هذه النهاية Thread Two: To Allah We Belong and To Him We Return (Giant Robot Quest)

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The first showed up nearly twenty years ago, after the DC Meteorite in two thousand. It was...

The first showed up nearly twenty years ago, after the DC Meteorite in two thousand. It was called Juggernaut, and it crippled the state of Georgia in a fit of ultraviolence before a co-ordinated nuclear strike hamstrung it. It was still fighting for nearly a month and a half before a modified cargo plane flew a hundred megaton nuclear bomb into its gullet. Some called the monsters Kaiju, others called them Asura, or Sidhe, or Demons. Officially they were simply The Enemy.

For two years, nearly three, the only resistance to the onslaught of The Enemy was conventional. Entire carrier groups harassed and distracted the creatures, ever larger guns distracted them for precious moments, escalating constantly in power to attempt to penetrate the creatures defensive fields, and enough nuclear weapons to turn swathes of the landscape to glass were used to finally kill them. Billions in research and development was hurled into projects from half a dozen organizations meant to slow or slay the encroaching creatures. Hundreds of thousands, millions died. Resources dwindled from the sheer havoc the things could create, and wars were started over power and necessities. In many countries the refugees began to massively outnumber the citizens. The situation was desperate, and constantly getting worse.

Then Redcap attacked San Diego and JANNAH deployed the results of Project Djinn, a pair of enormous robots called Marida. Their deployment was an unmitigated success, Redcap was slain inside of two hours with minimal casualties to the city, and from there the entire face of the war changed. Other organizations raced to copy and compete with JANNAH, and soon every country and alliance on the planet had someone developing and deploying Giant Robots against the threat of the Enemy.

It's been 17 and a bit years since then, and while the threat of The Enemy is ever present, JANNAH and her sister organizations have been fighting them at every turn.

Your name is Johnathan Alvarez. You're seventeen years old, and one month ago you were recruited by JANNAH to fight The Enemy. You left your home, your friends, your family, broke up with your girlfriend (It went pretty well), and journeyed from San Jose to distant Cairo to start training as a Marida Pilot. You met new people, made some new friends, began to learn about your new (terrifying) job and, despite some bumps, started to get settled in.

Three hours ago you started your first live training exercises.

Ten minutes ago you made hostile contact with a Ma'Jooj.

Right now you're pretty sure that you're going to die.

Alright, I jumped the gun with the first thread and didn't import it, as a result the thing is...kind of a giant mess. Soooooo clean slate! The Index link below has all the shit you need to know. In addition, I'm reworking the mechanical basis of the Quest pretty heavily. Not using Adeptus Evangelion anymore, for starters. This should make it far easier for people unfamiliar with AdEva (Or Eva in general) to get into the quest. I'll be editing mechanical stuff out of the other threads over the next while.

Here's the Old Index and Info Thread
  • Qarin Part Two
    Qarin Part Three
    Qarin Part Four
    Qarin Part Five
    Qarin Final
    Qarin Aftermath

    • Seventeen year old hispanic kid from San Jose. You had a pretty normal life going, you helped your dad take care of your siblings (Your mom had run off a long while ago), had a girlfriend, did well in school, plenty of friends, all that stuff. You ended up qualifying as a MARIDA pilot due to your Ghazali Score, and as a result had to leave it all behind to go pilot giant robots to save the world. You're a little bitter about that.

      You pilot Righteous Penitent, an Emir type Marida with Shahid design elements. Your Ghazali Score of 13.5 qualifies you for something called Manifesting, which to the best of your understanding is basically magic? You haven't figured out how to do it yet, though.

      You're a handsome young latino man. Clean shaven, creamy brown skin, slightly taller than average. You're sociable and outgoing, if a bit awkward, and people tend to like you.

    • Sixteen year old Korean girl from Seoul. She's a Vatter, artificially grown designer human. Was raised by her uncle and his husband because her father wasn't around much. Played violin in high school, then got sent to JANNAH when her Ghazali score results came back. Her dad's aloof and kind of a dick, she doesn't want to talk about him much.

      She pilots Shockwave Cascade, a Mujahid type Marida. Despite being lobotomized it's capable of entering Mujahid mode, where it (And Kim) go batshit on everything when they'd normally be taken out of a fight. She has a Ghazali Score of 10.0.

      She's a short, plump young Korean girl. She's introverted, not great at starting conversations, and prefers to be alone when upset.

    • Seventeen year old Chinese boy from Hong Kong. He comes from an affluent family, but you don't really know much about his past. Is into giant robot shows and similar media, you guess?

      He pilots Marauder Valiant, a titanic Shahid type Marida. It's capable of wielding ridiculously heavy weapons like they were nothing and has giant missile racks inside of its superstructure. He has a Ghazali Score of 8.7.

      He's a tall Chinese boy who cuts a heroic figure. He's enthusiastic, but not great at socializing. Big on heroism and giant robots.

    • A South African boy in the sixteen-to-eighteen-range from a refugee camp in South Africa. He built a semi-functional Marida sim on his own, which is impossibly impressive.

      He pilots Onslaught Armiger, a Shahid type Marida. It...doesn't have anything special about it that you know of? It can store stuff in its horns, you guess.

      He's an average-height white South African with a lean build. He's incredibly acerbic and scathing towards pretty much everything, but he seems to tolerate you more than he does the other pilots?

    • An Indian kid of about seventeen from a refugee camp in southern India. He comes from an incredibly poor family and joined up when his test results said that he qualified as a pilot.

      He pilots Kshatriya Intercept, a Mujahid class Marida. It's capable of entering Mujahid mode in extreme situations.

      He's a tiny, malnourished, dark-skinned south indian kid who just radiates adorableness and vulnerability. He's not very confident and gets tired easily, but he's eager to please. He also isn't used to a lot of modern conveniences.

    • A seventeen year old Iranian girl from Tehran. That's...pretty much all you know about her, actually.

      She pilots Errant Sayyid, an Emir class Marida focused on long range combat. It's got a massive inbuilt railgun and advanced targetting systems. Her Ghazali Score of 13.7 qualifies her for Manifesting, though she doesn't seem to know more about it than you do.

      She's tall and a niqabi, so you don't really see anything besides her eyes (And a fondness for sunglasses means that sometimes you don't see those either). She's cold and aloof, not super keen on conversation. You're not sure if that's because she's a jerk or just because she's super religious and doesn't talk to men.

    • Late twenties egyptian man from...Egypt? He was a pilot at some point, walks with a brace, and is Umar's older brother.

      He's Operations Commander at Citadel Cairo. Gives you and the other Pilots orders, basically runs the place.

      He's absurdly handsome. Like, unnaturally handsome. You're getting used to it, but damn. Tall, arab, features out of a fashion magazine, like he walks around airbrushed. He's outgoing and a pleasant guy. On the religious side. You...haven't actually interacted with him much.
    • Sixteen year old egyptian boy from...somewhere in Egypt? He's Baibars younger brother but other than that you don't know a lot about him.

      He pilots Sandstorm Sultan, an Emir class Marida with Dervish design elements focused on melee combat and flight. He's insanely skilled and an ace, and his Ghazali Score of 13 puts him basically on your level in terms of manifesting and utilizing the soul.

      He's, uh, also impossibly handsome. Slightly above average height, also arab, and, like his brother, features out of a fashion magazine. You're increasingly used to it, but you still sometimes get a bit lost in his eyes. He's friendly, though disciplined, and is rather religious.

    • Seventeen year old Moroccan girl from Casablanca. She's the younger sister of incredibly famous ace pilot Usman Usman. Her parents own a Marida Manufactory in Casablanca and weren't around much when she was a kid. She was close to her brother but he dropped out of contact when he became a pilot and things became...strained. A lot.

      She pilots Starlight Corsair, a Dervish class Marida focused on melee combat and flight. It's made of some sort of bizarre, hard to reproduce meta-materials that make it react to, and grow with, its pilot.

      She's an average-height, athletic black Moroccan girl. You're pretty sure she's broken her nose before. She's energetic but temperamental, especially about her brother, and occasionally violent. She punched you in the gut soon after you first met.

      You're friends now.

    • Twenty Two year old Moroccan pilot from Casablanca. His parents own the Marida Manufactory there. He used to be close to Amina Usman, his sister, but since he's started piloting they've grown distant. Things are rather strained between them now.

      He pilots Mameluke Overrun, an incredibly famous and respected Dervish Class Marida focused on melee combat and flight. It's made of bizarre, near-impossible to reproduce meta-materials that make it adapt to, and grow with, its pilot.

      He's a tall, athletic black Moroccan man. He looks a few years older than he is and cuts a heroic figure. He's a nice dude, likes American movies and was disappointed when you missed a reference, but is incredibly protective of his sister.

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Witness! Qarin! (Part Two)
Witness! Qarin! (Part Two)

Everything went to hell the moment you started Sieging Qarin. You threw your souls against it, exactly like in the simulator, slamming into it like hammers. It's defenses broke, crumbled, but it didn't seem to care. Instead its Soul read hungry, happy, and you didn't have a moment's warning before it began to spew lava at you.

Marauder Valiant gets hit first, a stream of Lava ripping right through its shields and coating much of its torso. You wince as Tang Ying screams in pain, then stark terror, over the comms. His tight stream of gatling cannon rounds becomes a wild spray, ripping apart the countryside and not much else.

Then it turns to you. Rifle rounds ping off of its scales as its chest inflates with lava, then it exhales, bathing you in a stream of molten rock. It rips through your soul, boiling against your armor. It hurts, it hurts like nothing you've felt before, a dozen times worse than the simulator. You scream, joining Tang Ying, and feel the thing's soul trying to ride on the pain, get into your mind and do...something to you. You resist, fighting through the pain to stand and keep firing on it. It rains more fire on you, more molten rock and hate, but your soul holds. Rock and fire splatters away from you, kept from burning the landscape to a crisp by the raw might of your soul, and as the burning subsides you stand.

Shockwave Cascade's out in front, near the resupply trucks. She's holding a pilebunker spear in her hands but is looking back towards you and Tang Ying. Kim's saying something on the comms, but your ears are ringing and you can't quite hear her. Marauder Valiant is off to your right. The lava's fallen from his frame but whatever Qarin did to Tang Ying is still working since he's still screaming and firing wildly. Baibars and the Bridge Crew are saying something but you can't hear them either.

Qarin...Qarin is lumbering towards you, massive limbs shredding the ground where it walks. It leaves a trail of burning blood behind it, scorching the earth as it approaches. Its eyes are fixed on you, it knows that you're stopping it from setting the land ablaze, it just knows, and if you give it the slightest chance it is going to kill you, followed shortly by everyone in Outpost Wamala.

Be Tang Ying
[ ] Panic

Be Johnathan
[ ] Into melee, where it can't shoot you
[ ] Keep firing
[ ] Attack with Wrath
[ ] Wait until you can hear the Bridge Crew and follow their orders.
[ ] Fall back to lead it away from Outpost Wamala.
[ ] Write-In

Be Kim
[ ] Charge
[ ] Obey Bridge Crew
[ ] Write-In

Be Command Staff
[ ] Write-In the actual plan that your group of teenagers is probably mostly ignoring.

Supercomputer Analysis:
Qarin is an opportunist. It attacks automatically if either of two conditions are met at any point
First: A Ma'Jooj scale enemy doesn't use Soul Points for a noticeable length of time (One full turn).
Second: An enemy Sieges Qarin.

In addition, Qarin's attacks of opportunity are supernaturally accurate.

Status and Turn Summary:

Every character tripped Qarin's 'I get free ranged attacks' condition, resulting in free hits for everyone! Kim dodged, Tang Ying got plastered and failed his fear roll, Johnathan got plastered but succeeded on his fear roll. Qarin started closing and bombarded John, but Al-Haram negated it entirely. Before everything went to shit, Tang Ying managed a pretty decent hit with his gattling, Qarin's natural armor negated the worst of it buuuut it's still a solid chunk of pain. Your assault rifle fire was largely ineffective, though.

This is the last fight we'll be using Adeptus Eva for, as I don't want to switch systems mid-combat. Mechanically, no-one's taking particularly heavy damage (Soft Damage to Qarin, Johnathan, and Tang Ying) but Tang Ying's useless next turn and Johnathan's at a penalty to attacking Qarin.

Fight Summary:

Allied Forces:
Kim Hyun-Soon: Shockwave Cascade, acting Initiative: 12. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Inbuilt Pilebunkers, Pilebunker Spear. Refit: Hyper-Exothermic Gauntlets
Johnathan Alvarez: Righteous Penitent, acting Initiative: 9. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle. Refit: Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon.
Tang Ying: Marauder Valiant, acting Initiative: 11. Stamina: 0/3 Armament: 300 CM Gatling Cannon. Refit: 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun
3 Supply Trucks, act on any initiative count. Stamina: 2/2 (Each supply truck has someone's Refit.)
Outpost Wamala: Initiative 1. Stamina: 1/1

Enemy Forces:
Qarin. Stamina: 4/4

Relational Ranges:
Qarin is at Long Range to Outpost Wamala
Qarin is at Tactical Range to all Marauder Valiant and Shockwave Cascade and Close Range to Righteous Penitent.
Qarin is at Tactical Range to Supply Truck 1 and Long Range to Supply Trucks 2 and 3

Ensure that Outpost Wamala is not destroyed until VIPs are evacuated (6 turns for VIPs to evacuate)
Survive until reinforcements arrive (3 turns until Sandstorm Sultan enters the battlefield by aerial insertion.)

Bonus Objectives:
Secure the survival of Outpost Wamala.
Immobilize Qarin for the cavalry to deal with.

JANNAH Resources for this battle: 2
Base 9, -3 for Supply Copters, -2 for Training Run, -2 for Secondary Supercomputer Analysis
Resource Options:
Orbital Bombardment (Costs 3. Causes Mild Collateral in unsettled areas, Moderate Collateral within a settlement. Only available from the beginning of Turn 3.)
Secondary Supercomputer Analysis (Costs 2, comes in at the end of the turn you use it on)
Remote Care (Costs 2, remotely treats Fatigue or Injury in pilots)
Force Eject (Costs 2, forcibly ejects a pilot from their Marida)
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Nice to see this back. I'll need to go back and reread the previous parts to make an actually informed decision, but I'll vote for this for now:

Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic
Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath
Be Kim
[X] Charge
Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.

1- I am confident that Panic is the best choice among our available options, for a plethora of complex and amazingly insightful reasons.
2- We're specced to be amazing at magic, and are pretty average-to-bad at everything else. Our gun so far has done basically no damage, and it seems unlikely to do better in the future. Even if it doesn't knock Qarin down, it should unbalance him for...
3- the charge. Kim is specced for melee, might as well get into melee. We want to keep it as far away from the base as we can, so we have to either try to stop it here to try to get it to turn aside. I figure the former will be more reliable than the latter.
4- Might as well try, right? Not like they'll be listened to anyway.

On a side note, it may be a good idea to do a post in the previous thread to indicate that it's back online for anyone watching the old thread.

edit: Updated Command Staff action from below to Aleph's
[] Try futilely to get everyone on the same page and coordinated.
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Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic
--[X] Gibber and wail.

Be Johnathan
[ ] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[ ] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.\

Changing plan for Johnathan and Kim to Plan Shin.
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Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Use Insha'Allah

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
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It's back! Yes!

Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
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Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.

Quite honestly I can't think of anything better. Normally I would advocate being defensive until Tang unpanics, but there's a town behind us and we have a bunch of rookies who may panic just as easily as Tang did.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic

Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath

Be Kim
[X] Charge

Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic
Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath
Be Kim
[X] Charge
Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Be Tang Ying
[X] Panic
Be Johnathan
[X] Attack with Wrath
Be Kim
[X] Charge
Be Command Staff
[X] Concentrate fire on its eyes to blind it, then take it apart.
Wrath: You roll against your EGS to deal 1d6+EGF damage to an enemy. In addition, it has a chance to knock enemies you hit with it prone. You can augment it to upgrade knockback force by spending 1 point for an extra 1d6 force. Warning: Spending lots of points on this will reduce your ability to negate incoming attacks. However, it ignores cover, stealth and concealment and cannot botch. This is done as a 2 Stamina Action.

Hey Havocfett, can we try to use Wrath to push it into his own lava if possible?
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Wrath: You roll against your EGS to deal 1d6+EGF damage to an enemy. In addition, it has a chance to knock enemies you hit with it prone. You can augment it to upgrade knockback force by spending 1 point for an extra 1d6 force. Warning: Spending lots of points on this will reduce your ability to negate incoming attacks. However, it ignores cover, stealth and concealment and cannot botch. This is done as a 2 Stamina Action.

Hey Havocfett, can we try to use Wrath to push nto his own lava if possible?

Go for it!

I make no guarantees as to whether or not he's immune to lava.
Hey Havocfett, can we try to use Wrath to push it into his own lava if possible?
I doubt that'd be effective, something that naturally vomits lava at stuff and has blood hot enough to ignite things probably has some level of resistance to burniness.

...then again, that could only apply to his insides, like humans with our stomach acid.
I doubt that'd be effective, something that naturally vomits lava at stuff and has blood hot enough to ignite things probably has some level of resistance to burniness.

...then again, that could only apply to his insides, like humans with our stomach acid.

Admittedly given how little sense Ma'Jooj make I'm willing to try different things and see what sticks. If he's immune, at the least maybe moving through lava might slow him down.
That's a good idea. Can we do anything with out soul field to manage this Havocfett?

Not remotely, I'm afraid. You could probably use Al-Haram to keep things insulated really well, but nothing for accelerating cooling at this stage besides 'rip open one of Righteous Penitent's arteries and pour coolant all over it' and I wouldn't advise that because...pain share.
Since I was an idiot about it, here's the Fight Summary (Which I've also edited into the update)

Fight Summary:

Allied Forces:
Kim Hyun-Soon: Shockwave Cascade, acting Initiative: 12. Stamina: 3/3. Armament: Inbuilt Pilebunkers, Pilebunker Spear. Refit: Hyper-Exothermic Gauntlets
Johnathan Alvarez: Righteous Penitent, acting Initiative: 9. Stamina: 3/3 Armament: 240 CM Mark 3 Assault Rifle. Refit: Tesla Sword and 300 CM Handcannon.
Tang Ying: Marauder Valiant, acting Initiative: 11. Stamina: 0/3 Armament: 300 CM Gatling Cannon. Refit: 440 CM Mark 1 Railgun
3 Supply Trucks, act on any initiative count. Stamina: 2/2 (Each supply truck has someone's Refit.)
Outpost Wamala: Initiative 1. Stamina: 1/1

Enemy Forces:
Qarin. Stamina: 4/4

Relational Ranges:
Qarin is at Long Range to Outpost Wamala
Qarin is at Tactical Range to all Marauder Valiant and Shockwave Cascade and Close Range to Righteous Penitent.
Qarin is at Tactical Range to Supply Truck 1 and Long Range to Supply Trucks 2 and 3

Ensure that Outpost Wamala is not destroyed until VIPs are evacuated (6 turns for VIPs to evacuate)
Survive until reinforcements arrive (2 turns until Sandstorm Sultan enters the battlefield by aerial insertion.)

Bonus Objectives:
Secure the survival of Outpost Wamala.
Immobilize Qarin for the cavalry to deal with.

JANNAH Resources for this battle: 2
Base 9, -3 for Supply Copters, -2 for Training Run, -2 for Secondary Supercomputer Analysis
Resource Options:
Orbital Bombardment (Costs 3. Causes Mild Collateral in unsettled areas, Moderate Collateral within a settlement. Only available from the beginning of Turn 3.)
Secondary Supercomputer Analysis (Costs 2, comes in at the end of the turn you use it on)
Remote Care (Costs 2, remotely treats Fatigue or Injury in pilots)
Force Eject (Costs 2, forcibly ejects a pilot from their Marida)
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Thanks for the update Havocfett. Say, is it possible for the supply truck to get to us with any degree of safety without us pushing Qarin back or retreating? Would Al-Haram be able to protect one of them if it got close enough for us to retrieve our tesla Sword package? The handcannon's higher caliber, and melee attacks in general might be more useful then the assault rifle.

Not that I recommend doing it this turn, atleast until Kim and Tang are capable of grabbing it's attention, but it's something i'd like to know for future battles.
Thanks for the update Havocfett. Say, is it possible for the supply truck to get to us with any degree of safety without us pushing Qarin back or retreating?

They're on a battlefield with a 200+meter tall mythological monster that spits and bleeds lava and ignores dozens of rounds with a caliber of 'literally three meters' that wants to kill them, so no.

(Admittedly the only people with any degree of safety on this battlefield are you three and Qarin, and that's arguable.)

Would Al-Haram be able to protect one of them if it got close enough for us to retrieve our tesla Sword package?

It'd reduce, but not negate, damage they took. Especially if they were in melee range with you when Qarin decided to give you a nice coating of lava.
So let's see what we have. Kim has a Pilebunker Spear, John has what is probably a pallet rifle, Tang (hahahah) has a gatling and an inability to be useful right now. We have refits available, but until we start winning and/or reinforcements arrive, I wouldn't recommend wasting a turn on it. Qarin has, at maximum, a Ghazali score of 8. Hopefully it is far lower than that, because the less we need to spend on sieging him, the better. Finally, we have two points left in our JANNAH resources. As much as I want to use another Supercomputer Analysis, both Remote Care and Force Eject are incredibly important, and we don't have enough points to spare to use it in good conscience.

I'm not the most familiar with AdEva v3 (actually, I'm not at all familiar with it), but I'll see about making a plan in the near future, after I take a closer look at the infodump thread and stuff. Whether it becomes the actual plan or the one Control is uselessly telling them remains to be seen :V

EDIT: Also from a cursory wikipedia read, Qarins (Qareens?) are focused on making people do evil things, so...I don't know if that survived the abstraction to "Giant Lava Monster", but it's a good reason to keep that Force Eject handy.
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