There is a logical fallacy in there, since wanting one thing over the other somehow translates into the other thing being 'undesired' or 'problematic'.
If Delight offered us money (directly, not in the way Sponsorship works), right then and there, no one would look at the offer twice. In no way that suggests that people at large would consider money in itself something unwanted.
I freely accept and concede that Cute is more useful than Beauty under present circumstances. I don't have a problem with that.
The thing is, "adorable" beauty and "face that launched a thousand ships" beauty are
both potentially useful to an ambitious mage whose welfare depends on her ability to win friends and influence people. You can reasonably argue that Cute is a better choice than Beauty under the circumstances, but what I'm getting at is that a priori, you'd expect
someone to have voted for Beauty if it were just a matter of debating which of the two is more useful. Sort of like how there are all sorts of people who debate whether magic-stealth, sonic amulets, magic-overload protection, or 'sponsorship' are more useful.
All of those are straightforward 'upgrades' with no downside, and while there seems to be a strong consensus about the hierarchy of which upgrades are best, there is at least some disagreement.
By contrast, "Beauty" has attracted zero votes, the same number as "zap Melia in the brain to make her asexual." ALL the other options have attracted at least one or two votes. I don't think that's
only because everyone agrees that "Cute" is more useful. There are a quite a few people who didn't vote for "Cute" at all, after all.
I think that
in addition to "Beauty" being incrementally less effective than "Cute" at filling Melia's needs... It's also because "Beauty" (much like "zap Melia in the brain to make her asexual") has some potential drawbacks. Having the face that launched a thousand ships can be kind of awkward; Helen of Troy did not have the most unambiguously happy life that could be desired.
The point I'm trying to make is that from my own perspective "Cute" has different, but related, drawbacks.
If Melia were older and if her problems were different, I would consider 'Beauty'. As it is, I (and a big contingent of other voters) believe 'Cute' a good enough fit for our intended goals if Delight is going to deliver on her promises. Which I noticed some people doubt and search for hidden downsides, but a good portion of those would contradict Delight's own words, and if we can't trust her on that, there is little else to talk about.
Personally I only believe in the downsides that are directly related to Delight's own words and admissions, or that involve me thinking of things Delight might not normally think of or care about. I'm entirely prepared to accept that she's acting in good faith. However, she's going to have her own set of mental baggage, including culture-specific notions of physical attractiveness and the fact that this is her enthusiastic hobby that she's very proud of. To the point where she's probably prone to falling prey to
the law of the instrument when it comes to magical bioenhancement and cosmetic surgery. She sees it as a good solution to more problems than it really is.
[Also, we're talking about cosmetic surgery, not a temporary spa treatment; if we're roleplaying Melia as kinda-sorta-sensible, she should be planning ahead as much as possible here]
I'm not asking myself, "what is Delight hiding from us?" I'm asking myself "what issues might Delight simply not foresee or concern herself with, that we
should concern ourselves with?"