school life

  1. ClockPuncherTTV

    Longing For Something (Interdimensional School)
    Threadmarks: First Day

    My name is Russel Thrush and I'm a student of the new and completely wacky Multiversum, a school full of people all around this Multiverse thing that I think professor Oobleck told us about, but... no, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here to be honest. Now, I must look completely out of...
  2. Crimson Flight

    Cosmic Illumination - JRPGesque Space Magic Academy
    Threadmarks: Opening Crawl

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    From the very beginning, when the Eleven Divinities still sailed the starry void, the flow of cosmic energy throughout the universe has been unceasing. It is present within all things, joining galaxies, planets, and life together in a great, interconnected web. And there exist many of those who...
  3. Elpis

    Bright Flames, Dark Shadows: My Hero Academia
    Threadmarks: Daily School Life - 0

    There were few things you’ve wanted in life. Yet, as cruel as the world was, the things that one wanted were never the easily accessible ones. The kind of goals which you’d set would turn into a long list of failures. Regardless, your mother has taught you that no matter how hard it was, if you...
  4. Magoose

    Because Teachers are Heroes Too: No SV: You Are Headmaster of a Hero Academy
    Threadmarks: Character Creation Part 1

    Original Fantasy 
    Character Creation Part 1 Perhaps it was because you were only one person. One legend that managed to create the reputation that many before you desperately chased, especially at such a young age. You had seen the four corners of the entire world, fought countless monsters, demons, and gods...
  5. JiggyStreet

    The Great and Terrible
    Threadmarks: OP

    Yeah so this is my first Quest here. It's a pretty basic idea just based on a combination of stories I've read in the past mixed with real life experiences. The next couple of updates will most likely be character creation so bear with me. If you have any suggestions or critique feel free to let...
  6. Fletcher

    The Curious Case of Diligence University
    Threadmarks: Personal Log [1A]

    Original Sci-Fi Mystery 
    Something's very wrong in this school. You can feel it in your bones. But honestly, right now, you don't really mind. Because the Science Club's just sent you an invitation, and all you have to do to join is demonstrate a possible affinity for their work. To be honest, you've always wanted...
  7. Largo

    The Histories of Napoleon Bonaparte and Wandrisse
    Threadmarks: 1

    So, I guess I'll give a sort of preface to this, one which I think will be able to help me with this story. Those who post on SB in the CrW forums may remember a story I wrote called Emperor of Zero, a pretty huge Zero no Tsukaima fanfic. I left it unfinished, largely due to the restrictions of...
  8. S

    A School Lost Amongst Kingdoms (???/???)
    Threadmarks: 1.) What Just Happened

    Entry 1: What Just Happened? In all your years of teaching students and fighting in the shadows, you never thought you'd see the day when some depraved god would upend your life's work and then discard it like a rock it found on the road. But morning the whims of fate can wait until later...
  9. Gargulec

    Attempts At Understanding - Gargulec Writes Essays

    Hello and welcome to Attempts At Understanding, a thread which will hopefully serve as a place for me to post my essays on various, humanities related-subjects. Now, why would you want to read them? It's a good question. I am a PhD student with background in history, cultural anthropology and...
  10. P

    Attending Fleet Academy

    Original Sci-Fi 
    So, I decided that I want something on a more personal scale that I can update when I get a writing kick but should be waiting for voting and decisions on my main quest. I cannot guarantee this will be updated as regularly but this is a side quest in the same universe (but some years before) You...
  11. Jaune Pendragon

    SV commlink. Familiar of zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 The Beginning

    Fantasy Crossover 
    Hello everyone. Jaune Pendragon here. I am going to try this again... And please don't blow up Saito's Head as well seriously... No you are not trapped in Saito's Head. Any way this time I am taking a different approach. While the minimum 3 positive rating requirement exists beware. If you...
  12. Janus

    Random Role Play : Play It By Ear!

    IC Original 
    All of you have a long dream, of living an entire life time before. A land of strange horseless carriages called "cars", of strange boxes called "computers". Speaking with each other thousands of miles away in something called "The Internet". A mystical being speaks to you in your minds. "I am...
  13. Janus

    Random Roleplay : Play By Ear

    Discord Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers IC- Random Role Play : Play It By Ear! - IC - Original Just feel free to jump in and follow the instructions below. Choose a number, 1-10: (Players can choose the same number and get the same result, or choose the same number and get a...
  14. Ikusaba Quest [Danganronpa/???] - an Exodus story

    Ikusaba Quest [Danganronpa/SMAC] - an Exodus story
    Threadmarks: Exodus, Part I

    A/N: Before I begin, I want to post a WARNING. This quest stars a character who begins in a very strong relationship (non-romantic, thank god) with someone who's best described as "the Joker with no Batman to reign him in and a particularly violent case of ADHD". As well, you're playing as the...
  15. Henryboy003

    Students of Charnekum

    Orientation day flew by faster than anyone expected. One minute the students are listening to the most boring speech a man could give, and the next your being ushered from class to class just long enough to see the teachers face, say “Hi.” and get shoved to the next class. But today, may as well...
  16. Henryboy003

    Students of Charnekum

    “Hello Students! Welcome to our prestigious school! We are here to teach you how to control that strange energy coursing through your body. Using this and a special language you can ask the universe a favor, and it will listen to it, and if your persuasive enough, it will do the favor for you...
  17. Suzu

    Sento Academy Pandemonium
    Threadmarks: Zeroth Pandemonium: Sento Academy's Two Rules

    What is the most important part of your typical high school experience? The answer is clubs. Even if the answer is not clubs, it is still clubs. Just like how all roads lead to Rome, so does our arguments eventually become insignificant compared to the cultural importance of school clubs...
  18. shadenight123

    Umbrus Shade, The Incredibly Annoyed Ravenclaw [Harry Potter/SI]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Umbrus Shade, The Incredibly Annoyed Ravenclaw [Harry Potter/SI] Prologue It all began with a dark room, a hooting owl, and a letter in front of me. The room had no features I could parse. The owl was motley brown. The letter looked handwritten in a really difficult cursive. My room was...
  19. PrinceArjuna

    Magic University Quest

    Original Fantasy 
    You hold the admission letter in your hand. This is the twelfth time you have read the letter, and there is no mistaking it. Next month, you will start attending the Fairchild University of Magic as one of the new admissions for Class 355. Fairchild University is one of the oldest learning...
  20. Kaja Rainbow

    Myrmidon's Ascension (Xianxia/cultivation)
    Threadmarks: Creation of a Hive

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    Deep inside an elaborate network of tunnels and rooms forking every way, The Director of the Department of Cultivation meditated, dismissing her present worries for the moment. One heartbeat. The essence inside her, the energy in all things, rippled slightly as she directed outside essence into...
  21. A

    Replacing technology with magic (be imaginative)

    So let's say there's a world with... what we would refer to as magic. Summoning, golem-making, spells to make plants grow faster, fleshcrafting... the works. So basically, its a world where what we can refer to as magic, exists. The thing is, human needs are always the same. So of course...
  22. Jeboboid

    By Spell and Scroll: A Magical School Quest.
    Threadmarks: I - Opening Ceremony

    Original Fantasy 
    Three figures meet atop a hill, standing in the wind and the rain and the slowly dying light. Two are hooded and cloaked, the third shrouded in scales like gleaming steel. The first, a man with tired eyes, nods in greeting. “Are you sure of this?” The second figure, a woman with long ears and...
  23. Tabula Rasa

    A Harry Potter Quest: He who was not
    Threadmarks: Character Creation I

    Some of you may know me from my other Quest (Rien ne va plus – A Marvel based quest you should definitely look into), which is going to conclude Part II in the next week or so. I’ll use the time skip in that story to accompany it with a real passage of time and will entertain myself (and you...
  24. Guiding Bolt

    [Rebooted] Drowned in Honey
    Threadmarks: Opening -- 0.00

    I couldn’t help but stare at myself. It had been so long since I had done my makeup like this—if I’m being honest, since I had done my makeup at all. It was refreshing to look at myself and see someone who wasn’t ugly looking back at me. It had been refreshing, anyway, before that thought came...
  25. logiccosmic

    Proof [SI/AU/Japan!HighSchool/NoGreatCures!Solar!Exalted/Old!Planeswalking/Commander!SupComCommander

    Proof [SI/AU/Japan!HighSchool/NoGreatCures!Solar!Exalted/Old!Planeswalking/Commander!SupComCommander!PA/Multicross/Ramna1/2/Evil!WeasleysEvil!DumbesHarryPotter/MyImmortal/SlashFic!Fountainhead/RationalFic/ABO/FateGrandOrder/Gacha!RiotQuest/Pateron/Harem/Futa/MLP/Worm/Slash/Double...