
  1. Look to the Left

    Komm, süßer Tod [FATE Core]
    Threadmarks: Character Creation Part 1

    The smell of rotten flesh and iron permeated the air. Old wood stained with dry blood. Officers surveying the ancient building as they hauled whatever was left of the victim to a police laboratory in Winnipeg. The victim can't be called human anymore. It doesn't even have the small mercy of...
  2. AnimalKrazed

    Follow Me into the Endless Night (Worm/??)
    Threadmarks: PRT Report 1

    Mystery Crossover 
    A/N: So welcome to the Mystery that is FMitEN...Maybe I need to come up with a better name. (^_^;) Don't want to give away too much about the quest since 'is mystery' but I will go ahead and say that this is alt. universe (kinda has to be to start from the locker). No powers for far. We...
  3. MysticKnightJoe

    Case Files of an Underhive PI: A Dark Imperium Noir Quest
    Threadmarks: Case #1: An Almost Typical Beginning...

    Sci-Fi Mystery 
    It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with...
  4. Rififi

    The Fire Waltz (Harry Potter SI with Stephen King/Twin Peaks elements)
    Threadmarks: 1

    Crossposted from where I go by the username Rogue Fifty-Two, this fic draws elements from Twin Peaks and various Stephen King works of fiction ranging from The Dark Tower to Cujo. It's basically my attempt at combining the Kingverse with Harry Potter. There are elements drawn from...
  5. MedievalParadox

    We Happy Few RP OOC

    Welcome to the We Happy Few Out of character, and character recruitment thread, for those of you interested in this RP we'll be using a Free form play style with the main mechanics being Hunger, Thirst, Health and most importantly the titular Joy that most people want to force you to take, Your...
  6. xa na xa

    Archaeologists in Cambridgeshire find graves of two men with legs chopped off

    Archaeologists in Cambridgeshire find graves of two men with legs chopped off Exclusive: men believed to be from late Roman or early Saxon period were found in pit being used as rubbish dump ‘Somebody really, really didn’t like these guys,’ says Jonathan House, archaeologist with the Mola...
  7. Anzer'ke

    Demon Twelve Bravo (XCOM/Warframe)
    Threadmarks: Of Glass and Steel - 1

    Demon Twelve Bravo Chapter 1: Of Glass and Steel It wasn’t moving. Twelve hours and thirteen minutes since capture, and it still hadn’t stirred. Instead the invader hung limply from the restraints. More marionette than monster, it looked like it should be modelling dresses in a...
  8. UnwelcomeStorm

    Safe Mode (Worm)
    Threadmarks: 1

    1 The Stranger woke up. If it could be called waking up, even. He didn’t rouse from sleep or anything, just all of a sudden his eyes were open and he was there. He didn’t even realize he was laying down until he sat up on reflex, and swung his legs down from the stiff cot-- the floor was...
  9. MariBari

    Black Rain
    Threadmarks: Update 1

    Original Mature 
    You wake up, head pressed against a cold wood floor. Your surroundings are pitch black. Your hands are bound behind you with what seem to be handcuffs. In the back of your throat, you can taste blood. Your head hurts. From somewhere outside, you can hear the sound of rain. Your name is Sarah...
  10. Elmithian

    Warzone, The World of Esther (Multiworld System)

    Original Alt. History 
    Warzone This is the near future, the world is in uproar due to resource crisis and overpopulation. Holly is a soldier from a special unit within NATO. The unit's task is to retrieve and recover VIPs from war zones or locations that are no longer deemed to be safe. Holly's current mission is to...
  11. Elmithian

    Guardian Spirits

    Humanity is Doomed. Earth is in flames, yet humans foolishly continue to vie and struggle for control, fighting for whatever scraps remain. An ancient alien race, known as the Role, took this as their sign to act. Within some time they had created a list for humans they deemed worthy to save...
  12. Magical Girl Phantom Ascension

    Magical Girl Phantom Ascension
    Threadmarks: 1A - You Are Already Dead

    Episode 1: Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru You are dead, well before your time. This fact hangs inescapably heavy over your head, almost blotting out everything else, as you sit in the middle of the graveyard, staring glumly at your own tombstone. Reading and re-reading the kanji imprinted upon it, some...
  13. Esarey

    You are a Warrior in a Haunted Forest
    Threadmarks: 1

    Fantasy Mystery Horror 
    You are a Warrior in a Haunted Forest. It is a gloaming, liminal place. A dense sprawl of gnarled graveyard trees, their branches crooked and barren, their bark squamous and thick. Mist breathed from the ground in dense drifts, reducing visibility to little more than a stone's throw. Many a...
  14. GideonBurkheart

    Fallout: Vault Dwellers (d20 Modern)
    Informational: BIG 16 / Introduction

    Well I'm a newcomer here still but on Giants we like to use a BIG 16 for the most general questions, rules, and ideas. So take a look at these before actually delving into the campaign setting to see if you are interested. Coming this weekend when I have more time off I will be making a thread...
  15. TerrisH

    Captian of a Fallen Empire
    Threadmarks: Loop 100-97

    Sci-Fi Fantasy Mystery 
    The smoke filled the room, a thin haze permeating everything with its acidic smell yet not obstructing the view of the chaotic mess it had become. Two consoles had been uprooted from the floor, trailing sparking wires and small fires to where they had become imbedded into a wall. Half a...
  16. WarShipper

    Eldritch Cult of Mystery [XCOM/Cthulhu Mythos]
    Threadmarks: ECOM - Genesis

    OOC Council 
    The world is a dangerous place. Wild animals, crazed gunmen, wars and famine and disease and more. You are human, and you are of humanity. You understand the dangers and troubles that assault the Earth and its' inhabitants perhaps better than any other creature to have crawled its' way from the...
  17. RiverLethe

    Lethe's Archive

    December 1997: Mary Bea Blake is a middle-aged Bostonian who is involved in three serious car accidents over the course of her life, the last of which she does not survive. The first accident happens in Braintree in June 1968, when Mary is eighteen years old. After seeing a drive-in movie with...
  18. L

    Loud Unexplained Booms Around The World.

    Whether its airplanes, meteors, or Aliens, there have been reports of unexplained booms that have been going on across the world. Due to the strange nature of these events, many people are turning exports in NASA to help solve these mysterious sounds. Here is a link Can’t copy and paste the...
  19. Look to the Left

    Ten Little Ducklings... (A Murder Mystery Mafia)
    Threadmarks: OP

    In the late 1800 an eccentric millionaire created one of the world's most expensive mansions in the world and built it on a island 800 km off the shores of British Columbia, Canada. On the whole it has full electrical lighting, rare Chinese furniture, a massive food storage that can last an...
  20. Tom Colton

    The Adventure of the Sophy Anderson (Sherlock Holmes)

    Historic Mystery 
    Hi everyone! I'm Tom Colton, formerly (and, uh, still) of If you recognise me from there, you might know me best for that one time the Nazis under a Fuehrer Friedrich Weber "won" World War Two, de-fictionalisations of Hamlet and Titus Andronicus, replicated here in this thread, and...
  21. Elmithian

    The Lost Being
    Threadmarks: 1

    The Lost Being The world. The seven seas of Artmur. The nine heavens of Ilith. The 5 continents of Lo. All was fine. All was peaceful. The universe of the Thirteen deities was calm and perfect. Too perfect? Anuthil swam through the skies of the planet Orsel, contemplating this feeling he was...
  22. TyranntX

    Amnesia (IC)

    Crossover Mystery 
    Prologue: The Eight Beings Beings from all across the multiverse have been collected, and transported to a deserted island protected by mysterious barrier that keeps all with it it from leaving. These beings would be awakening shortly on a beach, scattered and isolated from one another for the...
  23. TyranntX

    Amnesia... An amnesiac RP (OOC)

    Crossover OOC Mystery 
    The Story Several beings from across the multiverse have been collected to an isolated and deserted island, for reasons currently unknown. Little do they know about the adventure that lies ahead for them or the danger they are in, however one think is known... if they want to make it off the...
  24. DaBlueSky

    School 2015: Redux (School 2015: Who Are You? au)
    Threadmarks: 1.0 The Beginning

    She felt the whispers around her, the hidden grins that mocked her with every turn. They looked her way when she walked down the corridors, her shoes squeaking on the polished linoleum. She kept her head low, eyes hidden by her brown hair, as if she were constantly bowing to everyone who passed...
  25. Numen

    Big Evil in Little China (Worm AU)
    Threadmarks: 1. White Girl

    Synopsis: Taylor Hebert moves into Chinatown. Lung and Oni Lee must investigate mysterious murders in their apartment complex while dealing with the struggles of everyday life and the hidden traumas of their past. Grace has a chip on her shoulders and can't deal with the insanity of her new...