Steps Towards Nirvana: Rebirth [Naruto, Reincarnation]

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Completely new here? Steps Towards Nirvana is a Quest about the adventures of one poor...


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Completely new here? Steps Towards Nirvana is a Quest about the adventures of one poor reincarnating soul, set to flit between worlds until he can find some measure of peace. It began as a thread started three years ago, one fitfully updated and faithfully followed for an entire year. Then my muse departed and I started writing elsewhere. My goal is to write this Quest in such a way that no one has to go back and read the old thread, or have anything explained to them.

Here is a link to the previous thread, and here is a delicious and satisfying TVTropes page.

It's recommended you read through the current story first, rather than try to read the informational posts. They're kept as current as possible, and spoilers abound.

Welcome to the Quest, I hope you enjoy your stay.
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Foreword, Notes, System Explanation
Rebirth? Why Rebirth?
The original Steps Towards Nirvana died a slow ignoble death. It's been one of my big writing regrets that I could never continue with a quest that I had so many plans for, so I decided to revive it. You do not have to read the original in order to understand what's going on here; I've made a serious effort to explain all the relevant information, and will continue to do so.

Of course, if you want to read the original, there's plenty of content to binge-read, and a delicious and satisfying TV Tropes page to boot.
Current and past systems
Steps has gone through three systems over the time it's been active. The current one is called the Flexible System and it's vastly simplified from what the original was, and better-understood than the second system (which is very solid, but not my creation and thus a little mysterious to me). Flexible System has been tested out in multiple quests and one roleplay, and I'm confident it'll stand the rigors of Steps. There's a full system explanation in one of the slides below, and I'm always available for questions.

As a note, if at any point there was some leeway or fuzziness in the conversion process, I always ruled in favor of making things as faithful to the story as possible.
Active discussion, write-ins & their effect on the vote
Not only does active discussion make the QM happy, it has a direct effect on the quest. If the thread seems like they want to explore a topic or befriend a person, I as QM will enable this to the best of my ability. If the voters pick an option and explain their reasoning, that is the reasoning Kento will also have. This thread is his thoughts, and the votes are his actions. More discussion leads to a better quest.

Write-ins/stunts are accepted by default. There may be rare circumstances where I specifically note I'm not accepting them, and I may occasionally need to veto one, but otherwise they are both allowed and encouraged. I will favor a well-written write-in/stunt over the majority vote if it's a close one, but not if it has no chance of winning.
Fan content policy
Completed omake of at least 500 words will result in four (4) xp being added to the end-of-arc point gains. Omake dubbed canon will result in eight (8) xp added. Single pieces of completed black-and-white fanart will get four xp as well. Colored, well-shaded, or sequential fanart is on a case-by-case basis.

Instead of receiving xp, creators may choose to ask one of the following questions:

  • Name of someone who knows a technique you specify; closer persons are prioritized
  • The current location of a person of your choice
  • One small piece of information on a person of your choice: real name, country of origin, village of origin, primary elemental affinity, date of birth (or death, if applicable)
  • The date of one event that happened in Naruto canon, but did not or has not yet happened here (such as the beginning of the Second Ninja World War, or Uchiha Itachi's birth)

Fan content bonuses to end-of-arc point gains will not exceed xp gained from story content, but can roll over to the next arc if applicable.

@silentspirals still has a Hint.
Flexible System basic explanation

Skill & Attribute Tiers

| 0 points - Incapable/Disabled
This is not a skill you possess. For attributes, this means you cannot use either the attribute, or any skill tied to it; complete disability.
| 1 points - Capable
Only absolute beginners have skills at this tier. Attributes at this tier are typically possessed by infants, the injured, or the mildly disabled.
| 2 - 4 points - Academy Student
This is where apprentices start. Most civilian adults have their attributes at this tier.
| 5 - 9 points - Genin
At this level, apprentices are typically trusted to use their skills unsupervised. Attributes actively used for professional skills will be at this tier for most working civilian adults.
| 10 - 14 points - Chuunin
Journeymen graduate to work on their own with skills at this tier. The average civilian human adult never gets attributes to this level.
| 15 - 19 points - Tokubetsu Jounin
Skills at this tier garner national respect. Attributes in this tier have been specialized in far beyond the norm.
| 20 - 29 points - Jounin
Someone with skills here are globally noted. The majority of people will never meet someone with attributes here.
| 30 - 39 points - Kage
Skills and attributes at this level have been advanced to the human maximum, and then enhanced with supernatural skills.
| 40 - 49 points - Sage
This is the very peak of human ability, enhanced with the peak of human supernatural skills.
| 50 - 70 points - Sage +
Humans cannot improve themselves to this point naturally.
| 80+ points - Unknown

your basic abilities
Attributes are used in combination with skills, or by themselves if you don't have a given skill or no particular skill applies.
| — Agility
Flexibility, speed, and reflexes. Usually the base for projectile weapons skills. Combined with Perception, determines reflexes.
| — Charisma
How able you are to express yourself, and get people to like you.
| — Endurance
What you can take in terms of physical punishment. Combined with Strength, determines health. Combined with Willpower, determines chakra.
| — Intelligence
Mental processing power and retention. Combined with Willpower, determines mental health.
| — Luck
How often things go your way for no apparent reason. (Or don't.) Encounter rolls are influenced by this stat.
| — Perception
The senses, and ability to process the information they give you. Usually the base for ballistic weapons skills. Combined with Agility, determines reflexes.
| — Strength
Physical strength and capability. Usually the base for melee weapons skills. Combined with Endurance, determines health.
| — Willpower
Force of will, and strength of self-concept. Combined with Intelligence, determines mental health. Combined with Endurance, determines chakra.

the typical paired attribute is in [brackets]
| Aburame Adaption: How well an Aburame has adapted to their symbiotic bond with kikaichuu. Determines the level of complexity the kikaichuu are capable of understanding, how many hives one has, and how well one can use said hives. Also required for Aburame clan techniques.
| Arts: Taken individually. Examples include dance, painting, theatre, and guitar. [Charisma or Agility; depends on the art]
| Awareness: Detecting the world around you. [Perception]
| Chakra Control: The ninja art of using your chakra precisely. Offers a 2% bonus on all chakra costs per point invested, but can never be advanced past rank 40. [Willpower]
| Chakra Folding: The ability to slow your chakra flow to a halt. Used in place of stealth when attempting to hide from chakra sensors. [Willpower]
| Fuinjutsu: The ninja art of sealing. [Intelligence]
| Genjutsu: The ninja art of illusions. [Willpower]
| Infiltration: Trickery, canvassing, lying. Everything stealthy that deals more with the mind than the body. [Charisma]
| Instinct: Knowing when something's wrong despite all appearances otherwise, or knowing when someone's lying to you. [Perception]
| Kikaichuu Breeding: Determines what hives one is capable of producing. The skill Aburame go for when they want their hive to be extra special. [Intelligence]
| Mountaineering: Navigating mountainous areas. Also used for mountainous foraging. [Perception]
| Ninjutsu: The ninja art of manipulating chakra. [Willpower]
- Lightning/Raiton Ninjutsu: Using chakra to manipulate lightning or static. Strong against earth/doton, weak against wind/fuuton.
- Water/Suiton Ninjutsu: Using chakra to manipulate water. Strong against fire/katon, weak against earth/doton.
- Storm/Ranton Ninjutsu: Using chakra to manipulate storms (raiton/suiton hybrid). Requires an Advantage that gives a ranton affinity.
| Plainscraft: Navigating plains areas, or deserts. Also used for plains/desert foraging. [Perception]
| Sciences: Taken individually. Examples include mechanical engineering, psychology, astrophysics, and organic chemistry. Special examples are given below, but are not meant to be an exhaustive list. [Intelligence]
- Biology/Medicine: Either of these skills can count towards requirements for medical ninjutsu.
- Veterinary Medicine/Zoology: Either of these skills can count towards requirements for veterinary ninjutsu.
| Stealth: Your ability to conceal your presence, or detect others doing the same. [Agility offensively, Perception defensively]
| Taijutsu: Any one of the many ways to fight using your body. [Different for each]
- Earthbreaker Style: Iwa's main form of martial arts, Earthbreaker Style is a messy, blunt force form of taijutsu. This style literally shatters the earth or buildings around it when used, resulting in a -1 penalty to Perception checks for everyone within striking range of an Earthbreaker practitioner. This penalty increases by -1 for every 10 points in the practitioner's offensive Earthbreaker check. However, the user can never acquire more ranks in Earthbreaker style than they have ranks in Ninjutsu - Doton, and cannot be used at all if they have no chakra or if their chakra is sealed. [Strength/Willpower]
- Konoha-ryu: Based on teamwork, and specifically built to work as well for Konoha's young geniuses as it does for adults. Gives a +2 bonus for every allied ninja within striking range also using Konoha-ryu, but a -5 if the user is the only practitioner in striking range using Konoha-ryu. [Agility/Perception]
- Krav Maga: A brutal, aggressive martial art typically taught as an urban defense art. Counts on aggression and surprise to work properly, making it sub-optimal against other formally-trained martial artists. Only uses a single attribute, but takes a -5 penalty against a practitioner whose Taijutsu skill is in the same tier, with an additional -5 per additional tier of difference. [Strength/Strength]
| Watercraft: Navigating water, including recognizing weather patterns. Also used for fishing/trapping. [Perception]
| Weapons: Taken individually. Common examples: swords, kunai, maces. [Typically Strength for melee and Agility for projectiles]
- Kenjutsu: The weapons art of swordsmanship. Encompasses all swords from the humble tanto up through the greatsword. Particularly huge or unwieldy 'swords' may require a special advantage, such as the Seven Swords of the Mist. [Strength]
- Kunai: Small pointed blades meant for stabbing or throwing. [Strength for melee, Agility for projectile]
- Shuriken: Curved discs with sharp points, meant for throwing. This skill only covers typical shuriken, not the massive fuuma shuriken. [Agility for projectile, Strength for melee use but at a -15 penalty]
| Woodcraft: Navigating woodland areas, including recognizing traps that use the terrain. Also used for woodlands foraging. [Perception]

Derived Statistics

Chakra: Your spiritual energy. Endurance + Willpower.
Health: How physically healthy you are. Endurance + Strength.
Mental Health: How mentally stable and resilient you are. Intelligence + Willpower.
Reflexes: Your ability to react to danger. Agility + Perception.

Experience Points (XP)

Every hour spent training yields one (1) XP. Missions also yield XP, depending on difficulty and length. XP are distributed at the end of story arcs, combined with fan-content XP earned during the arc. XP discounts on certain skills, attributes, or techniques may be given depending on teachers you've trained with during the arc.

XP cost table

  • Naught -> Capable: 2 XP
  • Capable -> Apprentice: 10 XP
  • Academy Student ranks (2-4) take 40 XP per point. Total 120 XP for R2 to R5
  • Genin ranks (5-9) take 80 XP per point. Total 400 XP for R5 to R10
  • Chuunin ranks (10-14) take 160 XP per point. Total 800 XP for R10 to R15
  • Tokubetsu ranks (15-19) take 320 XP per point. Total 1600 XP for R15 to R20
  • Jounin ranks (20-29) take 640 XP per point. Total 6400 XP for R20 to R30
  • Kage ranks (30-39) take 1280 XP per point. Total 12800 XP for R30 to R40
  • Baseline humans cannot advance beyond R40/Sage

XP cost table for Taijutsu
due to his anchored trait, kento takes 30% off taijutsu xp costs

  • Naught -> Capable: 1 XP
  • Capable -> Apprentice: 7 XP
  • Academy Student (2-4): 28 XP per point; 84 for R2->R5
  • Genin (5-9): 56 XP per point; 280 for R5->R10
  • Chuunin (10-14): 112 XP per point; 560 for R10->R15
  • Tokubetsu (15-19): 224 XP per point; 1120 XP for R15->R20
  • Jounin (20-29): 448 XP per point; 4480 XP for R20->R30
  • Kage (30-39): 896 XP per point; 8960 XP for R30->R40
Flexible System in-depth

| — Agility
Usually the base for projectile weapons skills. Agi+Per= Reflexes. Agi+[Taijutsu] for dodging, or Agix2 if no Taijutsu skill is possessed or Agi is higher than given Taijutsu skill. Dodging avoids a single-target attack entirely if successful, but cannot be used against an area of effect attack.

| — Charisma
Cha+Infiltration for most social actions, Chax1 if no Infiltration skill is possessed.

| — Endurance
End+Str = Health. End+Will = Chakra.

| — Intelligence
Int+Will = Mental Health.

| — Luck
Luck + 1d20 = Encounter rolls. If any opposed roll ends in a tie, add Luck to determine the victor. If a tie still results, the conflict ends in a draw.

| — Perception
Per+Agi = Reflexes. (Per + 3) + (Aware + 3) = base vision in feet.

| — Strength
Str+End = Health. Str+[most melee weapons] = melee attack. Str+Taijutsu/Weapon = block. An attack cannot be blocked without some skill in either Taijutsu or a Weapon. Blocking negates all damage from an attack if successful, but any touch-based effects (such as poison or paralysis) are resolved normally.

| — Willpower
Will+Int = Mental Health. Will+End = chakra.

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Cast, Worldbuilding, Timeline
Age: 10
Rank: Genin
Specialty: Infiltration & Fuinjutsu
Appearance: More muscular than you'd think from an infiltration/fuinjutsu prodigy, and somehow manages to disappear into a crowd despite having white hair and red marks on his face.
Background: Jiraiya started out as a street orphan. Sarutobi Hiruzen found him after Jiraiya successfully picked his pocket, and persuaded him into enrolling in the Academy. Shortly after, Jiraiya secured a fuinjutsu apprenticeship with Uzumaki Mito. Since then, he's been training hard as a member of Team Homura.
Interaction: You met him back in the Academy, and befriended him through a fuinjutsu seminar and a handful of shared classes. Since then, he's been steady at your side through thick and thin. Despite his dramatic tendencies, the two of you have a pretty relaxed friendship.

Age: 10
Rank: Genin
Speciality: Puppetry & Ninjutsu
Appearance: Slender, androgynous, pale-skinned and dark-haired. Unlike Jiraiya, who somehow fades into the background despite his appearance, Orochimaru always has eyes on him regardless of his actions or clothes. He wears a white kimono with scrolls hidden everywhere on his person, and the standard ninja sandals.
Background: One of many orphans from the First Ninja World War, Orochimaru basically raised himself from age four to age five, with only occasional checkins from his adult neighbors. He's taken very well to having a group of friends, and seems to always be touching someone when it's just the six of you.
Interaction: You had one class with him in the Academy. When he offered to teach you how to take better notes, you accepted, found out he didn't have any friends, and promptly adopted him. As you do. He's now a member of Team Homura, and has spent the last two years learning puppetry from his sensei.

Senju Tsunade
Age: 10
Rank: Genin
Specialty: Taijutsu & Medicine
Appearance: Like her clansmen, Tsunade shows herself to be a Senju by resembling no one she's related to. With her pale skin, amber eyes, and platinum blonde hair, she'd be mistaken for a Yamanaka if she weren't so famous in her own right. She currently wears greens and greys primarily, and prefers easily-cleaned, durable clothes due to the messiness of her fighting style.
Background: As the Senju Heiress, a direct descendant of the Shodai Hokage, and a genius, Tsunade has a lot of pressure placed on her. She's held up admirably under the strain, graduating early and distinguishing herself as a member of Team Hiruzen.
Interaction: You got an invitation to her fifth birthday party, and found her afterwards mourning her dead uncle. After giving her some measure of comfort, she declared the two of you friends. Together, you've made it through the Academy, and two-and-a-half years of being Sarutobi Hiruzen's genin.
Agility 10 [14]
Charisma 5
Endurance 9
Intelligence 10
Luck 1
Perception 5 [Chakra Sensing]
Strength 9 [18]
Willpower 10

Derived Statistics
Health 32.4 (27*1.2 Senju Vitality)
Chakra 22.8 (19*1.2 Uzumaki Chakra)
Mental Health 20
Reflexes 19

Awareness 4
Chakra Control [40]
Chakra Folding 5
Chakra Sensing 4
Fuinjutsu 1
Genjutsu 4
Infiltration 2
Instinct 2
Ninjutsu 18
Ninjutsu - Raiton 1
Sciences - Battlefield Strategy 3
Sciences - Medicine 7
Sciences - Ninja History 5
Stealth 3
Taijutsu - Konoha-ryu 4
Taijutsu - Tsunade-ryu 15
Weapons - Kunai 4
Weapons - Hammer 4

Language - English, Basic
Language - Japanese, Intermediate
Perfect Chakra Control
Senju Chakra Sensor
Senju Vitality
Single Element Affinity - Raiton
Technique Training - Academy (x4)
: Academy Three, kinobori
Technique Training - Genin
: Tadayou
Technique Training - Chuunin (x6)
: Healing first rank, shunshin, Strength & Speed Rank One, Strength & Speed Rank Two
Technique Training - Tokubetsu: Strength Rank Three
Trained Swimmer
Uzumaki Chakra

Nara Shikako
Age: 10 (physically)
Rank: Genin
Specialty: Stealth & Fuinjutsu
Appearance: Medium-skinned, small, usually has a smudge of charcoal or ink somewhere on her face. Dresses to blend into the shadows, leans into them whenever possible.
Background: Like you, Shikako is an incarnate. Unlike you, she's been forced into the worst, darkest places the universe has to offer. As a result of this, she's often cagey and guarded; no one but you knows she reincarnates. For her, this world is no different: she was born a mixed-race lightning-natured girl into a clan that still strongly remembers a brutal war with people who look like her. She managed to get an apprenticeship with Uzumaki Mito and move into the Senju district with her mother, and has been relaxing and coming into her own.
Interaction: Shikako adopted you at Tsunade's fifth birthday party, and the two of you were fast friends ever since. She's alternately the voice of reason and the voice of emotion among your group. You've had to talk her down from the edge a few times, but she also has a habit of seeing things from angles you'd never have considered. She's the least visible of Team Hiruzen, often forgotten altogether by people who speak about the Second Coming. This is exactly as she planned.

Yuuhi Bena
Age: 12
Rank: Genin
Specialty: Genjutsu
Appearance: Bena looks much like her clansmen typically do: slender and tall, with wine-red eyes and ink-black hair. Lately she's taken to wearing a white not-quite-dress in which she stashes multiple senbon. Somewhere.
Background: One Yuuhi among many, Bena doesn't seem to have a notable background on the surface of it. Over the years you've noticed that her father isn't in the picture, and her mother is a single parent who nonetheless maintains her position in AnBu, but Bena turns away questions with a firmness she rarely has otherwise.
Interaction: She gravitated towards you during your shared Genjutsu class, claiming she wanted to try overwhelming the Aburame genjutsu 'immunity'. Later, her mother tutored you in genjutsu when you were staying in AnBu headquarters. She might have been just an Academy acquaintance, if not for her placement on Team Homura. Since then, she's slid into a place as one of your companions, if the one you're least close to.
Other Notable Persons

Aburame Ryoko
Relation: Younger sister
Appearance: Ryoko takes heavily after your father, with her dark hair and eyes, and pale skin. She's still got chubby-baby-face going, but you think she'll always have a softness to her.
Background: As a three-year old second-born clansman, Ryoko doesn't have much of a background yet. Check back later.
Interactions: She's your younger sister. You dote on her, and she adores you.
Notes: Stealth affinity

Arashi (Codename: Snow Hare)
Rank & Position: AnBu, assumed chuunin or jounin
Specialty: Unknown, assumed taijutsu
Appearance: Late teens, platinum blond hair and heterochromatic eyes.
Background: Arashi is a Senjublood, one of many in the village with strong Senju blood, but not acknowledged by the clan. You're not sure about her home situation or professional history, but she seems to be favored by Uzumaki Mito.
Interaction: She was your guide while you were staying in AnBu Headquarters. Since then, you've seen her while teaching AnBu Krav Maga, and during your infrequent visits to see Uzumaki Mito.

Hyuuga Takibi
Rank & Position: Jounin-sensei
Specialty: Taijutsu
Appearance: Honestly? You don't know him well enough to tell him apart from any other male middle-aged Hyuuga. They all have long black hair, white eyes, and most wear white kimono or kimono-tops with grey pants. He's not any different.
Background: Unsure. He's now the Hyuuga Clan Head and a jounin-sensei, so he's both noble and pretty good at what he does. Other than that, you have no idea.
Notes: Current holder of the dragonfly contract

Maruboshi Gon
Rank & Position: Jounin-sensei
Specialty: Double-stick fighting, suiton ninjutsu
Appearance: Super tall. Like, holy cow is this man tall. He's also the answer to "where's the beef?" and he's got scars to boot. He typically has a mostly-bare upper-body, with only a set of straps on it for his twin batons.
Background: Gon is currently third in line for Clan Head of the Maruboshi, and became a jounin-sensei the same year you graduated. He fought in the First Ninja World War.
Interactions: Currently tutors you in suiton ninjutsu. Used to date your mom. Implied but not confirmed to have been a part of AnBu at some point.

Mitokada Homura
Rank & Position: Jounin-sensei
Specialty: Puppeteering
Appearance: If not for the giant scroll he carries most places, he'd just look like a civilian librarian or businessman.
Interactions: Sensei of Team Eleven. You've been trained by him a few times, but haven't had any big personal interactions with him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen
Rank & Position: Sandaime Hokage
Specialty: Yes
Appearance: He generally wears simple kimonos in neutral colors, his hitai-ate nowhere in sight. If you didn't know him well, it would be difficult to tell him apart from other Sarutobi of about his age.
Interactions: Your current jounin-sensei, trying very hard to be a good teacher for you. He wore you down during Hell Month when you first got him as a sensei, pushed you to blood yourself on your first C-rank… and then apologized, and changed the entire structure of the Academy so it would never happen to anyone ever again. Over the past two years he's worked to find the three of you tutors if he couldn't teach a subject himself, defended your life with his own, and somehow managed to run the village at the same time. You were dubious after your rocky start with him, but he's proven to be a good guy. You've learned quite a lot from him as a genin, from tactics to woodland survival.

Shimura Danzo
Rank & Position: Jounin-sensei
Specialty: Infiltration, fuuton
Appearance: An angular man with an x-shaped scar on his chin, Danzo typically wears the standard jounin uniform.
Interactions: Few and far between, and always in passing. He's one of your sensei's closest friends, but you don't often see him.

Rank & Position: AnBu, assumed chuunin or jounin
Specialty: Assumed genjutsu
Appearance: Slender, with wine-red eyes.
Interactions: Tutored you in genjutsu while you were under AnBu supervision. Mother to Yuuhi Bena.

Uchiha Chonan Status: Deceased
Rank & Position
: Former AnBu jounin, assassination specialty
Interactions: Put you under a potentially-lethal genjutsu, conspired to kill his younger brother Kato. Arrested on multiple counts of assault, conspiracy, and attempted murder. Executed by order of the Hokage.

Uchiha Kato
Rank & Position: Chuunin
Specialty: Taijutsu, Taijutsu
Appearance: Like the majority of Clan Uchiha, Kato has dark hair, dark eyes, and skin the color of parchment. He has all the muscle due a taijutsu specialist, and the swagger of an Uchiha. Lately, he's taken to wearing a chuunin vest.
Background: He's first in line to become Clan Head after his father now that his older brother is dead, and is studying hard to be worthy of that. He's not great with people, but he's strong and loyal, and you think that matters more to the Uchiha. He made chuunin two months ago due to a field promotion. He's not allowed to tell you more than that, and you don't like the look in his eyes when it comes up.
Interactions: Befriended you after running you into the streets, and hasn't let go since. He hasn't made it completely explicit yet, but you're pretty sure he wants to marry you when you're both old enough. You spar with him every New Year's, and while he's not as close to you as your teammates, you'd definitely call him a friend.

Yamanaka Ko
Rank & Position: Jounin Commander
Specialty: Yamanaka Arts
Appearance: Typical Yamanaka. Purposefully dresses and comports himself so he's difficult to distinguish from his clansmen.
Interactions: Ko walked your mind when you were under Sharingan-assisted genjutsu. You've been identifying technology under his supervision, and have a pretty good working relationship.

Clans & Families

clan senju
Despite being one of the founding clans of Konohagakure, the Senju are on the decline. They're always first into the fight and always the last to come home, when they come home at all.

Due to the Senju habit of taking lovers where they will - and two very charming, very libidinous members who took advantage of Konohagakure's concentrated population - it seems that half the village has some degree of Senju ancestry. These bastards are known as Senjubloods, and are tacitly - but never openly - acknowledged by the clan.

clan uchiha
With a history dating back to the Sage of Six Paths, Clan Uchiha often feel their arrogance is nothing more than well-earned confidence in their abilities. After all, hundreds of clans have risen and fallen since, while the Uchiha continue into the future.

With how highly they value their eyes, it should come as no surprise that they have many traditions centered around them. Uchiha who awaken their Sharingan are considered more desirable partners, even if they only have single-tomoe eyes. If a dead Uchiha's eyes can be retrieved, they're often gifted to relatives who have lost an eye, or who never activated their Sharingan. The Uchiha have some of the most gifted opticians in the Elemental Nations.

New Year's is a big Uchiha holiday. Traditionally, the ninja clansmen challenge one of their rivals to a no-bloodlines spar. Their opponent's strength is considered a reflection of their own.

Homosexuality is surprisingly acceptable, considering the priority placed on their bloodline. Male/male couples generally find a way to have a child by female/female couples, or get a donor of some sort. "Power calls to power", they say.

Traditionally, the Inuzuka and the Yuuhi maintain Uchiha ties; in the Warring Clans era, those clans were sworn to the Uchiha. Now, they merely work well together.

Hidden Villages

A minor village currently allied to Konohagakure. Their unique ninjutsu is powered by a meteorite, and ninja from that village rarely learn any of the other ninja arts.

An oft-forgotten minor village located between the Wind Country and Earth Country.

Like the other great villages, Iwagakure doesn't hide itself in terms of location, but the endless plains that surround it make it difficult to navigate directly to the village itself.

Though the Village Hidden In The Mist has a known location, it's impossible to find by anyone but the most expert sailors or ninja, due to the shifting mists that surround it.
  • 004 HVE: Kirigakure Founded (Mizukage: Byakuren)
  • 007 HVE: Akebino Jini born (future Kabutowari wielder)
  • 010 HVE: Munashi Jinpachi born (future Shibuki wielder)
  • 012 HVE: Suikazan Fuguki born (future Samehada wielder)
  • 017 HVE: Biwa Juzo born (future Kubikiribocho wielder)
  • 019 HVE: Shodai Mizukage Byakuren dies (Nidaime Mizukage: Hozuki Gengetsu)
  • 020 HVE: Kurosuki Raiga born (future Kiba wielder)
  • 023 HVE: QUEST RESUMES; Kirigakure hosts Chuunin Exams

The first and largest of the hidden villages, Konoha is located in the heart of Fire Country, in the midst of a gigantic forest which is impossible for newcomers to navigate. It's said that the trees shift and move, and Konoha shinobi aren't discounting the rumors.

The Lightning Guard is a group of twelve elite raiton specialists. In a typical peacetime deployment, one of them safeguards the Kage directly, two patrol Kumo, and the other nine take missions throughout Lightning Country, generally in pairs with the odd man out on standby. Their current commander is 'Black Lightning' Sairyu.

A minor village known for their diplomacy, Kusagakure keeps themselves held apart from the politics of the great villages.

The Village Hidden In Frost typically keeps to itself and manages its own affairs. As it is located directly south of the notoriously power-hungry Kumogakure, this is likely for the best.

The Village Hidden In The Sands defends herself both with her shifting sands making navigation difficult, and the stark fact that no one wants her position in the Land of Wind.

Waterfall Village is the only minor village to receive a bijuu, because of Senju Hashirama's esteem for their village head.

Less hidden by their namesake whirlpools and more defended by them, Uzushio has all the renown of a major village without quite having the manpower or political capital to back it up. Headed by the Uzumaki and known for their fuinjutsu.

Located in the Hot Springs Country, Yugakure has a very negative reputation among other ninja villages. It claims that peace and cooperation are the keys to prosperity, and only reluctantly takes on missions requiring violence.


times here are noted as 'Warring Clan Era (WCE)' and 'Hidden Villages Era (HVE)'

Konohagakure Timeline
304 WVE: Senju Hashirama born, Uchiha Madara born, Uzumaki Mito born
305 WCE: Senju Tobirama born, Uchiha Izuna born
321 WCE: Onoki born
326 WCE: Aburame Jin born
328 WCE: Mitokado Homura born, Sarutobi Hiruzen born, Shimura Danzo born, Utatane Koharu born
329 WCE: Uchiha Izuna dies
334 WCE: Senju-Uchiha truce; founding of Konohagakure with Senju Hashirama as Shodai Hokage; beginning of HVE
000 HVE: Founding of Konohagakure
002 HVE: Madara leaves Konohagakure, Team Tobirama formed
008 HVE: Konohagakure Academy founded
010 HVE: Hatake Sakumo born, Uchiha Kato born, Yuuhi Bena born
011 HVE: First class of students graduate from Konohagakure Academy
013 HVE: Aburame Kento born, Jiraiya born, Nara Shikaku born, Orochimaru born, Senju Tsunade born
014 HVE: First Shinobi World War declared
015 HVE: Maito Dai born
016 HVE: Senju Hashirama dies, Senju Tobirama made Nidaime Hokage
017 HVE: Senju Tobirama dies, Sarutobi Hiruzen made Sandaime Hokage, First Shinobi World War ends
019 HVE: Second Coming graduates, Uchiha Fugaku born, Team Hiruzen formed
020 HVE: Konohagakure reforms her Academy

World Timeline
304 WCE: Senju Hashirama born, Uchiha Madara born, Uzumaki Mito born
305 WCE: Senju Tobirama born, Uchiha Izuna born
321 WCE: Onoki born
328 WCE: Mitokado Homura born, Sarutobi Hiruzen born, Shimura Danzo born Utatane Koharu born
329 WCE: Uchiha Izuna dies
334 WCE: Senju-Uchiha truce; founding of Konohagakure with Senju Hashirama as Shodai Hokage; beginning of GVE
000 HVE: Founding of Konohagakure
002 HVE: Madara leaves Konohagakure
003 HVE: Iwagakure founded (Tsuchikage: Ishikawa)
004 HVE: Kumogakure founded (Raikage: A), Kirigakure founded (Mizukage: Byakuren)
005 HVE: Sunagakure founded (Kazekage: Reto), First Kage Summit, distribution of tailed beasts
011 HVE: Amegakure founded (Leader: Risa), Uzushiogakure founded (Leader: Uzumaki Ashina)
012 HVE: Hoshigakure 'founded'
014 HVE: Takigakure founded, First Shinobi World War declared
015 HVE: Yugakure founded (Leader: Yuka)
016 HVE: Shodai Hokage Senju Hashirama dies (Nidaime Hokage: Senju Tobirama), Kusagakure founded (Leader: Fugu Han)
017 HVE: Nidaime Hokage Senju Tobirama dies (Sandaime Hokage: Sarutobi Hiruzen), First Shinobi World War ended
018 HVE: Shodai Tsuchikage Ishikawa dies (Nidaime Tsuchikage: Mu)
019 HVE: Shodai Mizukage Byakuren dies (Nidaime Mizukage: Hozuki Gengetsu)
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Character Sheet, Current Techniques, Available Techniques
Character Sheet

Agility 6 [8] (0/80 to 7)
Charisma 5 (0/80 to 6)
Endurance 7 [9] (0/80 to 8)
Intelligence 5 (0/80 to 6)
Luck 4
Perception 5 (0/80 to 6)
Strength 17 [19] (70/320 to 18)
Willpower 10 (10/160 to 11)

Derived Statistics
Health 30.8/30.8 (28 total *1.1 omake bonus)
Chakra 12.54/12.54 ([19 total*.6 Aburame penalty]*1.1 omake bonus)
Mental Health 16.5/16.5 (15 total*1.1 omake bonus)
Reflexes 13

Aburame Adaptation 16 (80/320 to 17)
Aburame Kikkai Breeding 0 (0/2 to 1)
Awareness 5 (0/80 to 6)
Chakra Control 4 (26/40 to 5)
Chakra Folding 2 (0/40 to 3)
Genjutsu 6 (0/80 to 7)
Infiltration 5 (0/80 to 6)
Instinct 5 (0/80 to 6)
Ninjutsu 11 (10/160 to 12)
Ninjutsu - Raiton 0 (0/2 to 1)
Ninjutsu - Ranton 0 (0/2 to 1; cannot advance past component elements)
Ninjutsu - Suiton 2 (0/40 to 3)
Sciences - Battlefield Strategy 3 (0/40 to 4)
Sciences - Ninja History 4 (0/40 to 5)
Sciences - Psychology 1 (0/10 to 2)
Stealth 5 (0/80 to 6)
Taijutsu - Krav Maga 18 (80/224 to 19)
Taijutsu - Konoha-ryu 2 (0/40 to 3)
Weapons - Kenjutsu 3 (0/40 to 4)
Weapons - Kunai 4 (0/40 to 5)
Weapons - Shuriken 2 (0/40 to 3)
Woodcraft 5 (0/80 to 6)

(A) is for Anchored, meaning it will follow you into your next life

Aburame Kikkaichu Host II: You host four hives of kikkai, two poisonous and two chakra-draining. These hives permanently take up 10% of your chakra each, for a current penalty of 40%.

(A) Chakra Use: The world of Naruto has seeped into your soul; after some retraining you can use chakra again in any subsequent world. This chakra useage will be shaped by the world you currently inhabit.

Drunken Inspiration: Every night you go out drinking, you come back with… something. Involves a great deal of chance and has a chance of backfiring, but at least you have a chance of getting more out of that night than a hangover?

Language - English: You can understand the vast majority of English vocabulary, by context clues if not outright. You have a grasp of the majority of grammar, slang, spelling, and pronunciation of your native culture, and can understand if not reproduce the same for neighboring cultures.

Language - Japanese: You speak Japanese at the level of an older child, and have more specialized vocabulary befitting a working ninja.

(A) Omake Bonuses: For the readers so loved their Aburame son, they strove to make him stronger. You have a permanent bonus of +10% to Health, Chakra, and Mental Health.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Eternal Martial Artist: Whereas normally Genius must be taken for individual styles of martial arts, due to your expertise and incarnate nature you possess the Genius advantage for all martial arts, and never suffer penalties for learning martial arts with inadequate instruction.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Fountain Curse: You fell in a cursed spring as a teenager, and now you transform into a girl any time you touch cold water. It lasts until you've had a good night's rest.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Krav Maga: Linked to 'Eternal Martial Artist', Krav Maga was your first and best martial art. Your memories of this skill can never be erased; no matter what the circumstances, you will always be able to teach yourself Krav Maga up to rank 40.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Storm Dancer: You will always feel the storms

Trained Swimmer: You can swim in most conditions.
Current Techniques (simplified)

Bunshin | Duplication Technique
You create illusionary doubles of yourself. These clones disappear if attacked or otherwise interacted with.

Henge | Transformation
You may transform yourself into an accurate likeness of any human being. The transformation is physical, but can be easily dispersed, such as by a punch thrown by an average civilian child. It does not disguise your scent, nor does it conceal you from chakra sensors.

Kawarimi | Substitution
You replace yourself with an object within sensing distance of approximately your size and mass.

This technique allows the user to walk on any solid, non-hostile surface.

You move instantly to a location close by. Using this technique results in a popping sound and a small puff of smoke.

Dramatic Exit no Jutsu
Whether it's melting into a puddle of nothingness, defying gravity to sprint off in a puff of smoke, or blasting off again, you construct a minor genjutsu to visually show yourself exiting in a hurry while you're physically sneaking off in all haste.

Magen: Narakumi
You create an image of the target's worst fears, attempting to trap them in it. The force of the illusion is directly affected by your knowledge of the target.

One Thousand Fists
You use genjutsu to make it seem as though your physical attack is coming from a thousand different directions, making it much harder to dodge.

You sprint forward in a straight line, dealing damage and knocking back anyone in your way.

Increased Agility I & II
Your Agility counts as 2 points higher than it actually is.

Increased Strength I & II
Your Strength counts as 2 points higher than it actually is.

Increased Endurance I & II
Your Endurance counts as 2 points higher than it actually is.
Current Techniques (in-depth)

Genjutsu: Dramatic Exit No Jutsu
Time: 0 | Chakra: 0
Whether it's melting into a puddle of nothingness, defying gravity to sprint off in a puff of smoke, or blasting off again, you construct a minor genjutsu to visually show yourself exiting in a hurry while you're physically sneaking off in all haste. This technique cannot be used if you are in danger, or in a rushed situation.
(0/0 XP) Dramatic Exit No Jutsu has no masteries. It is perfect just the way it is.

Genjutsu: Narakumi no Jutsu
Time: 2 | Chakra: 1 | Duration: Scene or until dispelled
You create an image of the target's worst fears, attempting to trap them in it. The force of the illusion is directly affected by your knowledge of the target. This technique requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.

Genjutsu: One-Thousand Fists
Time: 0 | Chakra: 1 | Duration: One attack
You use genjutsu to make it seem as though your physical attack is coming from a thousand different directions, making it much harder to dodge. For this attack only, you may use (Genjutsu)/2 instead of Taijutsu when making a melee attack. If that would lower your normal Taijutsu attack, instead add +2 to it.
(0/10 XP) Upgrade to Ten-Thousand Fists: You may use Genjutsu instead of Taijutsu when making a melee attack, or add +4 to your normal Taijutsu attack.

Ninjutsu: Bunshin no Jutsu | Ninja Art: Duplication Technique
Time: 1 | Chakra: 1 | Duration: Scene or until dispelled
The user creates illusionary duplicates of himself. These clones disappear when attacked or otherwise interacted with, do not have a scent, and have a chakra signature far too low to be human. They cannot speak or physically affect the world around them. This technique requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Additional Clones I: Add one clone to the base casting of this technique, at no additional chakra cost.
(0/5 XP) Additional Clones II: Add another clone to the base casting of this technique, at no additional chakra cost. Requires Additional Clones I.
(0/5 XP) Additional Clones III: Add a third clone to the base casting of this technique, at no additional chakra cost. Requires Additional Clones II.
(0/5 XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.

Ninjutsu: Henge no Jutsu | Ninja Art: Transformation Technique
Time: 2 | Chakra: 1 | Duration: 10 minutes
You turn into a humanoid or object up to +/- 50% your own size. You may duplicate someone's clothing, weapons, or other accessories, so long as they are not complex or supernaturally enhanced (ie no summoning contracts, chakra-forged weapons, or puppets). Beings that interact with or closely inspect you while you have this technique active must succeed in a Perception check versus your Ninjutsu. If they fail, they believe the deception. This technique requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Enhanced Deception I: You get a +3 bonus when making your opposed Ninjutsu check to keep up the deception..
(0/5 XP) Enhanced Deception II: You get a +6 bonus when making your opposed Ninjutsu check to keep up the deception.
(0/5 XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Technique Refresh: When this technique's time is up, you may refresh it without reverting back to your normal appearance.

Ninjutsu: Kawarimi | Ninja Art: Body Substitution
Time: 0 or Reaction | Chakra: 1
Typically used in reaction to an attack, if the user makes a successful Agilityx2 check versus the attack, they can instead switch themselves with an object of approximately their size and mass, found within sensing distance. You may not use this technique to evade attacks from a being who has Speed Ranks. This technique requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.
(0/5 XP) Speed Counter I: You may use kawarimi even against attacks used by a being who has Speed Rank One.
(0/5 XP) Speed Counter II: You may use kawarimi even against attacks used by a being who has Speed Rank Two.
(0/5 XP) Speed Counter III: You may use kawarimi even against attacks used by a being who has Speed Rank Three.

Ninjutsu: Shunshin
Time: 0 | Chakra: 1.84 (2) | Range: 30'
The user of this technique instantly moves to a location within range. Their path must be within sensory range, and they cannot pass through barriers. Shunshin typically makes a popping noise and leaves behind a cloud of smoke, though Village-bound ninja often learn a stylized version more suited to their place of origin, such as Konoha's Shunshin leaving behind a swirl of leaves. This technique requires hand seals.
(0/10 XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.
(0/10 XP) Silent Technique: This technique no longer makes a popping noise.
(0/10 XP) Traceless: This technique no longer leaves behind a cloud.

Taijutsu: Bakuhatsuryoku
Time: 1 | Chakra: 7.36 (8)
The user sprints forward 100' in a straight line. Any creatures along that path take 4 damage and get knocked back 5' unless they succeed an opposed Taijutsu or Agility check.
(0/18 XP) Increased Range: You now sprint forward 150'.

Taijutsu: Increased Agility I
Less a technique than a training regimen, this allows the user's Agility to count as 1 higher than it actually is for the purpose of checks and derived statistics. This technique has no effect on XP costs for raising Agility, and does not raise Agility if the user has a Speed Rank active.

Taijutsu: Increased Agility II
As Increased Agility I, but the total Agility score counts as 2 points higher.

Increased Strength I
Less a technique than a training regimen, this allows the user's Strength to count as 1 higher than it actually is for the purpose of checks and derived statistics. This technique has no effect on XP costs for raising Strength, and does not function if the user has a Strength Rank.

Taijutsu: Increased Strength II
As Increased Strength I, but the total Strength score counts as 2 points higher.

Taijutsu: Increased Endurance I
Less a technique than a training regimen, this allows the user's Endurance to count as 1 higher than it actually is for the purpose of checks and derived statistics. This technique has no effect on XP costs for raising Endurance, and does not raise Endurance if the user has one of the Gates open.

Taijutsu: Increased Endurance II
As Increased Endurance I, but the total Endurance score counts as 2 points higher.
Available Techniques

Ninjutsu: Kinobori | Ninja Art: Tree-Climbing
(0/10 XP to learn)
Time: 1 | Chakra: 1 | Duration: Scene
For the duration of the scene, you may walk on any non-hostile surface.
(--/5 XP) Reactive Technique: You may use this technique as a reaction.

Ninjutsu - Suiton: Mizudama | Ninja Art - Water Style: Water Sphere
Ninjutsu, Suiton
(0/10 XP to learn, must be taught)
Time: 1 | Chakra: 1 | Damage: 1 (Water) per sphere
This technique allows you to spit balls of hardened water at a target, which takes damage unless it makes an Agility check. This technique requires hand seals.
(--/5XP) Additional Spheres I: Add one extra sphere to the casting of this technique, at no additional chakra cost. All spheres must be spat at the same target.
(--/5XP) Additional Spheres II: Add one more sphere.
(--/5XP) Additional Spheres III: Add a final sphere, for a total of four spheres per casting.
(--/5XP) Hand Seals: This technique no longer requires hand seals.
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Road To Chuunin 1
Four ninja survey the ruins of Training Ground Twelve.

Wisps of fog slowly dissipate, revealing chunks of earth scattered as far as the eye can see, with corresponding craters gouged out of the ground. Between the craters, scorch marks with scraps of paper in the middle, and puddles soaking into the ground, there's not a single stretch of unmarked ground to be seen. The trees aren't immune to the damage; all but the farthest bear ripped bark, missing branches, and in one case lie uprooted on the ground instead of standing upright.

Sarutobi Hiruzen turns to his three students with pride.

"You're ready."


Your name is Aburame Kento. You are a genin of Konohagakure (hopefully a chuunin soon!) and you are very, very comfortable.

You and your companions sprawl out through a cozy living room in the Senju district, either on the furniture or being used as it. You lean against Senju Tsunade's leg, her hand resting on top of your head. She's usually protective of her personal space, but this is a break, a breather. You've all worked hard for the past two and a half years; you deserve it.

(And who knows when you'll have another chance to take it easy? The first part of the Chuunin Exams starts in a week. You'll take as much time as you can get now and be thankful for it.)

If you were adults, this is the part where everyone would be drinking. Since you range in age from ten to twelve, instead there's enough water and sweet juice to go around. Next to the drink pitchers sit platters of finger-foods: cheese, bread, chunks of meat. Even the least physical among you are still active ninja, and the food has been steadily disappearing all night.

Jiraiya, pale skin flushed under his stark crimson tattoos, claps his hands. Like the rest of you, he's starting to grow into the promise of adult features, puberty looming on the horizon. Despite focusing on fuinjutsu and infiltration, he's got some decent muscle to him, and his loose clothing hides more seals than should be possible. "Story time!"

The rest of the room perks up, even Shikako's eyeroll is half-hearted at best. Storytelling varies through the rest of your group, but Jiraiya's stories are always good.

"We're all gonna take turns--" That gets a genuine eyeroll, and grumbling throughout the room, "--but since I'm so generous, I'll take the lion's share."

"What's the topic?" Yuuhi Bena asks, sitting primly next to Orochimaru on one of Jiraiya's couches. Last year she switched to her clan's traditional whites, wearing a gauzy not-dress and pulling her hair into a tight bun. You know she has senbon hidden somewhere on her person, but you never quite manage to see her take them out or put them away.

Jiraiya grins, spreading his hands. "Favorite genin stories. Keep it light-hearted; we're trying to have a good time here."

A thoughtful silence descends, then Tsunade launches into the Sake Incident. You've heard this story enough times to have long ago committed it into memory, so instead of listening, you study her.

Most blondes' hair darken as they get older, but hers remains the same brilliant platinum as when you met her. One thing that has changed is her colors: she's switched to the grey-and-green palette you remember from the show, represented in a lightweight grey tank top and pants combo with a green sash, and a dark black coat Jiraiya got her for some holiday.

When Tsunade finishes the story, she looks to you pointedly. You smile, and take the hint.

During your recollection of the Watermelon Incident - technically an Academy story, but no one says anything - you sneak peeks over to Shikako. She's been quiet tonight, and you can guess why: she has strong feelings about child soldiers. The two of you are adults in almost every sense of the world, but your companions are actual children, being sent into certain danger. It would be a horrific thing in your old world, but in this one people think it's strange that you've been held back when you're clearly capable of holding your own.

By the time you're done, grinning wide, Shikako looks a little more relaxed. She even tells a story halfway understandably, instead of making it as dense and flowery as possible to get out of telling one again. You smile to yourself, and relax.


Night starts tipping towards late night, and the party breaks up. You and Shikako walk Tsunade home, you walk Shikako home, and then you turn towards the Aburame district, thoughts flitting this way and that as you go.

It's been a good two years. When you graduated, you figured Sensei would have you in the Chuunin Exams within six months, but instead he passed a law prohibiting anyone from entering the Exams before they turn ten. The three of you only recently became eligible, resulting in a lot of hard training. Sometimes Tsunade has chafed under the restriction, but even she can't argue that you're much better-prepared than you would have been.

What exactly have you been working on since Hell Month?

[ ] Write-in first skill priority; techniques will be learned as appropriate
[ ] Second skill priority
[ ] Third skill priority

Agility 6 (0/80 to 7)
Charisma 5 (0/80 to 6)
Endurance 7 (0/80 to 8)
Intelligence 4 (0/40 to 5)
Luck 4
Perception 3 (0/40 to 4)
Strength 9 (0/80 to 10)
Willpower 7 (0/80 to 8)

Derived Statistics
Health 17.6/17.6 (16 total *1.1 omake bonus)
Chakra 12.3/12.3 ([14 total*.8 Aburame penalty]*1.1 omake bonus)
Mental Health 12.1/12.1 (11 total*1.1 omake bonus)
Reflexes 9

Aburame Adaptation 5 (0/80 to 6)
Aburame Kikkai Breeding 0 (0/2 to 1)
Chakra Control 4 (0/40 to 5)
Chakra Folding 2 (0/40 to 3)
Genjutsu 6 (0/80 to 7)
Infiltration 2 (0/40 to 3)
Ninjutsu 5 (0/80 to 6)
Ninjutsu - Raiton 0 (0/2 to 1)
Ninjutsu - Ranton 0 (0/2 to 1; cannot advance past component elements)
Ninjutsu - Suiton 2 (0/40 to 3)
Sciences - Battlefield Strategy 2 (0/40 to 3)
Sciences - Ninja History 4 (0/40 to 5)
Sciences - Psychology 1 (0/10 to 2)
Stealth 2 (0/40 to 3)
Taijutsu - Krav Maga 10 (0/160 to 11)
Taijutsu - Konoha-ryu 2 (0/40 to 3)
Weapons - Kenjutsu 3 (0/40 to 4)
Weapons - Kunai 4 (0/40 to 5)
Weapons - Shuriken 2 (0/40 to 3)

(A) is for Anchored, meaning it will follow you into your next life

Aburame Kikkaichu Host II: You host two hives of kikkai. These hives permanently take up 10% of your chakra each, for a current penalty of 20%.

(A) Chakra Use: The world of Naruto has seeped into your soul; after some retraining you can use chakra again in any subsequent world. This chakra useage will be shaped by the world you currently inhabit.

Drunken Inspiration: Every night you go out drinking, you come back with… something. Involves a great deal of chance and has a chance of backfiring, but at least you have a chance of getting more out of that night than a hangover?

Language - English: You can understand the vast majority of English vocabulary, by context clues if not outright. You have a grasp of the majority of grammar, slang, spelling, and pronunciation of your native culture, and can understand if not reproduce the same for neighboring cultures.

Language - Japanese: You speak Japanese at the level of an older child, and have more specialized vocabulary befitting a working ninja.

(A) Omake Bonuses: For the readers so loved their Aburame son, they strove to make him stronger. You have a permanent bonus of +10% to Health, Chakra, and Mental Health.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Eternal Martial Artist: Whereas normally Genius must be taken for individual styles of martial arts, due to your expertise and incarnate nature you possess the Genius advantage for all martial arts, and never suffer penalties for learning martial arts with inadequate instruction.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Fountain Curse: You fell in a cursed spring as a teenager, and now you transform into a girl any time you touch cold water. It lasts until you've had a good night's rest.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Krav Maga: Linked to 'Eternal Martial Artist', Krav Maga was your first and best martial art. Your memories of this skill can never be erased; no matter what the circumstances, you will always be able to teach yourself Krav Maga up to rank 40.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Storm Dancer: You will always feel the storms.

| 0 points - Incapable/Disabled
This is not a skill you possess. For attributes, this means you cannot use either the attribute, or any skill tied to it; complete disability.
| 1 points - Capable
Only absolute beginners have skills at this tier. Attributes at this tier are typically possessed by infants, the injured, or the mildly disabled.
| 2 - 4 points - Academy Student
This is where apprentices start. Most civilian adults have their attributes at this tier.
| 5 - 9 points - Genin
At this level, apprentices are typically trusted to use their skills unsupervised. Attributes actively used for professional skills will be at this tier for most working civilian adults.
| 10 - 14 points - Chuunin
Journeymen graduate to work on their own with skills at this tier. The average civilian human adult never gets attributes to this level.
| 15 - 19 points - Tokubetsu Jounin
Skills at this tier garner national respect. Attributes in this tier have been specialized in far beyond the norm.
| 20 - 29 points - Jounin
Someone with skills here are globally noted. The majority of people will never meet someone with attributes here.
| 30 - 39 points - Kage
Skills and attributes at this level have been advanced to the human maximum, and then enhanced with supernatural skills.
| 40 - 49 points - Sage
This is the very peak of human ability, enhanced with the peak of human supernatural skills.
| 50 - 70 points - Sage +
Humans cannot improve themselves to this point naturally.
| 80+ points - Unknown

[ ] Aburame with a side of Ninjutsu
-[ ] Aburame Adaptation
-[ ] Kikkai Breeding
-[ ] Ninjutsu
-Results in Aburame Adaptation 20 (200/320 to 21), Intelligence 10 (38/160 to 11), Kikkai Breeding 13, Ninjutsu 10 (80/160 to 11), Willpower 10
-Awareness, Perception, Sciences - Battlefield Strategy, Sciences - Ninja History, Stealth, Woodcraft all at 5; Chakra Control at 5 (70/80 to 6)
-Learned Ninjutsu: Kikkai Bunshin, Ninjutsu: Kinobori, and Taijutsu: Shunshin


The majority of your accumulated XP will go to these three skills. The rest will go towards skills that Hiruzen deems crucial for a genin to know, such as woodcraft. If you choose ranton, then suiton and raiton will be raised as well; ranks in ranton cannot exceed those in suiton and raiton. Skills training will also raise the associated attributes.

Votes must be in plan format.

If you would like to make your own specific XP plan, go right ahead. There's a total of 6336 XP, and the costs of raising skills is detailed in the system explanation threadmark.

The character sheet presented here is from 2.5 years ago, and will be updated after the XP is distributed.
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[X] The Classics
-[X] Taijutsu - Krav Maga
-[X] Aburame Adaptation
-[X] Ninjutsu

Basically setting Kento up to continue the things we started out with. With Krav Maga's new negative, it's imperative to be a higher level than our opponents in melee. Aburame Adaption so Kento can do some sweet Aburame moves, and Ninjutsu to set us up for future lazerbeams Ranton while currently giving us new techniques.

Left out genjutsu because I think I remember him realizing he didn't like mental torture, which really limited our options with it.
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[X] Plan Lightning Bug
-[X] Aburame Adaptation 5 (0/80 to 6)
-[X] Aburame Kikkai Breeding 0 (0/2 to 1)
-[X] Ninjutsu - Raiton 0 (0/2 to 1)
currently sitting on a tie, guys! two for the basics, two for being a lightning bug.
updated the character sheets to reflect the Aburame kikkai chakra penalty, and the omake bonuses to health, chakra, and mental health.
this is the resulting character sheet for the plan The Classics, with changes in bold:

Agility 6 [8] (0/80 to 7)
Charisma 5 (0/80 to 6)
Endurance 7 [9] (0/80 to 8)
Intelligence 5 (0/80 to 6)

Luck 4
Perception 5 (0/80 to 6)
Strength 17 [19] (70/320 to 18)
Willpower 10 (10/160 to 11)

Derived Statistics
Health 30.8/30.8 (28 total *1.1 omake bonus)
Chakra 16.2/16.2 ([19 total*.8 Aburame penalty]*1.1 omake bonus)
Mental Health 16.5/16.5 (15 total*1.1 omake bonus)
Reflexes 13

Aburame Adaptation 16 (80/320 to 17)
Aburame Kikkai Breeding 0 (0/2 to 1)
Awareness 5 (0/80 to 6)
Chakra Control 4 (26/40 to 5)

Chakra Folding 2 (0/40 to 3)
Genjutsu 6 (0/80 to 7)
Infiltration 5 (0/80 to 6)
Instinct 5 (0/80 to 6)
Ninjutsu 11 (10/160 to 12)

Ninjutsu - Raiton 0 (0/2 to 1)
Ninjutsu - Ranton 0 (0/2 to 1; cannot advance past component elements)
Ninjutsu - Suiton 2 (0/40 to 3)
Sciences - Battlefield Strategy 3 (0/40 to 4)
Sciences - Ninja History 4 (0/40 to 5)
Sciences - Psychology 1 (0/10 to 2)
Stealth 5 (0/80 to 6)
Taijutsu - Krav Maga 18 (80/224 to 19)

Taijutsu - Konoha-ryu 2 (0/40 to 3)
Weapons - Kenjutsu 3 (0/40 to 4)
Weapons - Kunai 4 (0/40 to 5)
Weapons - Shuriken 2 (0/40 to 3)
Woodcraft 5 (0/80 to 6)

(A) is for Anchored, meaning it will follow you into your next life

Aburame Kikkaichu Host II: You host two hives of kikkai. These hives permanently take up 10% of your chakra each, for a current penalty of 20%.

(A) Chakra Use: The world of Naruto has seeped into your soul; after some retraining you can use chakra again in any subsequent world. This chakra useage will be shaped by the world you currently inhabit.

Drunken Inspiration: Every night you go out drinking, you come back with… something. Involves a great deal of chance and has a chance of backfiring, but at least you have a chance of getting more out of that night than a hangover?

Language - English: You can understand the vast majority of English vocabulary, by context clues if not outright. You have a grasp of the majority of grammar, slang, spelling, and pronunciation of your native culture, and can understand if not reproduce the same for neighboring cultures.

Language - Japanese: You speak Japanese at the level of an older child, and have more specialized vocabulary befitting a working ninja.

(A) Omake Bonuses: For the readers so loved their Aburame son, they strove to make him stronger. You have a permanent bonus of +10% to Health, Chakra, and Mental Health.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Eternal Martial Artist: Whereas normally Genius must be taken for individual styles of martial arts, due to your expertise and incarnate nature you possess the Genius advantage for all martial arts, and never suffer penalties for learning martial arts with inadequate instruction.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Fountain Curse: You fell in a cursed spring as a teenager, and now you transform into a girl any time you touch cold water. It lasts until you've had a good night's rest.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Krav Maga: Linked to 'Eternal Martial Artist', Krav Maga was your first and best martial art. Your memories of this skill can never be erased; no matter what the circumstances, you will always be able to teach yourself Krav Maga up to rank 40.

(A) Reincarnated Soul - Storm Dancer: You will always feel the storms

Trained Swimmer: You can swim in most conditions.

+Ninjutsu: Kinobori
+Ninjutsu: Shunshin
+Taijutsu: Increased Agility I
+Taijutsu: Increased Agility II
+Taijutsu: Increased Strength I
+Taijutsu: Increased Strength II
+Taijutsu: Increased Endurance I
+Taijutsu: Increased Endurance II
+Taijutsu: Bakuhatsuryoku
+kikkai swarm
+kikkai swarm

will do the results for Lightning Bug when I get a chance.

vote closes tomorrow.
Voting Closed.
Adhoc vote count started by fallintolife on Dec 5, 2017 at 12:16 PM, finished with 21 posts and 7 votes.