Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

[x] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
[X] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
[x] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
[X] Crown of Stars: As a sign of friendship the goddess gives you a star to serve as your diadem, enhancing further your mastery of the starry expanses. It will make you even more yourself and wreathe the warriors you summon in silver flame.
[X] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
[X] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
[X] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
We will have all the gods, all to screw with chaos.​
[X] Sacred Marriage: You will unite with Astarte at the manner of her people and gain from such coupling knowledge you do not possess. Even if you do not mate in the manner of the other races Astarte can bear children even from the genderless.
The Queen of Heaven: part 2: Sacred Marriage
The Queen of Heaven: part 2: Sacred Marriage
"I am one who knows defeat and has chosen to build anew here"

This is true. It could not be otherwise for in a place like this there are no lies possible and such things were not in your habit while you were alive. You have known defeat, a long defeat spanning ages uncounted until your final demise. You have known of shrinking, fading away and retreating to ever tighter locked ranks. You have known the death of knowledge as many things were left unused and even your prodigious memories failed to fathom their original use. You have seen through the eyes of your servants the dead piled up like mountains and even your august flesh being flensed alive and eaten by hordes of chittering rats. In the end your great temples took to the sky but even then it was a final defeat from which you couldn't recover. Yet you have vowed to change and youth has been granted to you. You will expand and grow strong and accomplish whatever you desire. Such is your will rooted in stars and moon and sun. And such a will and a declaration impress Astarte even as she finds you deprived of everything she has.

Her wings engulf you and cold leaves your bones for a moment as you are taken by cotonous warmth. Her tears flow on your mummified flesh and where the starlight fall, you sense the deadened skin take the colors of life anew. If you were mortal she could give you life anew but you realize that your dead image is a symbol for what you are now and that can't change. Yet you sense many years of pain and many centuries of rot falling from your face and what seemed like the corpse of a sundered world now looks like stone and marble and ivory who while dead and unmoving have their own majesty. You see her and desire her even as you never desired, for such is the power of Astarte who in her world was set to protect love and passion. Yet you do not mate with her at the manner of the younger races but your mind dive into the oceans of her being, almost drowning but relishing the experience.

You never were a being of movement. You and the others of the Sun Departed little less than the others. You remained eyes fixed inwards, gazing upon the waves of the aether and despising flesh and bone. Were you not yourself the proof the flesh was just the plaything of the eternal spirit? You never were a being of movement but you are engulfed in waves, your palanquin shaken by the winds and falling in circles. The touch of the Goddess burns and hurts only because you denied her purview so long. Yet you were created with feelings. Without them you couldn't make decisions and the Old Ones could have created images of living stone to serve them better. She coaxes them out of you and makes you examine your life with new eyes.

Who ever said Love is only rooted in flesh. Astarte who was Love and War and the Morningstar teaches you that desire and mating can also be actions of the mind and that everyone holds chaos.

You loved the world and the mandate you were given. You loved molding its surface, raising mountains and hollowing seas and sets the winds in order and the paths water takes from sea to sky to land and sea again. You loved your cities built by magic and hard work, block upon block gathered in ages uncounted. Even war you realize you loved, at least some of your number did. You remember when the greenskins fell on the world riding meteors and how they changed even as you warred upon them until they were plants no longer but animals who needed to be conceived and born in blood. You remember the muted calls of your heart as you slew demons and beasts when the portals fell.

You believed once the only feelings there was were sadness who breaks the heart, fear of tomorrow and the unknown and slow burning wrath for those who despoiled the lands of your stewardship. Yet now that you dive not only in your own memories but also those of the wielders of the Wind of Heavens you see offered cups and granted thanks, victories who were fair even if they didn't matter in the end. You understand why the other races, even your servants lied and loved and did everything they did. Yet one emotion governs it all

[] Desire
[] Regret
[] Fear
[] Wrath
[] Compassion
[] Hope

But from the mélange of your two egos, the memories of a family you never had, of great cities you never saw and people you never ruled come children. From what do you create them, Warm sunlight shining like gold, born and dying in blood at each rising and setting? Moonlight changing and shifting, deep as a silver ocean and yet eternal in her silver glory? Starlight cold and harsh and yet centering the universe? Or even what lay between light, fecund darkness, the ocean from which all sprang and all returns.

[] Sunlight
[] Moonlight
[] Starlight
[] Darkness
Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Dec 8, 2017 at 12:43 PM, finished with 165 posts and 6 votes.
[X] Hope
[X] Starlight

Have I said I like the mythical quality of your descriptions of the gods? I know I have, but they're always pretty damn cool.
So adding to your strenght rather than healing your weakness. An understandable choice
Sacton the Mute
Sacton the Mute

Diplomacy: 10+ 17+5: 31
You are born with a powerful voice
Intrigue: 10+18: 28 You eyes are keener than your parent but not by much
Learning: 10+21+ 5: 36 You sprang all armed from the belly of Ishtar
Martial: 10+ 17 +5: 31: Both your parents know war and you understand it
Piety: 10+21+5: 36: Born in Azyr, born from Azyr, hungering for the destruction of Chaos
Stewardship: 10+20+5+5: 40 A god can bring life to even lifeless stone

You are the offspring of two gods of the stars and you are of their august company: base stats are 10+6d5
A Sign of Hope: Even crippled you were born from your parent's hope in a better tomorrow: +5 Diplomacy and Piety
Mantle of Stars: You see in the midst of time and can say which seed will grow and which will wither. +5 Learning and Stewardship
Orderer of Chaos: In you are mixed the two forces at the origin of creation, cold order and wild chaos, yet you are an orderer first and foremost: +5 Martial and Stewardship

Callings: Sage (Godly 1/3), Lover (Godly 1/3), Creator (Godly 1/3)
Purviews Stars, Forge (9/12), Earth (9/12), Chaos (9/12)

Assumption: The Crown
Legend 12
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Nice, very nice. Lets have him do all the work while we get down to the nasty. And by that I mean pump out more Gods. :oops:
"How exactly we, a frog and a winged woman gave birth to a dragon?
- You're sure you are not more shocked by the fact they sprang from your mask already an adult?
- Why this isn't normal?
- For gods actually yes. I know a guy in the Realm of Shadows who gave birth to a Horse. And sired a Wolf and a Serpent. Gods are weird. Roll with it.
-Also they? Is the child genderless like me?
-Hermaphrodite actually, you thought apparently a very masculine archetype and I a very feminine one. Again that's not that unheard of.
-Gods are weird."