The Argent-Eyed Heiress (Naruto/Exalted)

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Hinata fell.

It was not a good fall. Her hands were numb: she couldn't catch herself and her...
1. Second Breath
Hinata fell.

It was not a good fall. Her hands were numb: she couldn't catch herself and her face banged against the ground with jarring swiftness.

She lay there, dazed, then coughed, once, twice, and forced herself to rise, trembling, fingers leaving a tracery of blood against a block of limestone green floor. Above, in the sparsely inhabited stands, the only spectators were her fellow genin, the judges and the instructors and they were deathly quiet.

"Why do you stand?" cousin Neji asked.

Hinata sucked in a greedy breath and rose slowly, creakingly up past her knees. Her limbs were aflame as she took up the classic stance: muscles deprived of chakra acted very nearly like muscles deprived of oxygen; her eyes, meanwhile, were painfully hot, coils pulsing with pent-up chakra. Breathing hurt. She knew what a healthy heart looked like. Hers was not. It beat sluggish, irregular, too many associated tenketsu plugged, pressure uneven and dangerously unsteady.

When she coughed, the spittle which dribbled down her chin was bloody.

"If you keep pushing yourself, you'll die," cousin Neji said.

Maybe, thought Hinata, trying not to gasp for breath. But the difference was today was, someone important was watching her. The difference today was-

"YOU CAN DO IT, HINATA!!!!"a blond boy screamed from the stands.

-the difference today was, she wasn't going to give up.

She smiled as her opponent ground his teeth, annoyed.

They rushed at each other once more, two users of the gentle fist. It was almost a dance. Strike, block, strike, block, back and forth, no strength wasted, no savage blows, just violence and energy exchanged with painful precision. With her own chakra mostly inaccessible, she could not attack, but she could deflect. Three exchanges passed, then four, then, upon the fifth, when hope had stirred, when she began to think of what she could do with the tools at hand, she felt a blow spike through her guard, hit her chest and something went ba-dump and ruptured.

Once more, she felt a moment lacking weight, followed by a bruising impact against the ground. Her heart stuttered agonizingly in her chest.

"You don't understand anything," her opponent said, coldly contemptuous. "From the beginning, your attacks have done nothing."

'I know,' she wanted to say. 'That's not the point,' she wanted to say. 'I need to change,' she wanted to say. 'I have changed,' she wanted to say. Instead, she struggled back to her feet, taking long, long seconds to pick herself up. Her vision wavered.

"It's not over, yet…"

His eyes were cold. "It is. You can barely stand. You can only push yourself so far. It is time to admit it: you are weak, Hinata Hyuuga. You are weak and this will not change. People do not change. That is your Destiny. Let go of your suffering."

Her knees buckled. She wanted to. Truly, she did. What would Naruto say? Probably 'That's crap!' or 'If that's Destiny, I'll beat it to a pulp!'

But she couldn't refute cousin Neji. Not like that.

"Aren't you…" her voice cracked and broke into a long series of bloody coughs, echoed by the proctor. "Aren't you the one suffering the most… cousin Neji?"

Neji snapped, hands blurring with a blue haze of chakra as he sprinted towards her.

Four jounins leaped to stop him.

Inconceivably, they failed. The blow stopped her heart, and sent her spinning to the ground, in so much pain all she could do was try to breathe. Four jounin were wrapped around him and spoke in that very calm, very even way that suggested they were fine when they most definitely were not and even cousin Neji seemed to be in shock.

As she struggled, Hinata wondered, distantly: 'I hope… I…'

Then she took her Second Breath.

It was like breathing in the world.
Energy suffused her limbs while wild, impossible memories attacked her mind's eye. She coughed, spraying blood across the ground. A cold, silvery heat kindled itself near her heart. She didn't know how, but the world changed.

Fingers slammed into stone.

"It's… not… over…"she panted.

"Hinata," Kurenai said, as alarmed and relieved as she had ever heard her jounin-sensei, turning away from Neji whom she held,"you need to-"

The words died away, stillborn.

Hinata rose. Leaking through the pores of her skin, silver light eddied from her like smoke out of a pipe. Her chakra coils, usually a soft lavender, had been choked off by Cousin Neji's barrage of attacks, began to be overlaid by a network of silver that started near her heart and quickly spiraled throughout her body.

It was chakra, but not. Something else. Something more.

With a sound like a cork popping, she felt one of her tenketsu flare open, the plug formed by Cousin Neji's chakra unable to stay closed in the presence of so much raw power. Then, like it had released the floodgates, one by one they all started to go. Cousin Neji's eyes widened.

"Maa, this is embarrassing," said Naruto's jounin-sensei, a book in one hamd, the other clamped around Neji's wrist.

She took an unsteady step forward. The jounin-senseis relaxed, let go.

"It's not over," she growled.

"FUCK HIM UP!" Kiba shouted excitedly while Shino whispered encouragement, below his breath.

"GET HIM! HINATA!!!!" screamed Naruto.

She wiped the blood beading at her lip, smiled and set herself back into her familiar stance.

Silver and lavender fire poured out of her soul,


[ ] warping her flesh…
Charms: Totemic Self Announcement + Flicker Flash Flesh Phase. Appearance increased to 4. Caste: Changing Moon. Default Totem is a (physical) Lion Dog the size of a tyrant lizard. Because why not.

[ ] seeping into her fists…
Charms: Strength Excellency + Blow for Blow. Strength increased to 4. No Moon.

[ ] reaching her eyes…
Charms: Perception Excellency + Hidden Devil Parade + Crushing Gorgon Glare. Full Moon.


Hinata's Base Stats: Str2/Dex3/Sta2; Cha3/Man2/App2; Per4/Int3/Wits2


QM Notes: This is a terrible idea, but I have sat on it since @Crilltic started the whole wave of Naruto Nostalgia, and no one else seems to have done it. >_>

Those familiar with Lunars will have noticed that I'm using the Terrifying Argent Witches homebrew (link located here) which does a complete overhaul of the Lunar splatbook. Highlights include the Heart's Blood ritual being a simple 'What I Kill is What I Am' philosophy to grabbing new forms, new forms requiring a time-consuming point-by-point purchase of mutations, and no automatic totem animal. Also, the charms are different and each looks nifty.

The only thing I will be consciously changing is Changing Moon's Anima Flare (if you guys go with Changing Moons): People will not be overcome with lust, instead they'll be overcome with awe.

For the purpose of this quest, stats are more... guidelines than anything else as I work out how to put them all together. Also, I suck at Exalted mechanics. Putting them together with homebrew Naruto mechanics is probably a feat beyond my abilities.

Update speed will be erratic, sorry. I do have the very modest goal of getting past the end of the chunin exams, so we'll probably make it to at least there.
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This Character remains incomplete with some bits stolen from @Crilltic.


NAME: Hyuuga Hinata
: No Moon Lunar
ANIMA: Soft silver and lavender light expands from her body, forming the body of an enormous lion dog.
Character Description


Hinata is naturally observant and shy. She seeks to avoid confrontation, and desperately wishes to change herself. However, she is compassionate and helpful, always striving to be kind and caring towards others. This is especially true for her teammates, whom she cares for deeply and her family for whom she holds mixed emotions. Due to her average talent, Hinata is often made to feel like a disappointment and will unthinkingly obey her Father whom she holds in terrified regard. Despite this, Hinata is surprisingly determined, and willing to go to extreme lengths to accomplish her dreams, so long as she injures no one else in accomplishing it. She has a major crush on Naruto and becomes tongue-tied around him.

In combat, Hinata is an average fighter, but a superlative scout. Although no genius, she is naturally gifted at using her bloodline limit and has excellent chakra control. She is a defensive fighter, and focuses on suppression instead of killing blows. However, she has only average speed and stamina. She shows great skill with her family's Gentle Fist Taijutsu style, but her ninjutsu and genjutsu skills are merely average.

ESSENCE: ●●●○○

Personal 23 (23)
Peripheral 44 (44)
Chakra: 480 (480)​

Temporary: ●●●●● ●●●●●
Permanent: ●●●●● ●●●●●
- 0 [ ]
- 1 [ ] [ ]
- 2 [ ] [ ]
- 4 [ ]
- IN [ ]
- D [ ] [ ]

○○○○○ ○○○○○

Compassion: ●●●○○
Conviction: ●○○○○
Temperance: ●●●○○
Valor: ●●○○○

Attributes & Abilities

- No Moon:
Perception ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●●○○ [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] (XP: 2)
Wits ●●○○○ [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] (XP: 1)​
- Full Moon:
Strength ●●○○○ (XP: 2)
Dexterity ●●●○○ [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] (XP: 4)
Stamina ●●○○○ [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] (XP: 5)​
- Changing Moon:
Charisma ●●●○○
Manipulation ●●○○○
Appearance ●●○○○
Byakugan ●●○○○ ○○○○○​


Tier ●●●○○ ○○○○○
Rank ●●○ (XP: 4)​

0. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
1. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][20]
2. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][30]
3. [1]

Tier ●●●○○ ○○○○○
Rank ●●○ (XP: 6)​

0. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
1. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][20]
2. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][30]
3. [1]

Archery ●○○○○
Taijutsu ●●●○○ [1][2][3][4] (XP:2) (Specialty: Gentle Fist ●●○)
Melee ●○○○○ (Specialty: Kunai ●○○)
Thrown ●●○○○ (Specialty: Kunai ●○○)
War ○○○○○​
Craft ●●○○○ [1][2][3][4]
Investigation ●●●○○
Lore ●●○○○ (Specialty: Hyuuga History ●○○)
Medicine ●●○○○ [1][2][3][4]
Occult ●●○○○ (Fortune-telling ●●●)
Bureaucracy ○○○○○
Fūinjutsu ●○○○○
Ride ○○○○○
Sail ○○○○○
Socialize ●●○○○​
Integrity ●●●○○
Performance ○○○○○
Presence ○○○○○ [1][2][3][4] (XP:5)
Resistance ●○○○○
Survival ●●○○○​
Athletics ●●●○○
Awareness ●●●●●
Dodge ●●○○○ [1][2][3][4]
Larceny ●○○○○
Stealth ●●○○○​

1st Appearance Excellency (3/4)

1st Perception Excellency
Hidden Devil Parade
Crushing Gorgon Stare​

No Stamina Excellency
Hybrid Nue Transformation (which version not yet certain)
Nandi Frame Fortitude​

1st Dexterity Excellency
Lightning Hand Presdigitation (Earth)
Lightning Hand Presdigitation (Earth)
: 5m; Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 2; Heaven: Dexterity 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Dexterity Excellency

The gestures of witches are strange and beyond mortal sight. This Charm can enhance any action, rendering it a subtle, slithering movement. Upon use of the charm, Hinata enters a dexterity roll-off with all observers who suffer a 2 point penalty. Should she win, any attempt to notice the action suffers a -2 external penalty to all senses. Both automated defenses such as Gaara's sand and bodyguards (such as frog summons guarding Jiraiya) must notice attacks in order to defend their host from them.

Heart's Blood


Positive Mutations: Large +3, Glider +4, Flier +4, Swift +3 (flying), Deadly +2, Acute Sense (sight)+6 = Total +22
Negative Mutations: No Thumbs -6, Fragile -6, Greedy -3, Sensitivity (cold) -2 = Total = -17
Overall Cost: +5

Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2

Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 3, Presence 3, Resistance 4, Survival 4

Valor 3, Conviction 1, Compassion 1, Temperance 1

Willpower 4, Essence 1


Large (3), Lethal Attack (3), Steady (3), Snuffling Snout [Investigation Adaptation] (2), Natural Armour (3), Painless (2), Boar-tongue (0), Natural Plating (2), Blade Proof (1), Natural Defense (2), Natural Counterattack [Bone spikes] (2)
Large Appetite (-1), No Opposable Thumbs (-6), Rage Trigger [Injury] (-1), Easily Exhausted (-2)


Jutsu is the manipulation of Chakra to accomplish feats of skill and ability far in excess of what a normal person could hope to achieve. Jutsu are taxing on the physical body and mind to use, and thus cannot be used if the User is currently at 0 willpower, or otherwise incapacitated.

Hinata has an affinity towards the lightning element.

Substitution no Jutsu
15 Chakra Difficulty: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite Jutsu: None

The user can replace themselves with an equivalently-sized object within their general vicinity (Ninjutsu Rank x 10 meters) in the moment of an attack. This creates an optical illusion for a scant few seconds like they've actually been hit by the attack. The user can also replace themselves with a person or possession of a person with a lower willpower then them.

Bunshin no Jutsu
10 Chakra per clone Difficulty: 1
Duration: (Chakra x 10 sec.)
Prerequisite Jutsu: None

The user creates a number of intangible clones of themselves that act in according to their whims. These clones disperse with a touch, do not interact with their environment and do not cast a shadow, but otherwise are exact copies of their creator. They automatically disperse after a period of time.

Henge no Jutsu
10 Chakra per minute Difficulty: 1
Duration: Indefinite until dispersed
Prerequisite Jutsu: None

The user channels Chakra to transform their body into the image of another person. The transformation is physical, but it can be dispersed by sharp physical contact or the user losing their concentration.
Wall/Tree Running
Prerequisite Jutsu: None
By channelling Chakra into their feet, the user can run up or along verticle surfaces. And as long as they maintain concentration and have willpower and chakra remaining, they can stand on them or upside down as well.

Water Running
Prerequisite Jutsu: [Tree Running]
By channelling Chakra into their feet, the user can stand and move along bodies of water, the same restrictions as Wall/Tree Running apply.

15 Chakra
Category: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Prerequisite Jutsu: Substitution

One of the foundational Jutsu of the Shinobi, by channeling chakra through their body the user can accelerate their movements to an extreme degree. Especially useful for moving through the field of battle, or for re-positioning in a fight. The amount of chakra expended depends on the distance moved, but in general the user can move up to (2xChakra Skill)x10 meters in the blink of an eye (in an unobstructed straight line). Often accompanied by smoke or other distractions to hide their movements.
Unified Lightning Clone Technique
Creates a clone made of lightning that is linked to the ninja. Has a pool of chakra about equivalent to an advanced academy student. Will act on its own initiative, but can be directed by mental command. Immune to most physical attacks. Inflicts 1 bashing HL to anyone attacking it who is not somehow immune to electricity. Must remain within 10*Rank meters of the ninja at all times. Can use the user's lightning and non-elemental techniques at 1.5 cost using the internal pool or by siphoning chakra through the chakra link. Increasing the rank of the technique will increase its efficiency. If a wind technique wipes out all the clones HLs, it will be dismissed without its HLs being restored. Can use cooperative techniques.

Current Mastery Rank: 1 (Next Rank: 0/4XP)

Cost: 300 chakra (pool: 150 chakra) + 25/min * 0.8 (affinity) = 240 chakra (pool: 150 chakra) + 20/min

Special: Has a pool of 150 chakra with which it can perform techniques. It automatically spends 15 chakra per HL filled with lethal damage. Bashing damage cannot be inflicted upon a unified lightning clone.

Duration: Until Dismissed

Prerequisite: Nature Transformation: Lightning
Byakugan [Doujutsu]
The Byakugan is a special eye condition that can be awakened by some members of the Hyuuga Clan. Any and all individual who carry the bloodline's power have white eyes, even when the power is not active. Once activated, the nerves around the eyes will be visible under the skin, making even the most composed and beautiful face suddenly unsightly and intimidating.

Category: Bloodline Limit, Combo-OK
Duration: Varies
Prerequisite: Hyuuga Bloodline or Implantation

Activating the Byakugan permits near a near 360 degree field of view that can be extended by 10 x [Chakra Tier + (Byakugan Tier-1)^3] yards without penalty. The Byakugan grants a [Byakugan Tier] bonus to awareness, 1/2[Byakugan Tier] bonus to Parry and Dodge DVs, as well as High Speed Sight - for the purpose of defense, a Byakugan user is counted as being the 1/2[Byakugan Tier] higher in terms of chakra rating and physique rating.

Explosive Tags
: 1
Cost: 3 Chakra


Exalted Quick-Start Guides will go here once I go around to putting it together. Just a heads up though, I am using Exalted 2e for this Quest. Familiarity with that system is not a prerequisite for participating here, but it does help. Though, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure how you managed to participate in Quests here on SV and escape without some general knowledge of the system.

In combat, stunts will work a little differently than they do in standard exalted, but for the purposes of training, you can try to write a stunt as well. Valid stunts (defined by 'the author found it appropriate to include in the update') will confer a +1 or +2 xp bonus, usually towards an attribute or skill. If I'm particularly impressed, it'll apply a second time towards physique or chakra rating. I'm not looking for 'coolness' factor alone: the more out of character it is, the less I'll be able to include it in the quest and the less it'll be worth. If I can't use it all, no xp is gained.

Chakra and Physique Tier Rating
There are ten tiers of advancement in both Chakra and Physique. Each Tier is sub-divided into three ranks: Earth, Heaven and Perfection. So you can have Earth Academy Students, Heavenly Lower Genin and Perfect Upper Genin and so on. No one in-story will refer to each other as such, this is purely to avoid any confusion from having overly similar terms.

Here are the Tiers:

0 - Civilian

1 - Academy Students

2 - Lower Genin -

3 - Upper Genin - Hinata is here. She's a Heavenly Upper Genin in Chakra and Physique.

4 - Lower Chuunin - Neji is here. He's a Heavenly Lower Chuunin in both Chakra and Physique. Most active chuunin are at around his level.

5 - Upper Chuunin - Despite the name, most ANBU and newly minted Jounin are at the upper reaches of this Tier.

6 - Lower Jounin - More experienced Jounin and certain teenage geniuses are at around here.

7 - Upper Jounin - It is rare for shinobi to make it to this level. The Sannin, when they made their name, were only 'Heavenly Upper Jounin'.

8 - Lower S-Rank - Here is where Kage-level shinobi start.

9 - Upper S-Rank -

10 - Legendary

In combat, you compare Tiers and Ranks. Opponents with the same Tier but different ranks add +1 auto-success/rank to the combatant with the greater rank. Opponents with different Tiers also count the differences in rank, but double the number of auto-successes per difference in Tier. (A Perfect Civilian fighting an Perfect Upper Genin would have a difference of 6 ranks, and a difference of two tiers, 2^2x6= 24 auto-successes for the upper genin.)

Physique is less formidable than Chakra. In a clash, Physique is always considered 1 tier lower than Chakra and there are many shinobi who do not rely on physique at all (on the extreme end, Sasori of the Red Sand simply did away with having a body altogether, relying purely on puppetry and ninjutsu).

However, increasing your physique permits greater upper limits and faster action. Although genin max out at five dots, each Tier above Upper Genin adds 1 dots to all physical attributes and skills as the new maximum as well as +10 feet to their move action. So the new maximum for physical attributes would be 8 for lower jounin and 12 for legendary shinobi. Chakra Ratings, on the other end, permits access to greater and greater stores of chakra as well as more formidable techniques, many of them exotic and the ability to add a dot to max Willpower per tier, as well as half as many dots per tier for mental attributes.

Finally, any difference in Tier, accompanies a difference in speed. Whether Physique or Chakra, a shinobi is permitted an extra action for each Tier they are at above their opponent. In this case, Physique is not penalized: the two opponents compare their maximum tier and for each tier difference, one additional extra action is permitted. An exception to this rule exists if the difference in tier is equivalent to the difference in rank - aka, a Perfection to Earth, in which case no extra action is permitted.

Mote Reactor
An Exalted's Anima acts as their 'super mode,' increasing both their physique and chakra rating. This is purely for combat purposes: an exalt cannot learn new, previously restricted techniques by increasing their Chakra and Physique through anima flare, nor will training allow them to increase their physical stats past their current maximum.

Current Mote Reactor Rank: ●●●○○ ○○○○○ (1/4xp)

At the 8-10 mote level they increase their chakra and physique by 1 rank. Due to Hinata's inexperience, at the one-dot anima display she'll bleed 0 motes per action.

At the 11-15 mote level they increase their chakra and physique by 1 more rank (cumulative 2). Due to Hinata's inexperience, at the two-dot anima display she will bleed 0 motes per action.

At the 16+ mote level they increase their chakra and physique by an entire tier. (Cumulative 5 ranks). Due to Hinata's inexperience, the Totemic Anima display will bleed an additional 2 motes per action.

Chakra Pool:

Now, that all skill is useless if you don't actually have any Chakra to use. Which is where your Chakra pool comes in. Four things play a role in how large your personal Chakra pool is. Your physical stamina, your mental toughness (Willpower), Genetics and your Chakra Skill. In short, your Chakra pool is equal to:

Chakra Pool = Chakra Rating*(2*Stamina + Permanent Willpower + Genetic Heritage) x10

^ Generally a poor genetic background is ~2, average is ~7, highest is typically ~12. Hinata has a genetic marker of 10, fitting for the Heiress of a major bloodline.

Completely exhausting your pool of Chakra is generally considered a bad idea and can lead to the following symptoms: Fatigue, Numbness of Limbs, Headaches, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Coma, and Death. Likewise, as physical and mental resilience are important determinants of a person's chakra potential, if a person is physical or mentally exhausted or incapacitated they can find it difficult to impossible to utilize the chakra in their bodies.

Note: Because Hinata is an Exalted, and therefore bullshit, she can avoid chakra exhaustion by using her essence pool to recharge her chakra reserves at the rate of one mote for 10 Chakra. It is a desperation move, because it is horribly inefficient, but you know, better then falling unconscious.

Elemental Affinity:

There is also the Elemental Affinity. Some jutsu are divided by their elemental nature. Every person has an affinity for one of the Five Elements. (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning). A person has an easier time learning and using Elemental Jutsu within their affinity (Jutsu cost 20% less XP to learn and use 20% less Chakra when casting).


There are four main types of Jutsu covered here.

Ninjutsu: Primarily defined by "It's not any of the other Jutsu". Ninjutsu uses Hand Seals to manipulate Chakra in order to accomplish all sorts of things. Either way, Ninjutsu is one of the two Jutsu types to use the Chakra skill (the other being Genjutsu). Ninjutsu is split up into six Ranks (E through S). Currently Hinata is capable of learning any rank of Ninjutsu, but must find a technique scroll or teacher willing to teach her.

Genjutsu: The art of using Chakra to manipulate an opponents mind. The other Jutsu to use the Chakra Skill. Much like Ninjutsu it is split into six ranks. Hinata can learn E and D rank Genjutsu (though E rank Genjutsu don't exist). However, she currently does not know any. Additionally, the Chakra skill serves in this instance as a defense against Genjutsu.

Taijutsu: Unlike Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, Taijutsu is all about the physical body. It does not use Chakra extensively (though some fighting styles do use Chakra to augment the physical body). Instead, Taijutsu takes the place of the Martial Arts skill. Because Fighting Styles are busted, besides, it's not exactly like there's anyone to teach you them.

Components are the seals themselves, explosive tags, item seals etc. Each type that Tenten knows how to make are assigned a complexity rating, which signifies how hard the seals are to make and integrate with each other. Seals can do, pretty much anything Ninjutsu or Genjutsu can do, but significant effects bring with them drastically increased complexity. Seals are incredibly versatile, but it is a trade-off, as seals require prep-time before hand in order to be effective. You can only learn seals with a complexity equal to or below your Fūinjutsu rating

Techniques are how Seal users actually utilize their Seals. Techniques are formed from various components, restricted by how complex the user can make them. With a Fūinjutsu rating of 2, Tenten is able make Techniques with a total complexity rating of 2. So, for example, she is able to make a sealing scroll (complexity: 1) that has explosive tags (complexity: 1) inside of it. However, she cannot add Explosive Tags to her Twin Rising Dragons technique, because that uses Mass Sealing Scrolls (Complexity: 2). And also because Gai has prohibited her from using Explosive tags outside of life or death circumstances after the Bandit Camp incident.

No one likes to talk about the Bandit Camp incident.

So basically how this works is you guys think of an effect you'd like to learn, and I assign the relevant complexity rating. Tenten has to make some checks to successfully make the Seal correctly, and if she does she can begin make that Seal component, and using it in various techniques. Some techniques are one use only (For example again, Twin Dragons Rising can be used once per fight, and then Tenten needs to spend time resealing all the weaponry.), while others are re-usable (Like Minato's Flying Thunder God techniques) but cost chakra to use each time. For the former, you pay the chakra cost of creating the technique beforehand, for the later it happens while using the technique.

Like seemingly every other Exalted quest here, I'm using a system with flat XP costs and reduced training times. I'll put things that are available for purchase here in the character sheet once the first update comes around.

- Attribute: 8 XP
- Phase/Favored Attribute: 7 XP
- Ability: 4 XP
- Ability Specialty: 2 XP
- Background (1-3): 3 XP
- Background (4-5): 4 XP
- Virtue: 3 XP
- Willpower: 3 XP
- Charm: 5 XP
- Caste/Favored Charm: 4 XP
- E-rank Jutsu: 0 XP
- D-rank Jutsu: 1 XP
- C-rank Jutsu: 2 XP
- B-rank Jutsu: 4 XP
- A-rank Jutsu: 8 XP
- S-rank Jutsu: 16 XP

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Yay, a new FixerUpper quest that has a recognizable setting! :)

[x] warping her flesh…

This one is clearly the most chuuni. :p

...Ok, maybe I just don't understand any of its phrases. As a casual who knows almost nothing about Exalted, I gotta ask: what's "Totemic Self Announcement", "Flicker Flash Flesh Phase", "Appearance", and "Default Totem"?
Yay, a new FixerUpper quest that has a recognizable setting! :)

[x] warping her flesh…

This one is clearly the most chuuni. :p

...Ok, maybe I just don't understand any of its phrases. As a casual who knows almost nothing about Exalted, I gotta ask: what's "Totemic Self Announcement", "Flicker Flash Flesh Phase", "Appearance", and "Default Totem"?

Perhaps I overestimated how popular Terrifying Argent Witches was, oops.

Well, what's done is done. :V

Totemic Self Announcement is basically a magical ability (called Charms in Exalted) that would allow you to shapeshift into a specific creature. In Exalted, Lunars were meant to be precursors to werewolves and they had various animal-themed abilities, one of which was basic shapeshifting. In standard Exalted, lunars had totems - specific animals that resonated with their souls (anything from a magpie to literal dinosaurs). They could also pick up additional forms, but it'd be part of a 'sacred hunt' that involved a lot of detail that I forget at this point, but ended with tearing out the heart of what you killed and eating it so you could steal their form.

For Terrifying Argent Witches, this is not the case. They have no totems: anything that they kill becomes part of the 'library' of forms that they can shapeshift into. Purchasing the 'Totemic Self Announcement' charm bypasses a) having to kill X and b) allows you to (potentially) shapeshift for 0motes (basically at no cost). Default totem just means that I picked out the Lion Dog because it's the one animal Hinata's strongly associated with, but if someone wanted to pick out another, they could choose one.

Flicker Flash Flesh Phase just lets you shapeshift really quickly. If you've seen Disney's King Arthur and remember the shapeshifter battle where Merlin went from one form to another, it's basically that.

Appearance is a stat. The higher your appearance, the better looking you are and the better you are at social combat.
[X] warping her flesh…

TAW Changing Moon! Yes! HAHAHAHAHA!

Oh god, you just made me a very happy person Fixer. God By Luna TAW is amazing. I haven't been able to sit through all of it quite yet ( i only started really reading it a few days ago and I'm reading the 2e Core books cause I found a pdf of all of them), but I got the intro and most of the No Moon Charms.

I can't in good conscious recommend one option over the other to newcomers still reading this for that reason though. It doesn't matter too much, as we'll get around to doing all the things eventually anyway, but... Okay, No Moon are the physical guys, Changing Moon are the Social, and Full Moon the Intellectuals. Which moves into Physical Combat, Social Combat, and Sorcery/Necromancy/Investigation/Crafting/etc.

We get two favored Attributes though that we can pick from the Three Physical Attributes and/or Three Mental Attributes (If we picked Changing Moon for a Caste, which is the Social one), unless TAW re-write changed that and I missed it somehow. But those and our Caste attributes are just what we're really good at, so we're not really missing anything. This just flavors what we're most naturally going to be best at.

Imma cross this all out if Fixer tells me I'm wrong. I might be.

People will not be overcome with lust, instead they'll be overcome with awe.
Awwww... :V

Are we perchance using the Mote Reactor hack? I always thought that one fixed the glaring flaw between what you're anima flaring was supposed to be and what it actually meant. That being "Hey Look! I'm doing awesome stuff!" and "No, you're dying cause you're now scraping bottom of the barrel on your motes."
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[x] warping her flesh…

Gotta be honest, I'm voting for this entirely because I think it's hilarious for tiny little Hinata to explode into a T-Rex sized beast.
Gotta be honest, I'm voting for this entirely because I think it's hilarious for tiny little Hinata to explode into a T-Rex sized beast.
Any of them could do that really, it's just Changing Moon is the only one starting with an Animal in our Library to shapeshift into.

Honestly, the Full Moon charm set is probably the one with the most terrifying effect for anyone actually watching if they do what I think they do.

Oh, wow. Fucking wow. Byakugan + Gorgon Glare OP as fuck. We'll be picking that one up anyway I think.
Any of them could do that really, it's just Changing Moon is the only one starting with an Animal in our Library to shapeshift into.

Honestly, the Full Moon charm set is probably the one with the most terrifying effect for anyone actually watching if they do what I think they do.

Oh, wow. Fucking wow. Byakugan + Gorgon Glare OP as fuck. We'll be picking that one up anyway I think.
Yeah I glanced through the TAW document, just enough to see what each choice gives us. I just want to see Hinata turn into a huge lion thing and shake Neji to, figurative, pieces as her opening act, but Gorgon Glare looked nasty.
We get two favored Attributes though that we can pick from the Three Physical Attributes and/or Three Mental Attributes (If we picked Changing Moon for a Caste, which is the Social one), unless TAW re-write changed that and I missed it somehow. But those and our Caste attributes are just what we're really good at, so we're not really missing anything. This just flavors what we're most naturally going to be best at.

This is part of TAW character creation too, yup. 3 Instinctive Attributes, 2 Favored Attributes. I'm going to say this upfront: Perception is a Favored (or instinctive) Attribute no matter what.

Awwww... :V

Are we perchance using the Mote Reactor hack? I always thought that one fixed the glaring flaw between what you're anima flaring was supposed to be and what it actually meant. That being "Hey Look! I'm doing awesome stuff!" and "No, you're dying cause you're now scraping bottom of the barrel on your motes."

I actually thought about this in regards to something else. My final thought is a young Exalt doesn't know how to get to the perfect frame of mind to get the mote reactor up and running (burning through their Super Saiyan mode too fast for it to matter). Without a teacher to train her, the mote reactor is something that will only come about naturally if certain conditions are met.

For lunars, the easiest condition is 'adaptation.' If you consistently run low on motes and nearly die, for sure you'll slowly begin to gain the mote reactor anima (a low level mote reactor would be bonfire level only giving you 1 mote per action and so on). In theory, Gai would be able to train you in this as a side-effect of his normal training.
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Yeah I glanced through the TAW document, just enough to see what each choice gives us. I just want to see Hinata turn into a huge lion thing and shake Neji to, figurative, pieces as her opening act, but Gorgon Glare looked nasty.
I like that it'll distract away from any of our more subtle things. When you're opening hand is to turn into a giant lion-dog, no one will expect the Gorgon Glare after.
This is part of TAW character creation too, yup. 3 Instinctive Attributes, 2 Favored Attributes. I'm going to say this upfront: Perception is a Favored (or instinctive) Attribute no matter what.
I'd take it for Gorgon Glare alone honestly.
I actually thought about this in regards to something else. My final thought is a young Exalt doesn't know how to get to the perfect frame of mind to get the mote reactor up and running (burning through their Super Saiyan mode too fast for it to matter). Without a teacher to train her, the mote reactor is something that will only come about naturally if certain conditions are met.

For lunars, the easiest condition is 'adaptation.' If you consistently run low on motes and nearly die, for sure you'll slowly begin to gain the mote reactor anima (a low level mote reactor would be bonfire level only giving you 1 mote per action and so on).
Huh. Interesting idea. A smart Exalt never gets that low in the first place though, so I'm worried about never actually getting there...
In theory, Gai would be able to train you in this as a side-effect of his normal training. :V
On the other hand, being regularly pushed to our limits in training just to find them could lead us to gaining the trait. Also, while Gai would be the best way to do it, yes, it'd probably also leave us with a few derangements I think.
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[X] reaching her eyes…
Charms: Perception Excellency + Hidden Devil Parade + Crushing Gorgon Glare. Full Moon.
[X] warping her flesh…
Charms: Totemic Self Announcement + Flicker Flash Flesh Phase. Appearance increased to 4. Caste: Changing Moon. Default Totem is a (physical) Lion Dog the size of a tyrant lizard. Because why not.

"wuh... Hinata, dogs are meant to be my thing"

"There there Kiba."
I'll vote after I get home tonight and get a chance to flick through TAW to jog my memory.

I figure you're not alone and since these are all homebrew and freely available on the internet, I can just post them up.



Cost: — ; Mins: Appearance 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Just as Luna has many faces and aspects, so too can her Exalted proclaim the self within their self. This Charm can be purchased once for every dot of Essence possessed by the Lunar, each time adding a new shape to her form library, referred to as a totem. This shape need not be hunted down, but must belong to a species of creature native to Creation. The minimum mote cost of adopting this form is reduced to 0m, while its effective total cost in mutation points is reduced by (Appearance + Essence). If this would reduce the cost to adopt the shape below 0m, the Lunar may permanently modify the form by increasing the number of mutation points needed to represent it, until it costs 0m again. She might do so by removing the form's natural disadvantages, or by developing it upon mythic lines appropriate to her experiences and her understanding of it, or the themes of Lunar Essence – a polar bear might no longer suffer in the heat, or develop an armoured hide of unmelting ice, or grow claws of shimmering silver, or simply become larger.

With Essence 3+, this Charm allows the Lunar to only partially manifest her totem – when adopting her totem shape, she may forgo any number of mutations, becoming a fusion of beast and man and appropriately altering the cost. This does not affect her totem's "true" cost for the purposes of its development.

Cost: — ; Mins: Appearance 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Lunars are ever-changing everymen, unconstrained by just one form. The Exalt's shapeshift actions are now Speed 3, DV -0. At Appearance 3+, the Lunar may spend two uncommitted motes on her action tick to take a reflexive shapeshift action. This shapeshift action only allows her to transform into a form with an associated mote cost no greater than her current one – the necessary motes remain committed. Additionally, she can choose to commit more motes than necessary whenever she takes a shapeshift action, in order to have more freedom in her assumption of shapes.

With Appearance 5+, Essence 3+, the Lunar may take this reflexive shapeshift action on any tick.



Cost: 3m; Mins: Strength 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Futile attacks are deflected by the hides and blades of Luna's chosen, aggression the defence they need. This Charm is used in response to an attack, allowing the Lunar to use her Strength in place of her Dexterity for the purposes of determining her Parry DV. Further, she can ignore all penalties that apply to her Parry DV when resolving that attack, and if unarmed can parry it without a stunt. Note that inapplicability is not a penalty.

If the Lunar successfully parries a close range attack with the help of this Charm, the sheer might of her block throws her foe back, inflicting a non-stackable -1 internal penalty to all non-reflexive actions her attacker takes until their DV next refreshes, as a Crippling effect.

A second purchase at Strength 3+, allows the Lunar to spend an additional three motes to increase this Charm's duration to one action.


Cost: 3m; Mins: Perception 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any Perception Excellency
The Chosen of Night reveal the devils and ghosts that walk among humanity, preying on their prayer. This Charm targets any character the Lunar can perceive, casting light from her mind to illuminate them in a sudden bonfire of Essence that provides light and prevents stealth in the same way as an anima flaring at the 8+ level.

This corona renders immaterial characters completely perceptible, in a strange glimpse-form that causes anyone who perceives them and lacks an intimacy toward them to treat that scene as one spent building a negative intimacy.

A second purchase of this Charm allows the Lunar to increase its cost by one point of Willpower. If she does so, other characters may physically interact with the illuminated character regardless of their state of materialization, by spending one Willpower for every such action they take. Essence-users may instead spend a single mote. This purchase also adds the Warden keyword, reducing the Charm's cost to one mote when used against outsiders; used in this way, the bonfire's colours are based on their own nature, rather than mimicking the Lunar's anima.

Cost: 4m; Mins: Perception 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Warden
Duration: One clinch
Prerequisite Charms: Hidden Devil Parade
The gaze of the Border-Warden extends into the nevernever of Beyond, where possibilities go to die. The future is squeezed under the weight of their attention, halting hearts with a glance. This Charm allows the Lunar to perform a special clinch, targeting any character she can see, and who can see her, within (Perception x 10) yards. The pools used to perform and oppose this clinch are (Perception + Presence) and (Wits + Integrity), respectively, as victims find their muscles slowing and their mind running in circles, transfixed by the Exalt's witchlight-halo. The Lunar can only hold or crush her target (using Perception rather than Strength), and the
clinch cannot be reversed, only escaped. Those killed by this crush leave strange corpses; mummified by the pressure of inevitability, or else petrified into perfect statues.
Renewing this clinch requires a miscellaneous action, as normal, which can only be taken if the witch and her target can still see each other – blocking their line of sight for long enough breaks the clinch. The target can also break the clinch by spending one point of Willpower – two for outsiders – though this galvanizes the Lunar's own relationship with possibility, restoring an equal number of her own Willpower points.
In that case:
[X] reaching her eyes…

Full Moon Hinata is fun, plus epic staring competion powers. I may change my mind once I get home and get to look through that summary of how TAW express the various attributes, but Perception on a Hyuuga feels right.