If you not willing write a certain character,then why would you have the write-in option. Why not just .ake hin fit. That's really not fair at all. And a lot of people want him,and they probably won't change their votes.

And if your refering the shipgirl comment,It's make sense for him hate shipgirls. And I edited out the ship girl comment your happy.

Because it's my first time doing a quest, so I've not got as good an idea for what I do or want yet, so sometimes that involves doing things which I realize after the fact were mistakes. And I think it is better to own up to making a mistake like that than to try and force myself to write a MC I dont want to, and likely end up dropping the quest because I don't want to write it.

Also the bit RE shipgirls was because the MC does not know what shipgirls are.
[If you didn't want humans to eat each other, why'd you give them free will]

Not all possible admissions are acceptable. Indeed, the vast majority of possible write-ins are not acceptable. It is up to the voters who have been entrusted with the power of the write-in to determine what is and is not something that the QM will accept, and the logical extension of that is that sometimes they fail. This is not the fault of the QM, because the entire point of them starting a quest is that they want to write about one story in particular, at least in this thread, and characters are a very large part of stories.
He should put have put a warning right under the write in option then. And besides the players themselves would have half assed Kuromo anyway.
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You are ignoring content by this member.
Oh joy, we going to have another female protag that would have probably have a totally not typical personality,and will undoubtedly be homosexual.
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[X] Edward Callahan
[X] 28 years old
[X] Male
[X] Appearance:

[X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
-[X] Topic: Maritime Biology

[X] Attrition: The early engagements with Abyssal forces at the start of the war were costly, and a lot of people either died or got badly injured. With everyone else above you in rank out of commission, you were the one picked to fill their shoes.
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Oh joy, we going to have another female protag that would have probably have the totally not typical personality,and will undoubtedly be homosexual.

Yeah,and it's actually becomes maddening because you just know what characters/personalty certain people would make and vote for.
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I have made my decision. I will not be changing it. If you wish to leave the thread because of it, I am not going to force you to stay, but I am not going to have my first thread devolve into shitflinging 2 FUCKING PAGES IN because of a mistake on my part.
Because someone using Reigen's appearance for a war-loving soldier offended me, I am submitting this:

[x] Name: Reigen Arataka
[x] Age: 28
[x] Male
[x] Appearance:

Why did you join the military?
[x] Other: You have no idea. You got drunk one night and since then things have spiralled wildly out of your control. You don't even know what you did that got you signed up to the military, and despite your best attempts they're not letting you out without a damn good reason. Which, to your despair, you don't have.

How did you end up in a commanding role with a ship and land base to call your own, such as they are?
[x] Other: You still have no idea. You've somehow managed to bluff your bosses into thinking you know what you're doing (you really don't) and then for some reason they gave you a promotion. You are wildly unqualified for the position, but are very good at pretending that you are.
Because someone using Reigen's appearance for a war-loving soldier offended me, I am submitting this:

[x] Name: Reigen Arataka
[x] Age: 28
[x] Male
[x] Appearance:

Why did you join the military?
[x] Other: You have no idea. You got drunk one night and since then things have spiralled wildly out of your control. You don't even know what you did that got you signed up to the military, and despite your best attempts they're not letting you out without a damn good reason. Which, to your despair, you don't have.

How did you end up in a commanding role with a ship and land base to call your own, such as they are?
[x] Other: You still have no idea. You've somehow managed to bluff your bosses into thinking you know what you're doing (you really don't) and then for some reason they gave you a promotion. You are wildly unqualified for the position, but are very good at pretending that you are.
This is beautiful.

[X] GilliamYaeger
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[x] Name: Reigen Arataka

that is super, super tempting but I am standing my ground.
Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on Dec 24, 2017 at 10:44 PM, finished with 40 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Name: Komuro Gihei
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] War Dog: To be fucking honest, you didn't join because you wanted to help humanity,or any of that other wannabe hero and noble bullshit. You joined because you absolutely love war and everything about it. You love the smoke of gunpowder and the various and complex strategies. And you alsolove it's primal violence,thrill,and the beautiful destruction that follows. And it fills you with so much excitement and glee at the thought of you caving those anime/kajiu rejects skulls in and showing the world what a real weapon can do.
    [X] Survivor: You weren't even part of the navy before this. The damage an abyssal can do from sea might be severe, but it would be far worse if they were allowed to make landfall. You werepart of the last line of coastal defense, infantry and tanks armed with anything that could hurt the abyssals. It wasn't a particularly hard job. You just had to buy time for support to arrive, by making the abyssals pay in blood for every step they took. You were just one of the lucky ones who survived long enough to get promoted else where.
    [X] Name: Asuka Kitsurabi
    [X] Age: 29
    [X] Female
    [X] Appearance: heavily scarred back, dark skin, messy black hair, with a missing eye and a missing arm. Your face is still beautiful by most standards, and in spite of your look you still manage to carry a commanding presence.
    [X] Family - You're proud of your heritage. And you're goddamn well gonna continue it.
    [X] Disability - You were a Navy Gunner when you lost your arm and your eye. Same incident; a gun you were holding exploded in your hand, detonating the magazine and sending a chunk of metal into your eye. You still find yourself word-salading every so often, words slurring in spite of yourself. You kept your good eye, but it cost you your depth perception, and you sure as fuck can't fire a gun anymore. And in spite of yourself, you still want to serve your country. So you decided to learn up on naval strategy.
    [x] Name: Reigen Arataka
    [x] Age: 28
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [x] Other: You have no idea. You got drunk one night and since then things have spiralled wildly out of your control. You don't even know what you did that got you signed up to the military, and despite your best attempts they're not letting you out without a damn good reason. Which, to your despair, you don't have.
    [x] Other: You still have no idea. You've somehow managed to bluff your bosses into thinking you know what you're doing (you really don't) and then for some reason they gave you a promotion. You are wildly unqualified for the position, but are very good at pretending that you are.
    [X] Edward Callahan
    [X] 28 years old
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
    -[X] Topic: Maritime Biology
    [X] Attrition: The early engagements with Abyssal forces at the start of the war were costly, and a lot of people either died or got badly injured. With everyone else above you in rank out of commission, you were the one picked to fill their shoes.
    [x] Name: Tenpei Fujimura
    [x] Age: 67
    [X] Male
    [x] An elderly man with a thick white beard and cold dark eyes. He is usually smoking a pipe. He rarely smiles but has a good heart.
    [x] Veteran
    [x] Return from Retirement: Tenpei Fujimura is a legendary Naval Officer. He has fought in dozens of major engagements and his record is spotless. He finally retired from active duty ten years ago, in order to spend time with his family, including his Grandchildren. When the Abyssals attacked, the country knew Tenpei was the single best man to be recruited. However, in recognition of his advanced age and lack of current knowledge of modern tactics, he was given a smaller service to start out with. Still, Tenpei is a wily and skilled fighter and has taken to his posting with pride, ready to fight off the abyssals.
    [X] Name: Tetsuo Takahashi
    [X] Age: 32
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
    [X] Transfer: You weren't part of the command staff on this or any vessel, you'd filled a different role in the navy, either on land or at sea. You'd just got chosen for this job because you had enough experience to compensate for your relative lack of training. It's far from a normal way of getting here, but times like these are anything but normal. (Information gathering and anylasys)
I was gonna go with Moid, but screw it, Gilliam's won my vote. I have a soft spot for characters like that.

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[jk] Popeye The Sailor Man
[jk] 88 (Buts Is don' look any oldea then thirty)
[jk] Male

[jk] Borned to the sea
[jk] I'm gonna wrec' me some of them Abyssals: When youse learned of them Abyssals goin' about wrecken up all youse pals, youse jus' knew youse had ta roll up yer sleeves and get ta beaten em. So youse got yerself a fine ship, stocked up on some spinach and set out ta give em' what for.
[X] Name: Tetsuo Takahashi
[X] Age: 32
[X] Male
[X] Appearance

[X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)

[X] Transfer: You weren't part of the command staff on this or any vessel, you'd filled a different role in the navy, either on land or at sea. You'd just got chosen for this job because you had enough experience to compensate for your relative lack of training. It's far from a normal way of getting here, but times like these are anything but normal. (Information gathering and anylasys)

I am open to revisions if anyone else that knows the character thinks of better descriptions and specialties.
...Can Reigen just show up anyway? Like, no matter how this vote goes, he just becomes, like, a recurring character?
I mean, when it comes down to it, I'd probably be taking some of the char concepts as other npcs, and there's a couple of ways I can see me fitting him in.
Okay, so since its been p much all of the day and there's not been anything else, I'm going to be calling the vote now.

Which means that our protagonist is Asuka Kitsurabi.

Will get on writing update when I am no longer i a turkey induced stupor.
001 Prologue P1 and Character Profile
Character Profile

Asuka Kitsurabi, age 29.

Brief bio

Asuka and her younger brother were both both born to a family where neither of their parents was around much, simply due to the demands of their work; their father was an ex air force mechanic, while her mother is an office worker and a second generation immigrant, with her family coming from the Philippines. As Asukas parents were often away at work, her and her brother spent a lot of time at their grandparents house in the Japanese countryside. It's a family tradition for someone from each generation to join the military, and has been so for at least 5 generations. As the elder, Asuka volunteered herself for the role, intending to do everything she could to uphold her families pride.

Ending up in a naval gunnery crew, Asukas life was almost cut short when a firing drill went horribly wrong; the shell detonated prematurely, killing her turretmate and leaving Asuka without her left arm and right eye, along with a tendency to occasionally blur words together when things get heated, another lasting mark from her wound.

While recovering, Asuka decided that this wasn't going to be how this ended; she wasn't going to let the family down by breaking tradition, but she wasn't going to drag her brother away from his university studies. So before she'd even finished her therapy, Asuka begun to study military theory, before applying for an officer training course the moment she could. With the sheer bloody-minded persistence she showed in her recovery and the course, Asuka got accepted and passed.

Following the start of the abyssal war, Asuka found herself among the many officers getting sudden promotions due to casualties and the expansion of military forces that occurred, and is now presently in command of the Palau Island firebreak base.

In short, she's a proud, stubborn person who wont give up at anything short of death, and even that's a maybe.

Prologue: New Beginnings

Ocean spray flies up towards you as you lean over the bow of the ship, feet braced on the deck as you gaze southwards through a pair of binoculars, focusing on the column of smoke rising from the distant island you're sailing towards. You are Asuka Kitsurabi, and this is not going to be a good day.

Hours ago, you received reports that multiple abyssal ships had been spotted heading towards Klouklubed island. With the time it would take to get there, there's no way you'd be able to intercept them, and one destroyer against multiple abyssals is a match you know you've got no chance at winning, even with drone support. Still, there's no way you'd just let let them go without doing anything, so you mobilised and began to sail south; you might find an isolated abyssal to pick off, and there's going to be search and rescue that needs doing. As even if you cant do anything to stop the attacks, like hell you're not going to help clean up the worst of the aftermath.

Letting the binoculars rest on their strap, you reach over to awkwardly reach into your right pocket for your cigarettes. Taking one in your mouth, you light it up and inhale deeply, the sea air mixing with the smoke. No point in brooding over things you can't change. Got work to do right now.

Flicking the spent cigarette overboard, you head back inside, returning to the bridge, giving a brief nod in response to the salutes you're given. Going by the smoke you saw and what's being shown on the displays, it's likely the abyssal force has made landfall and is raiding a village on the coast. It's about time you decide on the details of your mission here, and you should get your drones in the air so you have air cover.

What approach do you order?

[] Order an increase in speed; if an attacks already started, you're unlikely to arrive before the abyssals have left, and you want to be able to start search and rescue as quickly as you can.

[] Keep going at your current speed and take a more cautious approach; the watchpoint reported a full raiding party, and you'd just get torn apart if you engaged with them. Better to make sure they've cleared the area before you arrive.

What do you do with your drones?

[] Send both drones ahead of you, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance). Having a stronger presence at the target site will give you more information about the situation, and might give the abyssals reason to retreat.

[] Keep the drones near the ship, prepared for Air support; you don't want to risk getting surprised by enemy forces showing up and engaging you.

[] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)

Adhoc vote count started by Sightedjt on Jan 2, 2018 at 8:36 AM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Keep going at your current speed and take a more cautious approach; the watchpoint reported a full raiding party, and you'd just get torn apart if you engaged with them. Better to make sure they've cleared the area before you arrive.
    [X] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)
    [x] Order an increase in speed; if an attacks already started, you're unlikely to arrive before the abyssals have left, and you want to be able to start search and rescue as quickly as you can.
    [X] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)
    [X] Keep going at your current speed and take a more cautious approach; the watchpoint reported a full raiding party, and you'd just get torn apart if you engaged with them. Better to make sure they've cleared the area before you arrive.
    [x] Send both drones ahead of you, prepared for Reconnaissance. Having a stronger presence at the target site will give you more information about the situation, and might give the abyssals reason to retreat.
    [X] Keep going at your current speed and take a more cautious approach; the watchpoint reported a full raiding party, and you'd just get torn apart if you engaged with them. Better to make sure they've cleared the area before you arrive.
    [x] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)
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[X] Keep going at your current speed and take a more cautious approach; the watchpoint reported a full raiding party, and you'd just get torn apart if you engaged with them. Better to make sure they've cleared the area before you arrive.

We're proud and stubborn, but we ain't stupid. Take it slow.

[X] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)

We have more than one drone for a reason. And if one gets taken out, we still have another left.
[x] Order an increase in speed; if an attacks already started, you're unlikely to arrive before the abyssals have left, and you want to be able to start search and rescue as quickly as you can.
[x] Keep one drone with the ship to make sure you're safe, send one drone ahead to the target site, prepared for (Air support / Reconnaissance)