
  1. DannyJ

    The Kaiser's New Clothes (Post-Leviathan AU Comedy)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Kaiser Gets Wet

    Mature Novel Superhero 
    The Kaiser's New Clothes Prologue: Kaiser Gets Wet "Fenja deceased, CC-6." Kaiser's heart clenched, but he didn't pause the attack, instead continuing to spear blades from the sodden ground around Leviathan while Nessa let out a strangled scream. Leviathan carelessly threw her sister's now...
  2. Drakefire

    Dragon's Dancing is a lot more Dangerous Than I'm Used to (Semi-Crack House of the Dragon SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    I don't think anyone is too surprised that this is the next story. I planned on having this posted after the finale of Verdant Green. But I tripped into a writing block. So this is getting released early. I'm basing this on the show timeline, as I feel like I can do more with it. That being...
  3. JustBukharin

    A Brilliant Oaf (Harry Potter, Arthur Weasley!SI)
    Threadmarks: An Oaf of the Brilliant Kind

    Chapter 1: An Oaf of the Brilliant Kind Hogwarts, Class 1961. No one would think much of a boy bearing the name Arthur Weasley. Not with a fairly poor background despite having a mother from House Black, and neither because of his average grades. By all means, Arthur was a nobody from...
  4. PrincePenguin200

    Wraith (Worm AU)
    Threadmarks: Wraith 1.1

    What if? 
    Wraith (Alexandria/Rebecca) Rebecca frowned. Keith and David often teased her about frowning too much, but if there ever was a reason to frown, the coward who had just entered the meeting room gave it: Lung, the Dragon of Kyushu, Kenta—whatever he called himself these days. It didn't matter to...
  5. Rivals' Kiss - Ranma ½ - [fujoshi!Ranma AU]

    Rivals' Kiss - Ranma ½ - [fujoshi!Ranma AU]
    Threadmarks: Rivals' Kiss - Prologue

    What if? Novella Romance 
    Note: Hi. 💙 I'm trying to learn how the forum works, for I have far future dreams of trying to run a quest, so this is a training thread with a story I'm currently writing. Hopefully things are in the right place, and get formatted right. This is very much a "crack taken seriously" kinda story...
  6. B

    Burning Limits(AU)
    Threadmarks: Needles and Retribution

    Taylor sat in the wreckage of what had once been her home. The walls were defaced with crude graffiti—slurs, threats, and petty insults scrawled over the framed pictures that still hung, skewed and shattered. Her mother's favourite vase lay in shards across the floor. The scent of something...
  7. notAperson

    Fuck You, Ungrimdarks Your Worm (A Crack Fix-It Fic)
    Threadmarks: Fuck You, Unscenes Your Locker

    January 7th, 2011 Something felt off about today. Taylor couldn't put a finger on what it might have been, but something was different. As she walked through the ever more decayed halls of Winslow, she felt eyes on her. Watching, waiting for something. Some of them felt anticipatory, some...
  8. Transanthropomorph (Amy Dallon Pseudo-SI)

    Transanthropomorph (Amy Dallon Pseudo-SI)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Gods help me, I'm writing a Worm fic. I almost titled this "Hairy Issues". Inspired by the "Burnout" Burnscar SI. I was mixing in a spoon of sugar in my second coffee with Vicky's prattling serving as pleasant white noise when it happened. Foreign knowledge burst behind my eyes like a bullet...
  9. IlPogitano

    for all the ocean's wide (One Piece OC)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Barrett's Privateers

    Hah, Nami can't help but crow, if only within the privacy of her own mind, at the sight of the... What was it, what was their flag? Nami is sure she'd seen it, on their ship's sails when they'd first boarded. The Al...vion Pirates? Something. Whatever the case, she thinks herself perfectly...
  10. IlPogitano

    Valley of the Furbies (Naruto AU)
    Threadmarks: Valley of the Furbies

    Kankuro had been prepared for the worst when he and his siblings departed the Hidden Sand Village to come to the Leaf's aid, more or less. He loves Gaara, really, with all his heart—but a spade is a spade and a jinchuriki is an explosive tag waiting to go off. Sasuke is one thing, and Kankuro...
  11. Azremodehar

    Seeing Chaos: A Jujutsu Kaisen/WH40K Quest
    Threadmarks: 00

    The history of humanity has been a history of doing stupid things, and hoping they work out for the best. From the first moment a bipedal ape looked across a chasm, and thought that they could totally make the jump (spoiler: they could not), humans and their antecedents have, from...
  12. RadiantGV

    Shuffle Time (Crossover Character Persona Wiki Quest)
    Threadmarks: Shuffle Time Ruleset

    Welcome to Shuffle Time! You know when you mod a game and you replace the in-game character models with other people from other media, but you don't do that to everyone, and the story progresses as normal all the same? It's that, but Persona 5 Royal and based on the ruleset used by Advent...
  13. The Secret Winslow Theater Department [Worm/Cyrano de Bergerac]

    The Secret Winslow Theater Department [Worm/Cyrano de Bergerac]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Opening Doors

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010. Sophia the track star could have easily caught me, but on this day Sophia was more interested in lazily herding me than actually putting hands on me. Student after student glanced briefly at us and, understanding the situation - it's just Taylor Hebert being hunted...
  14. Martin Noctis

    GATE: Thus the Players Crafted There
    Threadmarks: GATE DOWNLOADED.......

    POV: *Steve* In real life, I sat comfortably at my desk, headphones snug over my ears, fingers lightly tapping on the keyboard. It was just another evening on the server with friends, roleplaying like we always did. We'd been doing this for months now—acting as if we were the default skins from...
  15. Kitsune_Obsessed

    Legend of Daji: The Business Floof
    Threadmarks: Businees Floof 01

    Crossover Mature Superhero 
    Legend of Daji: The Business Floof Or Kitsu got mad that all the good foxxo Taylor fics were dropped, and decided to pull a Thanos. Disclaimer: There will be lewd omakes in the QQ version, so head there if you're horny and just want seggs. Also, this is a Sequel Spinoff for a story I...
  16. The Kingdom Of Melromark Shits Itself On Command With Two Sword Heroes the Abridged Series! (SAO abridged/Shield Hero)

    The Multiverse Shits Itself With The Imperial Fam-Squad the Abridged Series! (SAO abridged/Multiverse Conquering)
    Threadmarks: MSIOCTSH:TAS 1(Fixed, Please see the apology in information)

    The world dissolved into a chaotic landscape of crumbling polygons and fractured code. I held Asuna close, our lips locked in a desperate kiss, a fleeting prayer for a shared future in the real world. But instead of the almost-familiar-and-not-quite-new sensation of logging out, a crushing...
  17. Take me down to the Brockton Bay[Worm/Burnout]

    Take me down to the Brockton Bay[Worm/Burnout]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Take me down to the Brockton Bay Prologue Officer Cole was having a good, slow day. He had pulled over a drunk driver and arrested a few merchants. He spent the rest of the day cruising smoothly through Brockton. That was until he saw a car that definitely should not have been on the road...
  18. Centergg

    Charging ahead (Star Wars/Battletech)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    I came back to consciousness instantly. I knew what was happening - this wasn`t a first time I reincarnated. And I remembered vividly how my previous existence ended – revealing myself as a not-so-secret Black Dragon Kurita and not expecting a move from Takashi Kurita, even if we were in the...
  19. Terra1125

    I got sent to Hell & all I got was a C'tan Shard
    Threadmarks: Void Awakening

    This was kicking around in my head for a while even when I am meant to be working on my Tiamat story. So I decided to inflict you internet users with it instead. Enjoy! ~Story_Start~ The sun glared through the grimy window, casting harsh shadows across the dingy motel room. Shinku Tekina...
  20. SirBearington

    A Frog's Blessing in this Wonderful Galaxy [WH40K Kermit Old One OC-Insert]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Making a Splash! It was a wonderful summer day. The sun was shining, the sky was almost clear with just a few large lazy clouds floating by, and the wind was blowing ever so gently; caressing his pasty white skin. Breathing in the scent of the ocean before him and feeling the coarse white sands...
  21. A

    Sidestory: fan fcition

    Ulysses placed the lever on the control panel sending the rocket on the alien planets surface. It was earth year 3975 and Ulysses traveled many light years to reach the planet Soluris. Elsewhere on the planet soluris,gorilla s on helicopter shaped air craft catch half naked human s on a giant...
  22. Small Nerd

    Sonic Says "Wait Until Marriage": A Very Silly Weird History
    Threadmarks: Introduction, Video Games 1

    Timeline Post-1900 
    Things begin in the early 1990s when, due to an unfortunate miscommunication, the staff at Sega of America believe that the company's new mascot character, Sonic the Hedgehog, must be vocally in favor of chastity. The Japanese branch had only intended to say that the character should be...
  23. My Adventure Romance as Noble Devil Heir in the 1950's is a Thriller, as I Expected [DxD/Fate SI]

    My Adventure Romance as Noble Devil Heir in the 1950's is a Thriller, as I Expected [DxD/Fate SI]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue: When one thinks of hell, images of rivers of fire and brimstone come to mind. To the more scholarly type, they would think of Cocytus's freezing winters, or the various tortuous realms of the seven rings. In truth, Hell around August was relatively balmy, not unlike the scorching...
  24. B

    Light of the 40th century
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Light of the 40th century Deep in the primordial void where neither light nor darkness painted creation. Where concepts originated and from whence they ceased. In the void both above and below the infinitum of the Absolutionism where unclaimed souls go to die, a golden soul pulsed with...
  25. Addemup

    The Cringe Cooperative
    Threadmarks: 1: Who Are You? You are cringe. And that's okay. But what isn't okay is the fact that, for some inexplicable reason only the One Above All knows about, you and another cringelord have been taken from your homeworlds and given access to a multiversal travel device...