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Okay, here we go. So, as I have a bastard of a brain that likes not thinking about what I want...


Everlasting Flames
Okay, here we go. So, as I have a bastard of a brain that likes not thinking about what I want it to think about, instead of doing writing work for my big lab project report, my brain recently decided "hey Im going to think about botes a lot". This ended up with me basically rewriting the lore of Kantai collection from the ground up to make thins a bit more consistent and give it some more depth.

And then I ended up thinking, why don't I try doing something with this, rather than just having it moulder away on my hard drive? So here we are. I've never run a quest before, so I'm sure only good things can come of this.

With that out the way, I should probably stop procrastinating and get on with this.

It has been just over a year since the beginnings of the war with the Abyssals.

While there had been numerous reports indicating that something was wrong within the oceans, ships and coastal villages reporting sightings of monsters, most were hesitant to think that these sightings were anything more than mass hysteria, and that the vanishing ships were merely victims of storms or other nautical hazards. When more concrete evidence was found concerning these "monsters", taken from the last moments of multiple marine research vessels, it was kept secret from the general public, and while action was taken, it was not nearly enough.

Weeks later, the Abyssals made their first public appearance, with fleets appearing from the depths and shelling multiple coastal cities around the world. Some retreated, while some were destroyed when military forces arrived and counterattacked. Days later, they struck again.

Conventional tactics rapidly proved ineffective against the abyssal forces; while they could be damaged by conventional weaponry, the abyssals were somewhat resistant to their effects. Combined with the mobility possessed by the abyssal forces, conventional engagements proved costly. Doctrine shifted, with new tactics centering on avoiding conventional fleet actions as much as possible, focusing on using the lack of Abyssal air support to allow for air strikes on isolated targets. It's not perfect, it's nowhere near anything that would allow you to strike back at the Abyss, but it's enough to hold them off. For now, at least.

And that's where people like you come in.

You are in charge of the destroyer Fuyuzuki, assigned to the Palau islands firebreak base. Most of the time, your only job is to maintain the observation posts scattered around the islands, and to either engage or report any abyssals, depending on the size of the fleet detected.

But how did you end up here?

Character creation

The Basics.

[] Name:
[] Age: (Must be 25+)
[] Male or Female
[] Appearance

Why did you join the military?

[] Family: Your family is quite proud of its long history of military service, and it's become a tradition to have someone serving. It just happened to be you.

[] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)

[] Fuckup: You just didn't have that great a track record with anything else you tried, so you ended up in the military out of nothing more than a vague sense of "why not". And well, it's not gone that badly all things considered, so why stop a good thing?

[] Other (Write in)

How did you end up in a commanding role with a ship and land base to call your own, such as they are?

[] Attrition: The early engagements with Abyssal forces at the start of the war were costly, and a lot of people either died or got badly injured. With everyone else above you in rank out of commission, you were the one picked to fill their shoes.

[] Transfer: You weren't part of the command staff on this or any vessel, you'd filled a different role in the navy, either on land or at sea. You'd just got chosen for this job because you had enough experience to compensate for your relative lack of training. It's far from a normal way of getting here, but times like these are anything but normal. (Pick area of expertise prior to transfer)

[] Survivor: You weren't even part of the navy before this. The damage an abyssal can do from sea might be severe, but it would be far worse if they were allowed to make landfall. You were part of the last line of coastal defense, infantry and tanks armed with anything that could hurt the abyssals. It wasn't a particularly hard job. You just had to buy time for support to arrive, by making the abyssals pay in blood for every step they took. You were just one of the lucky ones who survived long enough to get promoted elsewhere.

[] Other (Write in)

Adhoc vote count started by chocolote12 on Dec 24, 2017 at 10:52 PM, finished with 40 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Name: Komuro Gihei
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] War Dog: To be fucking honest, you didn't join because you wanted to help humanity,or any of that other wannabe hero and noble bullshit. You joined because you absolutely love war and everything about it. You love the smoke of gunpowder and the various and complex strategies. And you alsolove it's primal violence,thrill,and the beautiful destruction that follows. And it fills you with so much excitement and glee at the thought of you caving those anime/kajiu rejects skulls in and showing the world what a real weapon can do.
    [X] Survivor: You weren't even part of the navy before this. The damage an abyssal can do from sea might be severe, but it would be far worse if they were allowed to make landfall. You werepart of the last line of coastal defense, infantry and tanks armed with anything that could hurt the abyssals. It wasn't a particularly hard job. You just had to buy time for support to arrive, by making the abyssals pay in blood for every step they took. You were just one of the lucky ones who survived long enough to get promoted else where.
    [X] Name: Asuka Kitsurabi
    [X] Age: 29
    [X] Female
    [X] Appearance: heavily scarred back, dark skin, messy black hair, with a missing eye and a missing arm. Your face is still beautiful by most standards, and in spite of your look you still manage to carry a commanding presence.
    [X] Family - You're proud of your heritage. And you're goddamn well gonna continue it.
    [X] Disability - You were a Navy Gunner when you lost your arm and your eye. Same incident; a gun you were holding exploded in your hand, detonating the magazine and sending a chunk of metal into your eye. You still find yourself word-salading every so often, words slurring in spite of yourself. You kept your good eye, but it cost you your depth perception, and you sure as fuck can't fire a gun anymore. And in spite of yourself, you still want to serve your country. So you decided to learn up on naval strategy.
    [x] Name: Reigen Arataka
    [x] Age: 28
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [x] Other: You have no idea. You got drunk one night and since then things have spiralled wildly out of your control. You don't even know what you did that got you signed up to the military, and despite your best attempts they're not letting you out without a damn good reason. Which, to your despair, you don't have.
    [x] Other: You still have no idea. You've somehow managed to bluff your bosses into thinking you know what you're doing (you really don't) and then for some reason they gave you a promotion. You are wildly unqualified for the position, but are very good at pretending that you are.
    [X] Edward Callahan
    [X] 28 years old
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
    -[X] Topic: Maritime Biology
    [X] Attrition: The early engagements with Abyssal forces at the start of the war were costly, and a lot of people either died or got badly injured. With everyone else above you in rank out of commission, you were the one picked to fill their shoes.
    [x] Name: Tenpei Fujimura
    [x] Age: 67
    [X] Male
    [x] An elderly man with a thick white beard and cold dark eyes. He is usually smoking a pipe. He rarely smiles but has a good heart.
    [x] Veteran
    [x] Return from Retirement: Tenpei Fujimura is a legendary Naval Officer. He has fought in dozens of major engagements and his record is spotless. He finally retired from active duty ten years ago, in order to spend time with his family, including his Grandchildren. When the Abyssals attacked, the country knew Tenpei was the single best man to be recruited. However, in recognition of his advanced age and lack of current knowledge of modern tactics, he was given a smaller service to start out with. Still, Tenpei is a wily and skilled fighter and has taken to his posting with pride, ready to fight off the abyssals.
    [X] Name: Tetsuo Takahashi
    [X] Age: 32
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
    [X] Transfer: You weren't part of the command staff on this or any vessel, you'd filled a different role in the navy, either on land or at sea. You'd just got chosen for this job because you had enough experience to compensate for your relative lack of training. It's far from a normal way of getting here, but times like these are anything but normal. (Information gathering and anylasys)
Force list for operation.

Fuyuzuki (Flagship, modified)
Available weaponry
Main gun- Medium damage
Missile fire- Heavy damage, delay (4 uses remaining)
Torpedo fire- Heavy damage, delay (4 uses remaining)
Secondary gunfire- Light damage to light abyssals. May stun larger abyssals.
Drone strike- As missile fire. (2/drone/encounter. 2 drones.)
Akemi- Light damage + Stun to any target (Medium range only)

Gunfire- Medium damage (Heavy damage vs DD)
Torpedoes- Heavy damage, delay. (4 uses remaining)

Gunfire- light damage. May be used as staggering fire.
Torpedoes- Heavy damage, delay (4 uses remaining)


Gunfire- medium damage
Depth charge- Crippling damage to sub, can be used in brawling range against any target

Combat mechanics
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Prelude (Some time ago)

Far beneath the surface of the waves, steel finds its rest. Far below the point where the light fades away, iron decays. Rust and ruin form the ocean floor here, sunken remnants of fallen warships having found their rest, silent at long last. Even in places like this, life exists, fed by scraps from warmer waters; filter-feeders bloom on the steel of the wrecks, taking them precious meters closer to the falling snow that sustains them, while jaw-marked skeletons remain a record of the bounty their flesh brought to the deep. Life blooms from the grave, even in places like this.

And as life blooms, metal begins to stir from its endless rest. Iron remembers, and whispers of the past echo within broken hulls. And as ancient whispers resound within their steel prison, life blooms, and malice festers...

Much of what dies in the ocean is never seen by the land, dark waters claiming every scrap of flesh. Some however, finds its way onto the shore, to rot and decay in the sun. As such, the corpse of a whale washing up on the shores of an island in the south pacific is, unusual, but not particularly unremarkable. What is remarkable, is the way it seems to have died; vast chunks of flesh have been torn out of its body, craters in flesh bordered by strange tooth marks. Still, on it's own, this would not be too unusual. But this is not the only time this happens; as the weeks pass, more and more ocean life washes up on shores all around the world, all showing the same wounds, and fishing boats begin to report ever lessening hauls, while weather patterns shift, with the seas becoming more turbulent, and storms becoming more frequent and severe.

Something is wrong in the oceans.

To be caught in a storm at sea is a dangerous thing indeed, especially if unprepared. But such a risk is one that many fishermen have had to take lately, with lighter catches requiring longer trips in more dangerous waters to get enough fish to keep the lights on. For many of them, their luck runs out, and they find themselves struggling to keep their vessels afloat as the waves crash on deck. Some manage to make it to shore safely. Other sailors find themselves dragged beneath the surface, precious air spilling from their lungs as they try to swim from the wreckage as it pulls them down with it. None succeed, darkness creeping in at the edges of their vision as their bodies grow too heavy to move, with the last sight they see the surface far above them… and the ghostly green lights rising up to greet them from the depths, bodies of black metal, nightmarish jaws opening wide.

With the seas becoming more dangerous, it was inevitable that people would try and uncover the source of the changes. Under the sea, a drone descends, lowered down from a research vessel at the surface, searchlight illuminating the inky depths. Even at the seabed, so far from the sunlight, life exists. But not here. The only thing to find here is death, slow and choking; vast lakes of brine flood the ocean floor, trickling over the lip of the pools it's formed and flowing deeper into the oceans heart.

There shouldn't be this much brine here; it's normally found only as small pools a couple of meters across, but the lakes here are dozens of meters across, and far deeper than just a rockpool, all surrounded by the corpses of sealife that strayed too close to the lifeless water.

And in the centre of one lake, the searchlight illuminates something impossible; a single human arm, reaching out of the brine towards the distant surface, not a single mark on its pale flesh. And as the drones camera turns towards it, the hand twitches.

The drone inches closer, trying to get a better look at this impossible sight, as clamour fills the ship above.



Too close.

The arm moves, hand grabbing the drone. Cracks spread across the cameras lens the hand begins to squeeze/ Blue light shines from beneath the brine as something begins to pull itself up and out. Panic fills the research vessel as the camera shatters. Engines roar in a desperate attempt to run.

It's not enough.

Visible only to the frantic pings of the sonar, things rise up from the deep, growing ever closer to the fleeing ship.

The ship never makes port, and only three traces of it are left behind; scattered wreckage on nearby beaches. A garbled distress call screaming about monsters, before being sharply cut off. And a single image, captured in the last moments of the submersibles camera; a human figure pulling itself up out of the brine pool, dull metal grafted onto pale flesh, and a glowing blue eye concealed behind a bone-white mask.
[X] Name: Komuro Gihei
[X] Age: 25
[X] Male
[X] Appearance:

[X] War Dog: To be fucking honest, you didn't join because you wanted to help humanity,or any of that other wannabe hero and noble bullshit. You joined because you absolutely love war and everything about it. You love the smoke of gunpowder and the various and complex strategies. And you alsolove it's primal violence,thrill,and the beautiful destruction that follows. And it fills you with so much excitement and glee at the thought of you caving those anime/kajiu rejects skulls in and showing the world what a real weapon can do.
[X] Survivor: You weren't even part of the navy before this. The damage an abyssal can do from sea might be severe, but it would be far worse if they were allowed to make landfall. You werepart of the last line of coastal defense, infantry and tanks armed with anything that could hurt the abyssals. It wasn't a particularly hard job. You just had to buy time for support to arrive, by making the abyssals pay in blood for every step they took. You were just one of the lucky ones who survived long enough to get promoted else where.

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[X] Name: Asuka Kitsurabi
[X] Age: 29
[X] Female
[X] Appearance: heavily scarred back, dark skin, messy black hair, with a missing eye and a missing arm. Your face is still beautiful by most standards, and in spite of your look you still manage to carry a commanding presence.

[X] Family - You're proud of your heritage. And you're goddamn well gonna continue it.
[X] Disability - You were a Navy Gunner when you lost your arm and your eye. Same incident; a gun you were holding exploded in your hand, detonating the magazine and sending a chunk of metal into your eye. You still find yourself word-salading every so often, words slurring in spite of yourself. You kept your good eye, but it cost you your depth perception, and you sure as fuck can't fire a gun anymore. And in spite of yourself, you still want to serve your country. So you decided to learn up on naval strategy.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on Dec 24, 2017 at 6:39 PM, finished with 34 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Name: Asuka Kitsurabi
    [X] Age: 29
    [X] Female
    [X] Appearance: heavily scarred back, dark skin, messy black hair, with a missing eye and a missing arm. Your face is still beautiful by most standards, and in spite of your look you still manage to carry a commanding presence.
    [X] Family - You're proud of your heritage. And you're goddamn well gonna continue it.
    [X] Disability - You were a Navy Gunner when you lost your arm and your eye. Same incident; a gun you were holding exploded in your hand, detonating the magazine and sending a chunk of metal into your eye. You still find yourself word-salading every so often, words slurring in spite of yourself. You kept your good eye, but it cost you your depth perception, and you sure as fuck can't fire a gun anymore. And in spite of yourself, you still want to serve your country. So you decided to learn up on naval strategy.
    [X] Name: Komuro Gihei
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] War Dog: To be fucking honest, you didn't join because you wanted to help humanity,or any of that other wannabe hero and noble bullshit. You joined because you absolutely love war and everything about it. You love the smoke of gunpowder and the various and complex strategies. And you alsolove it's primal violence,thrill,and the beautiful destruction that follows. And it fills you with so much excitement and glee at the thought of you caving those anime/kajiu rejects skulls in and showing the world what a real weapon can do.
    [X] Survivor: You weren't even part of the navy before this. The damage an abyssal can do from sea might be severe, but it would be far worse if they were allowed to make landfall. You werepart of the last line of coastal defense, infantry and tanks armed with anything that could hurt the abyssals. It wasn't a particularly hard job. You just had to buy time for support to arrive, by making the abyssals pay in blood for every step they took. You were just one of the lucky ones who survived long enough to get promoted else where.
    [X] Edward Callahan
    [X] 28 years old
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [X] Future: You'd been giving your future some thought back in high school, and you'd figured that if you did things right, you'd be able to combine university studies with your service, getting you a job and a good in to a future career after your tour of duty finished. You just... never really got around to the part where you left the military to go do something else. (Pick one topic as what you studied as a degree)
    -[X] Topic: Maritime Biology
    [X] Attrition: The early engagementswith Abyssal forces at the start of the war were costly, and a lot of people either died or got badly injured. With everyone else above you in rank out of commission, you were the one picked to fill their shoes.
    [x] Name: Reigen Arataka
    [x] Age: 28
    [X] Male
    [X] Appearance:
    [x] Other: You have no idea. You got drunk one night and since then things have spiralled wildly out of your control. You don't even know what you did that got you signed up to the military, and despite your best attempts they're not letting you out without a damn good reason. Which, to your despair, you don't have.
    [x] Other: You still have no idea. You've somehow managed to bluff your bosses into thinking you know what you're doing (you really don't) and then for some reason they gave you a promotion. You are wildly unqualified for the position, but are very good at pretending that you are.
    [x] Name: Tenpei Fujimura
    [x] Age: 67
    [X] Male
    [x] An elderly man with a thick white beard and cold dark eyes. He is usually smoking a pipe. He rarely smiles but has a good heart.
    [x] Veteran
    [x] Return from Retirement: Tenpei Fujimura is a legendary Naval Officer. He has fought in dozens of major engagements and his record is spotless. He finally retired from active duty ten years ago, in order to spend time with his family, including his Grandchildren. When the Abyssals attacked, the country knew Tenpei was the single best man to be recruited. However, in recognition of his advanced age and lack of current knowledge of modern tactics, he was given a smaller service to start out with. Still, Tenpei is a wily and skilled fighter and has taken to his posting with pride, ready to fight off the abyssals.
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Hmm, Attrition got swapped for Survivor? What's the reasoning behind this, I wonder?
[x] Name: Tenpei Fujimura
[x] Age: 67
[x] Male
[x] An elderly man with a thick white beard and cold dark eyes. He is usually smoking a pipe. He rarely smiles but has a good heart.
[x] Veteran
[x] Return from Retirement: Tenpei Fujimura is a legendary Naval Officer. He has fought in dozens of major engagements and his record is spotless. He finally retired from active duty ten years ago, in order to spend time with his family, including his Grandchildren. When the Abyssals attacked, the country knew Tenpei was the single best man to be recruited. However, in recognition of his advanced age and lack of current knowledge of modern tactics, he was given a smaller service to start out with. Still, Tenpei is a wily and skilled fighter and has taken to his posting with pride, ready to fight off the abyssals.
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Hmm, Attrition got swapped for Survivor? What's the reasoning behind this, I wonder?
It fits him more,Kurmono would want to be up close and personal to the action.

And don't want be some old has been, or some disabled chick. I want a monstrous motherfucker who positively loves war and what he does. And he's not fighting because of some country,he's just doing because he wants to
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It fits him more,Kurmono would want to be up close and personal to the action.

And don't want be an old veteran, or some disabled chick. I want a vicious motherfucker who positively loves war and what he does.
Tenpei loves what he does! This dude fought pirates and shit, glad to be back and fighting for his country.
I hate to rain on peoples parade here, but as is the Christyking vote is one that I'm not sure entirely fits with the changes I've made settingwise, and really doesn't match up to the tone of a lot of the things I've laid out. (also it refers to shipgirls when you may note that I have not actually made a single reference to them thus far)

Also, being frank, even if it did fit with the themes of things, I don't really have much of an interest in writing the character as described, their personality and motivation aren't ones that appeal to me. As such, I would recommend either changing the character concept, or picking a different vote, because as is I will not be using that character concept.

While I admit that this does somewhat go against the point of voting, the alternative would be the quest not getting off the ground because of not wanting to write the main character.
I hate to rain on peoples parade here, but as is the Christyking vote is one that I'm not sure entirely fits with the changes I've made settingwise, and really doesn't match up to the tone of a lot of the things I've laid out. (also it refers to shipgirls when you may note that I have not actually made a single reference to them thus far)

Also, being frank, even if it did fit with the themes of things, I don't really have much of an interest in writing the character as described, their personality and motivation aren't ones that appeal to me. As such, I would recommend either changing the character concept, or picking a different vote, because as is I will not be using that character concept.

While I admit that this does somewhat go against the point of voting, the alternative would be the quest not getting off the ground because of not wanting to write the main character.
If you not willing write a certain character,then why would you have the write-in option. Why not just .ake hin fit. That's really not fair at all. And a lot of people want him,and they probably won't change their votes.

And if your refering the shipgirl comment,It's make sense for him hate shipgirls. And I edited out the ship girl comment your happy.
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Eh, fair's fair, best to establish this early than to force it.

Neither of the two other proposed concepts holds my interest, though, so I'll just retract my vote and wait until we are out of chargen.
You are ignoring content by this member.
[x] Christyking1980

Fuck you guys,and it's different and way more interesting than the shit that we usuallly get at character gen.
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If you not willing write a certain character,then why would you have the write-in option. That's really not fair at all.
[If you didn't want humans to eat each other, why'd you give them free will]

Not all possible admissions are acceptable. Indeed, the vast majority of possible write-ins are not acceptable. It is up to the voters who have been entrusted with the power of the write-in to determine what is and is not something that the QM will accept, and the logical extension of that is that sometimes they fail. This is not the fault of the QM, because the entire point of them starting a quest is that they want to write about one story in particular, at least in this thread, and characters are a very large part of stories.
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