Let me play among the stars (Neon Genesis Evangelion).

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The inspiration for this story comes from a post in the Advice and Trust thread. "What would...
Poinciana, Florida
The inspiration for this story comes from a post in the Advice and Trust thread. "What would happen if Rei was Shinji's roommate instead of Asuka" combined with "What would it have been like if Shinji lived alone instead of Misato."

Let's just say there's a lot of changes to canon as a result. Written in the POV of Shinji's memoirs, time-skips usually exist to avoid repeating what has already happened in the official canon continuity. I intend to update with one new chapter a week, the story is already up to chapter 9, so it will be a while before I run out of buffer, so without further ado, here's the prologue and chapter 1, point of deviation, Episode 2 of the anime.

Chapter 1

"An unfamiliar ceiling," those were the first words when I woke up in the hospital after the fight with the first Angel. Little did I realize that day, that it would lead me to meeting my beloved.

I am Shinji Ikari, and these are my memoirs of what would later be dubbed, "The Angel War." Parts of the story that happen without me present were lifted from what NERV documents survived the conflict, a few even being non-official.

After the fight with the first Angel, on my second day at NERV, I was summoned to the Commander's central office where my living arrangements were to be decided..

Geesh! You'd think they'd plan for me to be set up before I was dragged out here to be blackmailed into piloting an Eva, that's the huge walking-fighting, prone to going berserk, "robot," but then again, NERV is an organization run by my dead-beat father who sees absolutely nothing wrong with outright abandoning his four-year-old son, at a crowded train station, when his wife "dies," and that's how he acts when there are witnesses around. I shudder to think what he would have done if he had found me at home instead, where there were no witnesses. The worst part is that the NERV personnel think that sort of thing is "normal" and can't grasp why I might be just a tiny bit hostile.

Along with Captain Misato, I am called to the NERV housing office where some bureaucrat, whose name I never heard, starts deciding my housing arrangements.

Misato: "You don't want to live with your father?"

Quartermaster: "I think that living apart is … natural for them."

Misato: "And living together is unnatural?"


Misato: (To Shinji) "You'll be living alone?!"

Quartermaster: "Yes. His room is the sixth block beyond this one. Is that alright?"

Misato: (To Shinji) "Are you okay with that?"

Shinji: "Living alone is fine with me."

Of course, Captain Misato was clearly not satisified with that and decided to literally drag me to her home and force me to move in and live with her, with no supervision or chaperon. Now I was just a child soldier with no prior military training, but even I can see the problems, plural, involved in such an arrangement, Being completely over my head, I don't complain, but when Misato calls the head of project E, Risuko Akagi, amazingly my dead-beat dad DOES, though I suspect he only did it to be a dick.

(Over the speaker phone while Misato is driving Shinji to her place)

Commander Gendo: "Captain Misato Katsuragi. It has come to my attention that you intend to ignore the housing arrangements we've planned out, after considerable and thorough review, and are in the process of physically dragging Pilot Ikari to live with you at your place without any external supervision or chaperon, despite the fact that not only are you his superior officer, but of the opposite gender. Care to explain your violation of several military rules, regulations, and protocols regarding fraternizing with subordinates? Especially considering the fact that said subordinate is almost a decade younger than you?"

Misato: "That last part is precisely my point! A 13-year-old living alone is bad enough, but slapping the duty of piloting a war-machine on top of that, and Shinji needs some kind of supervision when he gets home! What happens if some physical or mental injury he receives doesn't manifest until long after the battle is over and he's home alone! What if he goes to bed at night and doesn't wake up the next morning! How is he going to fend for himself?!"

Gendo: "That has all been already addressed, Captain. His living quarters are being monitored, and Section 2 security has several details to ensure 24-hour coverage on all Eva pilots."

Misato: "Section 2? Commander, unless these details are going to be physically sharing his apartment, there are several blind spots in their 'coverage' that even simple illness can exploit, let alone hostile elements."

Gendo: "So you're insistent that Shinji not live on his own, no matter what rules you have to break, even going so far as rank insubordination?"

Misato: "For his well-being, yes! I am willing to shoulder that risk, Commander."

Gendo: "Very well. Since we don't have the luxury of throwing you in the brig at this time, I propose an alternate solution."

Misato: "I'm listening."

Gendo: "Pilot Ikari will have a room-mate, the first child. Her unique circumstances have prompted us to try and find her 24-7 supervision for some time, without success. Your insistence that Pilot Ikari not have a flat to himself, unsupervised, has finally provided us a perfect candidate for the task."

Misato: "You want two teens of opposite genders living in the same room without adult supervision?"

Gendo: "Captain, you are hardly qualified to be considered 'adult' yourself. Your use of your NERV personal expense card raises serious concerns. We have been overlooking it, considering your skill, competence, and dedication to your work. Unfortunately, your insistence in dragging the Third Child to your personal residence, on your own prerogative is causing the entire organization to reconsider your qualifications. If you continue to be insubordinate, I will have no choice but to have you arrested, thrown into the brig, and make other arrangements regarding the Third Child to prevent your... ill conduct. You are to escort the Third Child to the First Child's residence, immediately, and once he's safely inside his new quarters, leave."

Misato: "FINE! I will comply, but I want it stated for the record that I do so with the strongest possible protest, and if I hear of any issues regarding the two of them, I will use my full command authority, and the rules and regulations of Military Justice to make you answer for it!"

Gendo: "Duly noted. Carry out your orders, Captain. Dismissed." <Click>


Shinji: "Why... why the heck?!"

At the end of the call, in Gendo's office...

Fuyutsuki: "Was that really necessary, Gendo?"

Gendo: "Indeed. The Captain's immaturity could become a serious threat to The Scenario. It's better to correct it early, while things are still relatively easy to deal with."

Fuyutsuki: (Begins massaging his temple to hold off the oncoming headache) "That may be, but putting the First and Third Children in the same one bedroom efficiency?"

Gendo: "The First has already proven to be a very effective leash on the boy, and the Captain does have a point that The Children need to be watched, closely. What better way than to put them together, very, very close together."

Fuyutsuki: "I suppose. Still, I hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the ass."

Gendo: "As long as it doesn't interfere with The Scenerio, what those teens do to each other is entirely irrelevant."

Fuyutsuki: "I suppose so." (Thinking. You're getting soft, Gendo. You're being too good to Rei and Shinji. Is it because he's your son?)

When we arrive at my "new home," formerly Rei's sole apartment, Misato... well, if she was mad before, she went into apopleptic fury. She didn't even try to compose or restrain herself.

Misato: "What?! The Third Child lives.. lived alone HERE! Sure, the stairs and elevator are in working order, barely, but she's got mail shoved in the slot, left unattended for god knows how long, burned out or outright broken lights right in front of her door..." (Turns the handle, and the door opens.) "And her place isn't even locked!" (Tries locking the door from the inside.) "Oh great! The lock doesn't even work! Is Section Two really doing their jobs watching out for one of the pilots for Humanity's Last Line Of Defense against the Angels?!"

Misato goes on to storm inside with me in tow...

Misato: "Well, the kitchen is clean at any rate."

The "room" is just a narrow corridor heading from the outer door, through the kitchen into the bedroom, with the bathroom opening into that narrow corridor between the front door and the bedroom.

Misato: "Now wait just a minute here. There's only ONE FUCKING BED, and no other bedrooms?! What the hell is the Commander expecting? Are you supposed to sleep in the bathtub? Or does he think the two of you are already married?! And what has Rei on top the refrigerator here? As well as all these used bandages and trash all over the place?"

Misato starts examining the labels, doing her best not to touch the bottles like she's preserving a crime scene.

Misato: "Oxycontin, Zoloft, Vitamin K, Ritalin, Maalox, Nexium, Insulin, a bunch of digestive enzymes, human growth hormone, and a bunch of other stuff I can't readily identify... Geesh! Small wonder she's always spaced out like a wind-up doll. She's drugged to the gills all the time, and I don't dare tamper with this regimen without the aid of a damn good medical expert, and maybe not even then. No telling what the side-effects of detox are! Oh, the Commander and I are going to have words when I see him tomorrow morning. For now, I've got no choice but to follow orders and leave you here. First though I'm going to get photographic evidence of these conditions, and do something to fix that damn lock so I don't leave you here defenseless!"

True to her word, she drags me off to the hardware store, and we buy a new door knob, with a deadbolt, not to mention a replacement for the light just outside the door, and spend the rest of the day installing it, as well as Misato taking lots and lots of pictures of the apartment, the building, and the surrounding neighborhood.

Misato: "Good night, Shinji. I hope you rest well, because you still have school tomorrow, and I have an appointment with a certain sun-glass wearing douchebag."

The next morning, as I was getting punched in the face by Toji Suzuhara, who would ironically become my best friend, Misato had her own battle to deal with, and it went just as poorly.

End of chapter 1. To be continued in chapter 2...
Chapter 2.
What? No comments? I guess that means this is either really good or really bad. Considering there's a "like," I'll go with "really good." Since Irma is bearing down on where I live, and I could lose power, I'm going to post the next two chapters now. One post per chapter. Enjoy!!
Chapter 2

Back in Gendo's office, Misato hasn't calmed down in the slightest from her foyer into what would later become Rei's and I's quarters.

Misato: "Commander. Care to explain how our 'competent' Section Two officers can let The First Child live in these conditions? I can understand them not being able to go into her apartment, which is substandard on the best of days, why aside from the kitchen, the poor girl clearly can't care for herself in the slightest, but the outside? The neighborhood is run-down, with many buildings scheduled for demolition, including possibly the one she lives in, the outer door was not only missing its overhead light, and the doorbell doesn't work, but would not lock at all, until I took matters into my own hands and made the repairs myself. Furthermore, she has a witch's brew of medicines on the refrigerator near to her bed, many of which I can't even begin to identify, and of those I can, some are dangerous prescription-only drugs with a slew of rather nasty side-effects, including addiction, in the case of the Oxycontin. How can a child on that many drugs be expected to pilot an Eva competently?"

Misato hands over copies of her photographic evidence to Fuyutsuki who then hands it to Gendo.

Gendo opens his desk and pulls out several binders filled with documents and photographic evidence of his own.

Gendo: "Captain Katsuragi. I share many of your concerns. In fact, I have been fighting to improve The First Child's condition for some time. As you'll note in these work orders, I have been attempting to get the safety and security of that apartment addressed for months. You've been in military service during the Second Impact wars. I'm sure you're aware that petty bureaucrats love to justify spending money on big, expensive projects by neglecting the small, mundane minutia of day-to-day life, even if that ultimately puts the big, expensive project in jeopardy. Which reminds me, the receipts you've given me for the repairs will be reimbursed to you, plus labor. As to the interior apartment's condition?"

Gendo has Fuyutsuki hand over to Misato pictures of her own apartment, and her rage meter not only pegs at maximum, but breaks from the strain.

Misato: "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THIS!? Who went into my room uninvited and took these?!"

Gendo: "As it is within your authority to photographically document the living conditions of your subordinates, Captain, it is within my authority to photographically document yours, as you are my subordinate. Frankly, I'm surprised some kind of feral animal hasn't jumped out and bit you yet. The sheer quantity of discarded alcoholic beverage containers is the most disturbing part. How you manage to function on a day-to-day basis boggles the mind, and unlike Rei, who has a deep underlying condition for which we can only treat the symptoms, with the drugs you've mentioned, among other top-secret treatments I am not currently at liberty to divulge, I fail to see how trying to embalm yourself alive is in any way conducive to your health, let alone your competence as the top soldier in NERV."

Misato:"... That still doesn't explain how you expected The Third and First Children, who I must remind you are teens of opposite genders, to live in the same one bedroom efficiency, with only one bed and clearly no room for another. Heck, there's not even enough room for Shinji to unpack his clothes without displacing Rei's!"

Gendo points to the floor diagrams he's prepared of available units. They're either identical to Rei's, or have a big, red X marked through them.

Gendo: "The ones with an X are units that were damaged by Angel attack to the point that they're uninhabitable, or simply destroyed. As you can see, our options are very limited, and before you suggest The Third moves in with me, aside from his wishes on the matter, I'll have you know that my superiors are already accusing me of nepotism simply because he's Eva-01's pilot, as chosen by the Marduk Institute. His living with me is simply not an option."

Misato having no further logical means to rebuff him begins to fume in impotent rage.

Gendo: "As this is all deeply upsetting you, Captain, I'm giving you one last chance. If you really want to be their personal caretaker, you have to prove some minimal basic competence. As such, you have until Rei comes out of the hospital to clean up your apartment, if not your act. A full inspection will be conducted by an impartial third party, if you fail this inspection, you will drop the matter entirely and that will be final. If you pass, on the other hand... we'll discuss our options further. You are dismissed, Captain."

Misato: "Yes, sir. Understood, sir!"

Misato salutes and then storms out of the office in completely unbridled fury.

Fuyutsuki:"Is it really wise and necessary to alienate her like this? Especially over so trivial a matter?""

Gendo: "She knows what I'm saying is right, even if she's too temperamental and immature to admit it. Besides, her abject hatred of the Angels and overwhelming desire to see them annihilated vastly outweighs whatever perceived slight she might have against me, and she will not jeopardize the chance for her revenge carelessly."


Finding myself having to share Rei's quarters, which has only one bed, and getting punched in the face upon transferring to the local high school, which after many years of "therapy" I've finally come to acknowledge was in no way my fault, was going to be the least of the shocking developments that day.

Following the fight with the Second Angel, as the fight ended, Kensuke, being the military otaku, pointed out that I would have been unable to retreat as ordered, and my snap decision to take the opening Sachiel offered and go for its core was the tactically right decision. When Misato started to yell at me for disobeying her order to retreat, I said so.

Misato: "Wait, you followed the advice of a civilian to ignore my order to retreat when said civilian was in the entry-plug with you?!"

Shinji: "Well, there is the fact that the Angel was chasing me, and I was running out of power. If I had retreated, the Angel would have still been coming after us, and I would have been out of power, helpless, with two civilians on board."

Misato: "Well, as angry as I am that you disobeyed my direct order, endangering the civilians with you in the process, I'm glad that you thought it through, and found a more viable, and less risky, path to victory than mine."

Misato then lovingly smacks her fist on the top of my hard-hat. "Good work, soldier. Keep it up. Soldiers are supposed to follow orders, but not blindly."

I was later informed that Ayanami was moved from the hospital we both were in after I woke up from the battle with the first Angel. Her "advanced" treatments were being performed at NERV headquarters, so I had to have Misato ferry me there, but not before she shanghaied me into cleaning up her place, as punishment for my earlier "insubordination"... and boy was THAT a mess. The "reward" for that was Misato's "home cooking." The less said about that, the better. Allowing me to clean-up in Misato's shower afterward, and there's my infamous encounter with Misato's pet genetically engineered penguin, Pen2 or Pen-Pen wherein I ran out of the shower screaming, and naked as the day I was born with Misato completely unfazed, drinking her Yabisu, and the camera's perspective really insulting my nether regions for good measure. She still shares the photos at the slightest excuse where a box of toothpicks is more than enough to be a scenery censor.

It is in that mindset where I am escorted to Rei's "treatment chamber" and invited in, to find her inside a giant glass chamber full of LCL completely naked. She doesn't react to the fact that she's naked in front of a boy, who is a complete stranger, in the slightest, except to acknowledge that I'm in the room.

Rei: "Hello, Ikari-kun. I am informed that we'll be living together from now on, once my treatment is complete."

Shinji: "N-n-nice to meet you."

Her response to seeing me stutter and turn away embarrassed is highly unusual, to say the least.

Rei: "Is there something unpleasant about my body? Is it that my injuries upset you?"

Shinji: "Th-that-that's not it! Why...why are you completely defenseless in front of a complete stranger?"

Rei: "Ikari-kun. You are not a stranger. I have read your dossier. Pilot Ikari, male, black hair, blue eyes, mother Yui Ikari, father Gendo Ikari, raised in..." and she goes on to list fact and detail down to the tiniest minutia, including my blood type.

Shinji: "That's not what I mean! What do you know about my personality, my likes and dislikes,.. how I'm going to react to seeing a very attractive girl nude in front of me?!"

Rei: "I'm … attractive?" She begins to show just the slightest trace of a blush, though it's hard to tell with the color of the LCL she's marinading in.

Shinji: "Well, yeah... What the hell could that dead-beat dad be thinking to make me share a room with a girl who is not only defenseless, but someone I know absolutely nothing about, at all!"

Rei: "Pilot Ikari! You will not speak ill of the Commander, especially in my presence. If I wasn't in this healing tank, I would slap you."

Shinki: "Sorry! What sort of relationship do you have with the Commander?"

Rei: "As long as you understand. He is my savior, I owe my very life to him. I will obey any order he gives me, even if that means ordering me to die. I have to assume there is some much larger goal and objective, and he has no other viable option."

Shinji: "Why? Why does he abandon me and then take you in? It makes no sense."

Dr. Ritsuko Akagi: "Perhaps this will help."

The very attractive, but clearly bleached-blonde scientist hands me Rei's dossier and my jaw hits the floor.

Shinji: "Wait. She's not only been in NERV since age four, but the LCL treatments are the only thing keeping her alive? And all those medications in her apartment only stave off the symptoms?"

Dr. Akagi: "When she says Gendo is her life, she's not kidding. If the Marduk Institute didn't decide to make her The First Child, her fate would have been a horrific death. As to why she's so 'defenseless,' she's had to grow up being in that tank for extended periods of time, with technicians of both genders and all orientations working to keep her alive and well. So she doesn't grasp the concept of 'modesty.' We at NERV figure it's best if you are exposed to this information early, in a controlled environment, than being ambushed by it when you two find yourselves together."

Shinji: "But why would the Commander choose me, a teenage, presumably heterosexual, boy to be her 'roommate?' as opposed to a medical professional, presumably of the same gender? And not a lesbian? Especially with more than just one bed for sleeping arrangements?"

Dr. Akagi: "We've been trying. Nobody qualified has come forward to help. Either the demands were unreasonable, they had prior commitments, or there was something in their profile that made them... undesirable. You're the first candidate we've had that is both willing and able to watch over her. Further, our options on living space are quite limited. A one bedroom efficiency is all that's available."

Shinji: "I-I see. Well, Ayanami, I'll be in your care."

Rei: "Please take good care of me."

(Asuka's notes in the margin. This is apparently common among the Japanese, not to mention other Asian cultures when they either start dating, or find themselves being room-mates with those of opposite genders. Makes no sense to me, but whatever.)

The days passed quickly, visiting Rei daily in her tank slowly but surely got less and less disturbing with time, although the fact that other people see her au naturale like this, regardless of their orientation, and she doesn't have an issue with it really grates me for some reason.

She's amazingly smart, and her poor school grades are purely a result of habitual excused absence, due to her unusual and rather long list of illnesses. When someone brings her the class notes, something that hasn't happened prior, she's amazingly quick on picking up subject matter, which also helped my grades, as having a study partner is not something I've had much experience with either.

Having gotten her permission to do laundry on her clothing, including the intimate items, while she's in treatment, so she'll have something clean to home to, I discovered that all she owns are a sensible black school-swimsuit, a track and field suit, and several "sailor fuku" school outfits.

It shouldn't take a genius to understand why this is unacceptable, now that we're going to be living together and being forced to share a bed.

Of course, a tactless comment from one of the school teachers, within earshot of the student body, immediately caused a furor, and I was hammered insistently by just about everyone on what Rei and my relationship is, as well as intimate details from Rei, like is her blue hair "natural." The worst, of course, are Toji and Kensuke who being healthy heterosexual teen males, are very, very curious about the opposite sex.

Despite my repeated protests that we're being forced to live together, and that there's no "intimate" relationship, the gossip just doesn't stop. All of this together gives me the resolve, that come hell or high-water, I'm taking Rei on a clothes-shopping date the moment she sets foot out of the hospital.

While Rei doesn't object, she completely fails to comprehend the reason for the endeavor.

Rei: "I fail to see the purpose of this excursion and expenditure, Ikari-kun."

Shinji: "Ayanami-san, since we're going to be living together from now on, and we don't have separate rooms, we need some kind of barrier, even if it's only symbolic, to prevent unfortunate misunderstandings."

Rei: "I still do not understand."

Shinji: "Well, it might be fun to see you trying out new outfits."

Rei: "Getting dressed is fun?!"

Shinji: "It can be, yes."

Rei: "I... see. I must trust in your judgment."

Of course, the shopping trip is hardly the quiet affair I had hoped. We run into Toji, who is shopping for his hospital bound sister, and Kensuke who goes wherever Toji goes, and they can't keep their mouths shut, so the whole class descends on the clothes store where we're shopping, making Rei very uncomfortable, until Hikari steps in and uses her authority as class-rep to make them behave.

Hikari: "What the hell is going on here?!"

Rei: "I fail to find this amusing, Pilot Ikari."

Hikari: "Shinji-san?!"

Shinji: (Sigh) "Since she spends so much time in the hospital, she lacks 'casual' clothes, including pajamas, at least in good shape, and so I brought her here to get her some, I certainly did not intend to make this a circus."

Hikari: "Rei-san, is this true?"

Rei: "I fail to comprehend the need, but Ikari-kun is telling the truth."

Hikari: "Ok, so who did start all this?! Suzuhara-san?!"

Toji: "What? Why are you accusing me?"

Hikari: "Because trouble follows you around like a stray kitten, that's why."

The rest of the class sells him out almost immediately.

Hikari: "I figured as much. Rei-san, I'll help you pick out some things that are comfortable, and look good, but don't give people the wrong idea."

Rei: "I thank you, Hikari-san."

Blue and white turn out to be Rei's colors, and she turns out to be stunning in a simple conservative night-gown and blue flannel pajamas, made of wool and cotton respectively. She also gets some rather sensible shorts/skits and shirts combos that make her look nice without being too titillating, which gets my heart racing.

Hikari: "I'm not going to press on your relationship, but be sure to lay down boundaries, and make sure Shinji doesn't step over them, okay, Rei-san?"

Rei: "Your advice is welcome, Hikari-san, and I now see what Ikari-kun meant. Clothes-shopping can be fun, with the right partner."

Hikari: "Good. Now get home, we still have school tomorrow, be sure to get plenty of rest, and for the rest of you, scram! SHOW'S OVER!"

Everyone: "Aww!"

Hikari: "I mean it! GO HOME!"

Hikari glares at me right in the eyes, "I better not hear any complaints from Rei regarding the way you treat her in her home, got it?!"

Shinji: "Yes, MA'AM!"

Hikari: "Good. Now get some rest, okay?"

Of course we head home, and once we're past the threshold with the door shut, Rei starts undressing, right in front of me.

Shinji: "Ayanami-san! What are you doing?"

Rei: "This is my home, I am preparing for bed."

Shinji:"But, but, but..."

Rei: "Not this again. Look. I intend to bathe, and I expect you to be joining me."

Shinji: "WHAT!?"

Rei: "I still fail to comprehend your trepidation. Do you require assistance removing your clothing?"

Shinji: "I... I still have to cook our Bento for tomorrow!"

Rei: "Really? Pilot Ikari, that can wait. Now either undress yourself or I will undress you, and I must warn you that I've never undressed a boy before."

Shinji: "Are you serious?"

Rei pins me to the wall. "Do you understand now?"

Needless to say I complied, as she's surprisingly strong, after which Rei examined me very carefully.

Rei: "Hmm, no obvious signs of disease or obesity, muscle mass is slightly below the norm but well within acceptable parameters, bone density looks sound, good heart rhythm.."

Shinji: "Um, Ayanami-san, what are you doing?"

Rei: "I must make a baseline health assessment before we start living together and this is the way I was taught."

Shinji: "Couldn't you have told me that beforehand?"

Rei: "That's odd. Don't all people normally do this?"

Shinji: "Ayanami-san, only doctors and researchers do that, and then only to patients or test subjects. People don't normally do this to one another."

Rei: "Oh. I apologize, Ikari-kun. Now, let's take a bath, then we need to work on dinner and those bentos."

(Asuka writes in the margins again. "What... what the fuck?! Did it really happen like that?! I've heard mixed-bathing and bath dates are a thing in Japan, but that's over the top even there.)

(Rei writhes in the margins..."And your point is? Really, I completely fail to see what the problem is, we were just bathing together.")

Aside from being a bit weird, I found bathing with Rei to be quite pleasant. As long as the issue of Commander Ikari didn't come up, she's very pleasant to talk with. She's the first person to accept me, as I am, without making any demands or simply ignoring me outright when I didn't fit their internal expectations. I'm quite certain this is what made me fall for her, hard.

Even after what we went through to get her some practical night-wear, she simply outright refuses to wear it, while sleeping, though she does happily wear it while we're eating, cooking, or doing other stuff around the house, and stripped herself nude before climbing into bed. By this point, I stopped objecting to Rei making herself naked around me. I figured I should just be flattered that she trusts me that much, even if it does make me quite uncomfortable, which even to the present, after learning the meaning of modesty, she still doesn't understand. Especially when she curled herself around me like I was a body pillow, and although she found the experience quite pleasant, for me, it took quite a bit of getting used to.

Our peaceful life wasn't going to last, and I knew it, because less than a week after we started living together, along comes the flying rhombus later known as the Angel Ramiel.

When I come back from the initial sortie against Ramiel, where Eva-01 got blasted in the chest by a high-energy beam, Rei is the first one by my side, with Misato a close second.

Rei :"Shinji! I was so worried! I.. I thought I was going to lose you! You're the first to ever accept me! Me! 'The girl with a bad personality' that everyone else shuns! If I die, I can be replaced, but not you. You..."

Shinji: (Cough) "Ow! That's my line. You're the first to accept me, without making weird demands, or outright ignoring me when I don't live up to your own internal expectations. I don't care what others told you, you are irreplaceable. Don't ever talk about yourself like that again, please?"

Rei begins crying, showing more emotion than I've ever seen her show, nodding fervently. "Yes, Shinji-kun, if you say so!"

Shinji: "Thank you."

After the joint operation where I used the massive Positron Rifle to shoot down Ramiel while Rei shielded me with a rocket re-entry shield was re-purposed into an Eva-sized tower shield to block Ramiel's energy beam, and I ripped her out of a half-molten entry-plug, I decided right then and there that I would profess my feelings for her, regardless if she may not reciprocate, because considering how our fight with the Angels is a life or death struggle where we could die at any moment, I'd rather die without regretting never having said it.

Shinji: "Ayanami! I.. I love you. I want to become one with you. Will you please marry me?"

Although it felt like hours waiting for her response, my plug-suit's internal clock only noted a few seconds of total silence before she made that genuine little smile that I love so much and said "yes." The rescue teams found us in each others arms, crying and laughing.

Well, okay, since you want an answer, i will post...:cry:

I must simply write that i don't like your story.:(

The premises are interesting, the text was good on the first chapter, but...:whistle:

The second chapter simply crashed... with extreme préjudices...:ninja:

I simply cannot understand why you began with a nice interaction between Rei and Shini and simply ... destroy it at the end of the chapter.:confused:

I think Ramiel will better answer than me.:D

Chapter 3

Of course, being young teens, simply running to the town hall and putting our thumb-prints on the proper documents wasn't going to be that easy... or so I thought. Despite my misgivings, I followed my fiance to Commander Gendo Ikari's office.

Gendo: "Ah. First and Third Children. The Major and I have been locked in a heated debate concerning your unique situation for some time, and we were waiting for your inpuit."

Shinji: "The Major?"

Gendo: "Oh? You haven't heard? Misato Katsuragi has been promoted as a direct result of your stunning success in the Ramiel operation.

Rei and I both bow and congratulate the new Major, as per Japanese custom. "Congratulations."

Major Misato Katsuragi: "Raise your heads. We require your input as the Commander and I are at an impasse concerning you."

Gendo: "Indeed. The Major has been repeatedly voicing, and quite loudly, some serious misgivings regarding your living arrangements. She thinks the two of you living in that one bedroom efficiency is wholly inadequate."

Shinji: "Well, the room is quite small for the two of us.."

Rei: "Pilot Ikari, perhaps now would be the best time?"

Shinji: "Ah, yes. Ayanami, care to do the honors?"

Rei:"Thank you, Ikari-kun. Commander, Major, after some... discussion, The Third Child and I would like to get married."

Major Misato Katsuragi: "You.. YOU WHAT?! At your age?! Unacceptable, you are way, way too young!"

Commander Gendo: "Major. Frankly, I see no objection. Not only are we placing the weight of all humanity on their shoulders, but they have been living together, without issue, for some time, is that correct, Pilot Ayanami?"

Rei: "It is as you say, Commander."

Commander Gendo: "Furthermore, they being legally married will serve to alleviate most, if not all, of your concerns, especially those of the school staff, who've been making their objections quite plain, as you've been dutifully reporting them. Is that not accurate?"

Misato: "Commander! Marriage is a major life-changing decision, and we're going to decide it based on nothing more than rampaging teenage hormones?"

Shinji: "HEY!"

Gendo: "Major! That is insulting. If it was all about 'rampaging teenage hormones,' the two of them had plenty of opportunity to indulge, and they have not. I am quite certain that the First and Third have given this plenty of thought and are taking the commitment and obligations involved very, very seriously. By the way, Section 2 reports that you passed inspection, but you cheated. The Third Child had to clean up after you."

Misato: "I beg your pardon, sir, but many 'responsible adults' hire maids to handle the household affairs, don't they? Especially those with very demanding jobs, like say, the leader of NERV's armed forces?"

Gendo: "I'll admit, it's a start, and a good one, as such, I'll grant you a boon, provided you agree to let our two young heroes here join hands in holy matrimony. Agree, and I will grant you guardian status over them, and have them both move into your residence where you can safely watch over them and their unique needs. Is that acceptable?"

Misato: "It's still a big decision, and the chances of a marriage doing well at their age is quite poor."

Gendo: "True, but there's no need to rush, you have until The Second Child arrives to decide. In the meantime, though, word has reached me that the apartment currently shared by Shinji and Rei is no longer a viable option, as the neighborhood it's in is nearing collapse. As such, we at NERV plan to relocate them to Shinji's original allotted place."

Misato: "Wait, The Second Child is coming here?"

Gendo: "Should the Eva construction in NERV Berlin continue as scheduled, she should arrive within the next few weeks, Eva-02 in tow on the U.S. Destroyer 'Over The Rainbow,' along with an escort fleet. You are her guardian are you not?"

Misato: "You really know how to turn the screws, don't you? Fine. How soon did our two love-birds want to tie the knot?"

Shinji: "Um.. As soon as possible, please? An Angel attack could kill us tomorrow and we'd rather not leave the world with regrets."

Misato: "Yeah, not really helping your case there, Shinji-kun... Which brings up the question, how are you so certain that Shinji and Rei haven't been getting 'frisky,' Commander?"

Gendo: "As commander, I have full access to their medical records, and I can tell you with certainty that sexual activity, or in this case lack thereof, is part and parcel of the information I possess to make informed decisions."

Misato: "That... is deeply disturbing, on several levels. Okay, if Shinji-kun can stand sharing a room and a bed with a girl that sees nothing wrong with being put on display, nude, in a jar, for several days, and wants to get married first before taking it further, I suppose it does speak for a certain level of maturity... Alright, guess I have no choice but to agree to the terms, but make note, I will be in charge of the household, and my word is LAW, understood?"

Gendo: "Well, now that that is settled, all that's needed are your official signatures on these documents right here, and then the public ceremony. We even have a space rented out, available up until the end of next week, so you can get your stuff together."


Gendo: "And what if I did? You have to admit, they work very well together, and I, personally, would like to keep it that way. What better way than to make their relationship official?"

Misato: "You scheming, manipulative..."

Gendo: "As for you, Third Child, no.. Shinji, you were grievously harmed by 10 years of woeful neglect. This is something I cannot undo. I can try to make it stay an artifact of the past, however. I hope this marriage boon that I grant you serves to undo at least some of the bad blood between us. Keep up the good work."

Shinji: "Thank you, Sir!"

Gendo: "Very good. Now please place your thumb-prints here, here and here."

Commander Gendo directs us to place our thumb-prints on certain parts of the official marriage forms, which we happily do.

Gendo: "Fuyutsuki. Please see to it that the Tokyo-3 town hall gets these officially documented and notarized. We want this marriage to become 100% legit and official."

Fuyutsuki: "Anything else, Commander?"

Gendo: "Is there anything else, Major, Pilots?"

Misato: "Much as I'd love to verbally rip you a new one, no Sir."

Rei: "Noting comes to mind, Sir."

Shinji: "I can't think of anything, Sir."

Gendo: "Then you are all dismissed. You have much preparation to do, including moving all your stuff to your new home, and getting settled in."

As soon as we leave the room, Gendo and Fuyutsuki have this little conversation.

Fuyutsuki: "What are you up to, Gendo? This isn't like you."

Gendo: "Of course not. That disgusting little brat deserves nothing but misery and pain for taking 'her' from me. When the time comes, I'll make sure he gets it, and then some."

Fuyutsuki: "Then why go through all this? Why have him marry Rei, who is vital to The Scenario, and giving them both a happy home? It could make her... reluctant to play her part."

Gendo: "True. That's why this makes for an excellent smoke screen for our true motives and plans. Besides, the most effective method to bring pain and suffering comes in the form of giving happiness and joy to treasure and then brutally taking it away without warning. I can hardly wait to see that brat broken and crying again, just like in that train station 10 years ago. But like fine wine, retribution gets better with age."

Fuyutsuki: "As you say, Sir." (Thinking. I'm so envious of you, Gendo. I wish I could act with that sense of single-minded, unwavering dedication that you display.)

Meanwhile: Inside the elevator from Gendo's office to the main operating center of NERV, Misato's having an epic breakdown and starts pounding the walls.

Misato: "What the hell is the commander thinking? First, he has his son, his minor teen son, live alone without any kind of supervision. When I object, and try to take him in, the commander flatly overrides me and has me dump him in a woefully insufficient DUMP without working doorbell or locks, in a very run-down neighborhood, to share with another minor teen, and a girl at that, one who doesn't grasp the concept of 'modesty,' to share both a bath and a bed since the apartment's way, way too small for any other arrangement, and on top of everything else, he's got official marriage forms tucked away in his desk, just in case, which he had you two sign just now. Only once it's official do you two get any kind of supervision. Honestly, is he desperate for grandchildren or something?"

Shinji: "I-- I'm sorry."

Misato: "Oh don't you apologize. This mess is clearly not your fault. Sticking you in the same room with a rather... passive girl, together day and night, sharing life-or-death situations on a regular basis, eesh. It's amazing the two of you haven't 'done it' yet. Well, you get married for the first time only once, so we're going to do this thing right!"

Sure enough, Misato made all the arrangements to make the wedding a success, even Eva-01, on standby, in case of Angel attack, was right outside the wedding venue, with a call to our class, to make it a semi-official holiday, and yes NERV does (or did) have that much power. The whole class, and the core of the NERV command staff, including Gendo were in attendance, only Ritsuko was absent, due to having to oversee the test-deployment of the U.N.'s pet project, Jet Alone, meant to render us Eva pilots obsolete, something I secretly applauded. Little did I know that another condition "proving Misato's maturity" is that the wedding Sake would be the last drop of alcohol to cross her lips as long as we're in her charge.

Per wedding tradition, Rei came to the ceremony in her white kimono with the pure-white over-sized head-dress, and I was present in my black kimono... I must say, Rei was, and still is, drop dead gorgeous in white. I was so awestruck I almost fumbled my lines, and my part drinking the three times from the three different sized sake cups after the exchange of vows. The event and the gifts given out by us was all an advance from our trust-funds, scheduled to reach maturity when we reach 20 years old, provided we all survive this whole being Eva pilots saving humanity from the Angels thing, and I must say, the amount is quite substantial.... Of course, I found out the truth of the matter is yet another of NERV's dirty secrets, but that's a tale for a much, much later date.

Sadly, although weddings tend to be all-day affairs here in Japan, ours wasn't thanks to Jet Alone literally running amok, and Eva-01 having to stop it before it reached Tokyo 3 and underwent a Chernobyl-style nuclear meltdown, killing god-knows how many people.

Misato's phone rings during the reception.

Misato: "Wait. Ritusko, what's happening?.. Oh, the Jet Alone nuclear powered giant robot designed for hand to hand combat has suddenly decided to start running off from the demonstration, and is headed this way? Wait... the mastermind of the Jet Alone project made fun of Evas for 'rampaging like a hysterical woman?' Oh that's some rich irony. Okay, the Pilots and I will try to restrain that thing while you get that access code to shut it down." <Click> <Dials NERV HQ> "Come on.. Come on.. Yeah. Got a situation here. Sound the alarm, Jet Alone has gone AWOL and is charging Tokyo-3 as we speak. Yeah, I'll need a hazmat-anti-rad suit, stat, and we're going to evacuate the wedding party while you guys organize a timely procession into the emergency shelters for all civilians... Oh you can bet the kids are going to be disappointed, but nothing we can do about that... Okay, got it."

Misato: "Attention please. All wedding guests are to head to the emergency shelters immediately. We have an emergency, the UN's Jet Alone robot has malfunctioned, badly, and is headed this way. It could experience a nuclear melt-down at any moment, so time is of the essence. Everybody move!"

Shinji: "Misato, what should we do?"

Misato: "Sorry to ruin your big day, kids, but I'm going to need you to man Eva-01 and restrain that thing while I get into its rear hatch to the computer core and enter the shut-down code."

Rei: "I refuse to be left behind, Major. I am also a pilot, and I must do my part."

Misato: "But Eva-00 is still undergoing repairs due to the joint fight between you both and that last angel."

Rei: "Be that as it may be, I will not be any safer in the shelters than on the front lines and piloting the Eva is my purpose..."

Shinji: "Rei, didn't we go over this already... Wait, Misato-san, can both of us go into Eva-01's entry-plug at the same time? We know Rei's compatible, as the first thing Commander Ikari said is that she was going to pilot the Eva if I couldn't."

Misato: "Wait, you want to try to dual-sync?... That's not a bad idea, actually. Especially with a task this simple. Alright, I give you the go-ahead. Both of you, get into your plug-suits, while I get into my anti-rad gear and we'll launch Operation Hope and Pray."

Since Rei and I were busy changing into our respective plug-suits, we didn't see how Misato managed to get into that big, clunky anti-rad gear so quickly.

Misato: "Good job, pilots. Okay, the mission is to restrain Jet Alone, keep it from coming into Tokyo-3 while I climb inside and shut it down. Dr. Akagi has given me the shut-down code. You are going to carry me to the robot, in Eva-01's hand, drop me off at the entry port in the back, and then hold it still until I can shut it down, no matter what else happens, got it?"

Shinji and Rei: "Yes, ma'am."

Misato: "Good. The operation starts now, both of you, get in that EVA!"

We take the wedding hall's service elevator up to the entry-plug and get in.

Rei: "Now say after me.. My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts."

Shinji: "Wait. Is that a Star-trek quote?"

Rei: "And if it is?"

I couldn't resist laughing, just a bit. "Oh Rei, I LOVE YOU!"

Rei: "And I you, let's do this!"

Shinj and Rei: "My Mind To Your Mind! Your Thoughts To My Thoughts!"

Back at NERV HQ,

Maya: "Amazing, the Sync rate just shot to 70%! That's the highest rate so far. Both pilot's psychographs are stable, and online. Neural links A-J connecting properly, crossing the borderline, Eva-01 is active!"


The Eva races towards the rampaging Jet Alone, both giants crash just outide Tokyo-3's city limits. One Eva's hand to Jet Alone's frame where the "head" should be while the other loops around to the back so Misato can jump climb into the rear entry hatch.

Shinji: "Good luck, Misato-san, and hurry! We aren't connected via a power-cable."

Misato: "Understood. Just keep this damn thing steady!"

Rei: "Roger, Major Misato. As for you, you giant rust-bucket. By the sacred flame, YOU SHALL! NOT! PASS!"

Shinji: "Great, I've married an otaku, and I love her for it!"

Misato: "Ahh. To be a teen in love. Focus on the mission!"

Shinji and Rei: "Yes, ma'am!"

Misato manages to climb into the hatch and reach the control computer, but the shut-down code does not work. She tries three times before giving up and starts pushing he massive control rods, by hand.

Shinji: "Misato! Get out of there. We can handle the meltdown with the Eva's AT field! You'll wind up dead in just two days if you're exposed for even 300 seconds!

Misato: "Never mind me! If I don't stop this thing here, all the citizens of Tokyo-3 will die!

Rei: "Major, please evacuate. Your odds of success are less than 0.0001 percent!"

Misato: "Never tell me the odds!" (Grunting) "Come on! You piece of junk! Shut DOWN!"

Shinji: "Hey, scrap-pile! STOP! RUNNING! ALREADY!"

Computer voice "Core breach imminent, please evacuate. Critical failure in 10, 9, 8 "( Misato groans pushing the control rods) "7, 6, 5... " Suddenly the interior lights turn green, the control rods begin to move. "Core shut-down in progress. All systems, normal." (Sounds of gears winding down).

Shinji: "That was awesome, Misato-san!"

Rei: "Indeed. Exemplary performance, Major. I stand corrected."

Misato (thinking) "This 'miracle' was orchestrated by someone." (out loud) "Alright kids, pick me up and let's go home! Then you guys can get started on all that 'husband and wife' stuff you've been dreaming of!"

Shinji and Rei: "YAAAYYY!!"

Misato: "That's.. not the reaction I was expecting. Still, how many married couples can say they got Eva powered fanfare for their wedding!"

Some time later, in Gendo's office...

Gendo (speaking on the phone): "So aside from the Major's operation, everything went according to plan? … I see. Hopefully those fools have learned their place and don't try to usurp us as 'Humanity's Last Line of Defense' again. Of course, the next lesson will be much, much more painful, and embarrassing, for them. "

Fuyutsuki: "So everything is well, old friend?"

Gendo: "Indeed, better than expected. Let that little brat enjoy his wife, while he can. The time will soon come when he learns how it feels to have his loved one taken away, that entitled little worm, always sucking on her breast, always getting priority over me for her affection, and lastly being present during her Contact Experiment 'accident' and doing NOTHING. I will never forgive him, never! If there weren't witnesses around, I wouldn't have just left him at that crowded train station, no. I would have seen him burned to death, screaming, destroying him just like I destroyed all other physical evidence of Yui. Now, that's no longer good enough. When he's drowning in his despair, suffering the unspeakable pain he gave me for losing his wife, that's when I'll kill him, slowly and painfully."

Gendo begins growling like some kind of ravenous, rabid animal.

Fuytusuki: "Careful not to get distracted..."

Gendo: "She's mine, and mine alone! If I have to burn the rest of the world down to get her back, so be it!"

He hyperventilates for a few moments before regaining his composure and sitting at the desk in his ridiculously huge, yet empty, office with his fingers tenting over the lower half of his face.

Gendo: "Soon, so very soon, but for now, I have to pretend to be the good, considerate, competent commander to lure him and his 'friends' into lowering their guard, and going along with 'The Scenario' before I can bring his would crashing down, down, down..."

Fuyutsuki: (Thinking) "There's the Gendo I know. When that day comes, it will have been an honor just to serve by his side."

Back to what we're doing, we arrive at our new home, tired after the wedding, the reception, what little of it we got to experience, and the operation to corral Jet Alone until the robot could be shut down safely.

The first thing we do before going inside is the age-old tradition of the groom carrying his bride across the threshold. Despite the fact that Rei is surprisingly light, she's still too much for me. Struggle as I might, I wind up collapsing with her on-top of me.

Rei: "Ikari-kun. What are you doing?"

Misato: "Oh, it's an ancient tradition, Rei-chan. When a couple gets married, it's commonplace for the groom to carry his bride across the threshold to their new marital home."

Rei: "I see."

She grabs me, lifts me up "Princess Carry" style and carries me across the threshold, smirking. It's a bit embarrassing, but I don't mind, cause Rei is well, Rei and having her be the "man of the house" is just fine.

(Rei writes in the notes: Yes, and don't you forget it.)

Misato: "So this marriage isn't going to be remotely normal eh? That's promising. I wonder what Shinji-kun is making for dinner later."

End of Chapter 3. To be continued in Chapter 4.

Well, okay, since you want an answer, i will post...:cry:

I must simply write that i don't like your story.:(

The premises are interesting, the text was good on the first chapter, but...:whistle:

The second chapter simply crashed... with extreme préjudices...:ninja:

I simply cannot understand why you began with a nice interaction between Rei and Shini and simply ... destroy it at the end of the chapter.:confused:

I think Ramiel will better answer than me.:D

Hmm. I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Is it that you think Rei's insistence that Shinji bathe with her is a bit too heavy handed? After some thought, I'm beginning to think that's the issue. Do you think the chapter would flow better without that? Or is "simply... destroy it at the end" refer to something else. I welcome all constructive feedback, both positive and negative, thank you.
Hmm. I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Is it that you think Rei's insistence that Shinji bathe with her is a bit too heavy handed? After some thought, I'm beginning to think that's the issue. Do you think the chapter would flow better without that? Or is "simply... destroy it at the end" refer to something else. I welcome all constructive feedback, both positive and negative, thank you.

Well, it's just that the whole thing about ... mariage and whatnot...:confused:

I grant you, the bathroom scene is completely Rei.:rolleyes:

One has only to remember the shower scene when shinji found his father's glasses at Rei's to believe that Rei can act like that.:whistle:

But all the rest is too fast, much much too fast. Unless Gendo ordered her to do it, she won't progress that fast.;)

She'll use the resources around her to first have a logical reason. Mostly Horaki is perfect to take on a more girl mentor role (rei know she's a good class representative and a girl). Second, Rei always take her past actions and the reactions of the others into perspective.:ninja:

Even when she do or say Something spontaneously (thanking Shinjji, protecting him from harm, disliking Asuka) there is a plain reason in her past.;)

Well, of course, your third chapter went straight into the weird and crackkfic, so maybe that was your intention.:oops:
Unless Gendo ordered her to do it, she won't progress that fast.;)

What makes you think he didn't? These are Shinji's memoirs, and he's not going to have access to Gendo's private conversations with Rei, but Fuyutsuki has been known to leave notes lying around.

She'll use the resources around her to first have a logical reason. Mostly Horaki is perfect to take on a more girl mentor role (rei know she's a good class representative and a girl). Second, Rei always take her past actions and the reactions of the others into perspective.:ninja:

Even when she do or say Something spontaneously (thanking Shinjji, protecting him from harm, disliking Asuka) there is a plain reason in her past.;)

Well, of course, your third chapter went straight into the weird and crackkfic, so maybe that was your intention.:oops:

Hmm. That does give me food for thought. I might have to incorporate that into later chapters to explain why she's so quick to take Shinji up on his wacky proposal. Thanks. You're a big help.
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Bonus Chapter Rei's Diary
After Baran3's input, I was inspired to write this to explain why Rei was so quick to jump into a marriage with Shinji. I hope it serves to bring the enjoyment I intended with Chapter 2.

Bonus Chapter: Rei's Diary. Entry 1....

This is Rei Ayanami. I have been instructed by my primary caretaker, Ritsuko Akagi, to maintain a diary to help fill in any memory gaps should my body die and my consciousness be transferred to another vessel. I have been doing this since I "awakened" 10 years ago, introduced to the world as "the child of a family friend" by Gendo to NERV staff.

(Skipping 10 years worth of backstory, we come to the most recent entries.)

Day 1: Today, I have met the Third Child, Shinji Ikari, the Commander's son, on the cusp of an Angel attack. I am unable to greet him properly due to being bandaged and bloody due to the after-math from a failed Eva-00 activation test. He seems kind of cowardly, letting me, refusing to fight despite knowing that we're all doomed. It is only when he's told that I will take his place that he decides to pilot. I resent that.

Day 2: I see Pilot Ikari in the hospital corridor,.as I am being wheeled away on a stretcher for treatment. I am still a bit put-off by his earlier cowardice, he just looks at me in confusion and a bit of fear.

Day 3: I learn that the Third Child's hesitation resulted not from cowardice, but from having absolutely no previous pilot training before being ordered into Eva-01, as he volunteered to fight another Angel, and directly rescued two civilians caught in the crossfire in the process, one of whom assaulted him just moments before. My assessment of him improves greatly.

Between treatments, I am treated to a Star-Trek marathon. I must admit a certain enjoyment of the series, especially for the character, Spock, as he reminds me of .. me.

Day 4: Commander Ikari visits me, personally, in the hospital before I am to be transferred to NERV to finish my recuperation in the LCL tank.

Commander Gendo Ikari: "Hello, Rei. How are you holding up?"

Rei Ayanami: "I am alive, sir. My injuries still have me bedridden and I can not move much without risking opening them again. Ritsuko Akagi tells me a few days in the LCL tank should correct this."

Gendo: "Good. I am here to inform you that due to constraints in available living space, you are to be sharing your quarters with The Third Child once your treatments are complete."

Rei: "I understand."

Gendo: "Good. While you are recuperating in the LCL, he will be visiting you on a daily basis. I will be checking up on you to make sure you do your best to give him a favorable impression. Do you understand?"

Rei: "Yes."

Gendo: "Good. Rest now, and get well, this is all far from over. Remember, Humanity has no time left, and we have little margin for error."

Rei: "I understand."

For the rest of the day I am treated to the movie "The Lord of the Rings." It is a highly entertaining and enjoyable experience.

Day 5: Shinji Ikari meets me at Ritusko's lab for the first time. He looks confused, anxious, and highly uncomfortable. This is the first time I have ever seen such a reaction to my presence. Is it a result of my injuries? Is it guilt over his initial hesitation? I do not understand his reaction. I find it annoying. Him speaking ill of the Commander doesn't help. I would have slapped him had I not been in the tank, and I don't hesitate to tell him this.

Day 6: Gendo and Ritsuko both inform me that Shinji's reaction was expected, as he was not raised by NERV, he has no way of knowing how things work here, and had no way to know how to react to my... unique circumstances. I am ordered to be patient and give him time to adjust.

Gendo: "Otherwise, what is your impression of The Third Child?"

Rei: "He is... frail He seems unreliable, timid, easily spooked and uncertain of himself."

Gendo: "As expected. I must reiterate that it will be your job to correct this. Build up his confidence, by any means necessary."

Rei: "I.. do not understand. What do you wish me to do?"

Gendo: "I want you to get him to like you, to find you sexually attractive. In short, I want you to marry him, after you've entrapped him."

Rei: "I... am not confident I can comply with that order, Commander."

Gendo: "That's why I'm having the two of you live together in a one-bedroom apartment. Give it time. As long as you're not so pushy that you scare him away, he will eventually give in to his teen urges."

Rei: "I fail to understand, but I will obey."

Gendo: "Good. Just in case, you are not to reveal these orders to the Third Child. He will react... poorly, and it will have the opposite effect."

Rei: "I understand."

Gendo: (smiling) "Okay then. Let's get something to eat."

Rei: "Yes."

I sense Ritsuko's hostility at that last exchange, but do not understand the reason.

Day 7: After being discharged and found in good health, the Third Child takes me to buy new clothing. I fail to comprehend the meaning of the action, but after being joined by the class president, Horaki, I must admit a certain level of … enjoyment.

That night, The Third Child tries to run from my body, again. I do not let him. I must admit, I find the experience of bathing together with him quite pleasant, he has a very, very gentle touch. Perhaps I should seek advice from Horaki before going further?

Day 8: I seek out Horaki, to speak with her, in private, as my orders specifically mention not letting the Third Child know of the Commander's intentions.

Hokari: (Quite agitated) "Let me see if I understand this right. Commander Ikari of NERV flat out ordered you to sexually entrap and marry Shinji? And you've been going into the same bed with him, nude, every night?"

Rei: "Yes. What am I doing wrong? Is my body not attractive? Why does Ikari-kun try to run from me?"

Hokari: "What is this, the Heian era? I can't speak for the Commander's intentions, but he's completely going about it the wrong way! Does Shinji-kun know about this?"

Rei: "No. I have been ordered not to tell him, as the Commander believes it would be … counter-productive."

Hokari: "Well, he's right about that. Shinji-kun would likely be insulted if he found out that a girl as attractive as you was only approaching him because she was ordered to do so."

Rei: "So I am attractive?"

Hokari: "Yes. I must admit, I have a whole new level of respect for Shinji-kun that he hasn't tried to take advantage of you, since, by your own admission, you've been coming on to him quite strongly. I mean, climbing into bed naked every night?"

Rei: "I fail to see what you're implying. The human body is not something to be ashamed of."

Hokari: "No, but there is.. a certain order to these things. Now for the big question, do you want to marry him? And no 'I was order to do it' isn't enough of a justification."

Rei: "I... I don't know. Nobody has ever asked me what I want before."

Hokari: "See. That right there is why Shinji is … reluctant. He wants you to want him, because you want him not because you're being ordered to. His restraint shows an immense amount of respect for you, as a person."

Rei: "So he's treating me with respect by shying away? I.. do not understand, but I like it."

Hokari: "Oh? Are you blushing?"

Rei: "..."

Hokari: "That's fine. The important thing is to take your time, and be yourself. Don't try to rush or force it. That is only likely to backfire. If he likes you, he likes you, If not, he doesn't. Just let him figure out his feelings, while you try to figure out yours."

Day 9-??? Over the next several days, until we're attacked by Ramiel, Shinji-kun, when he learned I like "Star-Trek" and "Lord of the Rings" stuff began getting me small, but pleasant, little gifts like Spock action figures, and Laserdiscs of the Star-Trek series, one episode at a time, and we'd watch them in our cramped quarters during our free time. This proves to me that Horaki was right, he does like and respect me, for who I am, not for Gendo's orders, and I hope he never finds out, as Horaki tells me that could utterly break him.

Realizing this, when Shinji-kun tells me he wants to "become one" with me in the battle after Ramiel, and asks for my hand in marriage, I'm genuinely happy, not because I'm carrying out orders, but because I'm going to marry the man who wants me happy, even if he has to put his life on the line for it.

Most Recent Entry:

Our wedding day was strange, to say the least. So much so that even I realize it, and I couldn't be happier. I'm married to him because I want it, not because I was ordered to, and it feels very, very nice. The fact that Shinji cares enough to actually learn about how my body really works instead of going with the whole "it only hurts the first time" common myth is certainly a plus. I know I'm not likely to have kids in the near future, considering that I have no uterus, and I know it, but if by some miracle a child enters our lives, I wouldn't be opposed to it as I know how lucky a girl I am, and not only does Shinji-kun repeatedly tell me I'll be a good mother, but I know he'll be a great father.

End of log.
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One hundred percent better.:lol

"Quite logical." would say Spock.;)

Shinji: "Damnit, Azure Priest, I'm a wimp/berserker, not a playboy."

I like the way Rei thinks here. Quite a logical progression, showing that Under the NERV angel-hybrid is hidden a real girl.:)

It has always the weak point of Gendo: Thinking of Rei as living robot, a doll... Maybe that was why Asuka loathed Rei, she perceived how Gendo considered Rei and that played on her own trauma with her mother..?o_O

I also think that Gendo unleash a monster: Rei protective of Shinji and THEIR future...:evil:
Chapter 4
Since I'm getting such an active response, and could still lose power at any moment, I'm going to post Chapter 4 a bit early. I hope I've supplied sufficient logical and reasonable rationale for the introduction of my first cross-over character and have faithfully captured her quirky personality.

So without further ado...

Chapter 4

Despite the fate of humanity riding on us, we're still considered minor teens, and as such are still required to go to high-school, so no extended honeymoon.

The day after Rei and I got married was still a normal school day. When Rei and I got to class, I was immediately mobbed by the rest of my classmates who were more than a bit curious as to how "married life" with Rei, affectionately known as "The Ice Queen," is. Shockingly, she's the one who puts an end to all of it, by addressing the class.

Rei: "I fail to see what the fascination is all about. Yes, my hair is naturally this color, and I'm not the only one who has unusual colors, The Second Child's hair seems to change from day-to-day without explanation, and it doesn't appear to be dye either."

(Murmurs) "Wait. Is she talking to us?" "She's actually talking?" "What have you done, Shinji-kun?"

Rei: (Clears throat) "As for our married life, forget asking about detailed explanations, they're not going to happen. I will say this. Our wedding night was quite pleasant. Shinji-kun is a boy who likes to take his time, and that is all I'm going to say about that. You can fill in the blanks with your imagination, or better yet, DON'T. Now would you all be so kind as to pipe down and take your seats? Class is about to start. Shinji-kun, follow me, please."

Shinji: "Yes, ma'am!"

Rei: "Good boy." (Smiles sweetly)

Toji: "Man, completely pussy-whipped already, huh."

Kensuke: "I'd prefer to think of him being 'ahead of the curve' if he can bring out this side of such a shy little girl. And that smile..."

Of course, it wasn't long after that before Asuka joined the picture. The whirlwind that Rei brought into my life was nothing compared to the cyclone of this fiery red-head.

Right before this fateful and unavoidable encounter, Misato, Rei, and I are called into a parent-teacher conference by the school principal. Per usual, my father has "more important things to do." For the last 10 years, I only saw him once a year on the anniversary of my mother's "death." Why should today be any different?

Misato: "Sorry the Commander couldn't be here today. It seems the running of NERV doesn't leave him enough leeway to squeeze in a simple parent-teacher conference."

Yuzuku-Sensei: "I agree. It is a shame that he can't be here. I suppose that we should be grateful that he can at least spare you, their legal guardian, to attend, despite your many military duties."

Misato: "Yeah. It wasn't easy, but I'm here. So what kind of problems are these two facing, or dare I ask causing, that merits this meeting?"

Yukuzu-Sensei: "Oh, you misunderstand entirely, Major. I asked you all here to congratulate and praise them."

Misato: "Oh? Please go on."

Yukuzu-Sensei: "Well. I must admit that I was stunned, confused, and considerably concerned when I heard that Commander Ikari first outright ordered them to live together in the same one-bedroom efficiency apartment, and then signed off on the paperwork to get them married, at such a tender age. I'm pleased to report that my concerns were not only unfounded, but entirely wrong. I don't know what Commander Ikari was thinking, but he clearly had the right idea as both of them are now model students."

Misato "Really?"

Yuzuku-Sensei: "Really! Prior to their---cohabitation, Shinji was a doormat, all that was missing was the word 'Welcome' stamped onto his t-shirt, and as for Rei, attendance issues aside, through no fault of her own I understand, she would do her homework, yes, but she was almost completely detached, spent class doing nothing but staring out the window, and never participated in group activities, always curling up in the corner all by herself."

Misato: "I've noticed. So how are they now?"

Yuzuku-Sensei: "Their improvement has been phenomenal. Rei is actively engaged in class, she volunteers to answer class related questions, she mingles with other students, and participates in group activities without having to be dragged into them. Shinji, well, he's become more assertive, openly raises his hand to ask questions, and even speaks up when he notices a mistake or misunderstanding. In short, they've gone from outcasts to being near model students. Still, their prior... issues have left them considerably behind the rest of the class. I'd strongly recommend getting them a tutor, like this distinguished gentleman."

Misato: "Much as I hate to admit it, perhaps the Commander did have the right idea pushing the two of these children together. May we see that list?"

Yuzuku-sensei: "Certainly, I recommend the guy on top, as he's a local and is familiar with NERV."

After seeing the list, I have to speak up.

Shinji: "Yuzuku-Sensei, I'm sorry, but I don't think he's going to work out."

Yuzuku-sensei: "See what I mean? Ikari-kun here would have just gone along with whatever I said before, but now he's actually offering input! Ikari-kun, what makes him unfit?"

Shinji: "He's the Sensei who raised me over the last ten years, by literally putting me in a dog-house, calling me a 'cursed child' when he thought I couldn't hear him, and doing his best to pretend I didn't exist. I don't think he'd be too keen on putting in the effort to bring us up to speed with the rest of the class."

Yusuku-Sensei: "Now that is very odd. He's a renown and highly professional teacher. Let me get him on the line."

After dialing a bit on the class phone, Yusuku-Sensei gets in touch with the Sensei who "raised" me.

Sensei: "Moshi-Moshi. Who's calling?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Yes. This is Yusuku-sensei. We here at Tokyo-3 have need of a tutor. We'd be willing to foot the bill for transportation and provide both food and housing for your stay, would you be interested in helping us?"

Sensei: "Sounds reasonable. What child and in what subject?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Pretty much the whole curriculum for one Ikari, Shinji-kun."

Sensei: "Look, I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but my contract with Commander Ikari ended the moment that 'cursed child' left here to go join NERV. I have no interest in getting swept up in whatever grudge that brat has earned from the gods!"

Yusuku-sensei: "Just to remind you, all calls here at Tokyo-3, especially from NERV related facilities are recorded and transcribed on a regular basis, and you're telling me, and whoever at NERV might be listening, that you're not a rational man of science, and teacher, but a superstitious paranoid religious .. fanatic?"

Sensei: "Now don't go putting words into my mouth, whoever you are. That child clearly did SOMETHING to offend the gods, his mother died right in front of him, and frankly, we here at the neighborhood believe that the Commander was right to walk away, leaving him in a train station. There's nothing you can say or do to make us take him back!"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Wait, you're telling me you somehow have come to believe that, as a four-year-old, he was directly and intentionally responsible for his mother's death, and his father abandoning him in a crowded train station, presumably in a fit of grief and depression, and have been horribly neglecting him as a result?"

Sensei: "Fine. Do whatever you want, just keep that 'cursed child' away from all of us here!"

Yusuku-sensei: "I see. Well, the staff here and the Japanese Board of Education will be reviewing your tenure, qualifications, and credentials to teach if that's what you truly believe about children in unfortunate circumstances."

Sensei: "Look at what you did! Trying to bring that 'cursed child' back into my life has ruined me, bastard!"

Yusuku-Sensei: "No, no, no! You did that all by your self through your words and actions, 'Sensei.' You certainly didn't need MY help or the help of any 'cursed child' to destroy your career! Sayonara!"

Yusuku-Sensei slams down the phone receiver, hard then turns to us.

Yusuku-Sensei: "Tsk! I used to look up to him! Now we're going to have to carefully audit his records and see just how he actually schooled children, and how he earned all those merits and accolades that made him the most recommended teacher and tutor in the country. Perhaps you have some recommendations, Major?"

Major Misato Katsuragi briefly skims the list.

Misato: "Oh. This one looks interesting, but he's rather far away. What do you think?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "A Mr. 'Indiana' Jones? Says here he's a highly-tenured professor in Archaeology, and well respected by his students and peers alike. Sadly, he's clearly in his eighties, despite being in surprisingly good health, doctors say he's still got several decades of life in him, provided he doesn't meet with an 'accident,' but sadly, he doesn't speak a lick of Japanese, so that rules him out."

Misato: "Then how about this one?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Hmm. A Miss Lara Croft? Why her in particular? Although her credentials are clearly quite impressive."

Misato: "My father knew hers before either of us was born due to sharing many of the same fields, so although we've never met, we can at least come to an understanding."

Yusuku-Sensei: "Well, her credentials are quite possibly over-qualified, speaking at least twelve official languages, and a few non-official tribal tongues in very remote regions. She's highly athletic, and agile, has first hand expertise in a great many obscure fields, and is an expert in guns and hand-to-hand combat, operating vehicles of all types, deep-sea diving, computer programming and security, architectural engineering and design, having designed her own mansion, and she's freaking RICH. She's also rather... eccentric. I'm not sure she'd be interested in just tutoring a couple of school children. Hmm. Wouldn't hurt to give her a call."

Again he dials, after a few rings, he finally manages to connect, and we hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions.

Lara Croft: "Who is this? I'm kind of busy at the moment!"

Yusuku-Sensei: "What's going on? This is Yusuku-Sensei at Tokyo-3 trying to hire a tutor.. not calling for a para-military op... Is there a good time to try to reach you?"

Lara Croft: "Oh this is a good time. Fighting off the Taliban here at the Afghan Museum of Art is actually a bit of a breather compared to what I usually have to deal with."

Loud Curses in Arabic come from some disembodied voice and Lara responds in kind before some more shooting and then everything going silent at the other end.

Lara Croft: "Ah. That's better. Now what is this about a tutoring job?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Well see, we need someone who can bring two teen-age children who have both suffered extreme neglect and illness since they were four-year-olds up to high-school comprehension and competence, and you're the most … talented candidate on our list."

Lara Croft: "Wait just a second, you're telling me that you want me to bring up to speed two teenagers from a 4-year-old comprehension level to a high-school level?"

Yusuku-Sensei: "Not at all, they've had other forms of education, some self-taught, but we need someone skilled to fill in the gaps."

Lara Croft: "Oh. That's a bummer. I would have loved the challenge of the first interpretation. So what kind of background and environment can I expect, should I take on the job?"

After getting a brief summary of the situation in Tokyo-3.

Lara Croft: "Oh, fighting giant beings of an incomprehensible nature on a regular basis AND trying to have a high-school life in between?! With the local military getting pissy that a couple of kids are making them look bad? Is that an accurate assessment?"

Misato: "Uh. Yeah, but when you put it that way..."

Lara Croft: "And who, pray tell, are you?"

Misato: "Major Misato Katsuragi, top military attache for NERV and the legal guardian of Shinji and Rei Ikari."

Lara Croft: "Oh, their superior officer and legal guardian? That's got to be a headache, not to mention serious conflict of interest. So a pair of siblings?"

Misato: "Husband and wife actually."

Lara Croft: "Wait.. They're MARRIED. And pray tell how old is this happily married couple?"

Misato: "Fourteen."

Lara Croft: "Four—FOURTEEN?! Child soldiers, married, and still not exempt from high-school? Okay, you lot have certainly piqued my interest. When do you need me to start?"

Yusuku-sensei: "When CAN you start, you mentioned fighting off the Taliban not too long into this call..."

Lara Croft: "Oh that? Yeah, just a splinter cell. Got to love it when these self-proclaimed 'Muslims' that don't think a woman should be good at anything but cranking out sons that they can strap bombs to, get their asses kicked ten ways to Sunday by one. Besides, all the non-muslim artifacts just finished getting shipped out so these dirty-night-sheet wearing hoods can't blow them up and then turn around and pretend they never existed. So my tour here is pretty much done."

Yusuku-Sensei: "In that case, right away?"

Lara Croft: "Oh, my two favorite words in a contract. Be glad to be working for you lot. If you'll get the Visas and paperwork so I can enter your country squared away, I can handle the rest."

Yusuku-Sensei: "Do you even know where you'll be living?"

Lara Croft: "Like I said, I'll handle it, personally. I'm making the arrangements right now. Don't be too shocked if a large 'Western' mansion suddenly shows up in your quaint little town. Got to go now, Luv. See you in a couple of weeks."

(Click) (Dial-Tone.)

Yusuku-Sensei: "Like I said, eccentric."

Misato: "Yeah. No kidding. What does she actually do?"

Yusuki-Sensei: "Professional Treasure Hunter."

Misato: "Oh. Oh boy! Nothing like what I had in mind from my father's notes. Wait.. Crap. Forgot to tell her about Asuka-san, the Second Child. NERV Berlin is shipping her over in a week or two."

Yusuki-Sensei: "Oh, I'm sure she'll be thrilled."

Misato: "Oh well. Nothing to be done about that now. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it. Shinji-kun, call your two other stooges. As a reward for being such a model student, I'm going to be taking the four of you, to the 'Over The Rainbow' to meet Asuka-chan. "

Shinji: "Oh, Kensuke will be thrilled."

Rei: "I... see."

Shinji: "Rei-san? What's wrong?"

Rei: "I've never been on a ship. How... am I supposed to act?"

Shinji: "Like my lovely, blushing bride? Just be yourself, and I'm sure you'll be fine."

Rei: (Sigh) "If you say so."

Shinji: "Look, I'll be with you the entire time, so we can tackle any problems that show up together. Okay? Besides, I've never been on a ship before either, especially not an aircraft carrier."

Rei: "Okay. Thank you, Shinji-kun, that does make me feel a bit better."

A week later, the five of us, Rei, Misato, Toji, Kesuke, and myself are riding a Chinook to the U.S. Aircraft Carrier where we're going to meet Asuka, The Second Child.

To be continued in chapter 5.
Chapter 5
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.... (Drum-roll sounds in the background) Our favorite red-haired bob-cat joins the cast! Behold the wonder, the glory, the pure Tsun-Dere splendor of the Great Asuka Langley Soryu!

Chapter 5

Soon enough, it was time to go meet the illustrious Second Child, Asuka Langley Soryu. True to her word, Major Misato rounded us up, Rei, Toji, Kensuke, and myself and flew us to the American aircraft carrier, "The Over The Rainbow" on a leased Chinook troop transport helicopter.

Of course, we're not the only ones to arrive by helicopter. To everyone's surprise, we're greeted by Dr. Lara Croft, but she doesn't get a chance to introduce herself until after our favorite red-head makes her grand entrance, stomping on Toji's hat and then slapping him when he tries to pick it up and the crosswinds flip her sundress up in his face, revealing her panties.

Asuka: "And that's the 'viewing fee.' Quite the bargain, right?"

Lara Croft smacks Asuka upside the head, hard. "And that's his change! You were raised in the military! If you don't want people seeing your panties, don't wear a sundress on the deck of an aircraft carrier, for crying out loud. By the way, stepping on his hat was rather rude, even if it was just to keep the wind from blowing it away!"

Asuka: "OW! You hit me, ME, the great Asuka Langley Soryu! Who the hell are you anyway?"

Lara: "Dr. Lara Croft, archaeologist, treasure-hunter, college professor, and millionaire philanthropist. Not to mention the personal tutor for you and the other two Children, who just so happen to be here too."

Asuka:"What? When? Who made such a decision without telling me?"

Lara: "A Mr. Kaji got in touch with me after learning NERV hired me to teach the other two. Said something about not leaving you behind or the like if memory serves."

Asuka: "Leave ME behind? HA! The other two should consider themselves lucky to touch my shadow!"

Lara: "We'll see about that. Shinji and Rei Ikari, will you two please step forward?"

Asuka: "Siblings?"

Lara: "Spouses, to be precise."



"SPOUSES?! Whose bright idea was that?"

Misato: "Commader Ikari set it up."

Asuka: "Oh! Now I get it, the rich, pampered commander's son gets whatever he wants, including a wife, eh? Is that how it is?!"

Shinji: "OH HELL NO! That … man.. gave me NOTHING.."

Rei puts her hand on my shoulder, "Shinji-kun, dear, allow me."

Knowing full well that when Rei gets in a fighting mood, it's best to let her do what she asks, I step aside.

Rei: "It was Shinji-kun's idea to ask for my hand in marriage, I agreed, and the Commander approved, true, but not once was I ordered to do anything of the sort. I married him of my own choice and my own volition because he earned my affection. I was certainly not 'given as a gift to a rich, pampered Commander's son who gets whatever he wants.' Especially considering the fact that from age four onward, my darling Shinji has only seen his fathers face one a year on his mother's funeral anniversary, at her grave."

Asuka: "Oh. So the poor weakling can't even speak for himself, eh? What's wrong, Shinji? Aren't you a man? Eh?"

Shinji: "You bet your pompous cherry-covered head, I am! I just know keeping my dearest Rei happy is what's good for my long-term health!"

Asuka pouts."Oh! Nothing more boring than a house-broken male."

Lara: "Oh. This is going to be interesting."

Suddenly ships in the fleet start disappearing under the water as something, something BIG starts taking them down, one by one, and heading our way.

Misato: "Pattern Blue?! An Angel? Here? And without any Eva for us to fight with?"

Lara: "Well, just so happens I have experience fighting big nasties, but my options are damn limited under water."

Misato: "Appreciate the offer, but this isn't the type of job we hand out to civilians, no matter how talented."

Asuka: "Actually, we have an Eva. Eva-02. Now you plebeians get to see the glory that is Asuka Langley Soryu in action! Third Child! You're coming with me!"

Shinji: "Wait what?!"

Asuka: "Shut up and watch closely! You might just learn something. Just be grateful that I'm being generous enough to field-train you!"

Rei: "And you're not going to train me?"

Asuka: "Hush it, Wondergirl! You've been at this at least as long as I have. I've checked, and you're still not able to get a synch rate over 30% by yourself. You're a lost cause. This dumbkopf here might, just might, benefit from my hands-on training. Besides, the entry plug is going to be cramped enough as it is with two people inside, there's not going to be room for three!"

Rei: "I... I see. Pilot Ikari, don't go getting any strange ideas. I mean it!"

Shinji: "I understand, I'll be back soon."

One kiss and embrace later "Shinji, come back safe, or not at all, okay?"

Shinji: "Sure thing!"

Asuka: "GAG! What a stupid couple! Here, take this spare suit and lets get ready, that Angel isn't going to wait around for us!"

Shinji: "HAI!"

Considering how cramped the changing quarters are, I couldn't help but get a peek at Asuka's body, and apparently, she mine.

Asuka: "HEY! Don't peek!"

Shinji: " SORRY!"

Asuka: "Honestly, why are boys all such perverted dorks?"

Says the girl who shoved me into a girl's plugsuit, with cleavage...

(Asuke writes in the margins again) Hey! It's all that was available!

(Rei writes in the margins) Was that the only reason?

Not long after, Asuka drags me into her Eva's entry plug, and begins the initiation sequence.

Asuka (In German) : "Entry plug activation sequence, alpha, opening circuits one, two, three, crossing the border-line"

Shinji (In German): "Your thoughts to my thoughts, my feelings to your feelings."

(The following is all in German.)

Asuka: "What the? What ARE YOU doing, Third Child?"

Shinji: "Preparing to dual-synch, like last time..."

Asuka: "You've done this before?!"

Shinji: "Yes. With my wife when we got married."

Asuka: "What kind of wedding did you have?! Never-mind. Wait, where did you learn German?"

Shinji: "Rei has been teaching it to me to welcome you."

Asuka: "Oh. So you DO know how to respect your betters. That's good to know. Border-line crossed, Eva-02 activate! What the … 68% synch rate?! Guess you're not so useless after all! Let's go kill this thing"

Wow, so Asuka wants to be praised even more than I do, and she's so impeccably cute when she's happy.

Shinji: "Yes, ma'am. With pleasure."

Asuka: "Now THAT'S what I'm talking about, keep it up and we won't have any problems."

I've never seen an Eva being used to play hop-scotch before, and it's both as fascinating and terrifying as it sounds. Still that's not enough as the Angel, later identified as Gaghliel jumps on to the deck of the Over The Rainbow and knocks us into the ocean, then simply toys with us.

Rei: "Major, perhaps it's time to use Eva-00 with the under-water combat equipment?"

Misato: "But it's completely untested!"

Rei: "Eva-00 is the experimental test-model, what better way is there?"

Misato: "Ugh! I guess you're right." (Misato radios back to NERV command) "Deploy Eva-00 with the experimental under-water combat gear, The Second and Third pilots are in trouble."

Aoba: "Roger. ETA 30 minutes."

Misato: "Thirty minutes?!"

Aoba: "We took the liberty of attaching the under-water combat gear before you headed out, just in case, but the Eva still has to be flown to your location, there's no other practical way.."

Misato: "Practical way? What about the emergency water-based evac system?"

Aoba: "Are you NUTS?! It's completely untested, unproven, and unchecked. Not to mention we don't know how Eva-00 will fare through the transit."

Gendo: "Do it!"

Aoba: "Sir?"

Gendo: "Now. The pilots won't last 30 minutes."

Aoba: "Yes, sir."

Gendo (thinking) "We can't let the Angel get a hold of 'that.' Inspector Kaji better have it secured for instant transport."

Gendo: "Major. Have all non-essential and civilian personnel evacuate by helicopter immediately."

Misato: "Understood, Commander." (Turns to the people on board the Over The Rainbow) "Kaji, get on board the Chinook. Admiral, have everyone that isn't absolutely vital to ship's operations depart as well. Our pilots can't effectively concentrate on fighting the Angel and protecting your people at the same time."

Admiral Yamomoto: "Understood, but what are your people doing in the meantime."

Aoba: "Major. Eva-00 is en route, arrival time, ETA 10 minutes, be advised that Eva-00 will have, at most, 30 seconds of operating time, and then it's dead weight."

Misato: "Understood, good work. Shinji, Asuka, reinforcements are on the way, keep it busy for just a little bit longer."

Shinji: "Understood, Misato-san!"

Asuka, "HEY! What are you doing? Get away from the controls!"

Suddenly, the Angel opens its mouth and swallows Eva-02 whole.

Misato: "Don't panic, pilots. This is exactly what we want to happen. Eva-00 will be there to assist you shortly. In the meantime, see if you can locate its core or any other weak points!"

Asuka: "I don't take kindly to being used as fish-bait!"

Shnji: "Welcome to Tokyo-3."

Asuka: "What's THAT supposed to mean?!"

Shinji: "Oh, just that this is a step up from how I got dragged into this."

Asuka: "Whatever THAT is, don't tell me. I don't want to know."

Shinji: "We can't see the core, Misato-san, and I don't think the umbilical will hold much longer!"

True enough, the Over The Rainbow starts to rock and sway as Gaghagliel yanks Eva-02 around. In fact, the winch holding the cable is straining to break free from the deck.

Misato: "Come on, Eva-00, where are you?!"

Eva-00 amazingly arrives in 5 minutes as opposed to the estimated 10 due to catching a lucky and temporary sea current.

Misato: "Thank God! Okay, Rei, don't waste any time, get in there and help them. No don't bother trying to change into a plug suit, just go!"

Rei: "Roger, Major."

I wasn't aware of it, but as soon as Rei got into Eva-00, she went into battle like a living torpedo, making a bee-line towards Gaglahiel and wrestling it to submission, the progressive knife failing to pierce its skin despite tearing through its A-T field like paper.

Rei: "Major, progressive knife is proving ineffective. We need something bigger, and heavier."

Misato:"Bigger and heavier? What?! Wait, Asuka mentioned fishing earlier! And the stupid fish is already on the hook! Rei, listen to me very, very carefully. How good are you at fishing?"

Rei: "Excellent."

Misato: "Alright! Well, this fish has already bitten the hook, but the pole's about to break! So we need to do something a bit different."


Admiral Yamamoto: "What do you mean, Major, you want us to deliberately sink two of our destroyer escorts, and then once inside its mouth, have them open fire and self-destruct?"

Misato: "Exactly, Admiral. It's our only shot!"

Admiral Yamamoto: "You realize this is crazy, don't you?"

Misato: "With certainty."

Admiral Yamamoto: "Alright, you lot! Do what she says, let's kill this thing!"

Misato: "Rei: HOLD THAT SUCKER STILL! Shinji, Asuka, we need the two of you to get its mouth, open when I give the word!"

I can clearly feel Asuka's breasts on my back as she climbs into the seat behind me.

Asuka: "Don't get any strange ideas, Third Child."

Misato: "NOW!"

Asuka and I think of nothing but the word "OPEN" over and over again, until Eva-02 forces the Angel's mouth open and the two destroyers sink past us, down its throat."

Misato: "Rei! Get! Them! Out! Of! There!"

Rei: "Roger, with pleasure."

Rei grabs us and yanks us out its mouth moments before the two destroyers fire and then self-destruct, blowing the Angel to smithereens! Then she runs out of power, and the carrier's winch reels us up to the deck.

To be continued in chapter 6.
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I could post chapter 6 now, but that would leave me no buffer as Asuka and Rei are actively fighting over Shinji in later chapters, and they want to go into fanservice that's way, way too racy for their age bracket and the rules of this forum. As such we have an... OMAKE!


The Azure Priest: "And... ACTION!"

Asuka: "No way I'm going to let that pass! Now STRIP!"

The Azure Priest: "CUT! Oh, for the sake of all that's holy, I thought I made perfectly clear, NO AD LIBBING! I'm dangerously close to the line as it is with this show!"

Asuka: "I'm not ad-libbing! It's in the script!"

The Azure Priest:"WHAT?! Let me see." (Flips through several pages) "Okay, who snuck this in there? Are you trying to get me arrested?! Shinji, was it you?! I know you have a bit of wish-fulfillment going on, and you haven't been in a scene with Rei naked for a while, but..."

Shinji: "Damn It, Azure Priest, I'm a wimp/berserker, not a playboy who has naked women fighting over him!"

The Azure Priest: "Good point! So who is responsible for this travesty then? WHO?!"

Asuka: "Alright! It was me!"

The Azure Priest: "You?! Why the heck would you have a scene where you disrobe on-camera?"

Asuka: "I'm frankly getting a little sick and tired of how the bluenette is the only one who gets to prance around in the buff while Shinji-baka flat-out ignores me!"

Rei: "You have a serious misunderstanding."

The Azure Priest: "Oh for crying out loud. Asuka, we've been over this! Rei does not 'get to prance around in the buff'. Your characters are 14! That's 14-YEARS-OLD! Kiss X Sis has teenagers doing some pretty explicit stuff, sure, but the youngest one of them on-screen is 16! While it does have a 14-year-old who also wants to 'play', that character is specifically exempt from any on-screen action as the mangaka would get arrested!"

Asuka: "Then why the hell does Rei have nude scenes?!"

The Azure Priest: "Rei's character has been raised from the age of 4, on display, naked, in a giant test tube! Her nude scenes are invariably NOT SEXY! The character frankly does not know better. Even then, that's pushing it as the camera-man has to use special filters to make it look like she has no nipples or genitals."

Rei: "It's not fancy camera-work, it's wardrobe. Specifically flesh colored swimsuit nipple-covers, and a flesh-colored thong."

Asuka: "Ew! That sounds unpleasant."

Rei: "It is. Furthermore, I had to have the nipple-covers glued on during episode 5 so they wouldn't keep falling off when Shinji 'fell on me.'"

Asuka: "GAH!!!"

Rei: "Yeah. Ever wonder why the camera panned away to Shinji staring at his hand just before I put those panties on?"

Asuka: "Yeah. That was kind of odd."

Rei: "Can you imagine trying to put panties over a thong?"

Asuka: "Oh, OH! YUCK!"

Rei: "Now you know why it was so easy to fake being mad at Shinji during the escalator ride where he badmouthed Gendo. Weill, now that there's not going to be any filming while you guys 'debate'... Shinji! We're going to my trailer for a bit."

The Azure Priest: "Now hold on! Normally, I don't mind what you guys do in your private lives, but Rei, your character is supposed to be sterile, STERILE! Yet, here you are, almost to the end of your first trimester! Had to get you and Shinji married on both sides of the camera to smooth things over with the censors, and then make up a couple of good stories to allay the audience! Have you never heard of 'protection'? Condoms, Birth Control pills, anything?"

Rei: "Now look. I don't do well with latex, and I sure as hell am not going to tolerate a rash 'down there'. As for 'birth control pills', I suffer a paradoxical reaction to them, making my periods MORE severe and frequent, not less. Doesn't do well for a 'woman that does not bleed' to have massive cramps and spotting during the set! While the character is sterile, I sure as hell am not, and I WANT KIDS. My parents have also been pushing for the pitter-patter of little feet for a while. I'm not going to jeopardize that with an IUD."

The Azure Priest: "I know I'm going to regret asking this, but have you considered abstinence?"

Rei: "HAHAHAHA! Yeah, I have considered it, for about 5 seconds, and then thrown the idea in the dumpster, where it belongs. Boinking my boyfriend silly at least once a day is what keeps me going! You have any idea how hard it is to act like I'm doped up on a bunch of drugs to the point of being a living, breathing wind-up doll for hours on camera?! Especially with how inane the plot is?! You have no idea how much I want to yell and scream at how stupid NERV staff acts most of the time."

The Azure Priest: "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Go 'take a break' in your trailer. Today's shot is well... shot anyway."

Rei: "You heard the director, Shinji. We're going!" (She grabs Shinji by the collar and drags him off. Yes, she is just as strong as the show implies.)

Shinji: "Wait! Slow down! HELP!"

After Rei and Shinji have left the set...

The Azure Priest: "Okay, Asuka. Now why exactly are you so desperate for a nude scene?"

Asuka: "I'm getting rather sick of the fan-mail I'm getting for 'being a cock-tease' and being told to go die in a fire, 'for being such a frigid bitch and slapping Shinji around on-camera!' You don't know how much I get told 'just show some skin already!' It's really, really been getting on my nerves, and unlike Rei, I don't get to go into my trailer and boink a boy silly to vent my frustrations!"

The Azure Priest: "I'm sorry, Asuka, but your character isn't at a point in her relationship with the cast where she feels comfortable walking around 'in the buff' in front of them, even just off-screen, and she doesn't have a backstory excuse like Rei where she's been raised in a giant test-tube, on display. Your character grasps the concept of 'modesty' and defends it VIOLENTLY, emphasis on violent. The one time she's had no issue being nude was when she was so suicidal, she was basically in a waking coma."

Asuka: "Well, damn it that's Hoef Scheise! It's grating to see Rei get all the 'tasteful nudity' and 'best actress' awards while I get nothing but hate-mail!"

Misato: "Word! Maybe you can get Rei and Asuka into a relationship with each other?"

The Azure Priest: "That's what I'm trying to do, damn it all! But the narrative just won't cooperate! Their characters would rather kill each other than kiss each other!"

Gendo: "Dude! When's my scene filmin'? The waves are getting gnarly!"

The Azure Priest: "Soon, Gendo. The Children and I are having artistic differences here in the narrative!"

Gendo: "Bummer, man!"

The Azure Priest: "By the way, your idea to have Rei's diary showing you ordering her to entrap and marry Shinji was brilliant! I've looked at your other submissions, and … that's really, really dark! How does a surfer like you come up with such good 'Evil Overlord' stuff?"

Gendo: "Word, dude! Totally tubular. Like, I just feel the Dark-Side, man!"

The Azure Priest: "Okay, the camera crew is setting up now, you should be playing your scene in a little under half an hour and then you can hit the beach for the rest of the day."

Gendo: "Radical!"

The Azure Priest: "You wouldn't happen to have a good way to get Rei and Asuka to hook up, and Asuka doing some tasteful nude scenes would you? Anno's source material isn't very kind to her."

Gendo: "Sorry, man. But 'Evil Gendo' has no need to see Asuka happy. She's totally square, man. BOGUS!"

The Azure Priest: "Thanks anyway, now get to your set!"

Gendo: "Way Out! Man, PEACE!"

Ritsuko: "I could give them some drugs, maybe."

Asuka and Azure: "NO!"

The Azure Priest: "Rei on drugs is bad enough already! We don't need Asuka tripping out! Besides, she's got issues with drugs, thanks to her step-mother."

Lara Croft: "Maybe I can punish them by making them live, sleep and eat together? It worked in 'The Parent Trap' part 1!"

The Azure Priest: "Hmm. That might just do it. Heck, having Rei and Asuka bathe together, as long as there's no specific body parts being mentioned, could maybe, just maybe, qualify for a 'tasteful' nude scene that features them! Especially if they're talking about anything and everything except boys and sex! Even Anno had Asuka and Misato bathe together. Thanks, you're a life-saver!"

Lara Croft: "My pleasure."

The Azure Priest: "Now what would Asuka and Rei do that qualifies for such a strict punishment?"

Misato: "Probably sneaking into Shinji's room in the middle of the night, and into his bed. With Asuka having stolen my top, that doesn't fit me well, and fits her even less. And Rei sees nothing wrong sleeping nude anyway!"

The Azure Priest: "Yeah, that should do it! But for that to work, Shinji would have to turn from both of them, and do absolutely nothing to either of them the whole night!"... We know from Anno's scene in that regards that Shinji wouldn't normally do anything to an unconscious girl...

"I'll have to get in touch with them, and Legal first. See what they say on the matter. Asuka, take a wrap, go change in your trailer into something more comfortable, Ritsuko, Fuyutsuki, go with Gendo to your set and film your scene and we'll call it a day here."

Everyone: "Right!"

The Azure Priest: "Man, I hope the later chapters go better than this!"

End of Omake!
  • First of all, script fic = bleh

  • Second, it seems like you are rushing really fast to get to the part you want to write about.

  • Third, what's it a crossover with?
  • First of all, script fic = bleh
  • Second, it seems like you are rushing really fast to get to the part you want to write about.
  • Third, what's it a crossover with?
First: Sorry, you don't like it, but that is the style I'm most comfortable with. It won't be easy to change even if I wanted to.

Second: These are Shinji's memoirs, not mine, written long after the fact. Makes sense he'd rush ahead to the good stuff, no?

Third: Lara Croft = Tomb Raider. There may be more later. Not saying more as that would be spoilers.
Last edited:
Chapter 6
Well. Good news. Inspiration has struck. Asuka and Rei have agreed to abide by the rules of the forum, and to avoid engaging in wanton violence. Getting Asuka to agree to that last part was a bit tricky.

In exchange, Asuka and Rei are free to compete with each other as much as they want. So without further ado....

Chapter 6

Being introduced to Asuka, and fighting an Angel at sea are the least of the surprises that day, the day that Lara Croft came into our lives.

She immediately took custody of us the moment the battle ended and we got out of the entry-plugs.

Lara Croft: "Starting right now, I'll be taking custody of these three pilots, Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ikari and Shinji Ikari."

Misato: "Now wait just a moment, you were hired to be their tutor, not their guardian! Besides, do you have any idea what I had to go through..."

Lara Croft: "Stop right there, Major. While I can appreciate how big of a shock this is to you, you have to admit there's a major conflict of interest involved here. The primary guardian is also the commanding officer? The one responsible for overseeing their well being is the one who is ordering them to put their lives on the line? Your overwhelming desire for revenge against the Angels versus their continued … well being; does that sound about right?"

Misato: "How, how the heck do you know all this?!"

Lara Croft: "I always do my research when I take on a job, Major. Besides, them living with you sounds nice, but your apartment is too small for you and three teenagers. I'm not casting you out of their lives, but I am gong to be enforcing a certain professional distance between you from now on."

Misato: "Hold on here, I'm the one who brought you on board, how can you..."

Lara Croft: "Major, you may have brought me in, true, but I work for NERV in this, not you. Besides, I have the Commander's orders right here."

Misato: "Why that four-eyed, bearded, backstabbing... He pulled the rug out from under me, AGAIN!"

Lara Croft: "Don't worry, they're not going far. My mansion is all set up, and there's going to be plenty of room. Why you should be familiar with the address, here you go."

Misato reads the note. "Hey! This can't be right, that entire neighborhood was condemned!"

Lara Croft: "Oh, it was, and it was certainly a fixer-upper, which my people took care of. I'll need you to help move Shinji and Rei's stuff tomorrow, but for the rest of today, I'll be showing them their new home. On the way there, would you mind sitting in while I interview the three of them?"

Misato: "HMPH! I may have to go along with this, but don't expect me to like it!"

Lara Croft: "That's fine. Besides, it's better that way. Keeps us both honest. Kensuke, Toji was it?"

Kensuke and Toji: "Yes?"

Lara Croft: "I could use your first hand interpretations of Shinji and Rei's daily school lives if you don't mind..."

While Dr. Lara Croft goes over with Toji and Kensuke a bit and the rest of us get grilled concerning our past prior to her arrival, the final questions she has are the most poignant.

Lara Croft: "Okay, Children, that pretty much wraps up everything and brings my records up to date, there's just one little question left. 'What brought you into this whole Evangelion thing in the first place?' True, I do have some notes about it, but I'd like to hear it from you directly, in your own words. Starting with you, Shinji-kun."

Of course, I tell her how I was escorted by Mistato to Tokyo-3 and NERV's geofront, all thanks to my father's letter with the only word legible being "come" and Misato's scantily-clad picture, which not only do I still possess, but Rei sees fit to openly display at the slightest excuse.

Lara Croft: "Now that is interesting. What else?"

Shinji: "Well, I was told to get into Eva-01, for which I had absolutely no previous training, while we were under active Angel attack, and told to pilot, or Rei here, all bandaged, bloody, and clearly unable to stand on her own, or anything else, would be forced to do it. It's a miracle we got out of that situation alive."

Lara Croft: "So you were basically drafted, and with no prior training or experience. Hmm. That's one strike for NERV, especially the top commanding officer. Yet you won. Congratulations. Rei. Same question for you."

Rei: "I was raised by Commander Gendo Ikari at NERV. Piloting Eva is all I know, it is my life. The future of Humanity rests upon me. If the commander's orders tell me to die, I would do it without hesitation, for I know I can easily be replaced... At least prior to marrying Shinji, he gives me other reasons to live, treasures me, unconditionally, and makes me feel very, very... pleasant. I only hesitate now because I don't want to leave him alone and hurting."

Lara Croft: "I see... So far, what I'm hearing about NERV is certainly not good. Asuka, sorry you're last, but as the newest member here in NERV Tokyo-3, I had to get your senior's accounts first."

Asuka: "Oh, I've been training and practicing to be a pilot from age 4. Heck, when I was chosen for it, I was ecstatic! Until I ran to my mother to show her and saw with my own eyes that she hanged herself, and a doll with my name stuck on it! She'd been losing her marbles day by day for a while, and my father's behavior clearly didn't help. Her body wasn't even buried before he went and married his freaking mistress! Whom he'd been banging in the room right next to the both of us, so we could fucking hear it! Then the bitch nurse, who should have known better than banging the spouse of a patient, was shocked that I didn't like her, and tried to drug me into an obedient little wind up doll for her own damn peace of mind! I'm going to be a famous pilot, and the best there is, so I can stick it to both of them, and when they come to me, trying to horn in on my fame, I CAN FINALLY TELL THEM WHERE TO STICK IT! Oh and don't any of you dare pity me, or I'll go after you first!"

Lara Croft blinks rapidly a few times. "Okay. So the whole organization is rotten to the core, regardless of nation, but we can't do anything about it because they're the only ones with the tools to deal with the Angel threat. Eesh! And I though being an orphan having to explore ruins and facing doomsday cults coming after me since the age of 10, after both my own parents died, was bad. Father, airplane accident, gave up his parachute to save me.. Mother, well, not really sure what happened, but I got to see her disintegrate."

Lara Croft: "Well here's my preliminary results."

She ruffles my hair, and it feels good. "Shinji-kun, A+. Conscript aside, you've been the ideal little soldier so far. In fact, the one time you disobeyed orders was more than justified, from a purely tactical and strategic standpoint. I gather you hate being a Pilot, but that's okay. You just want to get home safe, to your loving wife, and that's how a soldier should think."

Asuka: "HMPH!" and she starts pouting.

Lara Croft: "Rei-san. B-. Sure, you've been good at this so far, but your death wish is alarming. While it does give your companions the reassurance that you'll take the bullet in their place, it opens you up to taking needless risks, that will eventually jeopardize them and the mission, and going by what we know of the Angels, that would be bad for all mankind, and I don't care what you've been taught, you are CLEARLY NOT REPLACEABLE!"

Rei: "Shinji-kun says the same thing to me all the time, crying.. I do not like seeing him cry, it hurts."

Lara Croft: "Shinji-kun! Extra credit! Good job!"'

Asuka; "Guess it's finally my turn?"

Lara Croft: "Asuka, luv. C-"

Asuka: "You give me, the ace, a C-?!!!?"

Lara Croft: "I'm being generous here. Ideally, you'd be borderline unfit to pilot. Your need to carve your name blazing across the sky so you can stick it to your father and step-mother is not only clearly unhealthy, but makes you a liability. As someone with a first-hand life of thrill-seeking, treasure hunting and having murderous cults going after her since childhood, I can say with absolute certainty that if your attitude and demeanor don't improve, and quickly, your life will end, badly."

Asuka clearly does not take that well, and rushes to Lara-Sensei to try and slap the insolence out of her, but Lara-Sense takes her down, effortlessly.

Lara Croft: "Okay, now I have to downgrade you to D-. Your propensity for violence to your own team-mates and superiors, not to mention the general public, would have you spending time in the brig in any anywhere near functional military outfit, period. It will be much easier for everyone, including yourself, if you just admit that you're a loose cannon and need to work on your internal discipline. I strongly recommend that you don't raise your hand in a violent or threatening way again to me, or your team-mates without what I consider a damn good reason, as I'm not just a pretty face, but an actual hardened combatant skilled in several martial arts, and numerous types of firearm. I could probably take you down in my sleep if I wanted."

Asuka proceeds to unleash a string of words in German that I don't recognize, and I'd be told later that she was screaming profanities in a stream of consciousness fashion.

Lara Croft: "Oh, you have quite a mouth there, fraulein. I'm just going to hold you down until you calm down and come to your senses. If that means holding you down for the rest of the trip, so be it."

Sure enough, that's what happens. It takes the rest of the ride back to Japan on the Over The Rainbow before Asuka finally stops struggling like an enraged badger.

When we finally reach shore and Asuka has calmed down to the point that she doesn't need to be put into a sleeper hold, Misato, Rei, Asuka, and I are loaded onto Lara's helicopter with her in the pilot's seat. Arriving at Lara's mansion has us all stunned.

Misato: "How... How was that mansion built so quickly?!"

Lara Croft: "When I hire someone, Major, I hire the best. I don't tolerate foot-dragging and cutting-corners.'"

After landing on the helipad, disembarking, and actually going inside through the roof entrance, while Rei remains as stoic as ever, and Misato is quietly nonplussed, we can only look on and gasp in sheer awe as the mansion is mostly empty space, covered with fine art, scaffolding and implements that wouldn't be out of place in a circus trapeze act, although the ground level is mostly one (yet to be filled) giant swimming pool with numerous painted targets.. along the bottom.

Lara: "And THIS is my physical fitness room. Part of your after-school training will be navigating this course, especially the pool, once it's properly filled, that is. Yes, I am aware that you pilots are tasked with fighting in giant, for lack of a better term, 'robots' against horrors that are just as large, but you're going to need to be physically fit in the event something goes tragically wrong and you have to evacuate."

After she pushes a button or two on a hand-held remote, we start seeing mockups of soldiers with various weapons pop out at random.

Lara Croft: "I also expect you to be able to handle yourselves in a conventional fire-fight. It is my long, and hard-learned, first-hand experience that governments and armies tend to be ungrateful bastards to their heroes and servants who prove a bit too good at their designated task, and I've already heard that the JSSDF has a serious hate-boner for you Children, since they've been made to look bad by being utterly helpless before the Angel threat, and being shown up by 'little kids.' That means you!"

Asuka seems to get starry-eyed at that last part. "Wait, we actually get REAL training? As opposed to simply going through the motions?"

Lara Croft: "Of course, once I determine your baseline aptitude, yes."

Asuka: "YEEHAW! Just wait until you see what I'm really capable of, Third Child, Wondergirl! You'll be green with ENVY!"

Lara Croft: "That's the spirit! Any questions?"

Shinji: "So exactly what form is this training going to take? The closest I've had to training so far is 'line up the target, pull the switch,' and it hasn't helped much."

Misato: "Shinji-kun!"

Lara Croft: "It's a perfectly valid question, Major Misato Katsuragi, aside from learning how to handle a firefight, I'm going to expect you children to be able to navigate this obstacle course here."

She pushes a button and a massive cement slab closes the pool so that the walls start moving around and pillars come out from all directions.

Lara Croft: "Now pay attention, as I'm going to show you how it's done."

She proceeds to sky-dive off the catwalk we're on, grab the closest handle bar and start swinging through the air like a skilled circus acrobat until she reaches ground level, then starts racing to and fro among the obstacle course until she climbs a ladder at the other end and uses a zip-line to zoom back to us, all in about one minute, 45 seconds, which Misato confirmed with a stopwatch.

Lara Croft: "One minute 45? Hmm, must be slipping a bit. My best time is One-oh-five. Well, I don't expect you rookies to start off with the acrobatic stuff, at least not until the pool's ready so your lives aren't put at too much risk, but I will be running you through the ground gauntlet, daily, and what you've seen here is just the most public part, the rest of the house has all sorts of hidden paths and chambers that you are going to be exploring."

Misato: "While I can understand everything you've said so far, NERV asked for a tutor, for their academics, not a drill instructor!"

Lara Croft: "I am aware of that, Major, but academics are meaningless if the people who learn it don't live long enough to apply it."

Misato: "HMPH."

Lara Croft: "Hmm, I suppose I'll have to put you through the course as well. Now as for the ground rules, while I am aware that Shinji-kun and Rei-chan are legally married, there's not going to be any hanky-panky in this household, as long as you're under my care, at least until I'm satisfied that it won't cause issues in your combat performance. That means separate bedrooms for everyone. Sorry about that. Any future Pilots will meet the same restrictions, don't you worry about that."

Rei is visibly crestfallen as she's quite fond of sharing my bed, and I must admit, I've grown to rather like the feel of her soft, naked skin up against me when we sleep.

Lara Croft: "Next, I have my own private bathroom, which I will showcase to you a bit later. Anybody who goes in there without my explicit permission, barring some major emergency, like the house being on fire, is likely to find themselves facing the barrels of my shotgun, and I do tend to shoot first, ask questions later, and no this isn't a joke. Before you ask, I'm just going to say I have issues that I'm not going to elaborate on."

I can understand wanting to protect your privacy and chastity, but pointing a shotgun at you for going into the bathroom seems a bit extreme to me.

Lara Croft: "Lastly, as long as we're going to be in my house, what I say goes. When I tell any of you to do something, and that includes you, Major, I expect it done right away. I won't tolerate back-talk, grumbling, or insubordination without a damn good reason, and any questions I get better be on how to do what I tell you, not if I'm sure, serious, or if someone else can do it instead. Am I understood?"

Shinji and Rei: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Lara rubs our heads. "Good! I've heard you're a great cook, Shinji, soon as we're done here, we're going to the kitchen and see what you can whip up!"

Lara Croft: "Major?"

Misato: "Fine, but I protest in advance that I'm only doing this under duress."

Lara Croft: "Fair enough. Asuka-san?"

Asuka: "Hmph! I don't see why, I, The Great Asuka Langley Soryu should have to be your lap dog!"

Lara Croft: "Oh? So you don't want to benefit from the training, and show off your stuff? You just want to go on the streets and panhandle like the loser you are?"

Asuka: "WHAT?!"

Lara Croft: "Because that's precisely what's going to happen if you give me any more lip like that, Miss Soryu."

Asuka: "Hmph! I won't stand for this unfair and preferential treatment against me!"

Shinji: "Anta Baka, Asuka? What 'preferential treatment' are you talking about? I don't think any of us would get away with talking to Lara-Sensei the way you are, or trying to slap her either."

Asuka: "Baka! Dumbkopf! Swinehund! I have a freaking college degree! I shouldn't have to lower myself to deal with the likes of you two marginal dropouts!"

Rei: "There's book smarts and street smarts, Asuka-san. While you claim to have the former, you certainly lack the latter. If anything, we're the ones lowering ourselves to deal with you."

Asuka: "Bwargharhagahrah!"

Asuka rushes over to try and strangle Rei, but Rei easily grabs her arms and pins them behind her back.

Rei: "I strongly suggest you do not struggle, Asuka-san, as I could break your bones like twigs, entirely by accident. I don't want to do that. I can tell you have problems with authority, but this is neither the time nor place to display them."

Asuka: "You blue-haired, ice-cold bitch! YAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!"

I suddenly see very dark bruises appear on Asuka's forearms, and she's in clear pain.

Rei: "I warned you. Stop it now."

Asuka: "I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Lara Croft cold-cocks her with her side-arm, rendering her unconscious in seconds. "Oh good grief. Why is she fit for being a Pilot again?"

Misato: "Supposedly, she's the only one who can pilot Eva-02."

Lara Croft: "Oh brother. So a raging war-machine is to be trusted to an unstable ball of anger with authority and inferiority-superiority issues? If this level of provocation is all that's needed to set her off, she's going to have to be side-lined, and hard."

Sure enough, when Lara-Sense is having Asuka examined in her private medical room by her trained medical staff, that she keeps on staff in case she has an accident while "training," they find that Asuka's forearms do indeed have hairline compression fractures where Rei grabbed them, to Lara Croft's horror.

This exchange takes place in the Lara's nearby office.

Lara Croft: "I've seen these wounds before, when someone was run over with a truck! Just how strong is this Rei girl? And that Shinji boy married her? He must be scared out of his mind every day!"

Misato: "Actually, from what I can tell, he proposed to her, and she's the one who accepted. Not to mention that he loves her dearly."

Lara Croft: "That's not what I mean. I'm sure Shinji is scared because if he pisses her off, she could utterly break him like a twig!"

Misato: "Yeah, I'm betting that's why he asked her to marry him before they had sex, despite the fact that our 'esteemed commander' saw fit to put them in the same one-bedroom apartment while they were both still single."

Lara Croft: "Oh, that's interesting, do go on."

Misato fills Lara in on our backstory...

Lara Croft: "Co-dependent. That's what they are, alright. I don't see any benevolent reason for this. I trust that what I say next is not to be repeated out of this room."

Misato: "Well I certainly won't, not as long as we have to work with NERV, as is."

Lara Croft: "Good. Frankly, I've seen Rei's behavior and mindset before, in child suicide bombers. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, you name it. It's utterly despicable what those kids go through. Their hopes, dreams, sense of self-worth, love for their friends, family, and community are all thoroughly crushed or twisted beyond reason, utterly driving them to despair, so they want their miserable little lives to end, then they're given the promise of going to 'Paradise' or their heads are filled with all sorts of propaganda about how some 'evil enemy' is the reason for their suffering, and if they just go strap a bomb to themselves, and blow up this 'hated enemy' everything will be all right, and they'll make 'god' happy! It's absolutely sickening, and frankly, if I could, I'd hunt down every last mullah, 'prophet', or other self-proclaimed 'holy-man' that teaches this is a good thing, and shove their own so-called religious texts right down their throats! Killing them horribly in the process, or better yet, strap them with bombs, unaware, and then blow them up right in the middle of their congregations. But that's not the scary part here."

Misato: "Then what is?"

Lara Croft:"There's no religious or ideological bent to Rei's behavior. No central premise to deconstruct. Sure, she has an almost religious fervor to Gendo himself, but she doesn't have any ideology or agenda to her complete obedience, except that she just wants to die. Right now, Commander Ikari is using her as a leash, a leash with a bomb on it, to control Shinji's behavior. Neither she nor Shinji are aware of this, and that's a good thing. I shudder to think what's going to happen when the Commander reaches a point in his agenda where he thinks he doesn't need a leash on Shinji any more."

Misato: "So we have to find a way to break ties between Rei and the Commander?"

Lara Croft: "Sure, eventually, but the real scary part is how SHINJI is going to react."

Misato: "Shinji?! He's harmless, a doormat, he has to stop and ask permission to defend himself!"

Lara Croft: "No. He's a pressure-cooker. What's worse is that he's been so starved for affection that he latched on to the very first person who treated him kindly, and we're lucky it's Rei, who has no agenda for him, at least not as far as we know, or that even she's aware of. And that's a good thing."

Misato: "What do you mean by that?"

Lara Croft: "I hate to have to lecture a Japanese person on Japanese culture, but here goes. Shinji was abandoned by his father, at age four, in a crowded train terminal, after his mother's apparent death. He is considered by most, thankfully not by you or Rei, as 'cursed by the gods,' and people don't want to acknowledge he exists, which is actually the more benign outcome as Japan tends to treat anything different or out of the ordinary with fear, revulsion, and hate, brutalizing those that stand out until they stop standing out, even if making them stop standing out means they're killed as a direct result. The phrase 'the nail that sticks up gets hammered down' is a phrase you should be very familiar with, Major. That's why Shinji looks like a doormat to the untrained eye. He has no socially acceptable outlet for his pain, grief, and most importantly, rage. His marriage to Rei helps alleviate that pain, immensely. So if anything happens to Rei, I suspect all the pain, grief, and anger will come to the surface at once, and he'll utterly explode like a high-yield nuke. Need I remind you that Rei and Shinji both pilot giant robots against giant 'Angels' for a living? Need I also remind you that Rei was raised to be utterly suicidal?"

Misato: "Oh, oh my GOD!"

Lara Croft: "Exactly. Asuka's anger and problems with authority may be well-founded, but the last thing we need is to throw a live grenade into a nuclear stock-pile. That's why I'm coming down on her so hard. I just hope she realizes that her outbursts and hot-dogging are not going to give her the affection she so desperately needs before it's too late."

Misato: "And what do you mean by that?"

Lara Croft: "Think about it. At age four, her mother becomes seriously mentally ill, to the point that she eventually commits suicide, and Asuka watched her mother deteriorate day by day, with her callous father boinking his goddamned mistress in the room right next to them, so they'd hear it, and then chances upon her mother's hanged corpse.. and her callous father marries his mistress before the body's even buried, shipping Asuka off to NERV Eva training because he couldn't put up with her grief and rage anymore, and his 'new wife' couldn't medicate Asuka's 'problem personality' away. So now Asuka desperately wants to get close to people, to get hugged, and squeezed, pampered, and most importantly, loved. But she can't do that. She's too damn scared to get close to others because she's horrified that they'll just wind up leaving or hurting her too. So she lashes out. She demands fame, glory, praise. She demands to be treated like royalty because she's actually a very, very scared little girl who wants to cry in a corner, but is too hurt by ridicule to do it."

Misato: "Dear sweet Lord, is the Marduke Institute deliberately searching for the most broken children they can find to pilot our war-machines that we need to protect us from the Angels?"

Lara Croft: "I can't answer that question, and frankly both psychiatry and psychology are two of the very few fields that I haven't mastered. But here in Japan, good luck finding a therapist that isn't going to be treating these children like monsters because they walked in the door, with the whole 'insanity is a dishonorable lack of strength of character for the whole family' sickness the Japanese culture, as a whole, has been suffering from for centuries."

Misato: "Then what CAN we do about it?

Lara Croft: "Now remember, I'm neither an expert nor a licensed therapist, so take what I say next with a grain of salt, though I what I am about to propose is going purely by what I've witnessed, first-hand."

Misato: "Alright, Ms. Harvard. You've got the legal disclaimer out of the way, what is it?"

Lara Croft: "Well, Major, we have three options, all of them carry considerable risk. Option one, we break Asuka down, make her hit rock bottom, and then, when she doesn't have the energy to resist anymore, or put up her iron-wall defenses, nurture her back to health and build her up again. I very, very strongly discourage this approach, as we already have one suicidal pilot on our hands, we don't need another."

Misato: " Uh.. Yeah! So what's option two."

Lara Croft: "Well, we enable her fantasy and escapism. Praise her as the best at all times, and never let her have to worry about the consequences of her hot-dogging. Sure, we'll get her cooperation, short-term, but as you've already seen, she's already a loose cannon, and if we enable her, she's going to doom everybody while showing off and not giving a crap about herself or others."

Misato: "Yeah. That doesn't sound good either. The last one?"

Lara Croft: "Okay, this is going to be the trickiest to pull off. Those other kids, Shinji and Rei, are going to have to sneak past her defenses and drown her in kindness, until she's willing to come out of her shell, and then they're going to have to love her up one side and down the other until she realizes they're neither going to betray nor abandon her. Considering how jaded, abrasive, and violent, she is, that's going to be rather hard. This is why I've been so hard on her. I want her to vent her hostility at me so those kids can have a chance. So far, it's not really working."

Misato: "Well, for starters, Rei should apologize. I'm sure she was only trying to restrain Asuka, but breaking her arms is a bit too far."

Lara Croft: "I agree, and hmm."

Misato: "What?!"

Lara Croft: "Oh. Oh, I see. That may just work." She starts nodding to herself. "Yes, yes. Major, please bring The First and Third Child in. I have an idea."

To be continued in Chapter 7.
Chapter 7
After being cleared by the mods, with some minor edits, here's chapter 7, and we get to see Lara Croft's "idea" for Rei and Shinji to deal with Asuka.

Chapter 7

Lara Croft: "Yes. Yes. That could work."

Misato: "Wait! WHAT could work?"

Lara Croft presses a button on the intercom, "Shinji and Rei Ikari, please report to my private office. It's located at the penthouse suite. I'll be joining you shortly."

Misato: "Now what are you up to?"

Lara Croft: "Oh, you'll see. If this goes as I predicted, this is going to be FUN!"

Misato begins nursing a headache, "Oh no. What you consider 'fun' is nothing but a headache for the rest of us!"

After about a half-hour of searching, we finally find it. Man this mansion is a freaking maze, full of nasty "do not touch" things. Lara-Sensei says it's for personal security, but I think she's just nuts.

(Lara Croft writes in the margins, "Oh you poor, naive child. You have absolutely no idea what's happened in my last two homes. I'm not sure all those internal defenses were enough, but considering I'm having tenants now, I had to tone it down a bit so my fellow residents don't wind up tripping all over them.")

Lara Croft: "Well, glad you finally manged to make it here. Yes, before you say anything, I know my house is a maze. That's deliberate. I have a long, sordid history of death cults coming after me and mine, and I'm so far beyond sick of it, that I can't even see 'sick of it' any more."

Shinji: "So why did you call us here?"

Rei: "Yes, Lara-Sensei, please enlighten us."

Lara Croft: "I was getting there. I understand your sentiments, but the two of you need to stop provoking Asuka, regardless of what she does. She's unstable enough as it is. Further, you owe her an apology, Rei; restraining her to keep her from assaulting you is fine, but breaking her arms is going over the line, and no 'I warned you, I can't control my strength' isn't going to cut it. I don't know when you got strong enough to mimic injuries caused by being run over by a truck, but you're obviously able to control it quite fine or you'd be smashing Shinji into a pulp in your sleep without meaning to."

Rei: "I.. understand."

Shinji: "It's okay, Rei, I'll be there with you when you apologize, but still are we just supposed to let Asuka treat us like punching bags, and dump all over us whenever she's in the mood?"

Lara Croft: "I will discipline Asuka if need be, your jobs will be to try and make her feel welcome, treasured, and most importantly, safe, by every means at your disposal. It's the only way she will ever calm down."

Shinji: "Wait, you're telling us she's scared?!"

Lara Croft: "Exactly. I've seen this before. She's lashing out, and acting like the Queen of the Universe precisely because she's scared and insecure. I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm counting on the both of you. If you, Shinji, can be best friends with the guy who punched you in the face the first day of school, I think you can figure out a way to get Asuka to mellow."

Shinji: "Um, I had to save his life, and have his little sister, who got hurt the first time I fought an Angel, chew him out before he and I could even think about being friends. I'm not sure someone like Asuka is going to be that easy."

Rei: "Shinji-kun. I do not think Lara-Sensei would tell us to do it if it was impossible."

Shinji: (Sigh) "Fine, but it's not my fault if I walk away when she starts calling me 'idiot', 'pervert', or 'pervert idiot' at any time."

Lara Croft: "That's fine. Emotional abuse is still abuse. I'll punish her for that too. Now get to work, tomorrow. Tonight, she's under too much sedation and pain relief medicine to hear you. Now get to your bedrooms and get some sleep. It's going to be a long, and busy day tomorrow."

Shin and Rei: "Yes, Sensei!"

The night winds up being rough for Rei and myself, we've grown so accustomed to sharing the same bed that the sudden empty space has us tossing and turning, reaching for someone that's not there, and in the morning it shows, to Asuka's amusement.

Asuka: "Serves you losers right, hope you had nightmares all night for what you've done! HMPH!"

Rei: "You are correct, Asuka-san. I went too far, I apologize."

Asuka: "Good! Glad you admit it! Now stay out of my face!"

Rei: "Pilot Soryu!"

Shini: "Rei, dear" I place my hand on her shoulder, gently. "Remember what we agreed."

Rei: "Yes, Ikari-kun, but she makes it... difficult."

Asuka: "Oh? What's this? You convinced her to stand down! Did you get her to apologize too

Shinji: "Actually..."

Asuka: "Never let it be said that the great Asuka Langley Soryu ignores her debts!"

Completely unprompted, she walks up, lays one hand gently on one of my cheeks and gives me a gentle peck on the other cheek with her lips, and it feels surprisingly good.

Rei, to the surprise of no one, is furious.

Rei: "Shinji-kun is my husband, Pilot Asuka Langley Soryu! For your safety, I strongly suggest you don't touch him like that again without my consent!"

Asuka begins prancing around flirtatiously, "Oh? Is Ms Wondergirl feeling threatened by the thought of competing with this hot, sexy body?"

As she starts putting her hands on her hips and moving very seductively, I'm glad she's not in her plug-suit as that would make it worse, and considering that Rei and I haven't shared a bed in a while, it's quite difficult to keep from reacting.

Rei: "Ikari kun!"

I have obviously failed.

Asuka: "See! He agrees! Or at least his body does! LOOK AT THAT BLUSH! For starters!"


Before Rei completely loses it, I whisper in her ear that Asuka isn't trying to provoke her to violence, but challenge her on who is sexier, and it's best to show her why I'm her husband, not Asuka's. Rei glares at me a second, and if looks could kill, they'd be holding my funeral right now, but then... understanding crosses her face, and she suddenly looks like a predator eyeing her prey. I can tell she's hungry, and not for breakfast.

Rei: "Why, Asuka-chan, I wasn't aware you felt that way. I'm honored."

Asuka: "Wait, what... What are you talking about, you crazy bluenette?"

Rei: "Now, now. It's too late to deny it, Asuka-chan, what with all that flirtatious posing you just did"

Asuka starts going pale. "Wait! That was directed at him, AT HIM!"

Rei: "But yet, you were addressing me while you did it."

Asuka clearly begins panicking now.

Asuka: "I... I … I!"

Rei: "Well, since Lara-Sensei doesn't want us pregnant, that still leaves us plenty of room for girl on girl action, and I really, really look forward to tasting every inch of your hot, sexy body, and seeing how eager you are to taste mine."

At this poimt. Asuka's nose bleeds explosively and she falls over backwards, unconscious, with the most bizarre look on her face, a mix of terror, lewdness, and unadulterated joy.

Rei: "And Shinji-kun, for cluing me in, I think I'm going to let you watch."

I feel my nose erupt and the last things I hear before passing out...

Rei: "My, what an interesting, and highly amusing reaction. FFFFTTT Bwahahahaha!"

Misato: "I need a freaking drink!"


I wake up in Lara-Sensei's infirmary, somehow already changed into my school uniform with Rei lying beside me, snuggling up, in her school uniform.

Rei: "Morning, Shinji kun. I've missed lying beside you like this, among other things."

Maybe it's just my imagination, but she seems to be purring, and it's just so adorable that I can't help but stroke her lovely blue hair which causes her to snuggle up more.

Asuka: "I feel sick! Why don't you stupid couple go get a room already!"

Rei: "Ah! Asuka-chan! Good morning! So you're feeling left out. I'm sorry, I'm going to start snuggling you now..."

Asuka: "Oh, hell no, Wondergirl, keep me out of your perverted 'happily married' delusions! I want no part of it!"

Rei: "Oh? That's odd. Your reaction in the kitchen says different, what with the look on your face as you passed out..."

Asuka: "What! NO WAY! Nah-huh! I have... a condition, yes, that's it! I have a condition!"

Rei: "Now that's really, really odd. There's nothing describing you having a condition like what happened to you this morning in your file, I've checked."

Shinji: "Yeah, she does that. She peruses your file very, very thoroughly before she meets you, as a pilot."

Rei: "Shinji-kun, dear, hush."

Shinji: "Yes, ma'am!"

Rei: "Now, would you like me to call Akagi-sensei, (sensei meaning "doctor" here) and make sure?"

Asuka turns beet red, with steam coming out of her ears. "No! Don't you dare!"

Rei: "I thought so. Now will you admit it?"

Asuka sighs in resignation. "Alright. I admit it, what do you want?"

Rei and Shinji: "What?"

Asuka: "Oh come on! Don't play dumb now! Everyone who's nice to me or gets leverage on me like you did clearly wants something. My freaking step-mother wanted an obedient doll! My oh so 'loving' father wanted me to be nothing more than something he could tack his PRECIOUS LEGACY to, screw my well being! In fact, he did that literally, right next door to the room where I, at four, was with my birth-mother as she faded away, day by day, not recognizing me, at all, but calling a mother-fucking doll by my name and pointing at me like I was the evil step-child. Oh, you know those 'nice' people in NERV Berlin? Oh sure, they kept Eva-02 in top shape, but me? Praise me to my face, snicker behind my back! I hate them, I hate them all, AND I HATE YOU! So tell me what you want before I gouge your eyes out and EAT THEM!"

Rei and I look at each other for just the briefest of moments, before we nod, and decide on our course of action. Each of us grabs Asuka on one side, Rei on the left, I on the right, and hug her until she stops struggling.

Asuka: "Don't touch me! Let me go! I mean it!"

Shin: "All we really want is to be your friend, Asuka-san. We're going to be going into battle together, and it's better if we're not fighting each other too."

Rei: "It's alright, Asuka-chan. Let it all out, cry, scream, shout with rage, whatever. We won't judge you, we know what pain and loneliness feels like."

Asuka: "Bullshit! Let me go! What do either of you know about pain and loneliness? You, the commander's son, and Wondergirl, NERV's pet and poster girl? I bet you both get every luxury on the planet just by snapping your fingers!"

We hug her even tighter.

Shinji: "No, Asuka-san. The Commander abandoned me in a crowded train-station at age 4, and it's his second-in-command, Fuyutsuki-san, who pawned me off on a 'Sensei', a distant uncle, that literally put me in a dog-house and tried to pretend I didn't exist. I only saw my father once a year, every year, on the anniversary of my mother's death, which just so happens to fall on a day a week or so from now, and he destroyed absolutely everything that reminds him of her, so I can't see it. He even burned the family house down. I don't know what he would have done with me if I wasn't in public, but was at home when she died."

Asuka: "Hahahaha! Bullshit, Third Child. The Commander gave you Wondergirl as a wife! How privileged is that?!

Shinji: "No. He did not. He put me in her living quarters, as a guest, while she was in the hospital, because he couldn't be bothered to prepare a place for me, in advance, before having Misato come to pick me up with a letter having her picture and one word 'COME' and you know what I find when I get to NERV, as an Angel is bearing down? Rei, bandaged, and bloody, on a stretcher, being wheeled in to pilot Eva-01, if I refuse, despite the fact that I had absolutely no training whatsoever! It's a miracle we at Tokyo-3 aren't all dead!"

Rei: "And I wasn't 'given' to anyone, thank you. Shinji asked for my hand in marriage, after living and loving me for weeks, and we took down Ramiel together, both of us nearly getting killed in the process. My saying 'yes' is a decision I do not regret as I know he loves and accepts me, good, bad, or just plain weird, and I know he thinks 'weird' about me far more than anything else. Now if by 'poster-girl' you mean 'put in a test-tube, naked and put on display for pretty much one and all' since pretty much the age of 4, then yes, I suppose I'm NERV's 'poster-girl.' As to my 'privileged' life? I've been raised to want to die, and I'm on a cocktail of drugs to keep my body together, and pain-killers to keep me from dying 'too soon.' Even though Shinji's kindness has given me reason to live, my every day is an exercise in agony far, far beyond your wildest imagination, and my nights when I don't share his bed.. Well, can you imagine having dreams of being strangled to death, and waking up with bruises on your neck? That then disappear in a few minutes, but the pain doesn't?"

Shinji: "Rei..."

Asuka: "No way! You're lying! You're both lying! There's no way any of that is true!"

Misato: "I can vouch for Shinji, at least. Here's his file, and as for Rei, well the 'put in a test-tube and put on display' thing has some truth to it. Dr. Akagi does routinely put her in a transparent jar of LCL for medical procedures I can't even begin to understand, and yes, she's buck naked in there."

Asuka: "Of course, you'd be on THEIR side. They're your precious 'gifted' Children, I'm just the loudmouthed foreign girl. Forget that. I'm not going to read that fiction."

Not letting up in the strength of our hug, we begin patting her head and leaning our heads closely, rubbing our faces against her cheeks, and her struggles eventually start to wane.

Shinji: "Do you really want us to stop?"

Asuka: "No... fine. You win. If you lot are going to play pretend and act like my friends, I'll play along, but when the inevitable betrayal comes, be warned, I'll beat you to it, and I'll make your deaths slow, painful, and utterly horrific, as a warning to the next ten generations not to FUCK WITH ASUKA LANGLEY SORYU!"

We kiss her on the cheeks, and then she breaks down and genuinely starts crying. We stay that way for a while.

Naturally, we show up a bit late to school, but Misato decides to cover for us, stating a NERV training exercise, which is also used to cover the fact that Asuka has two broken arms, from a "training accident."

When we get into class, Asuka is asked to identify herself, and she does so with flair, scrawling her name on the blackboard, in English.

Asuka: "Hello, everyone! I, The great Asuka Langley Soryu, have been appointed to your class. Due to NERV circumstances, I will be staying with the First and Third Children, so don't get any strange ideas.

Hopefully we can get along well together!"

Toji: "Man, what luck! You not only get the blue-haired idol, but the fiery red-head too!"

Shinji: "You, of all people, shouldn't be saying that, Toji. I'm sure you remember why."

Toji: "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Still, she's nice to look at and you get plenty of excuses to 'look' if you get my meaning..."

Shinji: "Are you TRYING to get me killed?"

Asuka is assigned the seat nearby where she hears everything, and starts to death-glare at me, and yes, I'm fully aware she's doing it.

The class devolves into thirty minutes of sheer terror as I can sense Asuka's biting hatred, and knowing full well, broken arms or no, she can and will act out on it given the chance.

I'm almost too happy for lunch break to roll around, until I realize that we didn't pack our bentos today thanks to the early morning "confusion."

Asuka: "What do you mean we don't have our lunches?! I've had to put up being sat next to you 'three stooges', and your teeen-boy pervy talk about me, and now I have to go hungry too?!"

Shinji: "Calm down, Asuka, we can still get something in the cafeteria..."

Asuka: "OH! Hell no! That cheap, mass produced trash they have down there? If there's anything that keeps you from being completely worthless, is that you know your way around a kitchen pretty damn well! Who taught you to cook anyway? Your eats are the best I've had in.. forever, and I don't hand out praise lightly."

Shinji: "I've had to learn to cook for myself, by myself, thank you. It wasn't easy."

Asuka: "Another tall tale, I see, fine, don't tell me. Wouldn't fill my belly anyway."

Toji: "Shinji. Are you sure you married Rei? Cause you and Asuka quarrel like you've been married for years."

Asuka and Shinji (Blushing furiously): "It's not like that!"

Toji: "Whoah! Perfect sync!"

Rei: "... I was planning to tell you right away, but that reaction was worth the wait."

Asuka: "What, Wondergirl?"

Shinji: "Rei?"

Rei: "It was my turn to make and pack the lunches. Here you go."

Shinji: "Thanks, sweetheart! You're a life-saver!"

Asuka: "Hmm. Well. I suppose this beats being hungry, thanks."

As we all start eating...

Asuja: "Wow. Hey, this is really good! Third Child! Are you sure you aren't letting Wondergirl take the credit?! Here! This omelet rice is one of your specialties! I also see some boiled octopus, a bit of canned asparagus, and some pickled beets for a bit of a sweet and spicy kick!"

Shinji: "She's right, dear. You've improved! And I thought you didn't like meat..."

Rei: "I don't, but I put in octopus, this time, as a bit of an apology to Asuka-san for the 'accident' this morning."

Asuka: "Wait... You've been teaching her to cook?!"

Shinji: "Yes, among other things, and in return she's been teaching me German, among other things."


Rei: "Jawohl, fraulein."

Asukua: "And how, pray tell, did you learn German? It's not a common language here in Japan."

Rei: "I've had 'visits' by numerous German technicians down in NERV, since four years old, I couldn't help but pick up the language, both written and spoken."

Asuka: "Your tale gets a bit 'taller' every time you tell it, Wondergirl."

Rei: "Whether you believe us or not is up to you, Asuka-chan. Shinji-kun and I have and will be completely honest with you."

Asuka: "That remains to be seen."

The school-day ends and Asuka opens her locker only to have a flood of letters pour out, which she immediately stomps on, quite angrily.

Asuka: "Stupid pervert teens! Don't know squat about me, but still 'fall in love' with the exotic foreign girl just on looks alone! Not a sincere one in the bunch! GAH! They can all drop dead! For all I care!"

Shinji: "Umm, Asuka-san?"

Asuka: "WHAT?!"

Shinji: "The class president wanted to talk to you..."

Asuka: "About what?"

Hikari: "Umm. Just saying hello, and I'm sure those boys don't mean anything by it. They're just curious is all."

Asuka: "Oh. Hello, Class President … Hikari was it? Pleasure to meet you."

Hikari: "Honored. So.. is it true that you will be sharing a roof with Shinji and Rei Ikari?"

Asuka: "Yeah. Our 'genius' private tutor thought it would be great if the three of us live under the same roof, but don't be getting any strange ideas. It may be the same house, but it's a 'Western' mansion with private separate rooms for each of us. Married or not, Shinji and Rei aren't sharing a bed either."

Hikari: "I see. That's both a relief and a heartache. It's sad to see a married couple kept apart, for any eason."

Asuka: "Yeah. Well. I don't know what NERV was thinking getting them married this young in the first place. Teen marriages don't trend well."

Hikari: "Well. That may be true, but although I can't speak for Shinji, since he hasn't been here that long, but Rei, Rei has improved immensely after they got married. She used to just spend the whole class staring out the window, completely unresponsive, but now, now she's actively engaged. She asks questions. She raises her hand. She's pro-active, and actively volunteers. "

Shinji: "Our class Sensei recommended a tutor precisely because of her marked improvement."

Asuka: "Sure, sure, right... Where is Wondergirl anyway?"

Shinji: "She's down at NERV for a check-up. I've been asked to invite you down with us."

Asuka: "Hahaha! Sure. Why not? Not like I have anything better to do."

Shinji: "That's great. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

Asuka: "I'm not doing this for her, Baka!"

Shinji: "Of course, not, Asuka-san."

When we get to NERV and are ushered into Ritsuko's lab, Asuka's smug confidence that Rei's stories of being dunked in an LCL tank and being put on display for one and all being a work of fiction shatter, along with her smile, and then she runs right back out into the corridor where I have to chase after her.

Auska:"What...WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK?! That story was true? Doesn't this bother you? In the slightest?"

Shinji: "Yeah, it's true, and it bothers the ever loving hell out of me, okay? But what am I supposed to do? If she doesn't go in there and be examined by Ritsuko and whoever she deems 'necessary,' she could easily die! Hell, she's been going in that thing and been 'on display' since age four. She has no concept of 'modesty.' NERV's brilliant idea to get me used to that was to have me visit her while she's in that state, in that same lab, until she was officially deemed well enough to be released from the hospital and then, because I had nowhere else to live, have the two of us move in together."

Asuka: "Oh, oh hell. And you're the Commander's son, and she's the 'poster-girl.' What the hell do they think of me?"

Shinji: "I don't know, and I don't want to. But if we have anything to say about it, you won't be 'just a disposable tool.'"

Asuka: "Even if you don't mean it, that's nice to hear. Thanks, Baka."

Shinji: "My pleasure, now lets go see Rei, okay? She's going to be wondering what's wrong soon."

Asuka: (Sighing) "Fine. I suppose we should get this over with then."

Walking back into the lab, I hear Ritsuko ask Rei a question no husband ever wants to hear his wife answer, not even to her doctor.

Shinji: "Ritsuko-Sensei!"

Rei: "Ah, Shinji-kun, Asuka-chan. You made it."

Asuka: "Yeah, this... is obviously going to take some getting used to."

Ritsuko: "I assure you, Ikari-san, that this question is vitally, and medically important. I wouldn't have asked otherwise."

Rei: "That's fine. Shinji-kun?"

Shinji: (sigh) "If it's absolutely medically necessary."

Having gotten my consent, Rei goes on to describe, in detail, the full minutia of our sex lives.

Asuka: "That's so surprisingly... vanilla."

To be continued in chapter 8.
Well. I've hit a bit of a snag. A critical plot point, while not technically violating the rules, did fail to pass the "smell test" on the last screening. As such, chapter 8 onward needs a major rewrite, and I'm not likely to make the self-imposed weekly deadline. I'm going to screen an OMAKE now, see how that flies.

Giving a three day window for mod review, the next update might be Tuesday.

Omake Scrapped, still working on chapter 8. Will post once it's properly screened.
Last edited:
Great news, everyone. The next two chapters have cleared the mods, and are approved. They will be posted! Enjoy!

Chapter 8

Ritsuko: "Well. Now that the interview is over, it's time to conduct the neurological and physical tests."

Rei: "Yes."

Ritsuko: "Okay, Rei. Try to clear your mind."

Rei takes a perfectly blank expression.

Ritsuko: "Good, good. Electrograph is within normal. Alpha, Beta, and Delta waves within acceptable parameters." (She makes some notes on her notepad.) "Now for vital signs: Breathe deeply,"

Rei: (Inhales):

Ritsuko: "Hold it... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Okay, lung volume normal, Exhale, slowly."

Rei: (Exhales)

Ritsuko: "Okay, good, breathe normally now. Ekg reads normal. Hearbeat is... wait. Something's wrong..."

Rei: "KYAAAAA!!!!!"

Shinji: "REI! What's wrong?! REI!!!!"


With that sound, Rei's left arm falls off and starts floating next to her in the LCL tank.

Ritsuko panics, hits the alarm, and all hell breaks loose.

For the sake of decency, I'm not going to go into detail of what happens next, but Rei, Asuka, and myself wind up in quarantine and in individual LCL jars undergoing analysis while the NERV staff communicate to us through an intercom, and watch us on scientific monitors, that while not seeing us directly, do show us through infared and other scans.

Misato, in that office is clearly not happy with our predicament, but that's nothing compared to Asuka, who is as mad as a wet bob-cat.

(Over the intercom)

Asuka: "Alright, Frau Doktorr, you and your gestapo dragged us here, power-washed, rinsed, repeated, and now pickling like beets in a jar. NOW WHAT?! Oh, and Third, I'm only going to say this once. Even though I know you were dragged here along with us, there will be consequences if you don't keep your eyes facing forwards, or if you MUST look my way for some reason, look at me only above the neck, got it?!"

Shinji: "Yes, ma'am! SORRY!"

Asuka: "Gah! You apologize way, way too much, Baka!"

Ritsuko: "You three are in quarantine as there's no way Rei's arm just falling off on its own is normal, even for her. We're going to have to run some tests to make sure that Angel contamination hasn't got you compromised."

Asuka: "You're kidding, right? None of us has touched Angel flesh, outside an Eva at any rate, and even if Rei is somehow compromised, why are the rest of us here, and stripped down to our birthday suits?"

Ritsuko: "Your clothing is being carefully screened, Pilots, and think about it, Second. Shinji and Rei have been very, very close for a significant amount of time, and you had prolonged exposure to Shinji while sharing an Entry-Plug. LCL carries nutrients needed for rapid healing and regeneration, but it can also carry .. other things."

Asuka: "OH FUCK ME! I do one nice thing for my fellow Pilot and it bites me in the ass!"

Misato: "Are you serious? Rei's left arm just fell off? For no reason?"

Ritsuko: "Yes. Asuka, Shinji, and I were in the lab watching over Rei in the LCL tank when 'sshhrriiip', there it goes. We've tried to graft it back on, and hope it sticks."

Misato: "For the love of... Of all the ridiculous things I've heard of, this has to be the strangest. Now I have to contact the school and their tutor, get them to acknowledge the quarantine and make up some damn good story to explain their prolonged and indeterminate absence without revealing NERV classified data or starting a panic!"

Ritsuko: "Simple, just tell them The Children have been quarantined due to exposure to some unknown pathogen, to which they're reacting badly. If asked for more information, simply say we at NERV don't know. It will be the truth, and reveals nothing."

Msiato: "SHIT! Guess, I'll have to do that. Okay, Rits, run your tests while I make the calls."

Ritsuko: "You got it. Pilots, I know you're highly agitated, but I'm going to need you to relax, and try to clear your minds, think of nothing at all."

Rei: "Yes."

Shinji: "I'll … try."

Asuka: "HAH! Easy for you to say! Guess, I've got no choice but to try..."

Rei: "Do, or do not. There is no try."

Shinji: "Rei. Not. Helping."

Asuka:"... PFFFTTT! BWAHAHAHAHA! Strong am I in The Force, but not that strong!"

Ritsuko: "Pilots, please!"

Misato: "Relax, Rits. That's the happiest I've seen her... ever. Let them get it out of their system."

Ritsuko: "Sigh. I suppose. Guess we'll start with the passive tests then."

Misato: "Okay. Now to get to those calls."

As Misato is informing the school and Lara Croft about our situation, Ritsuko starts noting our vital signs.

Ritsuko: "Hearbeat within normal range for all pilots, good. Temperature normal. Neural activity normal. Okay, Pilots, everyone take a deep breath, please. Hold it.. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now exhale. Good. Lung volume and function reads normal. Initiating A-T field scan.. SWEET JUMPING JELLYFISH!"

Misato: "Oh now what... That... THAT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE RIGHT! Can it?"

Ristuko: "Unless this equipment's malfunctioning, I'm afraid it is. This is an unmitigated disaster."

Asuka: "Okay, Frau Doktorr. What the damn hell has your panties in a bunch?!"

Rei: "I am … troubled by your enthusiastic and highly irrational outburst. What is going on?"

Shinji: "Umm.. What's wrong? I'm really starting to get worried now..."

Ritsuko: "Pilots, I don't know of any easier way to tell you this, but your A-T fields have become a tangled mess. The three of you can't be more than a meter or two apart from each other, for any significant amount of time, before the strain starts tearing your bodies apart at some predetermined stress points."

Asuka: "Get real!"

Shinji: "How... How did that happen?"

Rei: "This is most disturbing."

Ritsuko: "It's true. I don't know how, but Rei had the misfortune of falling apart first, due to her long history of health problems. As for the rest of you, it's worse."

Shinji: "Um... worse than having an arm just fall off?"

Asuka: "..."

Ritsuko: "Asuka. Your entire right side is compromised above the hip. Your right eye would explode. Your right arm would peel apart like a banana. As for the abdominal area... well, let's just say the result would be too graphic to mention."

Asuka: "#$()*#@*($^Y@#&*$^!@#$()*!@#$*&@#~!"

Shini: "And me?"

Ritusko: "Your skin will peel off, for starters."

Rei: "That is very disconcerting."

Ritsuko: "Rei. You were lucky we got you into quarantine when we did. Any more strain and the damage would have gone downward, diagonally, from your shoulder to your abdomen, as if you were wearing a seat-belt in an American vehicle and it tore right through you. I'm afraid the three of you are going to be stuck down here in NERV for the foreseeable future, in very close quarters, until we can get this sorted out, and you back to normal."

Asuka: "Oh, oh hell NO! You baka couple better not be getting any ideas.."

Ritsuko: "Exactly. Sexual relations are only likely to make it worse, much worse."

Rei: "I am very not pleased with this... outcome, Doctor."

Shinji: "We can still hug, caress and cuddle, in non-sexual ways? Yes?"

Asuka: "BAKA! Why would I want to cuddle you?!"

Rei: "Now that is an interesting reaction, Asuka-san. I do not belive Shinji-kun specified you."

Asuka: "Ecchi-Girl! I'm just per-empting his horny, teenage, pervert hormones! I'm certainly not making any kind of overture or invitation!"

Rei: "I never said you were, Asuka-san!"


Misato: "Are you seeing what I'm seeing, Rits? Does it look like their A-T fields are … dancing, as they bicker, quibble, and quarrel?"

Ritsuko: "Wait... hang on.. There's something riding your A-T fields, Pilots. Aoba, Maya, get me camera drones on the pipes, specifically the T-1 junction."

Aoba: "Roger."

Maya: "Right away!"

Misato: "These pipes are supposed to be new, right?"

Ritsuko: "Yeah."

Misato: "Then what's that?"

Ritsuko: "That looks like corrosion of some sort, but certainly doesn't seem to act like it. Maya, guide the maintenance bot there and surgically remove the whole pipe, wiring included, then activate an energy containment field. Try to avoid disturbing it, as much as possible."

Maya: "Understood."

Misato: "Rits, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ritsuko: "I am, and I hope you're wrong, Major."

Maya: "Pipe is disconnected, and energy field active, extracting sample out now."

Ritsuko: "Good, nice and gentle, Maya, no rush."

Maya: "On it."

Aoba: "Preparing launcher 04 for immediate activation, Ma'am."

Ritsuko: "Good work, Aoba. Major?"

Misato: "I'm calling the JSSDF, just in case." (After a few rings) "Hello, yes, this is Major Misato Katsuragi, we have a situation here. We need an N2 equipped missile on standby... I see. Well, I suggest you get the authorization, pronto, or be prepared to face the fall out from extreme negligence in the face of an Angel threat... That's right, we have a possible Angel bio-weapon attack en route, get that N2 missile ready."

Aoba: "PATTERN BLUE! It's an ANGEL!"

Ritsuko: "The 'corrosion' is attacking the pipe and energy field, corroding both at an exponential rate!"

Misato: "DAMN! Angel bio-weapon confirmed, highly adaptive and corrosive, we need that N2 missile ready to go, stat! … Wait, you've got THREE ready to go? Outstanding, Lieutenant Itami! If you weren't on the other side of this phone call, I could kiss you! Alright, we've only got one shot at this, preparing to send telemetry the moment this bio-weapon is launched out of here!"

Aoba: "We're losing the MALP, don't know how much longer we'll have telemetry!"

Misato: "As long as those N2 missiles can lock on to it at apogee, it's good enough! Is the MALP in position on the launcher?"

Maya: "Launch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!"

Ritsuko: "Wait! You can use words like 'apogee' and in the correct context?"

Misato: "I didn't spend all my college time letting my boyfriend boink the shit out of me, Rits!"

Now if you're thinking, how far a rail designed to move a "robot" the size of a tall building from several miles underground to the surface in seconds will launch a robot that weighs "only" about 800 kilograms, and think "stratosphere," you'd be right. When the missiles intercept it at the height of its deceleration arc, as it escapes from its energy field, the massive nuclear-level explosion not only overwhelms Ireul's A-T field, utterly destroying the Angel, or so we think, but the resulting EMP effectively shuts down all power in NERV's geo-front and the entire city of Tokyo-3.

Meanwhile... at an undisclosed location, six "monoliths" with the name SEELE and a number from 001 to 006 began talking among themselves.

SEELE 003: "Ikari's been a naughty boy. Peeking at his Christmas presents! He should get a bag of coal!"

SEELE 002: "And he took that which does not belong to him."

SEELE 004: "We should have put a bell around that cat's neck."

SEELE 005: "We did, but it did not ring."

SEELE 006: " Actually, the bell did ring."

SEELE 001: "WHAT?! Why did you not warn us?!"

SEELE 006: "Did you all not get my notes, calls, or mails?"

SEELE 001: "Do not try to pass off the blame. It is not too late to replace you."

SEELE 006: "The cat will eat his kittens, for the mouse is not enough."

SEELE 004: "What does THAT mean?"

SEELE 001: "So Ikari plans to betray 'The Children.' Hmm, well, we would have to push them aside anyway soon enough. We can overlook this, for now. As for 'the mouse,' it can only mean one thing..."

Everyone: "Ikari's started to move against us."

SEELE 001: "The bell must be put tighter around that cat's neck. Our 'inspector' must get close to 'The Children.'"

SEELE 006: "He can't. All of them are in quarantine, due to Angel contamination."

SEELE 001: "Irrelevant. Ikari may think he's a step ahead of us, but he's wrong, and it's almost time for him to find that out. Everyone knows what needs done. Dismissed."

After the monoliths all blink out, one by one, an old man with numerous cybernetics and a "visor" completely wrapping his head appears in the center of the room, a Chairman Lorenz Kihl. "What are you up to, Ikari? How does hurting The Children help your precious 'Scenario?'"
Asuka's Diary, Part 1:

Before being sent to Tokyo-3 as the newest "Child," I was asked by my superiors to keep a log and make routine mailings to keep them informed. I suck at this! Still, orders are orders.

Day 1: I meet The First and Third Children, learning to my shock that they're already married to each other, on the "Over The Rainbow," the US Aircraft Carrier that's delivering me and Eva-02 to Tokyo-3 to help in the fight with the Angel threat. Not long after the encounter, our fleet is attacked by an Angel. I get to show off my stuff, and try to impress the Third, who is a clear rookie with my skills. I am glad to admit that he's not entirely useless, boosting our dual sync to 68%, and I have to give the First some grudging respect for piloting her rather lack-luster Eva prototype just well enough to keep the sortie from being a disaster, at the outright insane orders of our commander, Captain Misato Katsuragi.... After all this, our private tutor gives the Third an A+, the Second a B+, and me, the ace, a C-, downgrading it to a D- when I object, and pinning me to the ground for the remainder of the trip to Tokyo-3! While she chats pleasantly with everyone else!

Day 2: The next day isn't much better. Granted I was a royal bitch, lashing out from the way Lara Croft treated me, on the other Children, but The First crushing my arms like they were run over by a truck was way out of line! No way I was going to let her get away with merely a simple apology, so when I thought the Third had something to do with getting her to apologize, I decided making her squirm with jealousy was a good idea, and it worked, for a little while, until she decided I was flirting with her instead and decided to flirt back. I'm not interested in girls, at least I don't think I am, but DAMN, she's good! I woke up in the infirmary after one of those annoying "comedic" nosebleeds you see in manga all the time, to see Rei and Shinji being all lovey-dovey in the next bed, because she apparently did the same to him, and snuggled up in there while he was unconscious, though they were both fully clothed. Telling them how nauseating I found their antics only caused them to turn their attention to me. Granted, there was no sexual undertone to their actions, but them hugging me out of the blue was creepy. For some strange reason though, it felt really, really good. While I am suspicious of their motives, I have to admit, their overtures of friendship, nothing more, as they claim, really felt nice, and I liked it, even if they were faking.

Day 3: It has been a few days since I started school in Tokyo-3... DAMN IT! I have a freaking college degree from The Technical Institute of Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, or TU Berlin for short, why the hell do I have to attend high-school with these losers?! (Sigh) Oh well, guess I can't brag too much as due to the fact that my 'esteemed' education failed to teach me how to read and write either Kanji or Hiragana, my school grades horrifically fail to reflect my true intellect. If it's an act, those two deserve an Oscar. My fellow pilots both praise my ease with the subject material and try to teach me the written Japanese language. Gotta admit, that's rather hard; 3000 Kanji to memorize alone, and they all look so similar to each other! Baka Shinji and his wife have the same grades as I do, and if their stories are to be believed, and I have serious doubts, Shinji's suffered neglect so horrible, he's lived in a literal dog-house during his formative years and had absolutely zero formal education prior to Tokyo-3, and Rei has been so ill, she might as well have had no education herself because she's absent so damn often, and even when she's in class, has been seriously detached, just staring out the window.

Day 4: It has been the better part of a month since I was brought here, and I have yet to see any evidence of their so-called backstory. Shinji and Rei are very popular and active in class, though them being happily married seems to play a factor. Unfortunately, while visiting my locker at the end of the day, the inevitable "love" confessions came pouring out! GAH! Those shallow, perverted boys! They don't know anything about me, but "fell in love" with the exotic red-head on looks alone! THEY CAN ALL DROP DEAD! The class president met me as I was grounding those envelopes, unopened, underfoot and explained the class situation, and it seems Rei's story does have some merit. Hiraki has no reason to lie or anything to gain by sucking up to me, so her words carry far more weight than Baka's or Wondergirl's do. She mentions that Rei and Shinji being married has, in fact, done wonders for both of them.

Day 4, part B: I am invited by Shinji to visit Rei in NERV's advanced medical facilities, presumably at Rei's behest. Not having anything better to do, and in the mood for a lark, I agree... HOLY FUCKING SHIT ON TOAST!! No sooner do I get to Rei's treatment lab than the evidence that Rei's story is true hits me in the face, literally. Yes, that poor girl's been on display for one and sundry in a giant test-tube full of LCL in the buff, and it's been going on for so long, the girl has absolutely no sense of modesty or regard for her nudity in the slightest. If that part of her story is true, what else is true... AND SHE'S THE FREAKING POSTER CHILD FOR NERV TOKYO-3! If Shinji's true to his word, and this time I have no doubt he is, he finds this just as disturibing as I do, if not more, but is helpless to do anything about it, as they've both come to believe that she'll die if she doesn't go through with this type of "medical treatment." Hell. The poor girl's been so conditioned to be naked, in every sense of the word, that she can't even refrain from discussing the most intricate details of her sex-life! Which I'm not going to repreat, thank you very much. I will say that I'm glad her tastes are very "vanilla."

Day 4, part C: As disturbing as everything so far is, this isn't the worst of it, not by a long shot. As Shinjii, Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, and myself are in attendance watching over Rei, her left arm falls off for no fucking reason! Holy SHIT! If she wasn't in that LCL tank, she may well have died of blood loss and shock alone! But it doesn't end there, oh no! Frau Doctor pulls the alarm and we are all thrown into quarantine, and we suffer numerous rather grievous indignities that I've already reported to Kaji, the UN's inspector, so I'm not going to repeat them here, ultimately winding up in the same state as Rei, on display in a giant test-tube of LCL, wearing nothing but our birthday suits! At least there are no other people present in our immediate surroundings, but there are all sorts of passive sensors, with the 'good' doctor monitoring us in some detached, windowless control room. Fortunately, Shinji's got enough sense to keep his eyes to himself, and not exploit the situation. As if all that's not bad enough, an Angel had to go and fuck with our A-T fields, which is why Rei's arm fell off in the first place, and now the three of us can't be more than a meter or two apart for any length of time without disfiguring and almost certainly fatal injury. That's right, the three of us are going to be forced to live in the same room upon threat of an extremely excruciating death, until NERV figures out a way to fix that, but I'm not holding my breath. The actions of the upper management to date don't give me much faith that they can fix a burnt out light-bulb, let alone three hopelessly entangled A-T fields.

Day 4, Part D: Remember that Angel that tangled up our A-T Fields? I didn't even get a chance to fight it! Misato and the JSSDF blew it up with three N2 missiles! I don't know what pisses me off more about that. Whether it's the fact that I was stewing like a pickled beet at the time, or the twin humiliations of the aftermath, where we're frog-marched to a communal shower, with just one flashlight for the three of us, and bathing there in near total darkness, to then be shoveled off to the one king-sized bed efficiency that's to serve as our quarantine sleeping quarters, and basically having our change of clothes, that consist only of hospital gowns and underwear just thrown at us as we're ordered inside! How any of us managed to sleep soundly that night is a mystery known only to the gods.

Day 5: While we may be stuck in the same one-bedroom efficiency, under pain of death, I'm certainly not going to share a bed with a married couple, to whom I'm not romantically entangled, if I can help it. Of course, my declaration that the closet I was setting up to be my personal bedroom is "the impenetrable wall of Jerico" came across as a challenge to Rei. She opened the door, embraced and openly kissed me, right in front of her husband! Damn if she isn't a good kisser! Her excuse? "The walls of Jerico fell." That's what I wanted Shinji to figure out! Gah! To make things even more bizarre, Rei proceeded to ask me out, as in becoming her girlfriend, with Shinji's blessing! Gotta hand it to them though, their offer was pretty damn tempting, and not once did they try to cajole, manipulate, or threaten me. In fact, during every step of their appeal, they made it perfectly clear that the choice was mine and mine alone, and they would respect whatever decision I made. After carefully weighing the pros and cons, I figured I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by agreeing... and while there were certain ... surprises, like finding out that Rei sees me as her birthday present, I have to admit, they're true to their word and actively strive to make me happy. Very, very happy. The staff at NERV found it unbelievably romantic. Oh that's right, forgot to mention that the entire effincency, bar the commonal shower/restroom is wired for sound and we knew it. So the NERV staff finding out about it doesn't surprise us in the slightest.

Day 5, part B: Once again, we're in the LCL test tubes, though considering that I'm now in a 'romantic,' though chaste, relationship with Rei makes it a tiny bit more comfortable as I know Shinji truly respects her wishes, and I'm hers alone, until she says otherwise. I can't describe how happy that part makes me, even if I think I'm straight. I have no idea if that's the cause, but our sync scores are the highest ever, for all of us. Even Wondergirl boosted her score to twice her usual maximum. Something NERV staff had pretty much given up on. This remains true even when we start the cross-compatibility tests ,and Rei maintains her 60% with Eva-01. Shinji's test with Eva-00 was a near disaster, as the Eva started going berserk.. until Shinji somehow reversed it, managed to get it under control, and then jumped his score to a whopping 75%, though he apparently started suffering halucinations as he began talking to people who are not there, and having what seems to be a rather spirited conversation, though we could only hear his end of it. Still, it seems as if he's addressing a small child, and quite well at that. After a few minutes, he 'returns to reality,' and the connection is severed.

Day 5, part C: After Rei gets a 30% reading with Eva-02, it's my turn to sync, or try, with an unfamilar Eva, in this case, Eva-01, since the chances of Eva-00 going berserk again are ruled too high to risk it. What happens next appears to be entirely a hallucination as none of the other pilots report seeing the person to whom I was talking, and I later find out Shinji had a similar experience when he synced with Eva-00.

While synced to Eva-01:

I find myself in an alien landscape, surrounded by shapes and forms I do not recognize. Before me is a woman in a lab-coat that looks suspiciously like Rei, except she's a full-grown adult with brown hair and eyes. I look down to see myself in my plug-suit, but I know I didn't wear anything at all for this sync test.

??? : "Greetings, Asuka-san. Don't be afraid. I won't harm you, and I've arranged for your mental image to have your plug-suit so you could be at ease."

Asuka: "Who are you?"

???: "Ah, pardon my manners, it has been a long, long time since I've spoken with anyone. My name is Yui Ikari, Shinji's mother. I must say, I am quite proud of my boy. He got himself married first and then had sex, not the other way around, which is far, far too common for kids your age. He also loves her dearly and treasures her smile. He thinks about that dear Rei girl a lot! He's also started thinking about you, and her, together, and the images are quite.. inventive.... Oh, oh my, so you're her girlfriend. That explains so much. Those two are the real deal then if he's willing to go that far to make her happy."

Asuka: "How do you know this?"

Yui: "Ah. That. The surface thoughts of everyone that syncs with Eva-01 are like a bilboard to me. I can't help but read them. So that means I have a pretty good idea of what that worthless husband of mine is doing, but I'm powerless to stop him, or those old men above him. One of whom, a Lorenz Keel, happens to be my grandfather. They are so bent on making themselves gods, or turning humanity into goo in the process, that they've killed people by the billions. The Angel attacks are a necessary step in that plan, as was Second Impact."

Asuka: "What? You're kidding! You can't mean..."

Yui: "Try to avoid saying things aloud, dear. While the staff at NERV can't hear me, they will hear you, and you're 'expendable' to those old men and my husband, Gendo, who's hardly been faithful while I've been trapped here."

Asuka: "..."

Yui: "That's right. I know because Rei knows. She's been informed, since age 4, about how Gendo abuses and exploits women, treating both the Akagis, mother and daughter, like fleshlights with PHDs. He honestly believes that if he turns the world to ash to get me out of here, that I'll be happy with him, and forgive all the nastiness he's done. He also thinks Rei is his obedient little doll that he can do anythng and everything with. Because that's what he raised her for."

Asuka: "Why speak to me?"

Yui: "Bcause you are actually prepared to listen. Shinji was close, so very close, but he's still too scared of pain and rejection to reach out to me. I don't blame him. I knew my life was under threat from SEELE, and initiated the 'accident' called 'The Contact Experiment' so I'd be trapped here, beyond their reach, where I could hopefully, someday, thwart and subvert their plans, turning them to goo, but leaving what remains of Humanity alone. Unfortunately, I now know my 'darling' Gendo has other ideas, and he actively destroyed any and all things that remind him of me, especially the letters and videos I left for Shinji to explain why I did what I did and to give him the instructions he so desperately needed to survive the Angel war. I supspect it's because Gendo's such an insanely possessive asshole that he was jealous I showed any affection to our own son! As for Rei, she's got a life-time of chemical and psychological conditioning to overcome. She can speak, but not hear."

Asuka: "What do you want of me?"

Yui: "I want you to be there for him, for them. The time is coming, and very soon, where they will need you, and badly. Just remember, the Angels are the easy part of the equation."

Asuka: "The Angels are the EASY part?!!"

Yui: "That's right. Oh, and if Shinji ever asks, I clearly did not want to traumatize him by letting him see my 'death.' It's just that I wanted witnesses around in case Gendo did something... unpleasant upon hearing what happened, and it seems I was right. That violent son of a bitch abandoned Shinji in a crowded train terminal, and his aide, my former professor, Fyutsuki, took the poor boy to a 'Sensei' that would go to see him as a 'cursed child' and literally put him in a dog-house to fend for himself for ten odd years! Whether Fuyutsuki is ultimately loyal to Gendo or SEELE, it doesn't matter. That man, whom I trusted, obviously failed to instruct Shinji as well, because I also provided Fuyutsuki copies of my instructions, and Shinji never got them. Shinji was supposed to be far, far more prepared than he was when he got here and could barely even get this Eva to walk, let alone fight!"

Asuka:"These intstructions?"

Yui: "Sadly, we don't have time. Gendo will forcibly cut the neural link, if we talk too long, so we're going to have to say goodbye. Oh, and that weird stuff Rei said about clones in the basement. It's true, or she thinks it is. Goodbye, Asuka-chan, and good luck. Even if you are a comfort wife, I'm proud to have you as a daughter-in-law. You make your mother, Kyoko, proud."

Asuka: "You know my mother?!"

Yui: "Oh yes, she was my best friend. She followed my work very, very closely."

Asuka: "Then that means..."

Yui: "That she's alive? Maybe. Just remember, the next time you're in Eva-02, don't talk, listen. Goodbye now."

I wake up back in 'reality' seeing myself in the LCL tank with borh Rei and Shinji looking at me worried. Shinji moreso, as he was afraid that we were suffering from something contagious. I did not dare relate my entire experience to them as NERV was listening, and above them, SEELE. Now I'm not sure if I want to know if my mother is still 'alive' in Eva-02 or not, but I sure as hell am not going to be treating the Eva as a doll to command or a beast to tame ever again, but as a partner upon whom my life depends.

End of Diary Entries... for now.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9:

Asuka: "I don't know what pisses me off the most! 1.) The fact that an Angel showed up and I didn't get to do squat about it, being pickled like a beet and all. 2.) The fact that Section 3's idea of maintaining quarantine involved simply frog-marching us here at the point of guns and flame-throwers, leaving us with only one flashlight, and throwing these hospital gowns and underwear that we're now wearing, into the room, as an afterthought 3.) We have only one bed and one bath here, and we were forced to wash off that LCL, together, in a single communal bath, in near total darkness! Though I suppose I should be grateful that they didn't decide to power-wash us with a fireman's hose like I heard a few of them threaten to do, but don't expect me to give them an award for basic decency. 4.) NERV has the gall to think we should be grateful that the entire 'apartment' minus the bathroom is monitored for sound 24/7 because having no mics in the communal bathroom, though the toilets have stalls, at least, and supposedly no cameras, is 'respecting our privacy.' GAH! "

Shinji: "At least Lara Croft managed to provide enough generators that we have minimal power..."

Asuka: "Yeah. I can't tell if that makes things better or worse! Now instead of worrying you'll 'accidentally' grab something you shouldn't, I have to worry that you'll 'accidentally' see something you shouldn't!"

Rei: "I can understand being scared of bathing in the dark, as that is physically quite dangerous, but I fail to comprehend why you're so ashamed of your body. You are quite beautiful, Asuka-san, and you obviously take good care of it. I am... somewhat envious."

Asuka: "Are.. are you for real, Wondergirl? Being on display in a giant test-tube is one thing. At least you have a sold, physical barrier that lets people know to keep their hands off. Willingly being naked, as in not just nude but defenseless..."

Rei: "I see. So you are afraid of us?"

Asuka: "Like hell I... okay, maybe 'suspicious' is the right word. You two are way, way too nice to me, and I don't mean the 'stroke her ego to her face and snicker behind her back' kind, but the 'honest to God' kind that always offers me a helping hand, regardless of how you personally feel. It's been my experience that the latter are the more dangerous, as they always want something. For the life of me, I can't figure out what you two want from me, as we're stuck together on equal footing, and I have nothing to offer you."

Shinji: "All we want is to be your friend, Asuka-san."

Rei: "Indeed. As you say, we are stuck together, so it's better for all of us if we're on good terms."

Asuka: "Oh, so it's the old 'be nice to her as long as she's useful' shtick, eh?"

Rei: "No. We may have been asked to be nice to you, but all we want is your good will, even after all this is over."

Shinji: "Besides, you're cutest when you smile."

Rei: "Pilot Ikari, you said something unnecessary. Still, I must concur. Asuka-chan is quite cute, especially when she's happy."

Asuka: "W-w-w-w-what!?! No! This can't be happening! Forget it! You ecchi couple can have the bed! Now that I can see what I'm doing, I'm sleeping in the closet! Fair warning! The closet door will be the 'impenetrable wall of Jericho, and if either of you try anything, you'll regret it!"

Asuka darts into the closet, slamming the door behind her.

While I'm confused and chagrined, thinking we might have gone too far, Rei smirks, walks over and quickly opens the door..


Rei: "The walls of Jericho fell, Asuka-chan." Rei leans in for a kiss. First a tentative peck on the lips, and then a long, slow kiss that has Asuka melt like butter, for about five seconds.

Asuka: "What! ARE! YOU! DOING?! That was my first kiss, damn it! I was hoping Shinji would wise-up and take it.."

Asuka suddenly realizes her outburst, covers her mouth with her hands and starts to both blush furiously and weep in embarrassment.

Rei: "I thought so. Sadly, Shinji-kun is spoken for, and off-limits, at least until I say so."

Asuka: "Doesn't that apply to you too? Aren't you 'spoken for' and off-limits? Wouldn't Baka-Shinji object to his wife having a fling?"

Shinji: "With anyone else, especially another guy, abso-frackin-lutely! Can you name a reason why I'd object to you?"

Asuka: "So you're not worried that I'd steal her away?"

Shinji: "Not your style. You prefer to win your fights, honestly, and straight up. Besides, you and Rei make each other happy, and I LIVE for Rei's smile. I also told you you're cute when you're happy, remember?"

Asuka: "Bet you're just saying this because I'm another girl."

Shinji: "Right, so?"

Asuka: "And what, pray tell, makes you think I'm into girls?"

Shinji: "You were far, far nicer with Hikari-san than anyone else, and you stomped on all those 'confession' letters without even opening them."

Asuka: "Me hating guys is not the same as me liking girls, BAKA! And Hikari hadn't done anything to warrant me bitching at her."

Shinji: "Well, there is the reaction you had when Rei first came on to you.."

Rei: "Indeed. That was most.. unexpected ...and amusing."

Asuka: "... Okay. Ya got me there. So what's next?"

Rei: "That depends entirely on you, Asuka-chan."

Shinji: "No pressure one way or the other. You and Rei want to start something … romantic, I won't stop you. In fact, I'll cheer you on, and we both will do everything in our power to make you happy. Decline, and we'll respect your boundaries, do what we can to make you comfortable, and otherwise leave you alone. All alone. How you handle it is up to you."

Asuka: "No pressure.. right. You sure you're not a used-car salesman? That's a pretty good pitch for a lemon in the lot if ye get my drift."

Rei: "I do not appreciate being compared to a 'lemon,' whatever that means."

Shinji: "Well, Rei is rather.. unusual, yes, but so are you, Asuka-san, and you've openly admitted having 'romantic' feelings towards both of us."

Asuka: "Oh, fine then. I suppose I don't have a problem dating her, but I'm not in any way ready for any sexy shenanigans."

Rei: "That's more than acceptable. Especially as we're forbidden from sex anyway, thanks to our A-T field.. issues, at the moment."

Asuka: "I suppose it's time to make this official then? How does it go... AH! Rei-san, though I am unworty, please take care of me!"

Rei: "My pleasure, Asuka-chan! Welcome Home!"

Shinji: <Sniff>, <Sniff> (As I'm clearly crying) "That … was beautiful."

Rei: (Smiles sweetly) "Yes, Shinji-kun. I get a girlfriend for my first birthday with you! Best! Present! Ever!"

Shinji: "Birthday? Today's your birthday? Umm... Happy Birthday?"

Rei: (Frowning) "You forgot? Didn't you? Ikari-kun?"

Shinji: "Forgot?! How was I supposed to know? You never told me."

Rei: "It was in my file, that I gave you, remember?"

Shinji: "Oh, you mean under that black redacted marker stuff, like about half of the information in there?"

Rei: "... Well, I'll forgive you, since you gave me such a wonderful present, and we can't go shopping anyway, nor even bake the cake.... Well, actually, we could, but without frosting."

As the "warehouse" attached to this suite has enough non-perishable foods ranging from powdered milk, eggs, and flour to freeze-dried fruit to last years, set up by the UN under Kaji's direction, Rei's statement is clearly credible.

Asuka: "Wait... I'm a birthday present? And today's your birthday?"

Rei: "I don't blame you for not knowing, as you believed my file, and Shinji-kun's was 'pure fiction' the day we met."

Asuka: "Actually, I did read it, and yeah, your birthday's not listed in there, at all, just a giant black marker swipe where the birthday's supposed to go."

Rei blinks a few times, but then just shrugs and smiles "Well, you both know now! So expect consequences if you forget next year! Now time to unwrap the present!"

Asuka: "Now hold on! I thought we agreed..."

Asuka doesn't even get to finish her statement before Rei picks her and me up and puts us on her shoulders like bags of rice before taking us to the communal shower/bath attached to our room. On the plus side, it seems NERV managed to reattach her arm just fine.

Asuka: "Oh, oh hell no! She's not doing what I think she's doing, is she?!"

Shinji: "Sorry. Forgot to mention Rei's a HUGE fan of mixed bathing, at least as far as I can tell."

Asuka: (Sigh) "And strong enough to literally break us in half if we resist, right?"

Shinji: "Oh, by the spirits of our ancestors, yes."

Rei: (Humming happily) "Oh, we had orders to get 'squeaky clean' for another day in the LCL tank too!"

Asuka: "Wait, we were going to be ORDERED to bathe together?" (Asuka starts glaring at me.)

Shinji: "First time I'm hearing this!"

Rei: "Hehe! No, Shinji-kun, Asuka-chan, but now that we're all one happy family, bathing together is going to be no problem at all!"

Asuka: "I know it's my fault for agreeing to date her without asking about this first, but if I find out you break the bathing etiquette..."

Shinji: "Yeah, you'll gouge my eyes out and eat them, right?"

Asuka: "You're learning!"

Rei: "Hey now! Play nice!" (Opens the shower door and carries us inside.)

A little while later, we are once again in the LCL tanks, in exactly the same state as last time, and yes, I get to keep my eyes.

Asuka: "Okay, here we are again, triple-washed, squeaky clean, and naked as jaybirds. What do we have in store for us this time?"

She sounds.. almost jovial about it, and NERV staff is quick to pick up on it.

Maya: "She sounds... kinda happy."

Aoba: "I'm scared! Where's that unstable ball of anger we all know?!"

Misato: "Rits, did something really good happen behind my back? Or is there something you're not telling me..."

Ritsuko: "I'm not in any way responsible for their mood, Major, though I'd love to take credit for it."

Misato: "Then what's going on?"

Maya: "Asuka and Rei are now dating! And the way it happened was just so romantic!"

Misato: "Wait, WHAT?! How did that happen?! And didn't Shinji-kun object to somebody else romancing his wife?!"

Aoba: "He ...umm... kinda set it up, actually, or at least greatly helped it along."

Misato: "You're joking..."

Maya: "Oh, no! Get this, Asuka-chan is Rei's birthday present! That's how badly Shinji-kun wants Rei-san to be happy! It doesn't get more romantic than that! I'm so jealous!"

Misato: "... That little perv..."

Ritsuko: "Enough. Keep that tabloid rumor-mongering type talk out of the lab, please. We are supposed to be professionals here. Try acting like it!"

Aoba and Maya: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Ritsuko: "Major?"

Misato: (Sigh) "Fine. I'll talk with them over the intercom later, when we're done here."

Ritsuko: "Thank you. As to your question, Asuka-san, we're going to pick up where we left off last time, before we were... interrupted, and perform some remote sync tests. The reason you're all 'au naturale' is that we wish to minimize any and all variables that might affect your sync score, notably the plug suits, outside clothing, or anything on your bodies."

Asuka: "As embarrassing as this is, I have to admit it does make sense, on paper. But sync scores are affected by our mental state, yes?"

Ritsuko: "... Yes. That's why we're planning plug-suit tests as a 'control' later."

Asuka: "I see."

Ritsuko: "Major... I don't know or care what their personal lives are like, but whatever they're doing together in quarantine, don't rock the boat. This is the most cooperative I've seen her, and I'd like her to stay that way."

Misato: "Yeah, Rits. I'll be .. gentle."

Ritsuko: "Good. Okay, Pilots, the first test will be syncing with your original Evas as a baseline, and then we'll see about inter-eva compatibility."

Asuka: "Inter-eva?"

Ritsuko: "Indeed. Situations may arise where you have to use each others' Evas and we need to know now how well that plays out before that happens. We know there's some compatibility between Shinji and Eva-02 as your sync score went up while he was duel-synced with you, but we need to be clear how high that is, and among other tests."

Shinji: "That makes sense."

Rei: "A highly logical assertion."

Asuka: "... I'm going to have to be a broken, bloody mess on the ground before anyone uses Eva-02 without me in the cockpit, or without my permission! Still, I can see the merit in being ready before that happens."

Ristuko: "Good, okay, Pilots, try to clear your minds... breathe normally and relax.. beginning sync tests..."

Aoba: "All Evas activating normally!"

Maya: "Wait, are these readings correct?"

Ritsuko: "Maya, what's going on?"

Maya: "Asuka just got a sync reading of 70%, though it's fluctuating by a margin of up to five points! Shinji's reading is 65%. REI is stable at 60% and that's twice her normal maximum!"

Misato whistles loudly. "Damn! Whatever it is they're doing in their 'downtime' is clearly working!"

Ritsuko: "I must agree, Major, though there is a glaring drawback to our new-found fortune."

Misato: "I can see where you're going, Rits. Something happens to one of them, and they might all buckle."

Ritsuko: "Outstanding work, Pilots! You've managed to surpass your maximum rates by a significant margin! Especially you, Rei. You've doubled your maximum to a full 60%. Asuka, though you're still in the lead at 70%, you're fluctuating up to five points. With Shinji at 65% and stable, it's a photo-finish for you!"

Rei: "Hmmm! This is welcome news, doctor!"

Shinji: "I... I've caught up to Asuka?!"

Asuka: "Don't let it go to your head, Third! I'm still ahead of you!"

Ritsuko: "Now comes the hard part, Pilots. We're going to have to test how you fare on each others' Eva. First comes Rei on Eva-01 as a benchmark test. We know she's compatible with Eva-01, and had the same level of sync as Eva-00. We need to make sure this is still true."

Rei: "I understand."

Eva-00 shuts down, and Eva-01 powers up.

Maya: "Sync rate stable at 60%, no change."

Ritsuko: "Outstanding, Rei. You're still at 60% even in Eva-01. Congratulations."

Rei: "Thank you, Doctor."

Ritsuko: "Okay, sorry about this, Pilot Asuka, but considering the tendency of Eva-01 and Eva-00 to go berserk, we're going to be performing the cross-sync tests with Eva-02 first."

Asuka: "I really don't like the idea, but since there's nothing I can do about it, make it quick."

Rei's sync score with Eva02 is 30%, enough to get it moving, at least as well as Eva-00, but not much more.

Asuka: "Ha! I wouldn't date you if you couldn't do at least that much!"

Rei: "High praise indeed, Asuka-chan. I shall strive to meet your expectations."

Asuka: "HMPH! You'd better!"

Shinji (Sigh)

Rei and Asuka: "And WHY ARE YOU SIGHING?!"

Shinji: "This... is going to take some getting used to.. but I think I like it."

Rei and Asuka: "BAKA!"

Misato: "Well, you sure do get along!"

Ritsuko: "Pilot Shinji Ikari. It's your turn."

Shinji: "Yes, Ma'am."

I find out that my sync rate with Eva-02 is exactly 50% down to the tenth integer.

Asuka: "I... I don't know whether to be impressed it takes that level of precision to measure your reading, or feel threatened the Eva-02 likes you that much."

Shinji: "I got that nerve-crawling feeling like I just met the in-laws for the first time with their daughter out of the room."

Rei: "Indeed. I had a similar feeling, only I didn't seem to be well-liked."

Asuka: "In that case, be grateful they didn't start polishing their shotguns while talking to you!"

I later find out that the NERV staff didn't get the reference and had to have it explained by Kaji, who has a great deal of experience interacting with "The West."

Ritusku: "You've all done well so far, Pilots. Just one last pair of tests and we're through for the day. It should be three tests with an Asuka+Eva-00 test, but the Commander has forbidden that one, due to its tendency to go berserk on activation, and Asuka's documented emotional instability."

Asuka: "HEY!"

Shinji: "Over the Rainbow..."

Asuka: "Grrr!"

Rei: "Hahahaha!"

Ritsuko: "Pilots! Please!"

Shiji: "Ok, Ritsuko-Sensei, I trust the tests involve Asuka in Eva-01 and myself in Eva-00, by process of elimination?"

Ritsuko: "Correct, pilot."

Shinji: "Ladies first?"

Asuka: "Oh NOW you remember your chivalry?"

Ritsuko: "He is correct. Eva-01 is known for going berserk in combat, but not upon activation. Asuka first, and then Shinji."

Asuka: "Oh, fine. I suppose Mr. Housewife goes last then."

Shinji: "???"

Upon syncing with Eva-01, Asuka begins having a one-sided conversation with someone or something. At least it looks one sided as neither we nor NERV can hear anything being said by someone else, but Eva-01 does growl a few times.

Asuka: "Who are you?"

Asuka: "How do you know this?"

Asuka: "What? You're kidding! You can't mean..."

Asuka: "Why speak to me?"

Asuka: "What do you want of me?"

Asuka: "The Angels are the EASY part?!!"

Asuka:"These intstructions?"

Asuka: "You know my mother?!"

Asuka: "Then that means..."

Ritsuko: "Cut the connection! Sever the link, or we might lose her forever!"

Aoba: "Preparing to sever the link in 5"

Misato: "Wait! She's coming around!"

Asuka: "What... what happened? Stop staring at me, Baka, Wondergirl! It's creepy!"

Shinji: "Thank God, you're alright! We were afraid you were going to lose your mind in there."

Rei: "Indeed, Asuka-chan. We... I was very concerned about you. NERV was seconds away from pulling the plug, damn the consequences. There are better ways to break-off a relationship, don't you think?"

Asuka: "What the hell are you trying to imply, Wondergirl?! I am not that wishy-washy!"

Misato: "Thank the Lord. Everything's back to normal. Let's hope Shinji's test goes better."

Ritusko: "Major..."

Maya:"Good news is she got a 75% sync rating... That's better than with Eva-02!"

Ritsuko:"A mixed blessing then... Don't know how the Commander is going to react to that. Aoba. Keep that eject switch for Eva-00 ready.."

Aoba: "Roger."

Ritusko: "Alright, Pilot Shinji Ikari, your test is the last for today. Let's see if you and Rei are cross compatible with the Evas."

Shinji: "Roger."

Maya: "Initiating neural link.. Something's wrong! The neural pulses are reversing, shifting back to the pilot."

Ritsuko: "Damn! Sever the connection, stat!"

Aoba:"It's not working. The signal is being ignored!"

Shinji:"Something... something is trying to force its way into my mind... Rei?"

Rei:"Shinji-... kun?"

Eva-00 goes berserk. "ROOOOAAAAARRRR~!!!!"

It rips its way free of the restraints, walks up to and plants its palms on both sides of the normal observation booth before staring in.

Ritsuko: "Eject the power cord, NOW!"


Aoba smashes the glass covering the button, pushes it, and the cord detaches, using boosters to land safely. Eva-00 shuts down for a split-second before activating again.

Ritsuko: "Back up power will last 30 seconds!"

Misato: "Rits! What's going on?"

Ritsuko: "It's happening again! Damn it! At least this time, I'm not in that damn observation room as that monstrosity goes out of control!"

Misato: "What are you talking about?"

Ritsuko: "The same damn thing happened when Rei tried to activate it before the first Angel attack. It's why she was so bandaged and bloody, and Shinji had to be brought in! Fortunately, we don't have to worry about it ejecting an entry plug as he's connected remotely."

To Be continued.....
Chapter 10:

After everything is over, we are fully debriefed back in our quarantine quarters.

Misato: "Let me get this straight. Asuka, while you were synced with unit 01, you were speaking with a woman in a lab coat, but can't tell me much more than that, like distinguishing features?"

Asuka: "No. I can tell you how tall she was compared to myself, that she has brown hair, but the rest of her features were too blurry to make out. It's like trying to identify someone in a film that's way out of focus, through a fog."

Misato: "I see. And you, Shinji, met a 'little girl' who is a near spitting image of Rei? And that's the voice we all heard ?"

Shinji: "Yes. That's it exactly."

Rei: "..."

Misato: "Rits, care explaining what that's about?"

Ritsuko: "Now Major, Pilots, what I'm about to say next absolutely can not go anywhere beyond the five of us, and what I can tell you is going to be very, very limited as it touches on some seriously and highly classified material."

Misato: "That's deep and dark, Rits. What's going on?"

Ritsuko: "My mother was a murderess. She never went to trial because she committed suicide immediately after, and I saw it all."

Misato: "Oh holy fucking shit!"

Ritsuko: "Yeah. In a fit of jealousy, she strangled a 4-year-old that looked and sounded very much like Rei Ayanami, and after realizing what she did, took a dive right over the MAGI super-computer, bashing her brains out on impact."

Shinji: "So... um... how does that relate to what just happened today?"

Ritsuko: "Well, when I saw 'Rei' the very next day, I initially thought she somehow survived being strangled and thought nothing more of it. Now, I know different, very different."

Rei: "I see."

Ritsuko: "Now 'Rea' confuses me with my mother, and wants to kill me. I implore you, pilots. Don't dig any deeper into this. NERV's secrets are far, far deeper and darker than you can possibly imagine. Just because the three of you are Mankind's last line of defense doesn't mean NERV will hesitate to replace or dispose of you if you become inconvenient, or know too much."

Shinji: "..."

Asuka: "..."

Rei: "..."

Ritsuko: "I've said my piece. Major?"

Misato: "Yeah, we spoke with the Commander before coming here, and the official roster's been changed. Rei, you're going to be piloting Eva-01 from now on."

Rei: "Understood."

Misato: "Shinji. You're going to be piloting Eva-00."

Shinji: "May I ask why Eva-00 and not Eva-01 or Eva-02?

Misato: "You're a victim of your own success. You've managed to connect with Eva-00's core consciousness, and came back alive, which is something nobody has ever done before. Until the phenomenon is fully understood, Eva-00 is going to be your ride. Furthermore, you're the only one who has ever reversed an Eva's berserk state and got it back under control."

Shinji: "I understand."

Misato: "Besides, 'Rea' likes you, and that solves a whole slew of problems."

Asuka: "I guess I'm staying with Eva-02 then?"

Misato: "Yes. For the time being. If you connect with the core consciousness as well, then everything will be … reconsidered."

Asuka: Sigh "Fine, I get it. Well, Third, aren't you going to boast about beating me out?"

Shinji: "No. It.. doesn't feel right."

Asuka: "Good. I'd hate to have to beat the shit out of you."

Misato: "Before I go, I'm sure you've noticed the new laptop in your quarters. Turn it on please."

After the laptop boots up, we are instructed to activate the two-way conference function, and an image of Lara Croft shows up on the monitor.

Lara Croft: "Hello, pilots. Eesh, I had heard your quarters are cramped, but... this is no joke. So much for keeping you in separate bedrooms! Ironic that the British archaeologist who has a bunch of fanservicey videogames based on her is the one most trying to keep you teenagers modest! (SIGH) Oh well, can't be helped, I guess. I've been told about your 'condition', and that the three of you have to be stuck together like glue for the foreseeable future, but without the hanky-panky.... As if teens can be trusted to withstand that kind of temptation... yeah, I can see you. Well, I'm not going to let you lot use this as an excuse to fall behind in your studies, and since the military training I had in mind is now impossible, we're going to be focused on team-building exercises for the next week, minimum. I've already prepared an outline..."

...To understand how we got to this point, we have to rewind the story just a little bit. Eva-00 going "berserk" was its internal captured soul lashing out at the mistreatment she had been enduring for the last 10 years, stuck inside the Eva as a "disposable test subject." I'm not going to go into detail here, perhaps at a later point in these memoirs, but we managed to connect when that little perpetually 4-year-old little girl learned our pasts aren't so different, being abandoned by the "father" who claimed to love us and then thrown into darkness for 10 years, only to be called upon to be used as tools, our suffering and pain ignored.

She really is a sweet, and sensitive child, but it's Gendo's reaction that's relevant at the moment. To say he took the revelation poorly is an understatement of an epic degree.

Gendo: "So you're saying The Third Child made contact with the soul inside Eva-00?"

Ritusko: "There can be no other explanation, sir. The description he provided is an exact match for the 'donor,' and he described several things that he had no possible way to know otherwise."

Gendo: (Sigh) "It can't be helped. From now on, Eva-00 will be the Third's Eva while The First will be assigned to Eva-01. As for The Second, assign her to her original unit, after verifying the situation."

Ritsuko: "And what should I tell them?"

Gendo: "Reveal nothing classified, but do not attempt to deny anything The Third has experienced, even if this, regrettably, reveals the fate of the former head Eva scientist."

Ritsuko: "Yes, sir."

Gendo: "Dismissed."

Ritsuko leaves the office to carry out her orders.

As soon as she leaves the office, Gendo does not hesitate to share his true feelings with Fuyutsuki.

Gendo: "This. Is. UNACCEPTABLE! That brat must NOT 'awaken' her. NOT AGAIN! I won't let it take her from me again!"

Fuyutsuki: "Old friend, sadly, it's still too soon for that brat to have an 'accident.' The Angels are still coming."

Gendo: "Damn it! I know, but this is a wholly unacceptable level of risk to The Scenario."

Fuyutsuki: "For now, all we can do is lock them up in quarantine, and keep their contact with the EVA to a minimum, at least until a replacement can be found.."

Gendo: "We'd need a replacement Eva too, or at least a replacement core, and we just don't have the time, not anymore."

Fuyutsuki: "Well, will making The Children's lives... inconvenient suffice?"

Gendo: "For now, we have no choice, but the moment it becomes convenient..."

Fuyutsuki: "It will be done, old friend."

As for what was going on in our quarantine quarters,

Asuka: "Okay, I grant you some of this stuff makes perfect sense. Working on our schoolwork, playing FPS games like Gears of War and Call of Duty, and having us all work on our 'household' chores together as a team is quite reasonable. The rest? … Are you trying to synchronize every aspect of our lives?! Including the use of our... hygiene?"

Shinji: "That kind of thing sounds like something Misato-san would do.."

Misato: "Right-o, kiddo. It's official orders!"

Asuka: "You take some kind of sick delight in having us sync when we have to go to the shitter?"

Rei: "Asuka-chan... We can't be more than a meter or two apart, remember?"

Shinji:"... I … took the liberty to label the stalls to avoid any.. accidents."

Asuka:"You WOULD think about that, hentai-baka!"

Shinji: "Considering how many times you threaten to gouge my eyes out? HELL YEAH I THINK ABOUT IT!"

Asuka: "Have you forgotten what you did on 'The Over the Rainbow'?"

Shinji: "What I did? You dragged me into a tight, enclosed place and changed into your plug-suit in front of me, and forced me to change into one of your spare suits, which has cleavage! Then called me a 'perverted dork'!"

Asuka: "Yeah?! I caught you trying to sneak an eyeful! Be grateful the pending Angel attack didn't let me charge you the standard 'viewing fee'!"

Shinji: "Well, excuse me, Princeess, but if you were so shy, why did you drag me there in the first place?!"

Asuka: "You.....!"

Rei suddenly grabs both of us and puts our necks under her armpits in a dual headlock. "Enough, Shinji-Kun, Asuka-chan. We are stuck in this situation, and must make the best of it. Besides, your bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. I wonder how often I'm going to have to say that before it sinks in."

Asuka and Shinji: "Sorry."

Rei: "As long as you understand. Lara-Sensei. I do have a question. How are we supposed to participate in this 'Dance Dance Revolution' synchronized dancing regiment? Our living space is quite.. restrictive, and we can't leave."

Lara: "Oh that has been prepared-for in advance. Try lifting the bed, everyone."

Asuka:"Whoa! The bed fords into the wall!"

Shinji: "And there's a slate blackboard as the base... Just what was NERV preparing to use this 'quarantine' area for?"

My question was treated as rhetorical and never answered. We spent, under orders, the next week practicing out ability to synchronize in everything, doing schoolwork, housework, practicing team-building tactics with FPS games, and even co-ordinating dance steps with dance-dance revolution!

While Rei and I managed to sync perfectly on the very first try, Asuka had to struggle, though she adamantly refused to admit fault.

Asuka: "Damn it! What's with you two? Can't you keep up with a simple Macarena dance?"

Rei: "We are scoring 'Perfect', Asuka-chan,. You're the one who's struggling."

Asuka: "What?! You dare impugn this great me?!"

Rei: (Holds Asuka very close and tight) "Yes."

Asuka and I both get nosebleeds and faint. The last thing I hear is Rei's little barb. "Well, you've managed to perfect synchronizing that! And it never, ever gets old."

Fortunately, we do manage to get our activities synchronized just in time for an angel attack, Israfael.

To be continued...
Chapter 11:

After a week of trying to synchronize everything in our lives, and I do mean EVERYTHING, while we're stuck in "quarantine," with the NERV staff trying to figure out if it's even remotely safe for us to be among the general public, the alarm klaxon blares to indicate an incoming Angel attack.

Per usual, the JSSDF just mindlessly shoots at it, to no avail. As we've been informed by Lara, repeatedly, they are just so damn desperate for any kind of accomplishment, so that they're not "shown up by little brats" any more that they've given up formulating any kind of plan or strategy, and have basically fallen to the point that they'll throw anything and everything at the Angels, including the kitchen sink, just to see what works.

Considering our "condition," deploying in our Evas is.. problematic, and we don't hesitate to say so.

Shinji: "Um.. Misato-san? How are we supposed to deploy? We can't be separated by more than a meter, two at most, without risking grievous injury and gruesome death. The EVA cockpits are more than two meters apart, with the Eva standing side-by-side."

Asuka: "Yeah! I've put up being in the same quarters, basically no privacy, with my fellow pilots because I'd rather not risk my right eye exploding and my right arm peeling apart like a banana. By Gott, if I find out I've been lied to..."

Rei: "Asuka-chan... This is very, very different from what you were saying last night..."

Asuka: "Wondergirl... Not helping!"

Misato: "Trust me, kids. I don't like this any more than you do. Lara's been riding my ass like you wouldn't believe because I've had to put the three of you in the same room for an extended period of time, and I'd hate to have to find out I endured that for a lie. That being said, I really, really don't want to risk you going through such a gruesome experience as Rits laid out, but we think we've found a solution, at least short-term, and with an Angel bearing down on us, we have to take the chance."

Rei: "As the saying goes, we're all ears, Major."

Misato: "Rits. You're up. Make it good."

Ritsuko: "Thank you, pilots. I'm certain the last week hasn't been easy on you, but I'm afraid I have to make it a bit harder. For now, you need to head to the testing lab. We haven't been idle, either, and while we haven't yet formulated a decent remote-control system, we have completed a viable delivery system that will place you inside your Eva insertion plugs, and, once activated, the Eva's vastly stronger A-T field will keep you intact, at least until the battle's over. We're still working on how to get you back out with minimal risk."

Asuka: "OH FUCK ME! Your 'grand plan' is to roll the dice and hope we'll be okay?"

Rei: "Asuka-chan, if it wasn't for our current restrictions, I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer."

Asuka: "D-d-d-dumpkopf! That WASN'T AN INVITATION!"

Shinji: "Pfft!"

Asuka: "What, Third?!"

Shinji: "Oh, you're just so cute when you're flustered."

Her face turns beet red at that.

Rei: "Ikari-kun, you're my husband; she's my girlfriend. Do try to keep that in mind."

Shinji: (Gulp) "Yes ma'am!"

Rei: "Good boy. Major, I trust this is the only way?"

Misato: "As far as I can tell, yes."

Rie: "Then I guess we have no choice. Okay, everyone, let's head to our tubes in the lab, and do as they ask. Time is of the essence!"

We rush to the labs, get in our testing chamber tubes, and we find out, to our horror, what the "delivery system is."

Remember that scene in 'Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory' featuring Augustus Gloop. Yeah, that one. We quickly find out how he felt as we are flushed through the tubing at high speed and pressure going through many twists, turns, and loops, into the entry plugs and then straight into our Evas.

Asuka: "I feel sick!"

While I share Asuka's sentiment, Rei actually enjoyed it.

Rei: "WHEEE!! That was fun! Can we do it again, later?"

Misato: "All pilots aboard! Activate the launchers!"

Upon breaching the surface, I turn green, Asuka throws up in her plug and Rei is beside herself with excitement.

Rea: "Onii-san? Are you okay?"

Shinji: "I'll be fine. I hope. Asuka-san. Rei?"

Asuka: "BLARGH!!! Gott! That's horrible! I don't want to go through that ever again!" (Gurgle) "Urrrgg! Good thing my stomach was empty..."

Rei: "The Angel, it's here! Should I take point?"

Asuka: "HA! As if I'll let a little thing like motion sickness get in the way of showing off my stuff! Watch and learn, Wondergirl. You too, Baka!"

Although I'm concerned that Asuka might be pushing herself a bit too hard, I have to admire her fighting spirit.

Shinji: "Alright, be careful. Don't forget we're here to back you up!"

Asuka: "Now THAT is the right attitude. Watch me carve this turkey!"

Asuka leaps into action and with her twin Eva-sized axes cuts it vertically into three pieces.

Shinji: "Not bad."

Rei: "Impressive... Asuka. Jump back NOW!"

Asuka doesn't hesitate and jumps back just in time to avoid all three parts of the Angel grabbing Eva-02 and planting it face first into the ground.

Misato crushes her cell-phone with her bare hands. "What the hell is this?!"

Nothing we do seems to work as the Angels are moving in perfect tandem, as if they're still one being.

Shinji: "No.. No way. The three parts of the Angel are moving in perfect sync with each other! We shoot at one and while that one dodges, the other two try to pincer us! We 're getting cornered here!"

Rei: "Indeed. We need to sync our movements too. Time to put that training Lara Croft sensei put us through to good use."

Shinji and Asuka: "Got it! Let's PERFECT this bastard."

Sure enough we start using the moves we learned during the DDR "training" and it's very effective.

Fuyutsuki: "Wait... Are... Are they dancing the Maccarena?"


Misato: "Seems so.. but who cares! It's WORKING!"

On the final beat of the Maccarena, we jump up and stomp, turned completely around as the Angel tries to circle behind us and we stab into its three cores simultaneously with our progressive knives, to see it explode.

Misato: "Alright, now head to the launcher and descend, with your umbilicals attached, we should have plenty of time to figure out how to get you out of there safely."

Everyone: "Erm...." (Holding up the cords that were totally shredded by Israfael in the fight.)

Misato: "Oh for fuck's sake! Just.. just get to the launchers. Once you get to them, reduce power output to its minimum! That should tide you over for a few hours to give Rits a chance to get her staff's act together and get you out of there safely!"

Fuyutsuki: "I've noticed something else that's rather... odd about the pilots."

Misato: "And what is that, sir?"

Fuyutsuki: "Rei-chan keeps calling her husband '-kun'. Why does she do that? Married couples don't use honorifics with each other..."

Misato: "Oh, that? The answer is simple. That's something Rei does as a short-hand cue to clue in Shinji on his boundaries. 'Shinji-kun' means she's feeling affectionate. 'Ikari-kun' means she's getting upset, and he'd better change course-pronto. When she calls him 'Pilot Ikari', he knows he screwed up, royally, and he'd better fix it, FAST."

Fuyutsuki: "And how do you know this?"

Misato: "I asked, and she told me. She's never had to tell Shinji-kun though. Contrary to what or red-headed Berliner thinks, he's actually pretty quick on the uptake and caught on immediately."

Fuyutsuki: "That's.. far, far closer than I thought possible, especially for 14-year-old brats like them. Old Friend, your plan is going very, very well indeed."

Misato grows suspicions at that statement, but since Gendo is tenting his fingers over his face as usual, she can't make heads or tails of whether the "plan" is a threat or not.

Meanwhile... SEELE is having a meeting...

SEELE 01: "Is this recording accurate?"

SEELE 02: "Seems so. Our 'bell' brought it to us at considerable risk, and expense."

Kihl: "Now it makes sense. That brat is dangerous. He is far, far too skilled to take lightly."

A holographic playback of Eva-00 going berserk is shown before all the SEELE high members.

Eva-00's power umbilical is ejected, and Eva-00 continues to pound at the glass of the observation room.

?: "Where is she? Where is that mean, old hag?! She's ALWAYS here, watching over me! Where is she hiding?"

Maya: "Shutting down in 30. 29! 28! 27!"

Shinji: "It's alright. Calm down. I understand."

?:"Who are you onii-san?!"

Shinji: "A friend."

?: "How could you possibly understand?! I..."

Shinji: "I too have been 'thrown away' by the Commander, and got brought in to fight as a tool, and just a tool..."

?: "And you've been locked up in darkness?!"

Shinji: "...Yeah. I was put in a place where everyone did their best to pretend I didn't exist, and when they couldn't, they called me a 'cursed child', recoiling as if the gods would strike them down if they so much as breathed the same air I did.."

?: ",,,"

Maya: "Oh, oh no! Eva-00 has picked up the power umbilical and plugged itself back in! The eject system is no longer responding!"

Misato: "Everyone, calm down, and let's watch the situation."

Shinji: "Leave it to me, Misato-san!"

Misato: "You have one chance, Shinji-kun. Don't screw up!"

Shinji :"Hai!"

?: "So you're Shinji-kun?"

Shinji: "Yes, and you are...?"

?: "Rei."

Shinji: "Rei? But..."


Shinji: "I.. see. How about if I name you Rea?"

?: "Rei-ah?"

Shinji: "No. Rei-Ay! Because you're the top?!"

Rea: "Hehe! You're nice, Shinji-niisan! I like YOU!"

After watching the video for the next 4 minutes, with Eva-00 sitting quietly as Shinji and Rea chat...

Kihl: "So that's why you want to betray The Children, eh, Gendo? A brat who can connect with the core of any Eva is too great a risk.."

SEELE (Germany) :"Our 'Child' is ready, and waiting, but Eva-05 is far, far from complete."

SEELE (England): "Our situation is the same."

SEELE (America): "Evas 03 and 04 are still undergoing final assembly and testing. We're still trying to install the S^2 engines provided by NERV Tokyo-3, and the process is proving especially problematic."

Kihl: "Very well. Where are those 'Children' now?"

A spotlight turns on and right before Kihl is a brunette girl with glasses and a thin silver-haired boy with red eyes.

? :"Maki Illustrious Makinami here, ready and waiting for orders!"

?: "Kowaru Nagisa here. I look forward to meeting the others, especially The Third Child. He is.. fascinating!"

Kihl: "Good. Everything is going according to schedule. Soon, very soon, our dreams will come true!"


Back at NERV Tokyo-3, in the Eva Hangar:

After several hours in our Eva, Ritsuko and her team finally tell us to open the hatches, one at a time. Per the luck of the draw, I emerge last. This is fine by Rea as she and I were playing a rather spirited game of chess, and she was pretty much cleaning my clock.

As the hatch opens, Rea begins to pout. "Bye, bye Onii-san! See you soon?"

Shinji: "Count on it. Next time, I won't be so easy on you!"

Rea: "Hahahahaha!"

Ritsuko proceeds to slap a collar on me. Quickly looking around, I see Asuka and Rei have matching equipment. I am then handed a charger, and instructions explaining how the collar can momentarily mimic our respective A-T fields, allowing us to be separated for a brief period of time, so we can get out of quarantine, and back to lives that are as normal as we can possibly get in the age of random Angel attacks.

Ritsuko: "This is only a temporary measure until we can get you completely untangled. The three of you are still going to have to share a bed and a bath for the foreseeable future, but NO SEX. I can't stress that enough. The further you separate, the quicker the battery drains, and you obviously can't be separated while the collars are charging."

Shinji: "Collars that are designed to force us to act a certain way, and without which we'd die? I'm not liking the implications."

Asuka: "YOU are not liking the implications? How do you think we feel?"

Rei: "This... Is most unpleasant. I am clearly not pleased with this."

Ritsuko: "I am well aware of your concerns, and I share them, Pilots, but there simply is no other way, at least not now. You can trust that we're working on it."

Rei: "When can we get back to being 'normal' teenagers, in every sense of the term? There are … certain aspects of my life I'm missing, and of which I'm sure my husband and girlfriend would also like to partake."

Ritsuko: (Sigh) "I wish I could tell you. I really do. You all have to be aware that this is completely uncharted territory. The answer could be here as early as tomorrow morning, or we may not find it during our lifetimes! I just don't know."

Rea: "Mean old poopy-head!"

Eva-00 , without a pilot, turns towards Ritsuko who is clearly not thrilled at the implications or ramifications and starts to panic.

Ritsuko: "It's the truth! I swear!"

Shinji: "Rea, stop it, please. I appreciate your intent, but your method..."

Rea: "Okay, Onii-san!"

I swear, if an Eva could pout, we'd be seeing it right now.

Ritsuko: (In her notes) "Great. Now we have not one, but TWO Eva who move on their own without external power or pilots, and the second actually talks back too." (Aloud) "Okay, Pilots, today and tonight is the end of your quarantine. You'll be heading back to Lara's mansion, and 'normal' school life tomorrow, so enjoy it while you can."

Asuka: "Oh, good. I get to catch up with Hikari. She must be worried sick!"

Rei: "The class must certainly miss us, especially Toji and Kensuke."

Shinji: "Yeah. Those two are bound to mob me on sight."

Rei: "Remember, don't answer any personal questions, right Ikari-kun?"

Shinji: (Sigh) "Yes, ma'am."

Rei: "Good boy."

Rei proceeds to take turns patting my head and Asuka's and then kissing us as we head back to our quarters. I could get used to this. After all, life could be worse. If it wasn't for Rei mediating between us, I think Asuka and I would literally wind up at each other's throats. I'm never going to regret marrying her, ever. I don't regret sharing her with Asuka either. They're both happy, and Asuka makes some mean western style pancakes in the morning.

To be continued.