Interesting, will PRT be willing to pay these bills without demands to join the Wards?
A parahuman with debts like this and a grudge against law-enforcement today is a villain tomorrow. Paying the bills will both lessen the grudge and remove a leverage the gangs could use to recruit her.
...Of course, reasoning like this demands superpowers of common sense and good will, which Worm notably lacks.

[X] read those pamphlets, go to the library and research the PRT, PRT procedures and secret identities, just in case.
-[X] eat the pamphlets once you're done reading them... because reasons.

We shall see. Next post is a new day and many more things can happen, not to mention there are an awful lot of pamphlets.
Adhoc vote count started by Z488411 on Jan 8, 2018 at 8:41 AM, finished with 78 posts and 15 votes.
[X] read those pamphlets, go to the library and research the PRT, PRT procedures and secret identities, just in case.
-[x] eat the pamphlets once you're done reading them... because reasons.
[X] read those pamphlets, go to the library and research the PRT, PRT procedures and secret identities, just in case.
-[x] eat the pamphlets once you're done reading them... because reasons.
[X] read those pamphlets, go to the library and research the PRT, PRT procedures and secret identities, just in case.
-[x] eat the pamphlets once you're done reading them... because reasons.
Cracks 1.5
Cracks 1.5

[x] read those pamphlets, go to the library and research the PRT, PRT procedures and secret identities, just in case.

When I woke up, I was alone, light streaming through the windows onto my face, and feeling rested in a way I wasn't sure I ever had before. Judging from the position of the sun making me blink, it had to be mid morning already, which was probably why there was no one around right now. I'd slept well over twelve hours and Kurt and Lacey must already be at work. I wasn't even hungry anymore, even if the contentment had disappeared, leaving only a vague sense, that I had dreamt something I couldn't remember.

I supposed it probably wasn't too important. And even if it was, I couldn't exactly force myself to remember my dreams, could I?

So I might as well get on with things, regardless of whether 'getting on with things' involved drinking absurd amounts of water or not. At least I could just have a shower, reminding me that I had to go to my house and at least pick up a few things. Dry my hair, get dressed and feel human again, for all that was worth. And I supposed it had to be worth something, right? I had to be careful not to damage the doorknobs, because I was reasonably sure I could have done if I tried. I felt lighter and everything too but feeling sort of numb, a bit distant but overall maybe more excited than I should have been was much better than the alternative. I didn't even feel tired.

And although I would probably get hungry again sometime today, I could just have a small, normal breakfast of bacon and eggs without intrusive thoughts or knowing it made scarcely any difference now. It still didn't, but since I wasn't too hungry, I didn't have to care. As long as I didn't think about Dad, about why I was here, it was fine.

After that, I finally had a look at those pamphlets. Maybe I had been avoiding them, but looking at the PRT branding wasn't something I really wanted to do right now. Especially not since I knew what it meant. They knew. They didn't know what exactly my powers were, but they knew I was a cape already. But they hadn't stopped me from checking out. I'd left as fast as I could but still, no one had said anything.

In retrospect I would have expected someone to be there to try and stop me or I don't know what… After Dad.. But they didn't. I would say that maybe I had just gotten lucky, but I couldn't be sure. All they did was tell me about Dad, empty platitudes on top of that, but nothing they could have aid would have made it any better anyway. I didn't even feel particularly guilty about shouting at captain whoever she was. Well, maybe a little, because it wasn't really her. Just the Heroes, who couldn't even bother coming themselves.

The first one I found was probably also the most useless one. I had no idea how to build anything special and regardless of occasional strange feelings, I didn't think that would change any time soon either. I still read it, mostly warnings about which places were most likely being monitored and some sort of need tot tinker, losing track of time and using everything in your house for parts – by which point I was definitely glad I wasn't a tinker too – but also budgets provided to Wards and Protectorate tinkers and other risks for independents. Such as life expectancy. In a spur of the moment decision, I put in into my mouth and enjoyed the sweet paper with just a bit of extra flavour from the ink.

After that, I was going through all sorts of things, offers for counselling, five entire pamphlets on the Wards and youth guard, they had all but added a contract to sign up by the looks of it! But they were just giving me plenty of reason to feel uncomfortable. Letting the PR department decide my image. Maybe I would get along with them, but that just seemed way too big a risk to take, even if they were offering some interesting classes, pay, accommodation for requirements of one's powers… I paused and just stared at the paper for a bit. Free therapy. Pay. Being able to move to Arcadia and get another start…

I would think about it some more later. Definitely not now. Reading over general Protectorate and PRT information was much safer, not to mention giving me some ideas about hos the 'Heroes' would behave or at least were supposed to behave and how the PRT reacted to Capes. I was sure there had to be more to it that wasn't publicly available, but it was at least something.

The brochure on visiting the PRT building and events attended by the Wards and Protectorate almost got eaten immediately, but I did have time. So I might as well read it first and then enjoy the taste.

I saved information on Rogues – surprisingly short and full of warnings, which, after some thought made a certain amount of sense, if they wanted people to join - and on affiliate status for later. If anything I was surprised a rogue pamphlet existed at all. Maybe because it was still better than becoming a villain? The Thinker one was also basically useless to me, except for nothing that being a thinker without a team was a terrible idea, but the thicker one on laws concerning parahuman abilities was actually useful. And the one concerning power testing and assistance provided by the PRT should circumstances require it, as long as you registered as an affiliate and got tested was actually interesting. If aggravating because monetary assistance would require a legal guardian and them to know my civilian ID. Which they did, but I was starting to see where Mr. Barnes problem was.

I had no idea what to do and if I had no guardian, I couldn't pay bills any lots of other decisions probably couldn't be made official either.

Emma still refused to talk to me though. And I had to apologize to Kurt and Lacey for just falling asleep, even if it wasn't exactly voluntary. Something had happened to Emma. Something that suddenly made me a waste of her time and made her look constantly tired in school, where she was right now and where I had no intention of going today.

I would just deal with that later. I still needed to make a trip to the library and confirm my suspicions.

And as much as I wanted to try running there, especially since I still felt a bit lighter than usual, I didn't think that would be a good idea at all, without a mask. Or even with one now that I thought about it, if I looked unusual I would still look almost the same way at the library itself. If I wanted to try that, I might have to take a complete extra set of clothes and I didn't have that right now, unless I wanted to wear yesterday's clothes again. I really had to pass by my house to pick up so much, I just…

Going back and knowing it would just be empty. No one would be there but me, no one would come there but me and Dad would never come through the door again… Moving my things somewhere else...

No. I wasn't sure I could do that yet. Some part of me might want to but the rest… no. Not yet.

Instead I just took the bus. It took a while, but it was at least reasonably safe and my fear of muggers or strange men was rapidly decreasing. Maybe faster than it should but I would think about that some other time. I was avoiding thinking about a lot of things, I knew I was but I had time and I wasn't sure I would even be able to get anything done if I let myself stop for too long.

So the first available computer in a somewhat secluded corner it was. I didn't just check the PRT website, although it had basically the same information as the pamphlets did with a little bit extra, extra warnings and actual contact forms to add to the phone numbers on my pamphlets, that could even be filled in online if you wanted to come in for a power testing. I supposed I had to give them at least a little bit of credit. They had put some effort into making it easy to contact them and do what they wanted you to do. Which shouldn't be high praise, but if you compared it to how Winslow was being run, it was. Unless they just lost three quarters of the forms and took a week or more to reply, if at all anyway.

After that and a small look around, I switched to PHO. The PRT might say this was how things worked and how they would proceed, but I would rather make sure. Even if I wasn't sure they wouldn't try to suppress the information anyway, I had to at least try. I couldn't bring myself to watch the video of the accident, but I could watch other cape fights, find the relevant subforums and just read.

What I found was… a mixed bag. Apparently it definitely depended on the director, there was more information that hadn't been included and coincidentally explained why the villains just kept breaking out – something about federal authority and procedures I was sure were not really designed to hold them unless they were already bound for the birdcage, which was an odd feeling. Looking up arrest records an even weirder one. For all the fights that went one, for all the people who got hurt, the number of villains and the Gang rosters were disturbingly stable. Some changes might happen, but I did somewhat have to ask myself how effective the Heroes really were.

Even if their policies were written to always prioritise civilian lies and I could sort of agree with that, normal police was allowed to shoot, but the PRT always aimed to capture except for the most extreme cases and there was a lot of speculation why too. I just felt like I had to be missing something. Something important, because as if now, it didn't really make sense. They didn't even tell people the names or show the faces of captured villains. Never had. But why?

I sat back. Leaned back, idly looking at the clock and I had no idea what to do. I knew what a PRT affiliate was now. I would even get a small amount of money each month. Not much, but it was there. I knew what the Wards were, what the contract fro that entailed, but I still didn't know what to do. And being stuck with a group of teenagers who weren't even supposed to fight (Even if they did in the Bay), with an organisation whose policies were apparently semi regularly broken or at least bent by local directors? I had looked up Brockton Bay's PRT Director, a woman named Piggot and I wasn't sure what to think of her either.

But I still had at least half the afternoon in front of me.

[ ] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
[ ] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
[ ] I needed to stretch my legs. Maybe I could move on to some more practical research and find a good spot to better test my powers.
[ ] write in

Hunger: 45/100
Humanity: 73/100
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
[x] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
-[x] nothing that might make me look like I'm a tinker though.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

Are we the only dragon in the city or is Lung still exist?
If not, then who's people hurt Emma?
[X] I needed to stretch my legs. Maybe I could move on to some more practical research and find a good spot to better test my powers.
[x] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

Are we the only dragon in the city or is Lung still exist?
If not, then who's people hurt Emma?

Lung exists. That said last time I checked he was not directly responsible for hurting Emma.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

#Impossible comes true, its taking over you, THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOW!!#​
Not directly, of course.
Just like Kaiser is not directly responsible for the most of race hate crimes in Brockton Bay.

Sure, but I could have replaced the ABB leader and that wouldn't necessarily have changed. That said... the story is hopefully better with him in it.
Adhoc vote count started by Z488411 on Jan 9, 2018 at 4:24 AM, finished with 96 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
    [x] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
    [x] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
    -[x] nothing that might make me look like I'm a tinker though.
    [X] I needed to stretch my legs. Maybe I could move on to some more practical research and find a good spot to better test my powers.
    [X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

Timeline wise given that Sophia saved Emma rather recently its 1 to 2 years prior to the start of canon. Employment wise taking in to account the debts rogue is more or less off the table. Short of Taylor's powers being highly marketable.

Ignoring the gang's for obvious reasons. New wave doesn't seem to be feasible due to being a entirely family based team. Independent with its obvious issues in addition to being very common in fan fiction. Which it shares with the Wards even if one was to discount what happened to Danny.

Fault lines crew is a possibility given it was founded at least a year prior to emma's encounter with the ABB. But information on if they would based in the bay yet i haven't been able to find. Besides being a mercenary dragon sounds fairly interesting.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

Timeline wise given that Sophia saved Emma rather recently its 1 to 2 years prior to the start of canon. Employment wise taking in to account the debts rogue is more or less off the table. Short of Taylor's powers being highly marketable.

Ignoring the gang's for obvious reasons. New wave doesn't seem to be feasible due to being a entirely family based team. Independent with its obvious issues in addition to being very common in fan fiction. Which it shares with the Wards even if one was to discount what happened to Danny.

Fault lines crew is a possibility given it was founded at least a year prior to emma's encounter with the ABB. But information on if they would based in the bay yet i haven't been able to find. Besides being a mercenary dragon sounds fairly interesting.
Read Crouching Tiger.
[x] Enough research for the day, maybe a walk would help. I could even pick up some more things I might somehow be able to eat along the way.
[X] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.
Cracks 1.6
Cracks 1.6

[x] I was already at the library and even on PHO. I might as well do some more research and get a better grip on the local Cape population. Protectorate, Wards, New Wave, Gangs and independents. Maybe it would help me make some kind of decision.

My eyes were drawn outside the window, but the grey November afternoon just didn't see that appealing right now. Even if I hadn't felt cold before, the trees had lost almost all of their leaves by now, although I could still see them drifting in the wind and on the sidewalks. I could understand that, maybe a little too much actually. Watching one colourful dying piece of foliage drift by. Maybe I understood it a little too much. I didn't really know what to do either.

But I wasn't dying. I had decided I wouldn't, so I turned away. Going outside now probably wouldn't be good for my mood and I had some more research to do anyway and it wouldn't be too much work. A least to get an overview, which I would definitely need before I made any decisions, if only to see how I stacked up.

I had this curious feeling, I was stronger, more powerful or just powerful in general and somehow convinced I was too. Or was that partially convinced? Just like I was convinced I was female and would be quite confused as well as react unkindly to anyone trying to tell me otherwise. At the same time I already knew I wasn't the strongest brute out there. Not unless my powers somehow got a serious growth spurt, but according to the PRT information I really didn't think so. I seriously had to go do some more experimentation at some point, my last attempts hadn't exactly been scientific after all. Just not right now.

Instead, I flexed my fingers and went back to work, starting with the Heroes, even if it was nigh impossible not to be familiar with them with how often they were on the news, I might as well be thorough. The Protectorate had Miss Militia, Assault, Battery, Slipstream and Velocity, lead by Armsmaster and only Velocity and Slipstream were locals. Even for them I couldn't be sure and Slipstream was new too. Challenger used to be there as well, but after their fight with Lung, all I could find were rumours of significant brain damage. Considering the sheer amount of destruction that fight had caused and the fact that Challenger had been or maybe still was a Brute… No matter what I might feel like, I would have to be careful. Even for a Brute, even after they had survived the first year, life expectancy wasn't anywhere close to the national average if I was reading this correctly.

No, I had gotten distracted. I was supposed to do research.

A few clicks later and I wasn't sure I was disturbed or impressed. Slipstream was a trump, apparently able to copy any use of any power that had occurred around her in the last few minutes in a somewhat weakened form, although her exact limits were unknown. She also seemed to be able to somewhat distort the power in question, strengthening some aspects at the expense of other ones. I was absolute certain it couldn't be that easy and she was new, but I still had to pause for a moment, before moving on to the more familiar grounds of Velocity and Miss militia.

Where I promptly had a few more thoughts along the same margin because I had absolutely no idea what kind of weapon she could or could not form and Tinkertech had been observed before. On the one hand I was impressed because I had no idea how she hadn't killed a lot more people before… on the other hand I had a sinking feeling of what might have happened to Dad. Assault just gave me even more questions. Something to do with kinetic energy, but I would need to look a lot more into this until I understood what was going on there.

Which may well have been intentional. At least Battery was relatively simple. Armsmaster not so much, but PHO informed me that that was just something that happened with Tinkers. I didn't really intend to fight the Heroes anyway. I just couldn't help myself.

I moved on to the Wards. Triumph as leader, Aegis, Vista, Gallant, and nobody would forget Clockblocker's debut any time soon. Especially not with that name. I still couldn't quite believe he got away with that.

Then again it wasn't as if anything else would ever have stuck after that introduction.

After that came New Wave, who I was tempted to skip just because of all of the attention from Panacea's reveal, there was no way anyone could ever forget about them, though I did make some notes about Flashbang – who never seemed to go out and get involves in anything I could find anymore. Then again in comparison, he just seemed a bit underwhelming, unless I overlooked something I supposed, but I just felt compelled to dismiss him entirely.

The Villains were next. The Gangs first of all, with the Empire and their full dozen capes. Among them the second healer in the city, Othala as well as rumoured connections to a German villain organisation called the Gesellschaft. They also had a somewhat disturbing number of people I should probably avoid. Hookwolf, Menja, Fenja, Purity, Kaiser, and possibly Crusader just sounded like an all around bad idea, no matter how confident I was and somehow insisted I should be. I had no idea how Crusader's ghosts would interact with me or how tough I was after all and even if I could heal… I or at least most of me didn't think trying it out with the real deal was a good idea.

Equally, maybe even more disgusting or not, the Merchants were also completely different. They had recently lost their Leader and Skidmark had taken over, with Squealer, Mush and Snatch as his lieutenants. Mush I didn't need to be afraid of, but Squealer was a Tinker and Snatch just made me shudder from the name alone. Reading his description didn't improve the situation. He transferred his physical or mental state to others by touch or even switched with them. I was very happy the imaged of injuries trading places had been censored, but what I read in speculation about his drug use made things ten times worse. Just touching someone to make them pass out and get them drugged up.

I rubbed my arms and went back to watching the leaves. If I was lucky, my probable regeneration would make me immune. I really hoped it did. The only good thing was that Snatch didn't seem to be able to transfer powers.

Of course, everyone knew Lung. I knew Lung, but I kept looking at the pictures, watching the videos anyway, because there was something. Something maybe important, something I vaguely seemed to recognize just poking at the very back of my mind. The silver scales, four arms and wings, the odd mouth configuration. Everything seemed off and at the same time just a bit too familiar, but I couldn't figure it out. I had no idea how long I spent just looking at pictures and Videos before I even confirmed his power description, but… He'd come to the Bay recently. Had crushed almost all of the other Asian Gangs and apparently recruited Oni-Lee in the process. The only holdout was Inverse and it would probably only be a question of time until she ran into Lung as well.

Gravity manipulation. Inverting the gravity on objects but not people and switching back and forth at will. I wasn't sure what to feel about that. I'd never really thought about the clashes I kept hearing about in the news before. Villains fighting Villains. Nor had I paid very much attention to the Gang situation in general apart from staying away from the particularly bad parts of town. Dad had sometimes told me about the harassment some of the dockworkers had to deal with, but… I closed my eyes and tried to push the thought away. I knew Dad would never complain about work again, even if he had barely said anything to me after Mom died, he'd at least still been there. Now… I supposed it was gradually sinking in.

No matter how surreal I felt. Or maybe how unwilling I was to just give into despair.

I couldn't. Not yet.

I would have to, have to accept some new guardian at some point, but not yet. Especially since I might have to deal with Emma on top of everything else.

So I distracted myself. Brockton Bay had at least a few independents after all. Uber and Leet worked surprisingly well for that, both their entries and one of their videos. I had to wonder whether they were incompetent on purpose, I had absolutely no idea how could you get caught in seven of your own traps one after the other, unless they'd planned it somehow. And seeing as they had miraculously escaped half the Protectorate in the process, I really couldn't be sure. Maybe they were fans of slapstick as well as video games and aiming for the villain equivalent of Mouse Protector.

Actually I couldn't even really dispute that.


Circus in comparison seemed slightly more serious, although they didn't show up too often and There might be someone named Grue working as a mercenary.

There were persistent rumours of strangers doing the occasional robberies, but I had yet to see any convincing evidence of that, so I just moved on.

I had saved the vigilantes for last. We might not have many, but I still couldn't help but read whatever I could find. Most didn't last too long, especially in the Bay, but a Vigilante didn't seem to be prosecuted for taking money from villains, even if I wasn't sure I was willing to do that. There was some kind of legal grey area I would need to look into more intently to understand the reason why. But even so, there were currently two of them active even here.

Shadow stalker had been seen with a new cape as of late or as of two and a half months ago actually. People still didn't know much about Mercurial. Just that her body turned into some kind of liquid and that she was obviously able to freely change its shape and either harden it to some degree or it was hard to begin with. Most of it was uncertain and there weren't a lot of photos.

Would I be a vigilante? Should I try? Shadow Stalker and Mercurial were violent, more so than the Heroes were supposed to be, but then again it wasn't as if they weren't capable of that too. Should I go to the PRT? Who else was there even left to contact about having powers? I wasn't about to join a Gang and I had no idea how New Wave would react if I asked. Not to mention that I would be revealing myself to them too.

I suppose I could always just put on a mask, go out and see who I found.

All of that would have to wait though. They were about to kick me out of the library, it was already dark outside and might have been for several hours, I'd completely lost track of time hadn't I?

The librarian was already standing at my computer. I might have smiled awkwardly and shuffled myself outside, but my cheeks were still burning. I didn't even really feel the chill of the wind passing through the street. From the way my breath was producing small clouds in front of me, I was starting to think that might just be me though.

I was the last one to get back, stalling in front of the house for a moment before I opened the door. We would be talking about my food situation anyway, but there were more thoughts on my mind than that. Still, I smiled, just like they were smiling when they saw me some in, weary or not. Kurt had even brought the scrap bin from work for me to try.

Should I?
[ ] Yes. I was starting to get hungry.
[ ] Maybe not

[ ] I needed more information, or at least opinions. Maybe asking Kurt and Lacey about the PRT would help.
[ ] On the other hand, there was no real point talking about going to the PRT before I had some rough Idea about my own powers. Maybe they knew some better way to test them.
[ ] As much as I didn't want to… I would have to deal with Emma and Mr. Barnes at some point. If we could set up some kind of meeting, I would hopefully at least have one less thing to worry about.
[ ] write in.

Hunger: 30/100
Humanity: 73/100
(options not chosen can probably be taken again at some later point, I apologize if I got a bit depressing.)
Last edited:
[X] Yes. I was starting to get hungry.
[X] On the other hand, there was no real point talking about going to the PRT before I had some rough Idea about my own powers. Maybe they knew some better way to test them.
[X] Yes. I was starting to get hungry.
[X] On the other hand, there was no real point talking about going to the PRT before I had some rough Idea about my own powers. Maybe they knew some better way to test them.