- Location
- Reno Nv
Bro, relax, it doesn't have to be 'merica. It can be a mixture of countries that are all part of america.
Bro, relax, it doesn't have to be 'merica. It can be a mixture of countries that are all part of america.
Have you clicked the '+' icons to expand each category?Interesting. I'm gonna keep an eye on this game.
Though I can't seem to see the Tech Tree.
You can only see currently available techs. You currently have two techs available per category. More techs/categories can unlock during the quest. More info will be released when I finish writing up the R&D actions.Hmmm, i was able to get it to open after some work, but I'm only seeing one branch to every tech after I open them so far.
Agreed, I would have been happy either way. I just want an XCOM quest, there was a really good one that ended a while a go so I have my hopes up.
Download the Tree from mediafire and click the link to open draw.io. Select "Device" and click "Open Existing Diagram". Select the file 'Tech Tree.xml'. Click the plus signs to open categories.i just cant get to the tech tree. so if anyone could tell me whats there or post it that would be great.
That is the compressed tech tree diagram information. See above for use instructions.All I'm getting from the document I'm downloading is an Internet Explorere window with this text:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<mxfile type="device" editor="www.draw.io" version="7.3.7" userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.2 Safari/603.3.8">
<diagram id="b98fa263-6416-c6ec-5b7d-78bf54ef71d0" name="Page-1">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</diagram>
No idea what this is.
I do not understand, are you upset Japan lost or something else.
Nevermind, I misunderstood who you were replying too.
Years long research.It's ok, I didn't quote it. Also, is this going to be XCOM speed research, or long haul couple months research?
I'll be posting images in the updates, that link is mostly for people who want the more advanced features of collapsible/movable branches.this seems unnecessarily complicated cant you just post the tech here
Don't jump to conclusions. The QM wouldn't have given us so many other actions to work with if it was impossible like you say.Guys, 1000% debt can't be paid off. Let's deal with it in one or two turns and stop wasting actions on hopeless. The sooner we do that, the better.