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「QM's Preface: This setting and story is an...
00. Prologue

Usotsuki Megami

A Walking Singularity of Complexes
Great Library of Verisimilitude
「QM's Note: If you're a new reader and interested in catching up quickly without reading the whole log, a recap for threadmarks 1-20 exists here.」


「QM's Preface: This setting and story is an 'original' concept by me, a term which I use quite loosely. This story has been heavily inspired by Japanese Light Novels and Web Novels which tend to take darker twists on the Isekai subgenre including Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?, Re:Zero, Overlord, Youjo Senki, Jashin Average and more. I do feel like my title isn't quite long enough to be a True Light Novel, but I'll leave it as is. If you're interested in parallel world fantasies, then by all means, please continue.

Themes for this Quest include Isekai Fantasy, Reincarnation, VRMMO, and a potentially villainous protagonist (depending on how you choose to play it out and how things go). I do use some dice for my quests (homebrew systems which are light on mechanics), I do have real consequences for actions, and this means that game overs are a possible thing if things go badly enough. Having said that, if you are interested in this, please read on, and I hope enough people enjoy this to give it a shot. For a Quest like this I should be able to update almost every day (if we have enough interest, which is a big if xD), and if for some reason I cannot, I'll make a note in advance informing people when I will next be able to update.」


'Hm? What's this? This is a peculiar message. Did an administrator send me this?'

I probably should've realised that something strange was going on sooner. It wasn't that I lacked awareness per se, or that I had been a particularly unobservant person in life. It was simply that this situation was so far from normal, everyday life that my brain was completely unable to process it at first.

'Hello? 「System Menu」... 「System Menu」...「SYSTEM MENU!」'



'...What? What's with the language switch? Admin, can you explain what's going on? What happened to my game?'

Ah, that's right. I had been in Elysium when all this started. As the largest entertainment hub in Singapore, it was the perfect place for someone like me to come and relax. After all, there's no way I could find the money or space to afford a neural bypass system. Even the 1% would struggle to find the space in a city like Singapore, that's how stacked it was. Well, putting all of that aside, what was this void, this lack of sensation that I now experienced? It was different from a proper dream, and it wasn't like having your eyes closed. To describe it as blackness wouldn't be entirely accurate - this complete lack of stimulation must have been too unsettling for my brain to comprehend, for strange colours and shapes continued to morph, appear and disappear in my mind. Ah, I'm getting off topic again. My thoughts aren't very well structured. My point is that before this, I was in the middle of a game of...

[] - ...Android Infiltration, a group spy game where you and another group of players infiltrated a skyscraper in disguise and hunted each other down.
[] - ...Gryphon Quest IV, a popular but cheesy JRPG series where you, the Hero, travel to save the world and defeat the evil Demon King.
[] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
[] - ...Quest for the New World, a grand strategy game where you and other players compete as ancient colonial powers for control of the Americas.
[] - ...Battle for Rome, a first person shooter set in the historic defence of the Italian Peninsula against the Frankish Empire during the early 20th century.
[] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
[] - ...Mechblaster, a western-style mech team deathmatch where only the quickest thinking tacticians would be able to survive.
[] - ...Write-In, for any other kind of game idea or name that our character might be interested in.

'Yeah, that was the kind of game I enjoyed. Something nice and relaxing was just what you needed after a hard day, what about it?'


'Okay, this is really driving me crazy, who are you? Are you an admin? Is this some kind of practical joke you people are playing on me? Listen up, I'm not impressed! It's gonna take more than something like this to get me in a panic! Now whatever you're doing, just stop this nonsense before I report this place. Don't you know it's illegal to hijack a user's interface? 「System Menu」...「Help Menu」...why aren't these working?!'

'Well, okay, it might be an error of some kind, maybe. Hey, admin? Can you hear me? Is that why you're messing with me? Hello?'


Silence now. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes that I'd been trapped in this place, but it felt like an absolute eternity. I tried to put together my last memories of the game, but everything was really fuzzy. No, it wasn't quite right to say that it was really fuzzy, more like it was totally missing? I couldn't remember what I had been doing in-game, and in fact...I could hardly remember anything. What was my name? What was my profession? What was I even doing here?! I began to panic.


'...Uh...well, that can't be good, can it?'


A surge of thoughts suddenly rushed through my head at once, too confusing and overwhelming to fully comprehend. My memories had come back to me all at once, and as if suddenly awakened to the wellspring of knowledge before it, my brain rushed to greedily remind me of everything I had forgotten. Pointless, trivial things like my ninth birthday, or that school project I'd been so embarrassed of; but also important things that I needed to know. These memories were part of me, damnit.

Me? Ah, yes, of course, I have a name. I can't believe I forgot it, I'm...

[] - ...Write-In (Name + Gender)

'I can't believe I'd forgotten that for a moment - terrifying and embarrassing, if anyone was there to witness it. Well, I guess there's you, right Mr. Admin?'

No response from the sender of the strange messages. Well, there was nothing I could do about whatever game they were playing on me, but now I had my sense of self back. As my memories returned, I went through my life and pondered what skills could be useful in a situation like this. Well, it's not like there was much of anything I could do while suspended and motionless in a total void, but still, I remembered that in life, I was a...

[] - ...Doctor, an over-worked physician who had studied long and hard for many years to earn that accolade.
[] - ...Hacker, one of the Silicon Age's countless experts on information and network security.
[] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
[] - ...NEET, holing myself away in the world and diving into my hobbies as a form of escape from life's problems.
[] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
[] - ...Gang Member, one of the countless rough and ruthless thugs who walk the overpopulated city streets.
[] - ...Writer, a creative and insular individual whose love of books led them to use employment as an outlet for their ideas.
[] - ...Student, working hard (sometimes) to acquire an education which would lead you to your future life.
[] - ...Write-In, for any other career or lifestyle combinations you can think of or might want.

'Hey, um...this is kind of spooky and all, so do you think you could call it quits for the day? Will you unplug me now? I swear I won't get mad or tell anyone, I just want to go home now...'

My tone was only semi-sincere. The truth was that I was pissed off and would love nothing more than to take the face of the one responsible for this and repeatedly smash it into the concrete, but that kind of aggression wasn't solve anything. Sometimes, a little bit of sugar would take you a lot further than a little bit of salt.


'Yeah, I swear I'll put it behind us, just, can you let me go now? This whole freaky sensationless thing is starting to creep me the hell out. Hey, why won't you let me interface with the universal commands? Why can't I pull up any menus? Look, you're an admin, right? My 「System Menu」 isn't working properly, see? Aren't you supposed to fix this kind of thing?'


'Ready for what? To get out? Yes, I'm ready! Get me out of this place!'


Without even thinking, I mentally hammered the abstract concept of the 'Y' key with all of the willpower I could muster.

A sickening feeling hit me like I had been punched in the gut. All kinds of sensations exploded throughout my entire body, but mostly I just remember the flashing lights, the nausea, and the pain. It was traumatic, and for a brief, mercifully short period of time, I had passed out entirely. It was pain that jolted me back to my senses again - a sharp, sudden sensation against my foot. What was going on here?

I had not prepared for this.

No, no, no...this couldn't be happening...I couldn't be...was I still in a game?

A combination of pain, nausea and confusion had caused me to break down in tears. Without even realising it I had started to cry. I heard the sounds of someone consoling me, softly cooing and muttering something I couldn't entirely understand. It didn't help, though. No, if I was honest, it just made everything so much worse.

There was no other way of looking at it: I was a baby. Yes, a newborn infant, I'm sure based on the situation and the state of this woman who could only be my mother, I was no doubt fresh out of the womb. Everything that had just happened, this was a game, right? I was caught in some kind of new simulation? 'Everfrost Saga'...'Everfrost Saga'...god, that name was so familiar, where had I heard it before? Still, what kind of freaky simulation existed to play out the life of a newborn infant? I could barely move like this, even without the blankets wrapping me tightly, I was quite certain that my control over my body was extremely poor. Such restrictions weren't impossible to simulate, but it was quite expensive, and I can't imagine any normal studio would be willing to pay for that kind of behaviour in a game. First things first, I needed to try and get ahold of this game's UI.

「System Menu」
「Help Menu」
「Character Menu」
「Game Menu」
「Exit Game」

Oh come on! These were all incredibly standard options, and not one of them had produced so much as a single scrap of information for me. This really is Elysium's network, right? Come on, let me out alright! Explain those weird errors! I want out of this creepy game!

「Appraisal Detected」

The voice in my head had suddenly rang out without warning. Someone's voice sounded quite alarmed, I think it was a woman. I couldn't understand her language, it wasn't even remotely familiar to me, but the emotion sounded like surprise and maybe even anger. I felt something the woman holding me suddenly pull me in tighter. uncomfortable. Let me go, please. This is all just too strange. What on earth is 「Appraisal」, anyway?

CHARACTER: 「Daughter of Kali and Morden Valenmere」
RACE: 「Half-Demon」
AGE: 0 「Infant」

...What? What the hell? What the hell was this?

First off, the nausea returned to me in force, and this time it came with a huge headache. It felt like someone had simply stepped up and straight up jammed an icepick into my skull, it was that sharp and intense. Maybe unconsciously, I had released my use of the ability and the information quickly began to fade from my short-term memory. The headache began to fade with it, but at a slower rate, and for my part, I shamefully continued to cry. Well, on the bright side, it looks like I discovered a game mechanic, which means I am still in the system. None of the universal system commands are working, so that means I'm trapped. Trapped in a game I don't know, in the body of a newborn baby girl, surrounded by people whose language I can't understand.




[] - PANIC!!!
[] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...

[QM's Note: Despite cutting it down that turned out to be a much longer intro than I'd expected. Well, if we get any interest, character creation will continue for a bit with some timeskips before we get into the real meat of the story. Anyone who made it this far, I congratulate you for your persistence, and thanks for giving it this much of a chance! ^_^]
Last edited:
Character Sheet

Warning: If you're reading this for the first time, information contained in the menu below may contain spoilers for future chapters.
Character Sheet


CHARACTER: 「Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere」
RACE: 「Half-Demon」
AGE: 5 「Child」
LV: 「1」 XP: 「49」
HP: 「37/37」 SP: 「115/115」
MP: 「213/213」 PP: 「101/105」

STR: 「23」 AGI: 「34」
END: 「24」 SPD: 「34」
INT: 「36」 MAG: 「47」
CHA: 「79」 RES: 「41」

「System Error 3741: Corrupted Actor Data」 「System Error 16421: Failed to Read Repository (Judgement of Magi)」 「Divine Blessing」 「Soul Trauma」

「Bloodline: Lilith Lv.1」「 Mark of the Demon King Lv.2」「Gifted Soul Lv.1」「Sharp Mind Lv.1」「Lightfooted Lv.1」 「Mighty Physique Lv.1」「Preternatural Agility Lv.1」「Willpower Lv.1」「Lucky Lv.1」

「Appraisal Lv.2」 「Boxing Lv.1」 「Charming Presence Lv.1」 「Imperial Language Lv.3」 「Shadow Magic Lv.1」

「Child's Noble Dress, Blue」「Child's Valenmere Jacket, White」 「Small Caubeen Hat, White」「Sturdy Child's Boots, Brown」「Parasol, White」

Dramatis Personae

Main Characters:
FULL NAME: Hino Toya
AGE: 17
GENDER: Female
NATIONALITY: Japanese/Singaporean (Resident)

Huh, you want to know more about me? Well, I guess I can oblige...

Most of my life, I grew up in Japan. Nagoya, to be precise. My dad was a businessman struggling through the post-jobs economy, and my mom was unemployed. I was supposed to be the perfect little heir to the family, I guess, not that there was much to inherit. Fuck that. That isn't me. Well, some people would probably say I just fell in with a bad crowd, but the truth is I enjoy living a free and honest life, rather than behaving exactly the way that other people tell me to. In a world where the only good employment prospects are things way beyond my reach, why the hell should I care?

I decided the best way to go was to make myself stand out. Sometime in my first year of middle school, I'd gone through a total Gal stage, only to realise that wasn't doing it for me either. From there, I transitioned into a rougher, meaner life by falling into gangs. The truth was, I was actually pretty tough for a girl, and pretty talented when I wanted to be. I don't know what compelled me, but soon I'd gotten into enough fights that I'd built up the image of a tough thug who didn't back down from anything. It wasn't necessarily that I enjoyed beating up weak kids, I guess I just wanted to feel respected for once.

Then we moved to Singapore. What a nightmare. Dad's job wasn't going well, and over the years, the family relationship had completely deteriorated. If only it was like one of those manga where they only came home in the dead of night, no, I had to put up with them every day. I couldn't do it anymore. To hell with those deadbeat, drunk assholes. I was done.

So I ran away. Best decision of my life. It's true, life on the streets of Singapore was hard, but they never found me, and I made friends in the local gangs. Thankfully English was a second language in most of Singapore and I remembered my lessons pretty well, so we got along great. Finding food was tough sometimes, but I was quick on my feet, nimble-fingered and a good liar. I didn't know what the hell I was going to do with my life going forward, but at least I was free.

I'd earned a bit of a reputation on the Streets of Singapore and things were looking up. I knew I had to think about how to earn some money and my future, but I could probably put it off just a little bit longer... I'd spent more and more time at Elysium, that big entertainment hub downtown. Lots of the local kids headed there, and I frequently ran into other Japanese expats who studied at the local Japanese school. They all looked down on me, the assholes, just because I was a delinquent. I'm glad I didn't end up going to school with them.

...well, that's the long and short of it, anyway. Not much changed between then and now, and now I'm stuck in this place with no idea how to get back...

Victoria, Age 4 - Courtesy of @Andelevion, Thanks to @Lazy Minx
FULL NAME: Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
AGE: 5
GENDER: Female
RACE: Half-Demon

...well, this is who I am now. I was born in a strictly regimented autocratic society known primarily as the Empire. It seems like the Empire is one of the strongest nations on the continent, and as a child born into the upper ranks of its nobility, there will likely be a great deal of expectation placed upon me. I carry the Emperor's blood within me, but none of that matters so long as I am cursed with this demonic heritage. I don't know how or why I was born this way, but it's pretty cool - I'll just have to be careful to keep it a secret for the time being...

FULL NAME: Elena Pearl Adefila Valenmere
AGE: 10
GENDER: Female
RACE: Human

This is my younger sister. Honestly, she's some kind of crazy genius, I don't even know how to explain it. Not only is she ridiculously mature for her age, but she's so cool! I couldn't do half the awesome things when I was her age, but she's already incredible with a sword and so well spoken. Mother must be pretty proud of makes me feel a bit of a weight of expectation, being compared to her. I had trouble warming up to her at first, but we've bonded a lot since I got stuck here, and I'm pretty sure I can trust her to watch my back.

Supporting Characters:

FULL NAME: Tanya Lucretia Andervaldt
AGE: 26
GENDER: Female
RACE: Human

Tanya is the maid who's usually assigned to keep watch over me. She seems pretty good at her job, and is remarkably patient with me considering how uncooperative I've been. Well, she'll make a good servant in the future, as long as she can learn who's the boss. I've been going along with her orders this far, but one day I'll make her take orders from me, you mark my words!

FULL NAME: Kali Saffron Maria Valenmere
AGE: 31
GENDER: Female
RACE: Human

My new mother in this world. She's honestly a bit of a pain, but I get the impression she cares. I still haven't forgiven me for the horrible, traumatic events she put me through during my childhood, but now that I've grown up a little more, I'm trying to let bygones be bygones. Since father is dead or gone, she seems to be in charge of the family, and is usually pretty busy with managing our affairs - I rarely get to see her because of this...

FULL NAME: Elric Bedevere Braveheart, the Grey Sage of Talon's Hope
AGE: 44
RACE: Human

I don't know much about this guy, but I've heard his name a few times. He kept showing up when I was still an infant, and I distinctly got the impression he was disgusted by me, or at least hated me. I should be careful around him...
No monsters have been encountered.
Skill Catalogue

Status Effects:
[Status] - Divine Blessing - The character has received the blessing of a powerful deity, helping to ensure that events will go in their favour and bringing the eye of the gods down upon them and their deeds.​
[Status] - Soul Trauma - The soul of the character has received terrible damage which is slow to heal. Mana, Magic and Resistance ratings are all slightly reduced and the personality of the user may become erratic and unstable as the soul attempts to find equilibrium.​
System Errors:
[Status] - System Error 3741: Corrupted Actor Data - ERROR: NO STATUS DESCRIPTION FOUND​
[Status] - System Error 16421: Failed to Read Repository (Judgement of Magi) - ERROR: NO STATUS DESCRIPTION FOUND​

Continuous Abilities:
[Attribute] - Lucky Lv.2 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 50 XP]​
[Attribute] - Regeneration Lv.1 - Damage dealt to the body is continuously healed so long as the user is still alive. [Cost: 100 XP]​
Intrinsic Traits:
[Attribute] - Mark of the Demon King Lv.3 - A mysterious, unidentified mark which has been irrevocably imbued into the soul of the character, granting unnatural strength. [Cost: Cannot be purchased.]​
[Attribute] - Bloodline: Lilith Lv.2 - Proof of one's lineage, the inheritance of a Lilith bloodline grants impressive demonic abilities and unnatural beauty and power. [Cost: 110 XP]​
Stat Boosters:
[Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.2 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channelling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 60 XP]​
[Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.2 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 60 XP]​
[Attribute] - Lightfooted Lv.2 - Quick reflexes and good coordination are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to agility and speed, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 60 XP]​
[Attribute] - Mighty Physique Lv.2 - Impressive physical strength and health is bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to strength and endurance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 60 XP]​
[Attribute] - Preternatural Agility Lv.2 - Physical speed and agility which exceeds mortal limits, enabling the user to achieve truly heroic feats. [Cost: 165 XP]​
[Attribute] - Preternatural Mind Lv.1 - Intelligence and charisma which exceeds mortal limits, enabling the user to achieve truly heroic feats. [Cost: 150 XP]​
[Attribute] - Preternatural Physique Lv.1 - Physical strength and endurance which exceeds mortal limits, enabling the user to achieve truly heroic feats. [Cost: 150 XP]​
[Attribute] - Preternatural Soul Lv.1 - Magical power and resistance which exceeds mortal limits, enabling the user to achieve truly heroic feats. [Cost: 150 XP]​

[Attribute] - Willpower Lv.2 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 30 XP]​
[Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage. [Cost: 10 XP]​

Combat Skills:
[Skill] - Boxing Lv.2 - The art of pugilism, enabling the user to strike hard and fast with their fists. [Cost: 11 XP]
[Skill] - Bajiquan Lv.1 - ERROR: NO SKILL DESCRIPTION FOUND. [Cost: ?? XP]​
[Skill] - Grappling Lv.1 - The art of using throws and locks to overwhelm and subdue an opponent. [Cost: 10 XP]​
[Skill] - Swordsmanship Lv.1 - The art of fighting with a sword blade, enabling the character to strike precisely. [Cost: 10 XP]​

Magic Skills:
[Skill] - Appraisal Lv.2 - Mana is channeled into the user's surroundings in order to analyse a specific target, whether it is a physical object or a concept within the system. [Cost: 110 XP]​
[Skill] - Aura of Fear Lv.1 - The character's mana is unleashed upon use, causing all those nearby to feel unnaturally and irrationally frightened by the character. [Cost: 25 XP]​
[Skill] - Charming Presence Lv.2 - The character's mana is unleashed upon use, causing all those nearby to feel unnaturally and irrationally attracted to the character. [Cost: 30 XP]​
[Skill] - Demonic Evil Eye Lv. 1 - The character's mana is channeled into anything they look upon, striking them with terror and draining their HP to replenish the character's own. [Cost: 100 XP]​
[Skill] - Draining Touch Lv.1 - By channeling their mana into their body, the character can drain stamina from the target, using it to replenish their own. [Cost: 15 XP]​
[Skill] - Vampiric Touch Lv.1 - By channeling their mana into their body, the character can rapidly drain health from the target, using it to replenish their own. [Cost: 75 XP]​

Lore Skills:
[Skill] - Imperial Language Lv.4 - The capacity to speak and understand the language of the Empire, both written and spoken, to a high level of native fluency. [Cost: 5 XP]​

Spell Arts:
[Skill] - Abyssal Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into unholy power, enabling the character to cast a variety of demonic spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​
[Skill] - Earth Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into earth, enabling the character to cast a variety of earth-related spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​
[Skill] - Fire Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into fire, enabling the character to cast a variety of fire-related spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​
[Skill] - Holy Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into holy power, enabling the character to cast a variety of holy spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​
[Skill] - Shadow Magic Lv.2 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into darkness, enabling the character to cast a variety of shadow-related spells. [Cost: 24 XP]​
[Skill] - Water Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into water, enabling the character to cast a variety of water-related spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​
[Skill] - Wind Magic Lv.1 - The capacity to transmute the body's mana into air, enabling the character to cast a variety of air-related spells. [Cost: 20 XP]​

Glossary of Terms
STR: Strength is representative of the body's physical power, enabling the character to carry more and deal more physical damage.
END: Endurance is representative of the body's health and fitness. Higher endurance allows the character to act longer without running out of stamina and to survive greater amounts of damage.
AGI: Agility is representative of the body's flexibility and coordination. Higher agility allows the user to more easily strike foes, evade attacks, and perform actions which require fine motor control.
SPD: Speed is representative of the body's reflexes and running ability. Higher speed allows the character to react more quickly and act more rapidly.
INT: Intelligence is representative of the body's mental capacity. Higher intelligence makes it easier to learn new skills, and allows experience to be gained more quickly.
CHA: Charisma is representative of the character's personality and force of will. Higher charisma makes it easier to persuade people and resist mind-affecting abilities.
MAG: Magical Power is representative of a soul's ability to influence the world around it. Higher magical power means that spells can be cast with more dramatic effects and more frequently.
RES: Magical Resistance is representative of the soul's ability to passively resist hostile magic. Higher magical resistance reduces or negates the effects of hostile magic cast on the character.

SP: Stamina Points represent the body's physical energy and thus ability to act. If the SP total drops to 0, taking further actions becomes more difficult and will begin to drain HP as exhaustion sets in.
HP: Health Points represent the body's life force. If the HP total drops to 0, the user enters a dying state, continually losing HP. If the HP total reaches a negative value higher than the user's normal maximum, they will die.
MP: Mana Points represent the stored energy of the soul, enabling them to cast spells and use magic skills. If the MP total reaches 0, the user will begin losing PP should they continue to cast magic.
PP: Purity Points represent the overall health and stability of the soul. As the mind and soul become subject to attack, mental stability is lost. If reduced to 0, then further damage can result in permanent mental illness, corruption and death.

「QM's Note: This is intended as a reference, not as an explanation to new readers. Please read the threadmarked story posts before checking anything in this section.」

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 7, 2017 at 11:39 AM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold lying young street rat that doesn't have any real dreams or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 7, 2017 at 10:48 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold lying young street rat that doesn't have any real dreams,goals,or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 7, 2017 at 10:49 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold lying young street rat that doesn't have any real dreams,goals,or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...
    [X] plan maou

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 8, 2017 at 1:11 AM, finished with 19 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold young street rat with a knack for lying,that doesn't have any real dreams,goals,or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
Last edited:
[X] - Judgement of Magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial smash hit jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,who all want to take over humanity and the world each in their own unique and different but equally horrific and twisted way. But a lot of people (mainly otakus, and some anime and manga studios) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and to lesser extent,anime/manga in general

Let's punch some cutesy magical bitches in the face

[X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female

[X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold young street rat with a knack for lying,that doesn't have any real dreams,goals,or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.

[X] - PANIC!!!

This could be a little bit better.
Adhoc vote count started by Christyking1980 on Dec 7, 2017 at 9:44 AM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet courageous young street thug. Who is also villanious but at the same time heroic. And one that almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
Last edited:
[X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.

[X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female

[X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.

[X] - PANIC!!!
[] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet courageous young street thug. Who is also villanious but at the same time heroic. And one that almost everyone has given up on.
... Yusuke Urameshi's already been done a lot. Well, he isn't really cowardly, but... yeah.

Beyond that, this part just reads painfully between all the contradictory terms stuffed into it basically screaming "I wanna be everything and be perfect!"

Also we're a wee- anime loving american who just got dropped into an Isekai setting. And we're a girl. Street Thug girls are quite a bit of a different flavor from guys in those cliches. You basically either have the hanger-on girlfriend or the top bitch if it's a girl without a lot of room inbetween, and I really don't think you were aiming for either of those with this.

Fuck, I need to go.
... Yusuke Urameshi's already been done a lot. Well, he isn't really cowardly, but... yeah.

Beyond that, this part just reads painfully between all the contradictory terms stuffed into it basically screaming "I wanna be everything and be perfect!"

Also we're a wee- anime loving american who just got dropped into an Isekai setting. And we're a girl. Street Thug girls are quite a bit of a different flavor from guys in those cliches. You basically either have the hanger-on girlfriend or the top bitch if it's a girl without a lot of room inbetween, and I really don't think you were aiming for either of those with this.

Fuck, I need to go.
Bullshit,there plenty of female thugs neither are things you just said. And besides I'm not planning on doing something based on a cliche

And but I do agree on the contradictions.

Also where does is it said that the protagonist is a american
Last edited:
[X] plan maou

[X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
[X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
[X] male. Reziel baron
[X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...
Taking a tally!

Thanks to all the votes so far, I'll look at closing the vote around 5pm GMT tomorrow and then writing an update to go with it.

Unsurprisingly there's a clear leader thus far...
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 7, 2017 at 11:39 AM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus and certain anime studios and makers) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold lying young street rat that doesn't have any real dreams or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 8, 2017 at 12:29 PM, finished with 21 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] - Judgement of Magi, a unique,ambitious,and highly controversial snash hit jrpg with horror/psychological elements that is very loosely inspired by doom,and based in the modern world. Where the main character have to fight and destroy fifteen different factions of magical children,which want to take over humanity and the world in their own unique and different but equally horrific way. But alot of people (mainly otakus,quite a lot of anime and manga studios) were very pissed at it because it was brutally mocking and criticizing the magical girl/shounen genre,and anime/manga in general
    [X] Name: Hino Toya gender:Female
    [X] - ...a young thug wannabe,a cowardly yet bold young street rat with a knack for lying,that doesn't have any real dreams,goals,or ideals. And one at almost everyone has given up on.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.
    [X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female
    [X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.
    [X] - PANIC!!!
    [X] plan maou
    [X] - ...Heraldic Fantasy, a major, internationally popular MMORPG set in a classic high fantasy world where sword and sorcery rule the world.
    [X] - ...Office Worker, a rare and dying breed in the post-jobs economy, but there were still some of us dedicated to good-old-fashioned bureaucracy.
    [X] male. Reziel baron
    [X] - ...or not. Just take deep breaths, it's gonna be okay...
    [X] plan maou
Last edited:
[X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.

[X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female

[X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.

[X] - PANIC!!!
[X] - ...Void Space, an MMO space simulation where the player is a small independent space pilot in an enormous and intricately detailed galaxy.

[X] Hibiki Rinbayashi Gender: Female

[X] - ...Engineer, now one of the largest remaining employment sectors thanks to the rise of robotics.

[X] - PANIC!!!
Alright, it looks like we have a clear winner in Plan Magical Justice.

Closing the Vote.

The next update will be up sometime tonight.
01. Rebirth

I can remember when I was younger and still the type to go to school, our teacher once taught us about something called the 'fight or flight' reflex. Simply put, when humans felt sufficiently threatened, they would go into a panic and either attack the source of their fear, or find a way to escape it. I had always told myself how stupid it was to run away; after all, if you had any pride, you would just beat the crap out of whatever was threatening you and get it over with, right? That was the kind of tough girl attitude I'd built my reputation around, that's why I was a legendary street thug who no one would mess with and everyone made way for. least, that's what I told myself...

Why, then, was I kicking and screaming so violently? How could I have such a calm, detached, rational internal monologue while fighting with every fibre of my tiny body to escape this terrifying woman that held me prisoner? She seemed agitated and concerned, and held me closer, making baby noises. Great. Just what I needed. Rather than help calm me down, it only made it much, much worse. I had to get out. I have to get out. I have to get away. I have to go home. I don't want this anymore. I promise I'll be good from now on, okay? I'll even try making up with those deadbeats. I might even start going back to classes! Just get me out of here!

This fight and struggle continued for several minutes, until I finally started to tire out. It seemed that there were limits to how far a newborn's body could go, and in my panic, I had reached those limits. I felt my movements growing wearier by the moment, and there were no more tears I could hold. I continued to thrash and flail as best as I could, but I wasn't going anywhere. I was trapped.

...what the hell are you going to do about this, Hino Toya? many hours had passed?

As I returned to consciousness, I felt a soft breeze blow over my face. I remembered throwing a fit in the arms of my...well, of this avatar's "mother", I think. And then she...oh...that's right, that happened.

How did they calm me down and get me to go to sleep? I guess it's only natural that if I was a baby, they'd...well, they'd...well, actually, I'm just not going to talk about that. In fact, I'd rather forget it ever happened, thank you very much.

I've always been the kind of person who thinks about the future. Now that I was alone in some kind of cot, I had plenty of time to think about things. First, I tried every universal command I could think of that the systems at Elysium used. Not a single one of them responded to my commands, and thus I was completely and totally without any access to the outside world, as expected. What's more, the voice that had messaged me in that void had not appeared since then.

There was one game command that I had figured out though...


This seemed to be a skill ability which allowed me to analyse and gain information about things in my area. I'd been able to gain information about myself, for example, as a result of this ability. Last time I'd reflexively stopped using it due to the headache it gave me, but now I was serious and ready. I was kind of afraid of the pain, if I'm honest, but it was better to be in a little bit of pain than to avoid learning more about myself and this situation...

CHARACTER: 「[TBD] Valenmere」
RACE: 「Half-Demon」
AGE: 0 「Infant」

LV: 「0」 XP: 「0」
HP: 「???」 SP: 「???」
MP: 「???」 PP: 「???」

STR: 「???」 AGI: 「???」
END: 「???」 SPD: 「???」
INT: 「???」 MAG: 「???」
CHA: 「???」 RES: 「???」


「System Error 3741: Corrupted Actor Data」「System Error 16421: Failed to Read Repository (Judgement of Magi)」「Soul Trauma」

「???????? ???????? Lv.1」「 ???????? ???? Lv. ?」

「???????? ????? Lv.1」「Appraisal Lv.1」

...hang on, that wasn't my name. Why the hell did it say I was called...

What Name was I given?
[] - Write-In (surname will always be Valenmere)

...phew...well, I guess it makes sense that I'd have a character name, but come on! Agh, and there's the headache again...reflexively, I release my use of the skill, and the information begins to fade. Well, not that there was much information - why was everything blocked out and scrambled? Well, I was definitely trapped in some kind of Game, there's no two ways about that. I guess for now I needed to spend some time figuring out what kind of game this was and what my abilities were. Hopefully I wouldn't be trapped like this for a long time.

First of all, my surroundings gave me some helpful clues. The setting seemed to be European, and based on the people I had seen thus far, so were the population. Okay, that's a good start, then. As for the standard of living I'd seen so far, I'd best describe it as...

What kind of lifestyle was I born into?
[] - Impoverished Nobility: This home looks like it was once very grand, but is now in disrepair. You haven't seen any staff about, but at least you have your own room.
[] - Commoner: The home is simple and plain, but well kept. It's not very big but you have your own corner of a bedroom for your cot.

[] - Wealthy Middle Class: The home appears to be large and well decorated, although you wouldn't call it a mansion, it's very comfortable.
[] - High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.

...truthfully I'd expected if I was to be reborn in some kind of fantasy world that it'd be in straight up poverty, like a hovel or something. I wonder if I got lucky, or if it's because this is a game?

Huh, the door opened. Oh, it's her...for whatever reason, I'm able to instantly recognise the face of the woman that serves as this avatar's mother. Given the situation, it's more or less impossible for me to actually see her as a maternal figure, and frankly even if I did, based on my home life, I'm pretty disinclined to give a shit about mothers one way or the other. I guess I'd have to make use of her for now until I was strong enough to go on my own...

Ah, there's someone else with her. An older man, with a greying beard. I haven't seen him before - is he the father, then? I wonder what kind of person he is...actually, I wonder what they're both like. My head kind of hurts, but I still have the 「Appraisal」 skill at my command. Both times I had used it, it had only targeted me, but what are the odds that I can use it on someone else? I'd honestly like to find out, even if I'm a little worried about my headache...

Should I try out my Appraisal here?
[] - Try the Appraisal skill on the woman and old man! I need as much information as I can get.
[] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
[] - Wait a minute! What am I thinking, do I want to give myself a migraine for the next week?! Let's not use it until I've recovered more.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 2:19 AM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Getrude von Valenmere
    [X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
    [X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
    [X] - Wealthy Middle Class: The home appears to be large and well decorated, although you wouldn't call it a mansion, it's very comfortable.
    [X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
    [X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
    [X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
    [X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
    [X] - Impoverished Nobility: This home looks like it was once very grand, but is now in disrepair. You haven't seen any staff about, but at least you have your own room.
    [X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.
    [X] Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere
    [X]- High Nobility: This is grandiose, the rooms are filled with expensive decor and staff seem to be on hand to wait to every need.
    [X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 9, 2017 at 2:21 AM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.
Last edited:
[X] - Wealthy Middle Class: The home appears to be large and well decorated, although you wouldn't call it a mansion, it's very comfortable.
[X] - I bet it's harder to use on people, let's try to Appraise something plain like the cot or the ceiling or something.