noun: pyre; plural noun: pyres
  1. a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral ceremony.
Well, I guess he is that.


[ ] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[ ] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[ ] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

One is total rejection, full grim path. Two is partial acceptance. Change, but become something new not wholly Jaune but not wholly shadow. Three is fully accept, become the Jaune (hence why it doesn't use his name there, unlike the other two).

Two seems the most interesting. Stagnation is boring, and if we stay as inhuman as we are, we're kinda fucked anyways. I don't want to go all in, because it burns away at what we are, so (unless we're also eating more people over time) will leave us as just being Jaune in the end. NOt something I desire either. So I go with two, the option that allows for us to become something new.

[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

I kinda want the middle option, but that's not really an option right now
I think we've just matched option three, so yes it is.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

I wonder if it's possible to merge the souls together to create some sort of super-Semblance. In story terms, we'd be making a crossover.

Putting it that way, it sounds like we'd end up making some sort of abomination, but we are Grimm so it's kinda appropriate?
I wonder if it's possible to merge the souls together to create some sort of super-Semblance. In story terms, we'd be making a crossover.

Putting it that way, it sounds like we'd end up making some sort of abomination, but we are Grimm so it's kinda appropriate?
Unlikely, that would be too powerful.

I think instead we're going to end up with an Archetype that covers the other archetypes in us. Or, if not all, then at least the most important ones.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technicallygone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

And then as we burn more parts of our own story on the Pyre we meet a cute and quirky girl who dives further into her Semblence to keep us from doing that and then we burn even more to stop her from delving deeper herself and shut up I can stop shipping TaYuko whenever I want ;_;
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Yeah, going full Jaune does not seem like a good idea, especially with that Pyre thing he has.
On the other hand, Semblances probably are more than just some organ that can be puppeteered, so...
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Alex Mercer? NRVNSQR Chaos? Psssh, small time. Let's not mistake the flesh for the power, or immerse ourselves too fully into our role. Let's strike a balance, one that encourages us to consume our prey while leaving enough of them intact that they can add to our story, for as Grimm what else are we but a living, malevolent fairy tale? And then, then end result...

Let's eat souls, eat stories, then make them our servants.
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[X] Jaune's soul isn't technicallygone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technicallygone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Because Alucard is better than Nrvnqsr, and either way we are still a vampire.
Changing my vote back to:

[X] Jaune's soul isn't technicallygone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

I really just do not want the boring puppet answer to win.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

I've been convinced. Although I might switch back to my first vote if it picks up steam again.

EDIT: Tally. Seems like the middle vote has almost overtaken the bland parasite option.
Adhoc vote count started by Rowknan on Jan 7, 2018 at 2:05 PM, finished with 989 posts and 54 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Rowknan on Jan 7, 2018 at 3:29 PM, finished with 990 posts and 55 votes.
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[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
So, I was thinking.

Pyre isn't necessarily fire itself, but the things sacrificed/burned to fuel a fire.

With that in mind, I guess Jaune was burned/sacrificed for us.

Either way, the end result is Ash.

Which got me thinking about Archetypes, and you think people can transition out of their Archetype?

Probably not every one of them, but something like Pyre, which implies a process. Surly once that's done you could move to something else. I mean, I imagine that most people wouldn't survive that sort of transition, but still.
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.