
  1. Delights: Earthly And Desolate (Cross-Post from Fiction Live)

    Delights: Earthly And Desolate (Cross-Post from Fiction Live)
    Threadmarks: A Mistake In Motion

    Original Mature Horror 
    Note: All Credit goes to whathowwhy (Who agreed to this Cross-post) and the Questors on Fiction Live. I am just the schmuck who re-formatted the text. This is a Ongoing Quest on Fiction Live and I found it to be a damm shame that I didnt find this diamond earlier. So I do this just for fun...
  2. It's Turbin' Time (Library of Ruina Modded/Arknights)

    It's Turbin' Time (Library of Ruina Modded/Arknights)
    Threadmarks: 0.1 - Turbulent Will

    Spoilers for Library of Ruina, the specific mod that this quest is about and Arknights. 0.1 - Turbulent Will …you’re dead. What a shame. After all you and your friends went through, after all you did to carve your name into the annals of the City, you are dead. As of now, all you can feel is...
  3. Mistborn: Smoke and Ash.

    Mistborn: Smoke and Ash.
    Threadmarks: The Beginning

    Mature Fantasy 
    "And thus the Tyrant was cast down, like the Tower before him, and the People danced and sang in the Streets, and what they did kindled Great Fear in the Hearts of all the Kings." Mistborn: Smoke and Ash. Revolution in The Final Empire. Ash fell from the sky. Smoke rose to meet it...
  4. Cry out loud(a LC original abno Quest)

    Cry out loud(a LC original abno Quest)
    Threadmarks: Extraction

    Who are you? The sticky liquid, like ink, flows through the endless river and the pale fields, a knocking sound is heard, but you do not know where that come from. It's nice sitting down and looking up upon the sky, Although people looks at you like you're crazy, but sometimes Life have to slow...
  5. Fate/Clusterfuck (Fate/Stay Night)

    Fate/Clusterfuck (Fate/Stay Night)
    Threadmarks: 1.0 - A Beginning

    Mature Fantasy Modern 
    Coverart courtesy of Savadava on Twitter. Welcome to Fate/Clusterfuck! Some may know me for other stories, on this forum notably On Angel's Wings and By The Homeworld I'll Someday Be Banned From. I have been a fan of the Fate franchise since I was about eleven years old, but this is my first...
  6. “Human Resources” Shouldn’t Be This Literal: A PMMM/ProjectMoon Quest

    “Human Resources” Shouldn’t Be This Literal: A PMMM/ProjectMoon Quest
    Threadmarks: 1.0.1 - Not That Kind of Existential Crisis

    Chapter 1 - Not That Kind Of Existential Crisis "Remember this name of ours. Now… Fade away without a trace." You are the former manager of Lobotomy Corporation. An intentionally-created split personality of the founder, Ayin, you were tasked with completing his final project over the...
  7. Keiran Halcyon

    Star Wars: The Force Wills (SW SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Chapter 1 Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker rushed towards the barricade that the clone troopers had set up on the wide sweeping boulevards of the capital city of Christophsis, and regarded the enemy lines for a moment, just in time for the angry whines of blaster fire to fill the air. The troopers...
  8. YseultNott

    [OC][Non-BB] Sinews
    Informational: Afternoon III

    This story takes place outside of Brockton Bay and focuses entirely on original characters. It will contain graphic description of gore and violence, with the full list of content warnings listed below. Taylor, Amy, the Endbringers, the trio, Scion and Cauldron will not appear not be relevant...
  9. SpanishSpy

    Guns and Butter: Violence, Power, and Alternatives in Alternate History

    Discussion Our genre is a violent one. Much of its speculation is on military conflict to the detriment of other areas of human history. To investigate this question, I assembled a panel of...
  10. F

    Gaston (Disney SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kingdom of France: 1364 A.D. Since 1346 A.D., Europe had been caught in the grip of a terrible plague. Europe's population was scourged. Many wondered: was this a punishment...
  11. Resonance.Cascade() - A Shadowrun 2070 Quest

    Resonance.Cascade() - A Shadowrun 2070 Quest
    Threadmarks: Character and Setting Creation, Part 1

    Mature Sci-Fi Action 
    The year is 2070, and the Sixth World has seen better days. It's only been six years since the Second Matrix Crash (Dubbed Crash 2.0 by the Matrix Boards). Millions of bodies, the end of an entire generation of wired matrix technology, and perhaps most notably a new generation of Corporations...
  12. Azrubêl

    Saerang (A Song of Ice and Fire/The Silmarillion)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Discussion Crossover Fantasy 
    ------------------------------------- Prologue - Lorimas Mudd ------------------------------------- The air was filled with an unearthly mist. Mist, shadows and noises on the edge of hearing. Lorimas Mudd did not truly know how many days had passed since they had awoken in this valley. The...
  13. P

    When you wish upon a star...
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Wishful thinking

    AN: Uh, so, yeah. This is... a thing. Not really happy with it- Re: I think its shit- but if I didn't post it now I never would have so... yeah. This is the first time I've posted here on SV so if I did something wrong let me know. Also let me know if you hated it and why! Loved it? Keep that to...
  14. R3N41SS4NC3

    Charity Begins at Home (worm)
    Threadmarks: 1: Charity Begins at Home

    April 19 - stole my backpack in second period and set it on fire behind the school during lunch, with my textbooks and homework inside. Emily dumped pencil shavings in hair in fourth period. Sophia tripped me down the front stairs as I left school. I set my pen down. Is that really it? Is...
  15. TheRisingSun777

    Fracture (Worm/Jeff The Killer)
    Threadmarks: Fanfiction

    Prelude: A Day Of Things Lost “Is that the last box?” Jeff’s dad asked, as he put an old baseball cap in, and carefully put the tape over. “Yeah dad,” Jeff replied, sullen; it was his last day in Kansas before the ‘Big Move’, he had friends here that he’d be forced to leave behind, some...
  16. Zedalb

    [Supervillain] Exponential Power: Society is broken reforge it in your image.
    Threadmarks: Origin Story

    In 2020 the american police had less than 20 days where they killed no one. Slavery is legal and used to supply the largest market and employer in the country. A dying mans last words were "How is my family going to pay for this" because his death meant economic ruin to his family. The upper...
  17. Zedalb

    Brutal Redemption
    Threadmarks: Requesting Redemption

    Your intestines and blood spill out between your fingers burning hot to the touch as you try to run forward. You can hear the shouts from behind you. They are getting closer and they will kill you if they catch you. Your breathing is ragged and heavy, your vision spins and every foot step takes...
  18. ObaSuzu

    Bat Vigilante Roman
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1.1

    Original Novella Action 
    Chapter 1.1 Mesea City. It is filled with never-ending rain as if it would flood the dark city but won't, and it is ridden with criminal activity that the police are having trouble combating it despite having one of the most efficient police force in the United States as well as the most...
  19. Zedalb

    Hayden Island

    Last night was the end of the world as you knew it. It wasn't just bad, it was people picking up children because they were tripping on corpses as they fled, bad. It was a night of horror as people jumped from buildings fleeing monsters inside. It was injured mothers begging strangers to take...
  20. SoothingCoffee

    Palace of Greed, El Dorado (Library of Ruina)
    Threadmarks: 0. Crispy Pork Cutlet Toast with Honey-Mustard Sauce

    The City. If you try to describe the city, then the best you can do is to compare it to a machine. A system of cogs, and gears turning ever so slowly, creaking ever so loudly with the rusts caked on them. It’s like the breathing of a dying beast, teetering on the edge of ‘life’ and ‘death’, but...
  21. Sir Flufflewuff

    Merchants. (Minor AU, very different Merchants)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Ever since Leviathan came along, global shipping took a massive hit. Cross-continental trade is pretty much dead. That alone led to the deaths of millions if not over a billion. Population dense, food scarce countries like Singapore starved. They had the money, but few were willing to make the...
  22. walkietalkiehaha

    The Long Wait (Harry Potter book 7, from Neville's perspective)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - The Price

    Neville took a seat next to Seamus, who was looking a bit lost without Dean. Seventh year Gryffindors had Dark Arts first thing in the morning, along with the Slytherins. The Slytherins and Gryffindors always tended to naturally separate from each other in the classroom, regardless of whether a...
  23. No Country

    Bone and Blood (Naruto Quest)
    Informational: General Information & Character Sheet

    Bone and Blood Battlefield Symphony Tsubaki KaguyaName: Tsubaki Kaguya Affiliation: Village Hidden in the Rain Sub-Affiliation: TBD Age: 15 Rank: Jounin Class: A Appearance: Small and slim for her age thanks to a side effect of her kekkei genkai, Tsubaki has an unassuming and nonthreatening...
  24. KarvokaQueen

    Home of the Brave - Tales from the Second American Civil War
    Threadmarks: Welcome!

    Short Story Alt. History 
    Hello all! Fresh from the extension of lockdown in my home city, I've been hit by some writing inspiration by Home of the Brave, an excellent mod for Kaiserreich. I've started writing short stories from varying perspectives across the Civil War, covering many of the sides fighting, and am going...
  25. Academia Nut

    Paths of Heroes
    Threadmarks: Origins

    Original Fantasy 
    "In the Time Before Time, all was well and the gods walked in peace among men. The world was Their Garden and All Was Good. But then the gods took to quarrelling among themselves. The oceans rose, mountains crumbled, and finally the Heavens Fell. Stars and the bones of dead Titans crashed to the...