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There are some days that are better than others. This is one of them, at least for you, that is...
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 1


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
There are some days that are better than others. This is one of them, at least for you, that is.

You know those days when you get up from bed and think to yourself: "today is going to be a good day." And then, the day actually begins, and you come to the realization that the day is actually far, far better than what you expected. This is one of these days.

On your left wrist, there is an alien device, shining in green color. A watch, for lack of better term. It has a circular cylinder on it, with a green hourglass configuration on top, plus a green button next to the cylinder. It works like this: you press the button, and the cylinder jumps forward, extending. The hourglass then transforms into a green diamond shape, with the black image of a creature in the middle. All it takes after that is one press of the cylinder. One, gentle push forward. A green light envelopes everything, and before you even realize it - your bones extend or shrink, while your flesh remolds itself and your very DNA code changes. Despite that, the neuron pulses of your brain are maintained as the same ones, therefore preserving your consciousness.

And so, you turn into one of ten aliens, that you choose by rotating the cylinder.

But how did you discover this? Where did this alien device come from? What witchcraft?

It's a long story. A long story, that begins with a day you thought was going to be good.

It turns out, some days are better than others.


Buzzing noise.

You slap the clock on your nightstand. With a button-press, the agonizing sound stops. You can smile for once, as this is the last time you will hear the dreaded sound for a long, long time. Today, is the last day of school. And after that, all that awaits you is summer vacation. The joys of finally resting, away from the daily torture of going to class. And getting picked on by a bunch of idiots in the hallway is finally in the past, at least for several months. But that is not a problem for you. For now, your mind can rest.

You put on a change of clothes and look at yourself in the mirror, while rethinking what your plan for today looks like. After school, you...

[] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)
[] Write-in. (Character Creation.)​
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Character Area
Melissa Tennyson: You. Ten years old. Female. Owner of the Omnitrix.
Glenn Tennyson: Your cousin. Also ten. Male. Geek.
Grandpa Max: Your grandfather. Old. Male. Neat guy, with a lot of life experience.
Robert Walker: A guy from your school. Huge nerd and Student Council member.
Mr. Brooks: Your physics teacher. Terrible human being, but a decent teacher.
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Omnitrix Database
Omnitrix Alien Database:

Appearance: Hair looks like vines and algae. Mint-green skin and slightly longer nails. Four, small eyes. Rosy cheeks. Dress from extremely tough, leaf-like plants, with a ribbon of the same color of your clothing wrapped around the midriff. Omnitrix sign on the back, with four, pink fairy wings.

Nature Control: Can control biological organisms that classify as a 'plant.' Can cause them to grow rapidly, mutate, or move at will. The plants slowly degrade back to their original state, taking ten to twenty minutes to return back to norm.
Flight (Weak): Four fairy wings allow a facsimile of flight. Allows hovering one to five meters above the ground at speeds of up to 15 meters per second max. Allows for taller and quicker jumps, as well as slowing down or stopping yourself from falling.
Vine Hair: Hair can be manipulated as finely as plants. It can extend for long distances and be used as whips.

Physically Inept: Weak muscular and bone structure.
Appearance: No hair. Black, humanoid figure. Slim silhouette. Fading at the edges. Deep purple eyes, shaped like scars on a human body. Taller than most people; roughly 180cm. Clawed hands. Omnitrix symbol on the chest, in the center.

Intangibility: Can turn intangible.
Invisibility: Can turn visually undetectable. Other means than using visible light are still viable forms of detection.
Claws: Sharper than average, clawed appendages.
Flight (Weak): Capable of slow flight, more similar to hovering.
Hypnotic Gaze: Maintaining eye-contact with a victim for longer than six seconds puts them in a trance. In that trance, they are susceptible to suggestion.

Slow: Notably slow and cumbersome movements, like those of an old man.
Physically Inept: Weak bone and muscular structure.
A cephalopod with five tentacles. It also has a torso and a head, and a pair of hands with three fingers on each of them. It has eight, pupil-less blue eyes that can see in the infrared spectrum. Omnitrix symbol on the chest.

Waterborne: Moves incredibly fast in water using tentacles.
Tentacular Appendages: Tentacles can extend to up to twelve meters. They have enough strength to bend metal.
Ink Spit: Can spit large amounts of blinding ink. It has no special properties other than that. It is a liquid with a foul taste and smell.
Heat Vision: Infrared vision in the eyes in addition to seeing in the normal light spectrum.

Waterborne: Cannot breathe in the air. Can survive up to one-hundred and twenty seconds outside of water, at peak breathing efficiency.
Heat: Dislikes arid climates and hot water, but can still thrive in them. Despite that, arctic and cold climates are more suited for this form.
A humanoid built from dark gray rock. Large arms and legs. Short and stubby. Two, green, determined eyes watch from the alien's hardened skull. Powerful, segmented fingers. Omnitrix symbol on the right side of the chest.

Earth Manipulation: Can cause minor earthquakes, or manipulate the ground, as well as shoot pieces of rock from its own body.
Enhanced Strength: Superior strength to that of most organisms. Could lift and throw a car.
Enhanced Durability: Can shrug off bullets and melee attacks. Pretty much immune to any mortal unarmed combat. Fireproof.

High Weight: Slow movements due to extreme weight. Will probably sink in water.
6 Aliens Undiscovered.
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[X] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)

Straight into the action, probably.
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and people's cars. Messing with those "adorable" losers and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick by your Grandpa Max for a summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)

This is inspired by one of my favorite anime characters.:V

Hint:He's a blond haired bully with a very explosive temper.:V
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[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)

Could be fun to see if Kevin could have been a hero earlier, if he had got the Omnitrix.​
Adhoc vote count started by CoreBrute on Dec 17, 2017 at 4:11 AM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)​
    -[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)​
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
    [X] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
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[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)

This is inspired by one of my favorite anime characters.:V

I have a pretty good idea of who you are referring to.:V
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)

Kevin is always fun.
[X] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)
Might as well go for Ben.
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[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)

I Don't know who this is, but i like it.
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)

There is now way in heck that I'm genderbending Ben. Let's a crazy homeless kid instead!
[X] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)
I'd rather rock out as Kevin; lest we screw up the genders and I'm just not feeling that idea in this particular quest. Plus, as Kevin we can romance Gwen. I mean, not to jump the ship too early, but that's a rather tempting idea.
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
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[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)

This isn't a gender bender. It's more like a someone replacing ben as the protagonist while taking his last name.
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer.
(Melissa Tennyson)
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)