[X] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
[X] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
[x] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
[X] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
[X] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
Let's see.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 23, 2017 at 2:49 PM, finished with 185 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Wait until the watch charges, and turn into an alien. And use it terrify people,and make the poor fuckers give you their money. Give a non harmful and lethal demonstration of powers to more.... "skeptical" ones.

What's the point of being other people if not to mess around
[x] Try to figure out more watch functions. Maybe figure out how long it recharges, or estimate what else it can be used for, etc.
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 8
You have done some mathematical calculations in your head. Frankly, you aren't a bad student. You can get straight-D grades simply from what you remember from the lessons. Sometimes, it goes bad, of course, and you get the occasional F, but you know enough to keep up your grade average at 'passable.'

Look at yourself, thinking about school again. Enough of this.

Regardless, despite all of the calculations, it was hard for you to make out how long the watch's charge lasts. Roughly ten minutes, more or less.

You sit for four minutes, tampering with the watch. Eventually, the red symbol turns white. The device has recharged, or so it appears. You click the green button and examine the rest of the alien forms available to you once again. You stare at it until you hear something over Max's radio. You are not the only one. Both Max and Glenn listen in to the broadcast.

It's a plea for help. People nearby are being attacked by some kind of alien robots.

Damn it. They're after the watch. You need to do something about this. If not to save the innocents, then to send a message to whatever alien overlord is trying to go after you. After all, someone has to be sending these drones. Clearly, the watch came here from space. The least you're sure of is that someone is ordering these robots around. That person is your enemy. And you need to show him you can defeat whatever he sends after you.

You look up at Max. "I'm going."

Without objection, your grandfather nods at you. This reaction was far from what you expected, so you're reasonably shocked, or even worried. The Rust Bucket changes its course and drives in the direction of the broadcast, where the alien robots and drones are.

You click the green button on the watch.

Glenn looks at you. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course I am. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be doing it," you answer him confidently. You rotate the watch, trying to find an appropriate form. You'll need heavy firepower for an encounter like this.

[] Worm-like alien.
[] Humanoid with faded edges.
[] Rough, stubby humanoid, built from rock.
[] Titania.
[] Imp-like creature.
[] Tall, bearded man.
[] Huge bird with claws.
[] Six-limbed creature with a tail.
[] Little man with a big head.
[] Creature with five tentacles instead of legs.
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 9
Your hand slaps the cylinder. You transform.

Now, next to the young 10-year-old Glenn, is sitting a freaky monster. At the edges, your humanoid body fades away. In the center, however, it is made out of pure darkness. Your body defies the laws of physics that state shadow is an absence of light. You are shadow made solid, with two, purple eyes and a head in the shape of a human skull.

You stare at Glenn, who moves back.

What can this body do? You move, waving your arms around. You notice how one of them goes through the window. Can you pass through walls? Turn intangible? You focus your mind and try to do so. You move through the side of the Rust Bucket, at the scene.

Before you is a huge parking lot, with several lodges and shacks to the west, near trees. People run by, screaming, as they are chased by red drones.

You focus.

No energy blasts or ranged attacks. This form is poorly-suited for combat, it seems. What kind of crap is this supposed to be?

A man, screaming, runs into you. He looks up at you. You look down at him, silently. Your gaze penetrates his mind and eyes. He calms down, entering a sort of trance. "Flee," you order. The man runs away, calmly, complying with your task to the best of his ability. So you can hypnotize others with visual contact, pass through walls, and become invisible.

Grandpa Max and Glenn leave the Rust Bucket. They look at you momentarily. You nod to them. Max nods back and the two run off to help people and direct them away, while you draw the attention of the robots here.

You go forward, starting to float and moving into the air so that the drones might notice you. They pick up on your presence and shoot energy blasts, but you vaporize before they can hit. You become invisible and untouchable to their weapons.

You float behind one of the drones and make yourself visible. The rest of them shoot it down. You repeat the maneuver, with one drone remaining. You manifest yourself and jump at the robot. You drive your hands beneath its metallic binds, and you try to take out whatever kind of coils and stuff you find inside, or rip it apart.

The drone falls to the ground, with you on it. It is destroyed.

This alien's not as bad as you thought. Let's call it...

[] Write-in.

You get up and look around for more of them, until you hear metallic footsteps.

THUD! THUD! THUD! Earth-shaking roars that make the ground shake. You turn around and see it.

A giant robot with three legs looks down at you. His plating is made from red and gray metallic alloys. It's at least eight meters tall. You dread to approach this thing. It seems to still be scanning you and calculating some kind of combat protocols. You begin the fight.


[] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
[] Write-in.
[X] Missingno

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out.They are probably vital.
[X] Shade

[X] Float under it and try to break a leg. It can't do any damage if it can't move
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