In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

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I mean, even in Kaelor's quest, when we were playing the paranoid conservative military republic we still had people pro-MDP and fighting the Krogan on behalf of the other paranoid stratocracy

It's one reason I stopped following it and it's why I'm not sure how long I"ll stick in this quest. The majority Sufficient Velocity and Spacebattles largely has a certain kind of thing they want to play. If you want a quest where you don't play extremely diplomatic people on Sufficient Velocity, you'd need to have a closed voting base of people you vetted.
[X] The Flower of the One
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Xenophilic (1)
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Cultured (1)
-[X] Pacifistic (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Weird (1)
-[X] Flashy (1)
I would add Xenophobic to encourage people actually playing in a more militant fashion.

Considering that the build plan I made has diplomacy for a dump stat due to the maluses taken to gain more favorable aspects, I think that if my plan wins we will have to play in a more militant fashion. The maluses taken, such as being ugly and vindictive, will make it so that in order to play to our strengths, and play well, we will have to lean more towards our military to get what we want. The reason I didn't add xenophobic in the beginning was mostly because I felt that it didn't add much benefit mechanically to our civilization. And in the spirit of good etiquette, I don't think it would be fair to change the plan at this point as it may not have been what other wanted to vote for.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Aug 26, 2017 at 6:07 PM, finished with 34 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Plan Democratic
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [x] Plan Ball of Contradictions
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Aug 26, 2017 at 7:03 PM, finished with 48 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Terran Federation:
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Traders (1)
    -[X] Paranoid (1)
    -[X] Ugly (-1)
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [x] Plan Swiss Equality:
    - [x] Direct Democracy
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    [X] The Flower of the One
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    - [x] Xenophilic (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Cultured (1)
    -[X] Pacifistic (1)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    [x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
    [x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
    [x] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
    -[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
    [x] Plan Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[x] Attractive
    -[x] Duty's Burden
    -[x] Xenophobic
    -[x] Cultured
    -[x] Weird
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Manifest Destiny (1)
    [X] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
    [X] Plan Democratic
    [x] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[x] Militant (1)
    -[x] Psionically Fertile (3)
    -[X] Vindictive (-1)
    -[x] Attractive (1)
    -[X] Curious (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned.
    [X] Stratified Democracy
    -[X] Theocratic Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    [X] Plan no stone unturned with guns
    -[X] Military Republic
    -[X] Curious (1)
    -[X] Flashy (1)
    -[X] Weird (1)
    - [x] Adaptive (1)
    - [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
[x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
I like the idea of us beautiful humans and robots disdainfully discussing with Aliens why it is okay for us to take their stuff apart and them being oddly okay with it (if only for fear of retribution.)
[x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
I like the idea of us beautiful humans and robots disdainfully discussing with Aliens why it is okay for us to take their stuff apart and them being oddly okay with it (if only for fear of retribution.)

It's be great.

[x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
-[x] Theocratic Republic
-[x] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[x] Curious (1)
-[x] Spiritual (1)
-[x] Vindictive (-1)
-[x] Ugly (-1)
-[x] Problem Solvers (1)
-[x] Adaptive (1)

because my favorite part of the last quest was the mechanicus actualy progressing the quest for knowledge
We are the chosen of the Omnissiah, the Deus Machina and we have dedicated ourselves as a species to unraveling the mysteries of the universe as our lord and maker commands. long have we dedicated ourselves to this never ending quest for divine knowledge and because of our unwavering dedication the omnissiahs gifts us with bounties upon bounties.
our minds expand with new powers and insights like few other races do, every day new and amzing abilities manifesting themselves within our kind as a tangible reminder of the Might of the Deus Machina
Our children, built in the divine image of our maker, have been our greatest boon and most precious allies in our never ending quest for knowledge with discovery further demostrating the glory of the Omnissiah, so much so that many amoung our kind take to replacing parts of their body with blessed machinery, and some of our Children have taken to incorepating more organic parts to further bring them selves to some holy middle ground, the perfect melding of man and technology. many aliens species do not understand our facination with technology, but they will in time. the Omnissiah is All and All is the Omnissiah, and his bounties are their for all who honor Them.
and if they do not, if they cling to fear and ignorance and lash out at the Chosen children Of the Omnissiah, they will not find us unprepared and when they are defeated they will find that we are hard to fool twice.

I Really like the idea of Playing the race who's really good at figuring stuff out and is really eager to understand the universe, but kinda weirds out all their freinds a bit. we're a well intentioned but strange people.
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Damn I'm stuck between flower of the one and just because it's the end doesn't mean we have to be crude about it.
I love flower of the one's flavour text and the general idea of it, but the image of JBITEDMWHTBCAI is pretty awesome
Damn I'm stuck between flower of the one and just because it's the end doesn't mean we have to be crude about it.
I love flower of the one's flavour text and the general idea of it, but the image of JBITEDMWHTBCAI is pretty awesome
just think about all the others trying to justify why they should let us take their stuff apart, maybe we even will go on a date with them for something especially interesting.
Damn I'm stuck between flower of the one and just because it's the end doesn't mean we have to be crude about it.
I love flower of the one's flavour text and the general idea of it, but the image of JBITEDMWHTBCAI is pretty awesome

Vote for the fancy hats and benevolent snobbery. Who needs guns when you've mastered the art of the cutting rebuke?

We save the guns for when they do something totally uncouth.
[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate

I REALLY like this plan, but do we really need psionically fertile? If we drop Psionically Fertile, we can replace Ugly with Attractive and still have a point left over. (Considering previous quests w/ Torr, I'm sure that spare point will come in handy.) In any case, I'll toss my vote here even if you don't change it.
[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate

PS - I agree about how the Mechinicus making progress was a pretty cool part of the last quest.
[X] Plan no stone unturned with guns

-[X] Military Republic
-[X] Curious (1)
-[X] Flashy (1)
-[X] Weird (1)
-[X] Adaptive (1)
-[X] Problem Solvers (1)
I REALLY like this plan, but do we really need psionically fertile? If we drop Psionically Fertile, we can replace Ugly with Attractive and still have a point left over. (Considering previous quests w/ Torr, I'm sure that spare point will come in handy.) In any case, I'll toss my vote here even if you don't change it.
[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate

PS - I agree about how the Mechinicus making progress was a pretty cool part of the last quest.
I want to see where the Psionics Takes us and i felt like It could be a tangible 'proof' of the Omnissiahs favor. what would you prefer? also i'm glad to see it wasn't just me that liked that part.
Fuck it.
[x] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
For now, but if there's a good enough argument for the other plan I'll switch
why do we want the ugly negative added to us?

Seeing as no one else has answered, and that my plan has ugly as part of it, my answer is simple. I feel that the negatives associated with being seen as ugly by other aliens is outweighed by the benefits of having another positive aspect added to us. With my plan it fits due to the fact that diplomacy is the dump stat, while the space warfare and planetary warfare stats are likely the most emphasized ones.

Even if the other species think we are ugly looking, they will still have to treat us with respect due to our military might. Which is why I felt that having the ugly negative added to us is worth it.