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  1. Si Deus Nobiscum: A Polish-Lithuanian Scion Quest

    Si Deus Nobiscum: A Polish-Lithuanian Scion Quest
    Threadmarks: Intro and Basic Info

    Mature Historic 
    ♫ New readers beware! It was two years ago and I didn't know what I was talking about. Check Informational Threadmarks! It's me, Rolman, welcome to Si Deus Nobiscum. This is going to be a historical scion quest similar to my Hellenistic Egyptian Eagles of Alexandria (this is basically a soft...
  2. Bisexual-Mart

    Yet another MCU Producer Quest..................................
    Threadmarks: Initial Threadmark

    So, this is my first try at making a quest........................ Our producer is a: [] Male [] Female Name: Age:
  3. notthepenguins

    Though the Heavens Fall (Original Space Fantasy)
    Threadmarks: 1. A Bloodsoaked Arrival

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    A/N: Somewhere in between a Kill Six Billion Demons binge and playing The New War in Warframe, the ideas for this took hold. This is not exactly either of those, but the inspirations remain relevant. It began, as all things do, with blood. Blood was not an unusual sight in the...
  4. B

    Vr world: Superheroes and villains
    Threadmarks: Gen 1

    Original Superhero 
    Choose 1 starting power.(You can gain more as you play): []Super strength(Common)(1): Gain +30 strength, +10 constitution, and +5 agility. For every 5 strength gain +1 to the strength die(So with 40 strength your potential die is 1d40+8). Add strength(40) to all strength related Dc rolls...
  5. jukebot

    Secrets under the Red Sun
    Threadmarks: Prelude

    The mall was overflowing with the indistinguishable murmur of a hundred conversations. The sound was an ever present reminder of the crowds that clogged its pathways like clots in its arteries. You had found a corner of the mall as far away from the watching eyes of the masses as you could, to...
  6. Zedalb

    The Lost Swarm [Zerg Riot Quest]
    Threadmarks: OP (1)

    In the center of your hatchery there is a pod. A small zerg cocoon with a young creature inside, unusual in that this is not a larva. It is a young human child. Why does a Zerg swarm have a human child in a biological pod keeping it alive as it grows?You do not know. It is however encoded into...
  7. E

    Hybrid of the Old Ones (WHF Quest)
    Threadmarks: Gene-Sequence

    The Old Ones, God-like, and in most cases, Literal Gods. The creators of the Cold-blood, Entropy Engine, Supernaturally Attuned, and Quick learners. And they have created galaxies, and where you are is one of the last working labs of them, on the Quarantined world of Mallus, sectored off from...
  8. Insatiable: A Heartless Quest (Kingdom Hearts/Multicross)

    Insatiable: A Heartless Quest (Kingdom Hearts/Multicross)
    Threadmarks: 1. Welcome to the Dark Meridian!

    1. Welcome to the Dark Meridian! It's dark. Waves gently wash against the shore. The dim un-light of the not-sun seeps through the heavy clouds above. Your clawed forelegs and stumpy hindlegs sink gently into the gray sand of the beach. You clamber over to the water's edge, the movements...
  9. A Quest of Witches and Humans

    A Quest of Witches and Humans
    Threadmarks: The Prologue of Candy

    The classroom was filled up with students, waiting for the period to begin. Mr. Henderson, my history teacher spoke to the class, once we all settled in, "Today is the 25th of May. That means it's presentation time for your chosen towns." He took a moment for it to settle in and for us to...
  10. B

    Vr world: Pokémon
    Threadmarks: Gen 1 vr world

    We are gonna roll for the starters. Than we will roll their potential. For now just worry about what type you want. Choose 2 specialties. You can have any subtype as long as the Pokémon has your specialty in it. (Your starter will be 1 of the 2 specialties you pick.) [] Normal type: Most...
  11. Beneath Yon Burning Star (FFXIV)

    Beneath Yon Burning Star (FFXIV)
    Threadmarks: I. Oh Come Ye Wayward Brothers Beneath Yon Burning Star A Final Fantasy 14 Quest In your dreams, you die at Carteneau. The details change each night, the contradiction of variation smothered by the mad certainty of fantasy. Sometimes you fall amid the vanguard, crushed to death...
  12. DragonGrimoire

    Haven Quest
    Threadmarks: Chargen Part 1

    It's early October, and as far as you know, the snow is a few weeks off. That said, by the standards of most places, early October in Russia is pretty fucking cold. You shiver and pull your coat around you as The lean, silver-haired man stares over his glasses at you. The Clockmaker Entity isn't...
  13. Exiled Dragons | The Three-Headed Dragon: Viserys Targaryen Quests I  The Dragon Ascendant

    The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest (A Ck2 Quest)
    Threadmarks: A Choice of Destiny.

    Mature Fantasy 
    The Dragon Ascendant: NO SV: Welcome To Another Viserys Targaryen Quest (Type to be decided) The Iron Throne was as daunting in life, as it was in your broken, scattered frightened memories of this place. The Thousand blades of Aegon’s enemies bent and curled into the general shape of steps...
  14. Dreadfully Distinct Against the Dark: A VtM Quest

    Dreadfully Distinct Against the Dark: A VtM Quest
    Threadmarks: OP

    Fantasy Modern Horror 
    The Eyes of Vitel Dreadfully Distinct Against the Dark A Vampire: the Masquerade Quest Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood. - The First Tradition It is a world of darkness, the Sin of Caine has spawned the cursed...
  15. iolande

    Summoner's Rise (Pokemon/Naruto)
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    Everything hurt. At the moment, you just can’t remember why. What is your Gender? [ ] Male [ ] Female What village are you from? [ ] Konoha [ ] Iwa [ ] Kiri [ ] Kumo [ ] Suna What time period are you in? [ ] War. War always changes. You’re being flung to the front lines of the meat...
  16. N

    The Great Swarm
    Threadmarks: Turn 1

    The Swarm was in danger. The Not-Swarm in their myriad, incomprehensible forms crept every closer. Gravity spikes were deployed to pull their fleets from warp, and still they came. Life-forged ships as large as moons swept through the formations, plasma spewing from thousands of orifices in...
  17. occipitallobe

    The Duchy of the Maghara Lakes
    Threadmarks: Begin at the Beginning

    Original Fantasy 
    You are the Ducal Heir of the Maghara Lakes, and your ancestor broke the world. For over two thousand years your line had ruled wisely and well across the entire planet, and you had begun to understand the nature of the moon and stars themselves when the invaders came. Tribes of small green men...
  18. That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation

    That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation
    Threadmarks: Turn 1 - "Your Father Has Died"

    "Your father has died." And with those four words, those four little, unassuming, tragic words, my world changed. Rapidly, irreversibly, and down a hole I could barely escape, clawing at the edges of my crumbling reality to barely stay afloat. Perhaps I managed to remain standing on the falling...
  19. Laplace

    Polluted Jianghu: 今年恶鲲
    Threadmarks: New Year Afterparty

    Li Peng woke up and breathed in sterile hospital air. His arms and legs were strapped down with steel cuffs to the bed frame. Tubes plunged into his arms and there was a constant throbbing ache all over his body. “This is bullshit,” he said, after a while. “I’m supposed to be dead.” Li Peng...
  20. Micohuayan Afterlife Quest

    Micohuayan Afterlife Quest
    Threadmarks: 0: Origin

    Summary: You are dead. Your body is broken, but your soul still remains. In your final hour, you chose to pray to Rytam, the God of Tribulations. As a result your soul has left the earthly plane of Nechachalaniliztli, and you now find yourself in Micohuayan, the afterlife of strife and...
  21. Write Flyer

    Flying Circus - Ace of Harmony (Pony Playbook Playtest Quest!)
    Threadmarks: 0-0 Preamble

    Hello! Welcome to my first quest, combining my long-time favorite show with my favorite queer-disaster-combat-pilot simulator, Flying Circus! I'm actually working on a pony-themed playbook, and will be using this quest to iron it out somewhat. So if y'all have any suggestions, I'm all ears...
  22. Levelgap

    Card Fantasy
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    Fantasy Modern 
    Winter break is as dull as it gets. Despite the holiday fast approaching, the house is as quiet as it is. There are not much in the way of decorations and the interior is almost untouched, if not for the fact that there is a garland on the wall and some designs on the curtains here and there...
  23. B

    VR world: Arena
    Threadmarks: Arena gen 1

    We will start by choosing your skills. You will choose from 3 random weapons, 1 Basic skill, and 1 F rank skill. You will gain basic proficiency in the weapon you pick. You will also have 1 bonus stat point at the start. Choose 1 weapon(Starting weapon) []Sword(Short sword. Sword has 1d4...
  24. FourthWall

    So You've Become a Villainess: an (Otome) Isekai Raising Project
    Threadmarks: Overture

    Original Fantasy 
    NEW! Student Roster NEW! Tutorials Loading... ... ... Ready? Run! *** They say the old chapel in the middle of Heart-Under-Blade Academy is blessed by the gods. That any oath, any vow, any bond made within its hallowed halls was unbreakable. That anyone who would violate such a bond would...

    Threadmarks: introduction

    What if? Sci-Fi Alt. History 
    General Williams surrendered to the Turian forces due to the great attrition of his troops and the death of most of his command cabinet. He takes command of 2 battalions as a colonel and changes the course of human history whether you leave your mark in battle or accept your destiny to die in...