[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.

Let's be one of hell of a disgraceful disappointment.:D

[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.

[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.

I wonder how the game we were in,and this "actor data" will effect us,and the world we are currently in.
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[X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere

[X] - Impoverished Nobility:
This home looks like it was once very grand, but is now in disrepair. You haven't seen any staff about, but at least you have your own room.

[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.

Name has to be complicated if we're gonna be any type of noble.
[X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
[X] -
I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
Last edited:
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Getrude von Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.

[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.

Because toughnut-chan deserves the high life,and while being a horrible little shit. And giving her new "parents" multiple aneurysms that are filled with disappointment and regret:V
Last edited:
[X] Getrude von Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.

let's be the evil little child from hell for our nice wealthy parents lol :evil::lol
[X] - Wealthy Middle Class: The home appears to be large and well decorated, although you wouldn't call it a mansion, it's very comfortable.
[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
[X] Getrude von Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
[X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere

[X] - Impoverished Nobility:
This home looks like it was once very grand, but is now in disrepair. You haven't seen any staff about, but at least you have your own room.

[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pathetic King on Dec 9, 2017 at 12:55 AM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
[x] - Wealthy Middle Class: The home appears to be large and well decorated, although you wouldn't call it a mansion, it's very comfortable.
[x] - Try the Appraisal skill on the woman and old man! I need as much information as I can get.
[X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
[X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
[X] -
I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
Closing the vote for today. I should have an update finished within a couple of hours, tops.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 12:30 PM, finished with 16 posts and 13 votes.
02. Growth

I eyed up both of the strangers carefully. My so-called mother had a wide smile on her face as she spoke to me, and somehow it just made me feel a bit dirty. The old man, for his part, glowered sternly at me, and spoke in a tone of voice which could only be described as 'hate-filled'. I could instantly tell that he did not like me, and I wasn't entirely certain exactly why that could be the case.

Still, I really wanted to know more about this world. This new skill of mine probably wouldn't work so easily on people, at least that's what I figured. At worst, I might even get a nasty backlash worse than when I used it on myself, so let's test the waters first with something a bit simpler…

「Appraisal」, the word flowed through my mind like a trigger as I focused all my will and intent on the end of the wooden cot which sheltered me.

「Cot - Size: Small - Materials: ???」

Aha! That's exactly the kind of result I was hoping for! Well, maybe a little more information could've been nice, but I guess this is all I can expect out of a level 1 skill. What's even better was that I didn't have a headache from that, so it seemed like the complexity of the target was tied to the headache. If that's the case, and I felt that bad from appraising a baby, well...I didn't want to think what would happen to me if I appraised an adult. Better to leave it and find out another day when I was a little braver.

The two people - were they my parents? - continued to have some kind of conversation. I couldn't make out a thing they were saying, but I occasionally picked out one thing in particular: my name. Or rather, my new name, as it were. Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere, the kind of pretentious, blue-blooded name that someone from my old life would've only been able to laugh endlessly on hearing. Well, I guess it was kind of cool, if you were into that sort of thing, I was just taken aback by how long it was if anything. Well, it's my name now, so to hell with it, I'm going to own it as long as I'm in here. I don't know the meaning of the word shame anyway, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

Since their conversation seemed to continue on, I had no real choice but to entertain myself. I had no grasp of the language, after all, but the knowledge that I could appraise objects without suffering significant pain was too important to give up on. So just like that, I continued to appraise objects throughout the room, eager to learn more about my new powers.

「Chandelier - Size: Small - Materials: ???」
「Wall - Size: Tall - Materials: ???」
「Dresser - Size: Large - Materials: ???」
「Mirror - Size: Medium - Materials: ???」
「Painting - Size: Small - Materials: ???」
「Statue - Size: Medium - Materials: ???」
「Painting - Size: Small - Materials: ???」

Agh...the headache was coming back. I guess even these simple objects could give me pain if I tried to analyse too many of them in a row. It made sense, I suppose, if the headache was directly tied to the amount of data my brain was trying to receive. I wonder if increasing the skill's level would reduce the headache? Could I do that?

「Level Up」, I mentally intoned. Nothing.

「Level up Skill 'Appraisal'」, I tried again. Nothing.

「Increase Skill Level 'Appraisal'」, I tried a third time.

「Insufficient skill points.」

Aha! What was this? I found another command, it seems. I was honestly a little surprised that I ran into it so quickly, but I guess you know what they say - third time's the charm. Well, it was no surprise that someone as talented as me would figure it out so easily - I'll have this game mastered in no time at all, you watch!

「Skill Points」, I commanded. Nothing.
「Display Current Skill Points」, I tried. Nothing.
「Total Skill Points」, I tried again. Nothing.
「Help Skill Points?」, I pleaded. Nothing.

Damnit...how does this stupid system work?!

Huh? Oh, I'm being picked up by the woman now. She appears to be saying something to me. Yeah? What do you want? Just so you know, you might've given birth to me, but that doesn't make us friends, and besides, you're just some clump of data, right? An NPC? Come to think of it, do NPCs even give birth, or did I just pop into existence? That seems more likely, right? You didn't even do anything to bring me into this world, did you? You're just as bad as the last one!

「Appraisal Detected」

Huh? Haven't I heard this message before? Wait, so does that mean people are warned when someone is appraising them? Hang on, doesn't that mean they're appraising me right now? Well, maybe it's a good thing I didn't Appraise them, I get the impression that a baby doing something like that is decidedly not normal. On the other hand, shouldn't I want to stand out? Actually, none of that's important right now, the real question is: what the hell are you bastards doing?! Stop peeking at my stats! Even I can't see all of those yet! Are you trying to lord it over me?!

I kicked and flailed a bit, protesting at being held. This body wasn't very strong, but damnit, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. Take that! Hah! Direct hit! Huh? What was she doing? Oh no, not this again...no, wait, stop, I take it back! Don't do that! NO! STOP! I'M SORRY! I GIVE UP!

...how shameful. I refuse to describe this for you. Let's move on, please.

It had been over a week since my birth into this world. I had been able to pick up a little bit more on what was going on around me. My mother occasionally took me on walks through the garden, and my grasp of the language had somehow improved at a remarkable rate. It seemed that the Valenmere family - or should I say my family? - were a wealthy and powerful one. We lived in an enormous palatial estate far out in the countryside, where well-armed guards in metal armour patrolled and servants tended to our every whim. Pretty crazy, right? If this world was real, this really would be a total rags to riches story.

As for the kind of place we lived in, well, I still didn't have a perfectly clear idea, but I'd somehow learned enough words and seen enough to piece together that…

What kind of country was I born into?
[] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.
[] - It was an aggressive, violent human federation, nestled in the cold of the far north.
[] - It was a dark and oppressive nation of demons, who ruled by power and fear.
[] - It was a deeply religious and highly regimented human theocracy near demon lands.
[] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
[] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[] - It was a powerful and wealthy country of humans, your typical medieval kingdom.
[] - It was a regimented and autocratic human empire, like the Rome of our world.

As for my family, I had managed to deduce a few things through observation. First of all, if I had a father, he seemed to be absent. No shocker there, right? My mother and the staff were doing all the work of raising me. The strange old man who had visited appeared to be someone else, possibly a physician, who came to check up on me now and then. I think his name had been Elric?

Well, besides that, there was one new surprise: I had a big sister! I have to admit, I wasn't sure how to take this news at first, considering that I was an only child in the real world. She was maybe five or six years my senior, with an enviably cute face and long blond hair tied up into the cutest pigtails. Despite her young age, she trained with a sword every day, and had a kind of dignified, respectable air around her that was tempered by strength and confidence. Was I going to grow up to look and be like her? I guess that wouldn't be so bad...still, this was all too strange. She kept trying to come and dote on me, I guess she was pretty fond of me, and on my part…

What did I think of my new sister?
[] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
[] - I'm actually jealous. How can anyone look that good and be that cool, what kind of crazy talented beauty is she going to grow into? That's just not fair!
[] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.

On an unrelated note, I found it odd that I'd been here a week and hadn't yet been rescued or died from thirst in the outside world. I guess whoever trapped me here was taking care of me, so that was good news; on the flipside, maybe that meant I was stuck here until I did something they were expecting of me…

Also, a week? That's the other strange thing, but aren't I much too big and far too coordinated for a one week old child? I'm already able to walk around a bit on my own - although I'm rarely left unsupervised - and nobody seems to think it's strange that I can do so. I know I'm talented, but this just seems like a bit much. It's like my growth rate is way higher than in the real world. That's good news, of course, since it means I'll be stuck like this for less time, but it also means I don't have long to start learning how to defend myself in this world. They don't seem to have taken the time to teach me anything thus far, so I'm going to have to take my education into my own hands…

What did I focus on trying to learn?
[] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
[] - Practicing my Appraisal skill - it seems to be some kind of magic, and a very useful one, so it'd pay off if I can master it.
[] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learn about the culture and language.
[] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 5:15 PM, finished with 45 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 6:54 PM, finished with 46 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 7:34 PM, finished with 47 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 10:15 PM, finished with 49 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 2:26 AM, finished with 52 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 8:17 AM, finished with 53 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 11:00 AM, finished with 54 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 12:35 PM, finished with 58 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
[X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world

[X] -
I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.

It make the most sense for our character,and I want it be like a certain relationship of "brothers" ..if you can called them that.

[X] -
Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
Last edited:
[x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.

[x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.

[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
[X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.

[X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.

[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
[X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world

[X] -
I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.

[X] -
Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
[x] - It was a regimented and autocratic human empire, like the Rome of our world.
[x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world

[X] -
I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.

[X] -
Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try tolearnabout the culture and language
[X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world

[X] -
I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actuallyam.

[X] -
Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try tolearnabout the culture and language
[x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
[X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.
[X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
[X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try tolearnabout the culture and language
[x] - It was a regimented and autocratic human empire, like the Rome of our world.
[x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.