
  1. Alsor Daechir

    Of The Void, A Self-Insert's Tale
    Threadmarks: Of The Void, Brief Summary.

    The Theory of the Multiverse is fascinating. The idea that anything could exist somewhere. I doubt it will ever be proven to be true in my lifetime. If it even can be proven in the first place. But if it is true, then there are a large amount of theories that could then be made. One of those is...
  2. PieceThruWar

    Void Voyaging
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Sand?

    Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    A sea of stars stretched into infinity. Corpses floated by the external cameras, installed when non-visual means of sensing failed to accurately track the beasts made of decaying Divinity. Dozens, hundred, thousands even; the twisted, mindless creatures had come from every nook, crevice...
  3. Addemup

    The Multiversal Merchant [EEUSGverse]
    Threadmarks: I: Chargen

    Sci-Fi Alt. History 
    The known multiverse is a massive and varied place. Over one trillion alternates are connected via portals to the Nutshell - a massive spherical nexus of sorts one hundred thousand kilometers in diameter and home to an estimated one hundred and ten quadrillion people. Trade between alternates...
  4. Addemup

    Traversing the Infinite Worlds [GURPS Infinite Worlds]
    Threadmarks: I

    Alt. History Historic 
    Of course you didn't believe that gibbering, ragged madman at first when he woke you up out of the blue and claimed that not only was he from a world beyond this one, but he also had the innate ability to travel between worlds. You still didn't believe him when he said that he (along with others...
  5. S

    A Thousand Lives (Jumpchain) (Pokemon) (Avatar: Legend of Korra)
    Threadmarks: 1.1 Pokemon I

    Alexander walked with a Pokedex in one hand and a Pokeball in another. This alone was something that should have been impossible. He was walking through the woods. Woods that his Pokegear identified as Petalburg Woods. Something that was also supposed to be impossible. The trees around him...
  6. Addemup

    Alternate History Multiverse Worldbuilding
    Threadmarks: Introduction and Core Concepts

    Worldbuilding Alt. History 
    This is an idea I have for an alternate history mulitverse. To summarize, our Earth (yes, the Earth in which you are reading this thread) is the center of the infinite multiverse, which is primarily a curse for everyone who resides within it. The only reason for this being a bad thing is...
  7. Kkutlord

    DOTO: Defenders of The Omniverse (Boxed Crook/Universe-Hopping)
    Threadmarks: The Road to Salvation...

    Original Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    Whirr, whirr, whirr. You hate elevators, always so insufferable and you can fly- No, no, calm. You need the director to listen to you, even if that means indulging her nonsensical powerplays. Still, the view from up here... The "Home of Answers", might as well be some sprawling mega-city that...
  8. Addemup

    Multiversal Organization Quest
    Threadmarks: I

    You are the founder of a brand new multiversal organization, a generic term for any organization that operates in more than one universe. While you may or may not have had prior experience in leadership, you are certainly going to acquire some during your time as founder and leader... So to...
  9. Derek M

    Demons and Angels
    Informational: Introduction

    When Sophia Hess got powers, she wasn't sure how her life would change. She certainly wasn't expecting it to get as weird as it did, but then things tend to happen when there are lizards in the vicinity. This thread is for a sequel/side-story to my story Ship of Fools. I am attempting to write...
  10. ruth

    蝗之寓言 (Parable of the Grasshopper)
    Threadmarks: Book 1: Prologue

    Original Novel Supernatural 
    Hey everyone! I've been working on this for a while over on, but have decided to start crossposting it over here as well in case there are those who are interested. For now, I'll be uploading new chapters a few times a week until I've caught up. Prologue One abyss succeeding another...
  11. AlexisWells

    Interchangeable (a Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, others work of fan fiction)
    Threadmarks: Office Meeting

    A man in the starched, blue uniform of the Amestrian military stepped in announcing, “General, there’s a Mister Elric here to see you.” Roy Mustang noted the minimal decorations on the young man’s coat and decided he could let go any scathing remarks that the Private doesn’t know the name of...
  12. Flutters Is Shy

    Jump To It (Jumpchain-multiverse)
    Threadmarks: Jump -2- Drunken Game (Monopoly)

    I was pissed. Absolutely pissed, soaked from my toes all the way up to my nose, a happy warmth that suffused every inch of my body. Stonkered, sloshed, sallied forth unto the breach of happily deadened sensation. I was drunk, to put it mildly. Although I couldn’t remember when I had started...
  13. TrueGuardian32

    The Multiversal CYOAv1
    Threadmarks: A beginning

    Crossover Sci-Fi Fantasy 
    I look at the sheet in front of me. You have to be kidding me, I remember working on this just a few minutes ago. Well, I like exploring space. Let's see. Difficulty, frankly I want to choose God or Demigod. But if I was...
  14. JustBukharin

    The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)
    Threadmarks: Star Wars 1 - It's a bot! But also human! (1)

    I hate my life- Actually scratch that, I hate the sob that has put me in this shitty situation. I think the term is ROB. SOB or ROB, there is still some sunnuvabeach that got us in this poopy version of Frankestein. It's not that bad. The B1 Droid is still mobile- Compared to a cup of tea...
  15. I

    Insurgent Ascensions
    Threadmarks: Character Creation - 1

    Original Fantasy Action 
    Insurgent Ascensions Roll(10d100)+0: 95,98,93,95,60,40,34,50,32,81,+0 Total:678 You abruptly awaken; instantly assaulted by the rapidly diminishing wisps of disorientation. You silently groan and clutch your head and eagerly rub your temples, hoping to alleviate the discomfort. Fortunately...
  16. Terran Imperium

    The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo [Touhou Project RP/Multiversal]

    OOC Fantasy 
    The Wonderous Magical Triumvirate of Gensokyo IC Thread(TBD) Patchouli's thirst for knowledge knows no bound, not even the boundaries of the World itself, let alone Gensokyo's can stop her if she put her mind to it and she did. The Voile Library already contains tablets from the ancient...
  17. D

    Powers Of The Soul (Marvel/RWBY Quest)
    Threadmarks: Character Creation 1 and World Choosing

    You weren't supposed to be alive. You shouldn't even be able to move on your own, talk, or anything. It was almost surreal... You know why you are alive though. Your brother and sisters were all destroyed and scattered across the multiverse and beyond. Time and Space didn't matter, however all...
  18. AIM Leader Wade

    The Evrensel Conflict -- The Multiverse at War (OOC)

    "War does not determine who is right — only who is left." The Evrensel Conflict So what is this RP, or game if you want to call it, about? Well, easy: The Multiverse is going to war with itself. The laws of physics have been bended to open the boundaries of universes, with roads...
  19. ReddoNagaiyo

    Angel Of Thursday(SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One- Vertigo

    Novella Fantasy Crossover 
    Ever since I was a little kid, my mom always told me that I had an angel watching over me, or more specifically Cassiel, The Angel of Thursday. The Archangel who fell down from heaven with Lucifer, assigned to watch over him from his cage. I don’t know what mom has been smoking because as I...
  20. LackOfUpdates

    Round Robin Mayhem [Marvel/Other]
    Threadmarks: Swords; 1.1 - Mayhem

    What if? Crossover Superhero 
    Swords; 1.1 - Mayhem Years ago... ⚔️ ️️️ ⚔️ “Mongrel...” “...Unlimited Blade Works...” ...lass...stall...the Fire...steel stakes...healing...Collapsed... “...He’s saved tho...” The incident came to be known as Crystal Dawn in Fuyuki captured by a novice...
  21. Atma

    Template Wars: At the Edge of the Dream
    Threadmarks: Dawn of your new existence

    *Beep* ..... ............. ................... *Beep* *BOOM!* The sound of an explosion wakes you from your sleep. Your vision swims as you struggle to sit up. When your vision clears, you realize that you are in what appears to be a hospital room with several other people reacting...
  22. Atma

    Template Wars: At The Edge of the Dream -Still Open as of 9/22/2019

    Premise: You lived a normal life. School, work, friends, and family were all apart of the everyday routine. However, something happened. You and several other people wake up in an unknown place, a feeling of irritation and stitches behind your right ear, and the sounds of battle rage just...
  23. Derek M

    Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

    This thread is the new home for a fairly lengthy omake I'm writing based on characters created for the story Taylor Varga written by mp3.1415player. His story is a crossover between a little-known anime series named Luna Varga and the story Worm by Wildbow. I highly recommend you check it out...
  24. FireWalker666

    Multiverse/Afterlife Fic Idea. Thoughts?

    The fic is a multiverse/afterlife fic It will involve characters exploring many worlds from different fandoms. Some characters recognizing them some not. Some of the characters that can travel will actually be from fandoms aswell. Essentially all the characters that can travel are characters...