We've found a few, and finding the rest could be VERY useful.
[X] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
[X] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
[X] - Start trying to sneak out of my room. With the maids constantly watching me, it's going to be hard to slip away and act on my own, so I should start figuring out how to give them the slip now while I'm young enough to get away with it.
[X] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
[X] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
Closing and tallying up. Will start work on the next update now.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 12:04 PM, finished with 31 posts and 28 votes.

  • [x] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
    [x] - Start trying to sneak out of my room. With the maids constantly watching me, it's going to be hard to slip away and act on my own, so I should start figuring out how to give them the slip now while I'm young enough to get away with it.
    [X] - I'm starting to get a feel for this body. Let's give the sword training that sister was practicing a second chance - I bet it'll be much easier to pick up with my newly enhanced agility.
    [X] - I don't want to wait for a tutor to learn how to use magic. Let's start messing around with commands in order to see if we can figure out how to cast any spells.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - Now that I've regained coordination, my old fighting skills are starting to come back to me. Let's think back to what I learned in the gangs and try to remember how to applythese principles using my new body.
15. Growth-Day Celebration

Finding alone time was proving to be difficult. No matter what I did, Tanya or one of the other maids were perpetually glued to my side. I had some freedom to wander the manor as I pleased, but none of the privacy I needed to really mess around. Well, that was a problem, but there was still something I could do under their watchful gaze, and that was study the system I was trapped in.

I'd been messing around with various commands off and on, but now I was seriously taking the time to try and exhaust my options. Working like this was difficult - I didn't have any idea how the system worked other than that it resembled some kind of MMORPG. To make matters worse, since the standardized command set wasn't working, I had to figure out everything from scratch.

Well, despite that, I was pretty clever, so I managed to figure a few things out.

First off: Appraisal was a lot more important than I had initially given it credit for. It seemed Appraisal could be used to analyse individual statistics, skills, and functions within the game's system. For example, by using
「Appraisal」 and directing my thoughts towards the concept of 「Strength」, I had been able to learn more information about the statistic. I'd gone through and made notes about everything I could think of: all of the key statistics, all of the skills I currently knew about, and so on. I won't bore you with all the details, not right now, but it was very informative!

「QM's Note: There is now a glossary of terms and a known skills catalogue in the Information post on the first page, please feel free to use it to learn more about Victoria's stats and skills, and what options she might be able to take in the future.」

Secondly, it seemed like I was gaining XP with my age - a bit of quick maths confirmed that every time my age went up, I gained XP equal to my new age. I wasn't sure if the amount was a lot, but it was good to know that my development wasn't totally crippled due to my current childhood status.

Thirdly, skills, attributes and statuses. It seemed like a Status was some kind of usually temporary effect - although none of the statuses I had had gone away. An Attribute on the other hand was a permanent ability, usually one which had a continuous effect of some kind. My Preternatural Agility was an excellent example - I didn't need to think about it, it simply happened. Skills were similarly permanent, but seemed to encompass either knowledge which had been embedded into me, or were some other kind of ability which required activation to use.

Ah, speaking of skills, I had already confirmed once before that I could try and increase the level of skills, but at the time, I had inadequate XP to do so. My Appraisal of the skills I did have told me I didn't have enough XP to level anything up yet, but it was something I could consider in the future. I'd considered trying to pick up a skill I didn't have now that my available XP was higher, but it was probably a good idea to preserve my XP until I had a stronger idea of what my options were. I had already confirmed that I could learn and improve some skills just by practicing them, so there was no need to rush into a spending spree just because I could.

Oh, speaking of XP, it didn't seem like levels and XP were directly tied, or rather if they were, I hadn't reached the threshold of XP required to level up. I wasn't actually sure what levels did yet, the description was pretty vague. I guess we'd find out more about that when the time came, for now I'd focus on the things I could learn more about.

The system seemed to use very overt RPG mechanics, it was all about as I had expected on that front. One thing I noted was an absence of any classes or commands related to classes, so I had to assume this system was purely skills-based in order to let me develop and build a character with highly refined customization. This kind of game was usually pretty complex and easy to mess up your build, so I'd need to be careful to make sure I made full use of what I had, especially since I didn't know if there was any kind of experience cap.

Despite the use of RPG mechanics and terms, it was honestly surprising how real the world around me played out. I'd noticed it a few timess, but now that I tested it, I honestly couldn't really perceive any significant difference between the reality I'd known and the reality of this world. In fact, if the system's own prompts and commands weren't available for me to use, I probably would've only realised this world was different due to my own unnaturally fast ageing. Based on how little my sister had aged, I did notice that I had been growing much faster than her, and that my own rate of growth seemed to be slowing - I suppose this was an early boost to get players through childhood faster? I'm surprised they made you play it through at all - unless of course that was a quirk that came with the game's conversion to something resembling reality.

That's right, I had to accept that this was reality. It sounded absurd and crazy, but no matter what way I looked at it, I simply couldn't believe that this was just another game. There wasn't a computer system on the planet that could simulate a reality this complex and detailed. I'd never seen anything like it before, it had to be impossible. Either something mystical was behind my transportation here, or the technology at play was so advanced as to be way beyond anything we humans could use. Based on what the Evil God said, I had to imagine the entity beyond it was immeasurably powerful and held my life in their hands.

Well, worrying about that wasn't going to get me anywhere.

I was being dressed up for lunch. In fact, they had dressed me up rather nicely today. Was something special happening? I can't wait to find out...

Well, this was an unexpected surprise - it was my birthday. Ah, you might be confused, let me explain.

It seemed that birthdays in this world weren't celebrated the way that we understood them, but were instead known as 'growth days' (at least that's the best translation I can offer). Well, the point was, when a child reached five years of age, they would be fully grown out of infancy, and the occasion was celebrated with a sizeable feast. Not only my family, but also many of the house's vassals were in attendance, so it seemed that I needed to be on my best behaviour.

Well, it wasn't hard - the event was boring, but the food was good, and no one really talked to me except to offer me gifts and congratulate me. It was pretty okay, all things considered. The gifts weren't anything worth mentioning - the kinds of things you'd expect a young child to receive - but a good lunch and a bit of praise always went over well. I have to admit, I was kind of puffed up at times to be such an object of attention.

Well, none of this was all that important. What was important was that following the event, I'd been taken aside by my Mother. Sister wasn't here, so I couldn't help but be a little suspicious, but it seemed that this was something even she wouldn't be allowed to witness. I was getting so curious, I wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer. What on earth were they taking me to do?

I was brought into a secret chamber somewhere in the manor, where an older man was waiting for me. Come to think of it, he was a pretty familiar face - wasn't this the same old man who used to visit me while I was a baby? My memory from that time was a little fuzzy, but if it wasn't him, then he sure looked a lot like him. His neatly trimmed grey beard and stern eyes were hard to forget - if he was this handsome during his grey years, I can't imagine what he looked like as a young man.

"Elric, it's just about time. Are you ready?" Mother asked.

"Of course," the older man scoffed.

Time? Time for what?

Suddenly, a surge of energy rushed through my body; I felt light, as if I was being lifted off the ground, but before I could panic or question what was happening, the sensation faded. I stumbled to catch my balance, and I had the distinct impression I had grown taller than I was a moment before. What had just happened to me?!

「Age Evolution: Child Completed」

I took in a deep breath. What the heck was that?! I hadn't asked for such a thing! Wait, Age Evolution? This was my birthday, right? So did this mean that I had officially reached five years of age? At last, happy birthday to me! I was one step closer to breaking free of these chains and becoming an independent, self-sustaining adult once more!

Huh? 17 doesn't count as an adult? Pfft, as if - I was more of an adult than those deadbeats ever were at half their age, being grown-up is your mindset as much as it is your body, after all. Anyway, the point was, I couldn't wait to get some control over my life again, and this was progress towards that.

「2x Evolution Perks Available」

Well, well, well...wasn't that interesting? Looks like I was getting some free boosts to go with it. I didn't have to pick one right away, but I sure was looking forward to getting some more. The age of 4 had been quite kind to me, in terms of skills acquired, so I was looking forward to seeing what 5 had to offer as well.

Before I could investigate the Evolution Perks, however, I had been interrupted by the old man. Huh? What do you want?

"Take this orb, Victoria, and for heaven's sake don't drop it, it's more expensive than you can imagine."

The old man was offering a large glass orb; it was about the size of two man-sized fists clenched together, or in other words, more than I could easily handle. What the heck was this? Remembering what mother had warned me about, I turned and looked to her for permission - I didn't want this thing to blow up on me, after all.

"Do as he says, Victoria. This is important."

Is it? Well, if I have permission, then I may as well jump straight in!

Oof, this is heavy...really heavy. How long is a kid like me expected to hold this?

"Now hold it there and don't move. I'm starting the ritual."

Ritual? Ritual for what?

The old man began to mutter indecipherable words to himself, a faint glow appearing in his hands. My eyes involuntarily widened - was this magic? The same magic I'd been waiting so long to see in person? Ah, then, was this my soon-to-be-magic-tutor?!

「Public Appraisal Requested: Y/N?」

Ah, so that's what this was...

"The Orb of Appraisal should be speaking to you, Victoria. Tell it yes from the bottom of your heart, and then we can begin your teachings."

So this old man is trying to use this orb to publically appraise me? Why the heck do they need to do this? Well, mother said it was important...does this mean that they haven't successfully appraised me? Or is there something they can't see without this orb? Gah, I don't know what they want out of me for this...should I accept their offer?

Should I accept the public appraisal request?
[] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.

Two Evolution Perks can be chosen, if you currently desire (whenever you have unspent perks/gifts or XP that you can redeem, you will always have the option to request to spend them as long as you are conscious. If you choose a combination which costs more XP than you currently have available, skills will be acquired in order of most to least expensive until XP has run out.):

Number of Perks to select:
[QM's Note: I would like to any votes on Perks using plan voting so there's some coherency in any choices made, rather than the usual by-line voting.]
[] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
[] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
[] - Save both perks for later so we can think it through, there's no rush this.
Evolution Perks Available:
Available XP:
[] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Lightfooted Lv.2 - Quick reflexes and good coordination are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to agility and speed, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 10 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Abyssal Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into unholy power, enabling the character to cast a variety of demonic spells. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Aura of Fear Lv.1 - The character's mana is unleashed upon use, causing all those nearby to feel unnaturally and irrationally frightened by the character. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Charming Presence Lv.2 - The character's mana is unleashed upon use, causing all those nearby to feel unnaturally and irrationally attracted to the character. [Cost: 5 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Draining Touch Lv.1 - By channeling their mana into their body, the character can drain stamina from the target, using it to replenish their own. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Fire Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into fire, enabling the character to cast a variety of fire-related spells. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Imperial Language Lv.3 - The capacity to speak and understand the language of the Empire, both written and spoken. [Cost: 2 XP]
[] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
[] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]
[] - [Unique] - Mark of the Demon King Lv.2 - A mark of authority which grants the character the right to call themselves the Demon King and command the will of lesser demons. [Cost: 15 XP]

Uwaaa...what's with all these evil-sounding skills, anyway?! It's not my fault I was born a demon, you know! Can't you cut me some slack for once?!

「EDITED QM's Note: As a reminder on my earlier note, I'd like to run any votes on perk or skill selections with plan voting instead of by-line in order to keep it a little bit coherent. An example of the best format would be below...

[X] Plan: Example Vote
- [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
- [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.

This will make it easier to keep track of...I hope this makes sense, and that I haven't misunderstood the tallying system's mechanics either! If this system leads to problems or a lot of debate, then I'll potentially delay the next update to give more time to sort them out.」
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:52 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
Last edited:
How much XP do we have?

Good point! It's in the character sheet on the front page, but it's currently 15. I added it to the vote section to make it a little clearer.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:46 PM, finished with 35 posts and 30 votes.

  • [x] - I'd been trying console commands in my spare time, but it'd be really useful to sit down and really hammer all the possible commands I can think of to try and learn about the details of the system.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Abyssal Magic Lv.1
    [x] - Start trying to sneak out of my room. With the maids constantly watching me, it's going to be hard to slip away and act on my own, so I should start figuring out how to give them the slip now while I'm young enough to get away with it.
    [X] - I'm starting to get a feel for this body. Let's give the sword training that sister was practicing a second chance - I bet it'll be much easier to pick up with my newly enhanced agility.
    [X] - I don't want to wait for a tutor to learn how to use magic. Let's start messing around with commands in order to see if we can figure out how to cast any spells.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - Now that I've regained coordination, my old fighting skills are starting to come back to me. Let's think back to what I learned in the gangs and try to remember how to applythese principles using my new body.
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:47 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Abyssal Magic Lv.1
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:51 PM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Abyssal Magic Lv.1
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:52 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:53 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:53 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:54 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 3:55 PM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 4:20 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 4:31 PM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 4:43 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 4:54 PM, finished with 470 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
Last edited:


I'm morbidly tempted to just grab "Mark of the Demon King" and something else for maximum hilarity, but we'll see.

Even if we couldn't get Preternatural Physique, I'd like to get the physical strength too for maximum Tiny Overlordness.

In fact, I think I'm going to do something along those lines.

[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
-[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
-[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2 (But get this one after the Appraisal)

EDIT: To elaborate on these points. Magic and soul related stuff is going to be slow to heal, but there's nothing wrong with our body, and we're probably going to need oodles of XP anyway. Get the stuff that we can lean on while we get magic and we'll be at our best. In theory anyway.
Last edited:
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
This is obviously so branch of the magic training. Let's do it.
As far as the Perks go, I'm going to go against the grain here...
[X] Plan: XP Snowball
-[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
--[X] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
--[X] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]
Last edited:
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

Well if the MC mother says so, let's see how it goes. And for the perks... I'm awful at names but I can try.

[X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
- [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
- [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
- [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]

Gifted soul just for safety with magic. Willpower is a must. I assume that strong willpower will not only help against strong direct attacks, but also help in being over the influence of the system and/or the 'Gods' of the game. May be early to say this, but I rather not play their game with the demon lord or king ting.
You misunderstand, if the game is such that gods and chance will get involved. They'll do so regardless of our willingness or not to opt in or out.

Simply the possibility of us taking that route will be enough to move.
Last edited:
[x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
[x] Plan: Stronger
[x] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
[x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
[x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
I'm okay with the gods of that game getting involved, but I rather be careful. They'll start pulling strings at some point, just don't wanna let them pull strings on the MC. That's the main reason why I wanna go for Willpower. Just the ability of saying "No" to them and going through with it.
[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord

I will trust the GM to not add obvious trap options (even then i probably shouldn't considering his other quests) and vote for the aesthetics resulting from this vote instead of any mechanical benefits.
To elaborate- we know these things:
- Elric doesn't especially like us given the details in 'Dramatis Personae'
- Sister says we're supposed to learn magic when we're older
- Elric did say 'once you've been appraised, we can started'.
- Elric is almost definitely the person supposed to teach us magic.
- Right now the only magic we've got is Shadow Magic
- Shadow magic was obtained from a god of thieves commonly considered evil
- If we wait until we have 20 xp, Holy Magic IS available to purchase, but it may be exclusive with Abyssal Magic.

So if we want to learn magic, I'd very much suggest either keeping the perks in reserve until we know what Elric can teach, or just picking some magic that is more neutral in tone and hoping Elric can teach it to us- like Fire Magic.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: Gifted and Lucky
[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
[X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
[X] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]
[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time

We can always choose them later, when we have time.

As for plans, please, please... let's not make it yet another edgelord quest.

We have whole world and society to explore. Let's not jump on 'become demon' train right at the start.
Draining Touch could be an interesting choice as we can heal or gain mana whilst punching people. Though yes we are moving towards a rogue/scoundrel build with a magical focus. If I were to vote for any plan it would only be a plan that saves us at least one perk choice later, we don't understand the system enough to just use up both as we know nothing, Jon Snow.

@Usotsuki Megami it seems that Draining Touch has a different description on the first page and on this one is that just to be more concise or a minor error?

[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
@Usotsuki Megami it seems that Draining Touch has a different description on the first page and on this one is that just to be more concise or a minor error?

That was an error on my part, the first page has the correct description. I've updated the voting options to reflect that.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 5:24 PM, finished with 476 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Gifted and Lucky
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 28, 2017 at 6:08 PM, finished with 481 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Shadow Seer
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - The character's mana is channeled in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 10 XP]
    [X] - [Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 5 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] Plan: Stronger
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [x] - [Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.1 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
    [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: Gifted and Lucky
    [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 29, 2017 at 6:10 AM, finished with 88 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2 (But get this one after the Appraisal)
    [X] Plan: XP Snowball
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    --[X] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    --[X] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] Plan: Gifted and Lucky
    [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]