let's play

  1. The Victorian

    Of Coin and Cleavage: Let's Play Neverwinter Nights 2
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Introduction

    Let's Play 
    Part 1: Introduction So I've decided to post an LP of a game that I've had on my computer for ages, yet I've never actually completed - Neverwinter Nights 2: The first Neverwinter Nights was developed by BioWare and released in 2002. For those looking for a single-player experience...
  2. Cosar

    Team Tainted Blood: Dominions 5 Disciples mode game

    Let's Play 
    Dominions 5 is a turn based 4X fantasy game. And the game has a lot of depth, especially in multiplayer. You take the role of a Pretender god and nation, guiding your people to strike down heretical cults to become the new Pantokrator, or chief deity. This will be a let's play, though this game...
  3. Usili 2.0

    As the Flak Goes By—A 'Lets Play' of B-17: Queen of the Skies
    Threadmarks: Campaign 1 (B-24H), Mission 1 (Queen City)

    Let's Play Pen & Paper 
    Title is from this World War II poem. This is basically going to be a 'let's play' in the form of after action reports from B-17 Queen of the Skies. B-17 Queen of the Skies is basically a solitaire style game in which you 'play' as a crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress in your quest to complete...
  4. PhoenixAct

    Dark Souls

    Let's Play 
    So, with the Dark Souls remaster coming out at the end of May, I decided to celebrate by doing (hopefully) a sort-of countdown by playing the games in reverse order. So come and watch me humiliate myself, as I get crushed over and over. Also, I have no idea what happened to the sound. It was...
  5. jadebenn

    Jadebenn Plays SOMA
    Threadmarks: Part 1 - In Which I Become Simon Jarrett

    Let's Play 
    Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my Let's Play thread. This was ripped off from inspired by SB user Bookends's Let's Plays (of which the most recent one you can check out at the time of posting this is here.) SOMA is a game made by Frictional Games. Yes, that Frictional Games, the same studio...
  6. Leingod

    Leingod Plays Tyranny
    Threadmarks: The Introduction - Leingod is a History and RWBY Nerd

    Let's Play 
    Hey, all! This is my first ever attempt at a Let’s Play! So, uh… please adjust your expectations accordingly, by which I mean “lower them as much as possible.” Usually, I research a game before I ever buy it, and in my experience the most entertaining let’s plays are usually the ones where you...
  7. Mechasaurian

    A Robo-Dino Plays - Dark Souls II: SotFS

    Let's Play 
    So. Dark Souls II. It's the one of the three I haven't played yet. (Pretty strange to think that I consider myself a Soulsborne fan, yet have only played two out of the five titles.) It's also a game I'm curious about, given how...divisive it was (and, to a degree, still is). For the two...
  8. ArchAIngel

    Mortal Empires Clan Angrund: There are grudges to be settled.

    Let's Play 
    Well, new thread, new LP! And starting off with the poorest Dawi in the game, the ones with a 50% upkeep modifier! Whee, actual challenge is here!
  9. Spectral Waltz

    Spectral Waltz plays Fate/Extella BLIND

    Let's Play 
    Hello there! My name is Spectral Waltz and this is a Let's Play! Yeah... It's this. While I'm a huge fan of the Fate series and the Nasuverse in general to a degree, I've never actually played any of the console games, and while I was initially excited when Fate/EXTELLA came to Steam...
  10. HolyDragoon

    A Glutton for Punishment: Another Portugal RTW Let's Play
    Threadmarks: The setup.

    Let's Play 
    Alright gentlemen, made some more adjustments to keep it up to date with the map mod. Previous testing didn't give me any major headaches beyond the ones that come with this country sucking more than Spain. So, as I said, the main difference are the added possessions (Cape Verde and Timor), to...
  11. HolyDragoon

    Outbudgeted, Outmanned, Outgunned - A Portugal RTW Let's Play
    Threadmarks: Portugal, fail and move out!

    Let's Play 
    Hello everyone, and here I am again, screwing up like a champ as usual! On the last weeks, natogeneral released a pack of custom nations with smaller nations, cue my surprise when one of those was my favourite runt of the litter, Portugal. Yeah, in the beginning of the XXth Century we were in...
  12. ArchAIngel

    TES IV, Oblivion

    Let's Play 
    Well, I did Morrowind, time for the next game in the series, a bit of an ugly duckling, but still pretty fun to play. Plus no lel you didn't actually hit it grumble mumble grumble.
  13. Old Guard

    Fading Suns Quest

    4956 A.D. Byzantium Secundus: Capital of the Empire The halls of the Imperial Palace were empty, and filled with dust. While ample numbers of Imperial Guard patrolled the outer halls and chambers, and manned the walls, the interior of the palace had stood empty for the past fifty years...
  14. DualFront

    The Treaties of Paris, a Rule the Waves Let's Play
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Let's Play 
    Greetings Sufficient Velocity, and welcome to Rule the Waves! What is Rule the Waves? As the title menu states, Rule the Waves is a simulator of naval arms races, wars, and battles ranging from 1900 to 1925, with an option to extend the game to 1950. The game is one part designing and...
  15. Raiu

    Tyranny, or "Every Villain is the Hero of their Own Story"

    Let's Play 
    The year is 431 in the reign of Overlord Kyros, and Kyros' conquest of Terratus is nearly complete. The Tiers, the last major region to resist the Overlord's rule, has fallen, but an uprising has kept the conquest from becoming total. As a Fatebinder, a servant of Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon...
  16. Heaven Canceler

    Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Edition
    Threadmarks: The Journey Begins

    Let's Play 
    Hello everyone, dear readers and fans of Pokemon and Touhou to this game of Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version! Maybe some of you have seen my attempt at a Pokemon Let’s Play in the form of that one Pokemon Zeta round or have seen me otherwise throughout the threads of Sufficient Velocity. Or...
  17. Karlito

    By the Light of the North Star: a Dominions 4 AAR
    Threadmarks: OP and Turn 22

    Let's Play 
    A battle is raging. Snarling lizards are let loose from their chains to charge their foe. A group of dancing men twirl across the field to meet them, their swords bursting into flame. White clad Amazons launch arrows with uncanny precision. And today, the dead fight on both sides. Serpentine...
  18. arde645

    Let's Play: Knights of the Old Republic II (Rehost)
    Threadmarks: Part I: Character Creation

    Let's Play 
    Well, I just noticed that I have this LP on SB, and another forum completely unrelated to it, but not on SV. Time to fix that. Also, this will be the only unspoilered post, seeing as some people are sensitive about that. I'll also probably let a bit of time (1 day, max) pass between posts to see...
  19. Arcus

    Let's Play Rimworld A17
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Let's Play 
    Hello one and all, and welcome to this Let's Play of Rimworld A17. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Rimworld is a colony management game where you guide a small group of colonists through countless hazards and challenges and try not to get all of them killed in the process...
  20. The Curious Fan

    Dawn of War III

    Let's Play 
    This just came out and I did the last one so I may as well do this one. I have no idea how to play this one and no experience with MOBAs so I'll take it easy with the difficulty. This is the opening cinematic for the first level, I'm going with the IGN trailer since no one is uploading the...
  21. mr_stibbons

    Let's play Rise of Legends
    Threadmarks: Tutorial

    Let's Play 
    Hello and welcome everyone. As a minor celebration of the finishing of my university degree, I decided to dredge out a cult classic from my childhood to make a new lets play. This a game that I played the hell out of as a kid, but thinking back on I am not sure my nostalgia is justified. So I...
  22. esseresse

    Bullying the Ship-Fu for Fun and Profit (A Rule the Waves USA LP)
    Threadmarks: Year 1 Part 1

    Let's Play 
    So I've played a few games of RTW and thought that some how this would be a good idea I've set some limits to myself Rules: Only thing with 4 or more turrets with guns greater than 12" are Battlecruisers. No Heavy cruisers. Year one Part 1: Baby's first Pre-Dread: She's Ugly as sin, but...
  23. JarringToaster

    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7t—Aren't there already many dead Let's Plays of this?
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2.8 Final Prologue Prologue.

    Let's Play 
    Yup...I'm actually Let's Playing this game. I suppose I should start with an explanation. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User is a free RPG Maker fangame of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders made by someone who goes by the name of Clayman. After receiving permission...
  24. Decim

    Stellaris - For Fun and Profit (but Mostly Profit)
    Threadmarks: OP

    Let's Play 
    Let’s Play Stellaris – For Fun and Profit (But Mostly Profit) Hello SV, today I have embarked on a project that I’m not sure how far I’m gonna get. I’m mostly doing this to occupy a bunch of free time and put it towards something that’s somewhat productive. Why my mind went to making a Let’s...
  25. Valik Surana

    Let's Play Brutal Doom: Project Brutality, Very Brutal
    Threadmarks: Start

    "We murder. We kill. It is mindless savagery. This universe is mindless. (...) Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! LET! THE GALAXY! BURN!!" -Azariah Kyras So... This is probably the least professional LP in the history of LPs, but whatever. Most players who are interested in...