[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as theoutside it'll be quite a sight to see.
okay, that picture is adorable

[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.

[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
[X] - If someone's been appraising me, that's definitely a threat. Tell them about it right away, so they can decide what to do about it.
[X] - Is there anywhere of historical significance here or nearby? If I'm going to learn about something, I might as well learn about something which is still useful after I've left.
[x] - Telling them might just risk revealing my deeper understanding of the system than a child would likely have, let's keep this information to ourselves.
[x] - There's nothing else I want to see, let's just hurry on to the Rosewald Estate and get this trip done with...
Might the appraisal have shown that she's a half-demon?

I assume so, but I'm not sure what we can really do about it without a suspect. I doubt most of the guards would bother appraising us, so I would think that the biggest fear is that it was one of the villagers. Is there anyone else around who might have a reason to appraise us? Someone from the church, or someone that was there when we almost touched the magic item?

okay, that picture is adorable

Yes, yes it is.

[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.

[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.

[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.

That appraisal was clearly with some intent, doubt that whoevver did it would just use an appraise skill on a kid, even if they are a noble, unless they suspected something. Saying it out loud would only make things worse via panic probably. Waiting may leave them a window to leave but it is safer.

Aaand I kinda forgot who said it but I guess it would be something different than usual to have her become a demon lord bent on destroying the world in order to get to her own world. I won't go for that though. Be it that the place is a simulation or not, there's the chance that it is real in a way, and I'm not up to destroying a whole world for that. I am in favor of finding a way to go back though, it depends to be fair. I need to spend a bit more time thinking about it. Also this reminded me a bit of FFTA and the [Marche is the villain] theory.
who says we have to destroy the world though?

It came out mosty because that's sorta what you do in FFTA, what you do is destroy what binds and keeps the world together. People tend to see it as destroying th world but I always saw it as separating two different worlds that were mashed together in some ways.
Point, but what I'm saying is that we don't *need* to be pointlessly evil

In fact I even have some ideas for what I'd do instead
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
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[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - There's nothing else I want to see, let's just hurry on to the Rosewald Estate and get this trip done with...
Why be evil?

Evil is unproductive and depressing to keep up. Why do that when we could indeed be the cute and strong ruler of the world?
It's not like there's any lack of skulls to crush after all even if you're mostly hoping to be a benevolent tyrant.

Because fantasy settings tend to be full of very stupid people.
It's not like there's any lack of skulls to crush after all even if you're mostly hoping to be a benevolent tyrant.

Because fantasy settings tend to be full of very stupid people.
True enough, but if Victoria's assessment of her sister being a genius is accurate I'd settle for being her #2 in whatever faction forms around her.
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
2017 Christmas Break
Taking a tally.

As a note, it occurred to me that while I'll be totally available to write through the Christmas period, but I understand that other people won't, so I'll be taking a hiatus on the 24th-25th in order to make sure people have time to get through their holidays without the pressure of a quest. Hopefully we'll be done with the day trip by then!
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 20, 2017 at 12:55 AM, finished with 295 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
    [X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
    [x] - There's nothing else I want to see, let's just hurry on to the Rosewald Estate and get this trip done with...
    [X] - If someone's been appraising me, that's definitely a threat. Tell them about it right away, so they can decide what to do about it.
    [X] - Is there anywhere of historical significance here or nearby? If I'm going to learn about something, I might as well learn about something which is still useful after I've left.
    [x] - Telling them might just risk revealing my deeper understanding of the system than a child would likely have, let's keep this information to ourselves.
[X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
[X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.

Since we might have been found out I think going to the church might be a good idea. I doubt they'd let us go in if something really bad was gonna happen, and it'll give us a chance to make a good impression and weaken the believability of any future claims about us in the eyes of the church.

Unless the church was the one doing the appraising...but if that's the case we're in trouble whether we go or not~
Closing this vote and tallying up. I'll start working on the update sometime in the next hour, so it should be up later tonight.

EDIT: I totally fell asleep while writing this update, my schedule has been kind of brutal and unreliable lately, so I apologise for that. I'll throw out the update for this late morning/early afternoon GMT Thursday.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 20, 2017 at 12:05 PM, finished with 297 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - Telling them here will just cause a scene, it's not like I have a suspect in mind. Keep it to ourselves until we're somewhere more private.
    [X] - The church is beautiful on the outside, so I'd love to see the inside of it. If it's even half as wonderful as the outside it'll be quite a sight to see.
    [x] - There's nothing else I want to see, let's just hurry on to the Rosewald Estate and get this trip done with...
    [X] - If someone's been appraising me, that's definitely a threat. Tell them about it right away, so they can decide what to do about it.
    [X] - Is there anywhere of historical significance here or nearby? If I'm going to learn about something, I might as well learn about something which is still useful after I've left.
    [x] - Telling them might just risk revealing my deeper understanding of the system than a child would likely have, let's keep this information to ourselves.
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12. Day Trip (Part 6)
「12. DAY TRIP (Part 6)」

There was no sign of anyone suspicious, and I had no way of telling who could be responsible for such a thing. I'm sure if I told mother and the guards, they'd - no, actually, if I told them, wouldn't they freak out and run around questioning people? Agh, that sounds like it's just going to cause more problems than it'll solve. I guess I'll keep this one to myself for now, and then find a way to drop it on them when we're in private.

"Victoria-sama? Is something the matter?" The head guard now echoed my mother's worry.

"Mm?" I tilted my head, acting dumb. "No."

They didn't look entirely like they believed me - sister especially seemed worried - but I just gave them a smile, and looked to change the subject. I tugged at mother's sleeve a bit, hoping she'd be the one most vulnerable to this kind of attack.

"Do you think I can go see the church before we leave?"

There was a moment of silence, and I could see mother exchange a look with the head guard before smiling back at me. "W-well, I think that should be fine, if that's what you want. Just a quick visit, though, alright? And you have to promise me to be on your absolute best behaviour, no doing anything funny."

I nodded, silently claiming this as a victory. I had a feeling they'd be reticent to let me go, given my nature, but since I'd had very little exposure to religion during my time here, I wanted to find out more about it. Well, besides that, I also wondered just how amazing the inside of that place must look, given how incredibly expensive the outside looked.

"Mm, okay," I nodded in faux obedience. Does this count as mission success? I think it did.

"Not just okay, Victoria."

Huh, what's this? Mother had grabbed my shoulder and was looking me in the eyes, her brow furrowed. It was quite an intense look, and if I'm honest, kind of scary. Whoa, where have you been hiding this true power, woman?

"You have to promise me that you'll behave yourself, okay? If you don't promise, I won't let you go." She really seemed serious about this. I guess that answers my question about whether or not the church could be dangerous to me...

"Okay, I promise. I'll behave." I didn't look away, because I honestly meant it. I wasn't intending to throw my life in this game away - I didn't know if there were any respawns, and besides, I wasn't the type of player who liked to see a game over screen under any circumstances, since-

AGH! Let go of me, foul woman! What the hell! I didn't give you permission to hug me like that! What's gotten into your head?! I squirmed a little bit as she embraced me with everyone watching, blushing at the sudden display of affection. Unlike sister, mother always seemed comparatively distant, so this sudden bout of physicality just seemed entirely unlike her. When I realised there was nowhere I could go, I simply stood there and uncomfortably let her hold me, silently fuming. What the heck? It's just a church, it's not like I'm walking to my execution or something, right?


"Okay, mother needs to finish something before we go and meet the Rosewalds," she released me with a smile now. "Hurry straight back when you're done, okay?"

...what the heck? If I'm not mistaken, weren't those tears welling up in her eyes? She turned away and walked off in a hurry. I couldn't help but stare at her back for a bit before Elena took my hand and smiled. "Don't worry, it'll be okay. Let's go see the church, okay?"

I nodded, but my thoughts still felt kind of muddled and confused. I already knew that these NPCs were way beyond anything I'd seen in life, in terms of their lifelike behaviours, but the emotion she'd showed there felt so sincere that I couldn't help but feel kind of bad for her. Was she really that worried about me? I couldn't help but wonder if she'd shed tears like that for me before.

I don't get it, if I caused her that much grief, why the hell was she keeping me around? If a child was a problem, it's not like this society had child protection agencies to keep you from abandoning the problem in question. Hell, even if you were pressured to keep your child around, if they made you that upset, could you really hold back on your true feelings? I know what people are like when they're angry, if your child's a useless burden, then you hit them, right? You throw them out of the house and drive them away, right? You tell them to get lost and then when they don't come back, you don't bother looking for them, you're probably just happy that you don't have to deal with them anymore, right?

...ah, what the heck? I touched my face in honest surprise at the warm, wet feeling running down them. Why am I crying? I'm not upset about anything. Oh, this isn't good, this isn't good at all. Something uncontrollable welled up to the surface and I collapsed to my knees in front of everyone, tears coming forth unbidden. Shit, stop it. Stop it. Stop it stop it stop it. I try to choke them back and regain control.

"V-Victoria?! What's wrong?!"

Elena was hugging me now, and petting my hair. I couldn't bring myself to respond - how the heck was I supposed to explain something like this? Even if I wanted to tell her - even if I could - how on earth would something like that be believable? I needed to calm down, this wasn't something that I could explain, and I'd promised to behave. If I kept this up, would they even let me go to the church?

...I failed to calm down. Everything was welling to the surface: my shitty life up until now, my own shitty attitude, and the completely unfamiliar sensation of being honestly and genuinely comforted. I'd never felt something like this before - not from my friends, not from a boyfriend, and certainly not from my family. I envied this child whose body I inhabited, why was her family so damn great? Why the hell did I go through all that crap just to be taunted with a fake life I'd never be able to keep where everyone was just so fucking-

Ah, something must've broken. With that last thought, I just clung to sister and cried my heart out, oblivious to what anyone around me thought. I just didn't care anymore.

Somehow, I'd managed to calm down and convince them that I was still okay to go to the church. Sister was obviously still very worried, but she eventually agreed; only, of course, after they'd fixed up my hair, wiped the redness from my eyes, and cleaned the dirt and dust from my dress. I must've been an awful sight, but she didn't say anything to imply that, instead she just worked quietly. She said that whatever was wrong, she'd be here for me, and that I could talk to her about it any time. I was honestly surprised that they let it go that easily, I don't know if I could've done that in their shoes, especially given how young I was supposed to be. Was this normal or not?

For some reason, I felt quite zen, like all my emotions had been purged. My head was a little clearer and calmer, and I was feeling confident that I could keep up this act for the rest of the day. Well, the events of today had given me a lot to think about, but I could worry about all of that later. For now, I needed to get through the rest of this trip in one piece...

Although the church had a huge, grand set of black wooden doors, we entered through a smaller, side door near the entrance. The foyer was as intricately decorated and ornate as I had hoped, with carved wood and stone that rivalled even the works back home. We were made to remove our shoes and don soft cloth slippers and a shawl before we could enter, in order to display our humility before the gods. Elena had a look of reverence and awe, and I couldn't blame her. The light filtered in through the stained glass windows, casting its rays across beautiful structures of marble, silver and gold. The condensed level of wealth and opulence in the church proper exceeded even that of a noble's mansion, it seemed. I guess whatever organization was behind the church must be pretty powerful.

Well, my first impressions of the beauty aside, there was one other thing: I was unusually uncomfortable. Like, not in the 'hey, I'm a little out of place here' sense, but physically. It felt like I had goosebumps that wouldn't go away, there was an inexplicable tension in my back, and...how do I explain this without sounding weird? My teeth and horns itched...it took all the willpower I had not to reach up and scratch them. I couldn't afford to do anything weird in a place like this.

The person who I assumed must be some kind of a priest just bowed to us respectfully, and following Elena's lead, I bowed back. It seemed like the people who worked at the church were of pretty high status, I'd have to remember that. She led me to an altar, and we kneeled together in front of it.

"It's customary to show your respects and thanks to the gods," she said in a low, quiet voice. "Do you remember the prayer we give to the gods at dinnertime?"

I nodded, of course. It was a little more formal than I'd grown up with, but it wasn't like the concept of it was unfamiliar to me, and I'd prayed at shrines before as a child. Who hadn't?

"Well, fold your hands like you do at a time like that, and then don't speak, just sit. You open your thoughts to the gods, and inside your head, ask them to hear your thanks, and then, if you have anything you want, you can pray to ask them to make your dreams come true. If you've been good and kind, and the gods feel your wish is something good, they might grant it."

I see, that all sounds familiar enough. We each turned to the altar in silence, and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, my hands folded in front of me. 'To the gods, hear my thanks for watching over me and my family. I don't know what kind of world this is, or even if you can actually hear me, but if you are listening, well...I guess I must seem pretty weird to you, huh?'

...silence. Of course, even if they were listening, there was no guarantee that they would respond.

'So, uh...I don't know what to say, I guess I've never been very good at this stuff. Should I ask for something? I should probably make a prayer, it can't hurt...but I have no idea what to pray for...'

What should I pray for, if anything?
[] - Write-In (I'm leaving this one entirely up to you guys!)

[QM's Note: Sorry again for this very late update, my schedule leading up to Christmas has actually been crazier than expected and I keep falling asleep when I'm meant to be writing. Call me sappy or narcissistic, but I blame the fact that I managed to get myself all feelsy and sniffly while writing this. That aside, because of the timing of this upload, I'll hold off the next update until Friday (5pm GMT), which should give you guys plenty of time to figure out what to pray for, assuming you want to at all.]
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I wonder...

[X] Pray for understanding. You don't know why you're here, or how, or anything really. You've just been dropped into whatever this is with no guidance and no help. Even just a little context could be useful... Not that you expect to get anything...

What do you guys think of this?
[X] Pray for understanding. You don't know why you're here, or how, or anything really. You've just been dropped into whatever this is with no guidance and no help. Even just a little context could be useful... Not that you expect to get anything...