
  1. O

    Braver Dynasty: Generations
    Sidestory: Castlevania

    Council Fantasy Action Horror 
    This is a game where you guys vote for what happens next. The plot here is in a dictations world, the Players choose action of a inspiring monster hunter. Not just that hunter though, after old age or death. The journey continues as you play as the heir of previous monster hunter. The game...
  2. MysticKnightJoe

    Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie Sequel
    Threadmarks: Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Sequel Prologue

    Movies Novel 
    Years Ago: Mobius Sonic the Hedgehog, all of four years old, rounded the corner at his typical run. He burst over the nearest local ramp, sending him flying into the air with a loud woop of adrenaline. He zigged between several trees, using one as a pivot to send himself further ahead. “Hey...
  3. Lunaryon

    Adventures in a Mad World (Title to Change) (Girl Genius)
    Threadmarks: First Post

    Yours is a world most wild and beautiful and vast. Tis a world of adventure and danger, of wonder and awe - It is a world of Men and monsters, a world of heroes and villains, and beyond all else... This world... Is a world of SCIENCE!!! You are but a child that lives within the lands...
  4. LoneStar

    The Boy Without A Fairy (The Legend of Zelda)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue The young woman did everything she could to ignore the bleeding arrow wound in her side as she kept running. From behind her rose the cries of deranged and violent men, yelling for death and chaos. The glows of their torches rose above the subtle curves of Hyrule Field and lit up the...
  5. Magoose

    A Road of Life: A Road To Power: A Medieval Adventure of Rising to Power
    Threadmarks: A Path To Power

    Original Historic 
    A Road to Life: A Road To Power: A Medieval Adventure of Rising to Power! Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. -William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night...
  6. NStCH-root-sigma

    Star Wars - A Change in Tides - Commentable Version
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Novel Sci-Fi Action 
    AN: Before anyone wonders why this exists twice: I posted one version in the Archive section for all the readers who feel that the comments in between would disturb their immersion. Hope that's alright! Other than that, nothing much to say right now. EDIT: So I came to the realization that...
  7. NStCH-root-sigma

    Star Wars - A Change in Tides
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Archive Novel 
    AN: Before anyone wonders why this exists twice: I posted one version in the Archive section for all the readers who feel that the comments in between would disturb their immersion. Hope that's alright! Other than that, nothing much to say right now. EDIT: So I came to the realization that...
  8. Star Trek: Odyssey

    Star Trek: Odyssey
    Threadmarks: Ep 1; Act 1

    STAR TREK: Odyssey Episode 1: Act 1 Captain's log, August 1st, 2379. Today marks the first true day of my command, and I find myself thinking back on all that has happened to bring our people to this place. I think of how far we've come in the last hundred years… and I'm...
  9. Magoose

    Star Wars The Last Hope: Rebooted, Restructured! (A CK2/Adventure Quest)
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Who We Are, and How it All Will Be

    Part 1: Who We Are, and How it All Will Be The year is 19 BBY, and The Clone Wars, a war that has been raging for three years, is close to an end. General Grievous is dead, slain at the hands of General Obi-wan Kenobi. The Separatist Leadership is in retreat, hiding in the deepest corners of...
  10. Erandil

    Warhammer: The Frontier - A Border Prince Quest
    Threadmarks: A Dark Frontier: Prologue Part 1

    A Dark Frontier For centuries the desperate, the ambitious, the greedy and the rich of the Old World have made their way to what has come to be known as the Borderlands, the final frontier. Most of them have failed horrible, defeated by either one of the many threats home in the vast...
  11. O

    Monster Slayers
    Informational: Horror Fantasy

    Original Mature IC Fantasy 
    Trying my hand at the new setting “ Umbra Legacy.” This is a Character Quest. Just instead of 1, it will be three characters to the quest. Also though this takes place on Earth, it is waaay different than our own. Now intro: Earth, cradle of Humanity. Humans ruled the world and done many...
  12. 7734

    The Great Mistake: A Discord Server's Isekai Adventure
    Threadmarks: Week 1

    In my defense, when I proposed the mass trip to the lake with my international collaboration of friends, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Everyone was throwing stuff in the bus, we were laughing, it was a great time. The Canadians had shown up in force, I had Winged arguing with me about...
  13. Evil_Nazgul0616

    Of Aura and Corruption (Terraria x RWBY)
    Threadmarks: 0 - Prologue and Character Selection

    //Been playing a lot of Terraria recently, plus I found out that the game has official lore now, so I decided I might as well try one of these again. //For the sake of advancing faster and my sanity I’ll only have a crossover with one world this time. I do plan to finish the other Terraria...
  14. Kamzil118

    Expectations (Stardew Valley/?????)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Letter from Afar

    A single person arrived in Stardew Valley unannounced on a bus. He really didn’t want to come here, but life in his country had changed things. As the vehicle stopped, he walked forward and made his way towards the front as the driver smiled and let him off with his belongings. Upon arrival...
  15. obssesednuker

    Distortions (Symphogear) (Spoilers for Those Who Haven't Seen XV!)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Our World of Tomorrow

    Distortions Chapter 1: Our World of Tomorrow ---- “Is this true? Is all of this really true?” His guest just gave a simple nod. For what seemed like the longest time of his life, he could do nothing but sit there and gaze into his tea and listen to the raging blizzard outside. He had been...
  16. Rainheart

    The Wishing Well
    Threadmarks: A God's Challenge

    Original Fantasy 
    Gaea, was once a paradise. A beautiful world that flourished with the aid of magic. Mankind and nature growing alongside each other, various civilizations being in constant harmony - all while the world was kept unscathed by the Magi, people who had the power to use magic. But as time passed...
  17. Magoose

    Where am I? (No SV, You are Waldo)
    Threadmarks: Enter Waldo

    August 15th 1991 You ran into the airport, trying your best to keep moving forward in a quick pace, your cane tapping on the ground, your equipment jingling around on carabiners and duct tape. The hiking backpack filled with your supplies and your satchel were overstuffed with notes, survival...
  18. Magoose

    Twin Souls: The Secrets of the South
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Original Fantasy 
    Prologue Barristan Riley was not a very patient man. In fact, he was an irritable foul man. Much of his time he only wished to maintain his bookstore, and enjoy the twilight years of his life in peace. He did not want to dwell upon the mistakes he had made in the past. The constant and...
  19. Nighzmarquls

    Kobalae: A Monster's Quest
    Threadmarks: 0.0

    Original Art Quest Fantasy 
    Kobalae 0.0 Life was hatching, then growing, tending and sharpening. Grasping stones and breaking them. Grasping wood and twigs and grass and twisting and binding and then moving blowing and then light and fire. Life was standing guard and clearing space and- Life was gathering and...
  20. tristan

    Altera: dreams do come true
    Threadmarks: chp 1

    PROLOGUE I looked at the sky from the rooftop of my building, lounging on a blanket with a pillow under my head. I waited. I waited, like I had been waiting since I was a teenager, for the end to come. At the time I didn’t think that my end was going to be The End. It still didn’t change...
  21. Morning Rain

    Morning Rain [Tekken V]
    Informational: ToC

    Novel Action 
    MORNING RAIN (a Tekken V fanfiction) Join Xiaoyu during the fifth tournament as she struggles to find the true meanings of friendship, love and growing up. Author's Foreword: This is my first attempt at Tekken fan fiction. I will freely admit, I'm not the best at the game, so my fight...
  22. Memento Vivere

    Memento Vivere [FFX, FFX-2]
    Informational: Cover / ToC

    Worldbuilding Mature Novel 
    Memento Vivere Sin is a memory, Vegnagun is scrap metal and a new era of peace has swept over Spira. It's not enough for Rikku, who is still waiting for her own story to begin. But what happens when her search brings her on a pilgrimage to the past... literally? Cover artwork by Vaiana...
  23. Sleeping Without Dreaming

    Sleeping Without Dreaming [RWBY] (COMPLETE)
    Informational: Cover / ToC

    Mature Novel Action 
    This work is for the RWBY fandom and is an alternate universe as of the ending of Season 3. I wrote this without seeing anything beyond that, so if you follow the series you will certainly notice differences in things from city to continent names, semblances, maybe even character names and...
  24. Magoose

    With Honest Hearts, We Shall Be an Everlasting Star (An Original Fantasy Adventure)
    Threadmarks: Beginning and Choose your Character

    Original Fantasy 
    Beginning: It began in the Lands of Alaya, a land ever-changing by war, technology, and strife, in the time when blood and magic being replaced by machines and iron. When war was becoming mechanized and the continent set ablaze by madmen and ambitious rulers who set their sights on controlling...
  25. MajorKO

    A Long Way from Home [Kancolle/Kantai collection][Self-Insert](On hiatus)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    I squint at the bright computer screen, trying to keep my eyes open as I navigate through the various websites and forums that I keep tabs on, looking for new content or updates to that which is already followed by yours truly. Eventually, it becomes too tedious to continue going back and forth...