(AN: I'm switching to third person because holy shit I hate second person)
[The Iron Fist] As skilled as you are in hand to hand combat, you need a weapon in your hand to feel complete. *Locate your greatsword or a new weapon. Reward: A suitable weapon, 75 xp
Do you accept?
The fallen knight of the Great Lord Gwyn rose from the crater- and near tomb- created with its impact. Stone chips and flakes rained around in a miniature storm. A quick self assessment showed a broken and missing left forearm, a severely cracked left leg, and various dents, scars, and punctures all across the rest of its form. Altogether, nothing insurmountable for an immortal spirit of wrath and violence, but certainly not the best state of affairs.
Glancing back at the ominous words floating in midair, the Knight was surprised to note that they rotated perfectly to remain in the exact same position no matter where it looked. A quick backstep followed by an awkward sprint forward illustrated much of the same phenomenon.
It could be ignored... but in a position like this, could any distractions be afforded? Especially since the Knight realized that due to this bizarre situation, it neglected to survey its surroundings properly. Quickly, the Knight glanced around to take account of the narrow stone walkway it crash-landed into. A massive Moonlight Butterfly was noticed flying away in the distance, adding to the growing frustration the Knight felt, as it could've easily taken advantage of the distraction caused by the... unsettlingly accurate message.
Boiling over with annoyance, a black armored fist lashed out at the haunting words, doing absolutely nothing of importance. Which did nothing to stave off the one-armed attack as it continued, on and on until it managed to hit the glowing 'Y' and just as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. At this point, confusion was such a staple of this Knight's unlife that it merely shrugged it off, chalked it up to the continued doctrine of Victory Through Sufficient Violence, and decided to finally start its... quest to reclaim a weapon. Idiotic messages by magecraft. Bah.
Shortly afterwards, it found itself at the mossy base of the Darkroot Forest, trees and greenery extending everywhere as far as the eye could see. In the distance the faint sound of steel could be heard and thus the Knight had a destination.
The forest was enormous, gloomy, and verdant. Its canopy was contested by various overwhelmingly massive trees, sufficient twinkling lights bursting through their crowns for bright shrubs to grow in the rich grounds below. Silent climbing plants- and disguised serpents- grasped most of the forest, and a hodgepodge of flowers, scattered sporadically, added more life in the otherwise dark green landscape.
A cacophony of wild sounds, belonging mostly to vermin fleeing the steel-clashing, formed a chaotic orchestra with the occasional splashes of frogs jumping in the surrounding puddles from the latest rainstorm. All too soon the scene causing the noises was located by the Knight in black, who looked on silently, unwilling to immediately engage with unknown foes while this weakened.
Three giant forest guardians, embodied spirits in signature stone armor, surrounded and attacked a lone human. The individual was clad in a fancy set of steel armor, with a blue and gold surcoat and what appeared to be a fire-warding heraldic symbol on it. Spinning, rolling, and lashing out with a simple longsword, the lone knight faced down the lumbering forest golems with what appeared to be little to no fear. For their part, the golems managed a crude approximation of tactical acumen as one would lift a massive stone greatsword and activate magic to slow the knight while the other two would continue forward, attempting to drive the knight into a corner where their reach would overcome the knight's speed.
Watching the entire affair, a black knight pondered on their next move:
[] This fight, while interesting, won't help in any way. The Knight continues on their way.
[] This fight is interesting, but not worth getting involved in. The Knight continues watching silently.
[] The blade the knight is using is much smaller than a Black Knight is used to, but it's better than nothing. The Knight assists the forest guardians.
[] While not quite the same as a certain black greatsword, the golems seem to possess a peculiar substitute. The Knight attacks a forest guardian.
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