupt from Marauder Valiant's burning frame, trailing flame and smoke as they home in on Qarin in their dozens. The massive Ma'Jooj swats a wave out of the way, then two more crash into it. It's enveloped in smoke and debris. You can't see anything, feel anything, for a moment. Then a stream of lava, thick and phlegmy, like spit, impacts Marauder Valiant. The flames intensify, ammunition cooks off inside of its super structure and you see Tang Ying nearly collapse as a section of armored plating explodes outwards.

The smoke clears and Qarin's still standing, though several wounds in its side openly weep molten blood. Kim's moved Shockwave Cascade between you two. Steam and smoke runs off Shockwave, some sort of fire suppressant system. Qarin throws another supersonic haymaker, Shockwave lunges with its spear. The spear shatters on impact and Shockwave takes the blow full on the chest. Kim screams, clutching her chest in pain as she's flung backwards. Shockwave bounces off your barrier, only for another haymaker to throw it back. A third blow follows, then a fourth. Shockwave's chest armor collapses inwards, metamaterial plating crumpling like tissue paper in the face of the onslaught.

The Marida collapses to one knee, its right arm limp at its side. Kim is ashen-faced, breathing heavily and holding her right arm. Qarin cocks its arm for another blow and you have to stop yourself from rushing through the barrier to help.

"Wong, prepare remote ejection system," says Baibars, "Raheem, vitals. Can she extract herself?"

"Minor cockpit damage. Vitals are stable, but I think she's broken-" says Abdul Raheem. He stops, staring at the display, "Sir, Shockwave Cascade is attempting Reversion. She's entered Mujahid mode!"

Kim screams- no, roars over the comms. Shockwave stands, tendrils of flesh knitting its chest back together. It swings its right arm experimentally, you can see how much the movement hurts Kim but she doesn't seem to care.

Baibars' brow furrows. "That shouldn't be possible. Shockwave's lobotomized." He catches himself before he speaks further, aware of you watching, "Full readout to my station. Wong, I want to be ready to force-eject at a moment's notice."

Qarin swings. Kim brings up her right arm, catching the blow in one hand. She slides back into the barrier from the force of the blow, driving a furrow into the ground that swiftly fills with lava, then brings her other arm up in a vicious uppercut. The pilebunker fires and there's an audible snap of bone as the arm breaks.

Qarin screams, a bonerattling, unsettlingly human thing, then batters its way past Kim. She charges forwards but Qarin looks at her and starts spitting streams of viscuous lava that give it the opening it needs. It closes with your barrier and simply batters away at it with its good arm until it shatters violently.

Then you muster your will and simply project another.

Qarin glares at you. You manage a weak smile until the Ma'Jooj picks up, weaves past a charging Kim, and sprints around the barrier.

"Sir I could use a plan B."

The Cavalry is about to arrive! What's the plan?
[ ] Write-In

Turn Summary:
Kim successfully puts herself out.
Qarin hits Kim for a hilarious amount of damage, Kim is instantly defeated, gains 9 Stress and one Injury, catches fire (again). Tang uses VALIANT MISSILE to fire missiles at Qarin as a reaction shot, dealing a glancing blow, Qarin is Slowed for two intervals. Kim tests for Berserk and succeeds, Shockwave Cascade enters Berserk and now acts on Initiative 10. Qarin's reaction shot fails to do damage.
Tang Ying fires all the goddamn missiles. He deals a penetrating blow, Qarin can't use defensive reactions for three intervals. Tang Ying then gets hit with an AoO for sieging and eats a Glancing hit to the head. Gets a 4 on the Energy Hit Effect Table and fails fear save. Tang gains 1 Strain, Synch Disrupts for +5, and is Immobilized with fear for one round. Strain 2 causes Tang Ying to gain a level of Fatigue. Catching fire again moves his critical momentum to +2.
Qarin attacks Johnathan's barrier but is unable to break it.
Kim drops her spear and begins pummeling Qarin with her pilebunker fists! Qarin's critical momentum raises to +2 and deals a Penetrating blow, she rolls a 4 for an Impact Hit Effect to the arms and reduces Qarin's strength by two for three rounds. She dodges Qarin's Attack of Opportunity.
Qarin swings and destroys John's barrier
John creates another barrier
Qarin moves around the barrier and is super pissed off.

Fight Summary:

Tang Ying: Marauder Valiant, acting Initiative: 11. Stamina: 0/3 Armament: 300 CM Gatling Cannon. Refit: 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun. Critical Momentum: +2, Fatigue: 1, Immobilized for 1 Turn, EGS is now 4.7, Is On Fire. Is out of missiles.
Kim Hyun-Soon: Shockwave Cascade, acting Initiative: 10. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Inbuilt Pilebunkers. Refit: Hyper-Exothermic Gauntlets. Destroyed: Pilebunker Spear Strain: 1, Critical Momentum: +1. 9/25 Stress. 1 Injury. Is On Fire. Is Berserk.
Johnathan Alvarez: Righteous Penitent, acting Initiative: 9. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle. Refit: Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon.
Umar Ahmed: Sandstorm Sultan, Acting Initiative: 10. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Payload Hammer. Refit: None.

Enemy Forces:
Qarin. Stamina: 2/4. Suffering from -2 Strength.

Cost: 11 (Second Tier, Within Acceptable Parameters)

Relational Ranges:
Qarin is at Long Range to Outpost Wamala
Qarin is at Tactical Range to Marauder Valiant and Engagement Range to Righteous Penitent and Shockwave Cascade.
Qarin is Long Range to Supply Trucks 1, 2 and 3

Ensure that Outpost Wamala is not destroyed until VIPs are evacuated (3 turns for VIPs to evacuate)
Survive Until Reinforcements Arrive (Sandstorm Sultan will act this turn)

Bonus Objectives:
Secure the survival of Outpost Wamala.
Immobilize Qarin for the cavalry to deal with.

JANNAH Resources for this battle: 2
Base 9, -3 for Supply Copters, -2 for Training Run, -2 for Secondary Supercomputer Analysis
Resource Options:
Orbital Bombardment (Costs 3. Causes Mild Collateral in unsettled areas, Moderate Collateral within a settlement. Only available from the beginning of Turn 3.)
Secondary Supercomputer Analysis (Costs 2, comes in at the end of the turn you use it on)
Remote Care (Costs 2, remotely treats Fatigue or Injury in pilots)
Force Eject (Costs 2, forcibly ejects a pilot from their Marida)

New Pilot Abilities
Tang Ying

Valiant Missile: Tang Ying can make an Attack of Opportunity with his rocket racks whenever an ally is attacked.
Fragile Morale: Tang Ying gets +20 on all Bravery checks until he fails a bravery check, at which point he gets -20 on all Will Checks (Including Bravery Checks) until combat ends.

Kim Hyun-Soon
I Can't Run Away: When testing to Berserk, add two to your Effective Ghazali Score

New Robot Abilities
Shockwave Cascade:

Kinslayer: Shockwave Cascade never activates the normal berserk rules when berserking. Instead it repairs all hit effects it is currently suffering from, loses all non-inbuilt weapons, rolls for initiative again, adds 2 damage and penetration to its melee attacks, ignores fatigue and nonfatal injury while in combat, and may treat all standard attacks as if they were blitz attacks. You cannot make ranged attacks while Berserk, but your attacks all gain breach equal to EGS.
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