Ebon of Another World - Black Kingdom Spin-Off Quest [Worm/Original]

Lets just say that once we level up our draining skill enough to feed on emotions...there is a SHITLOAD of negativity to draw on
if we passively drain negative and suicidal emotions we are probably going to be able to save this world and also bring the trade of drugs record low and probably people that feel nothing(some just feel negative emotions normal people because the world they live in and people with chemical imbalance i think its the parent or adopted parent of someone famous i dont remember who just that its a guy) and peace and no racism because people are finally going to see that they are the same and see no reason in violence because we drugged them on happiness because we ate all there negative emotions
What about Eden/Cauldron shards, they seem to be mostly brain-dead, and give out powers strong enough to fully drain themselves of their energy if overused (e.g. Doormaker ) and don't passively recharge that energy.

I think that would be fine, but don't quote me on this. However most of those are case 53's and there lives are fucked up enough without us stealing their powers.
I think that would be fine, but don't quote me on this. However most of those are case 53's and there lives are fucked up enough without us stealing their powers.
No. Their powers messed them up. If we devour their shards, we could totally take their souls too and put them in normal bodies.

The problem is devouring the shards, and getting away with it.
how would they know it was us hmmm?

...well they'd know some new dude on the scene is going around turning people into dust. For me, the idea behind leaving people alive aside from economic reasons is to prevent people from knowing we exist. A homeless guy or prisoner feel g more tired than normal? Whatever. A bunch of dust where people used to be? RED ALERT
...well they'd know some new dude on the scene is going around turning people into dust. For me, the idea behind leaving people alive aside from economic reasons is to prevent people from knowing we exist. A homeless guy or prisoner feel g more tired than normal? Whatever. A bunch of dust where people used to be? RED ALERT
Not if we also remove the clothes as well. Also, Oni Lee leaves behind dust when a clone collapses.
Not if we also remove the clothes as well. Also, Oni Lee leaves behind dust when a clone collapses.

What I'm saying is that people disappearing from a locked area is suspicious as fuck regardless of how it happen or what's left behind. Like if you're a jail warden and a bunch of prisoners are just gone do you shrug and go about your day or scream blooody murder and start sending out all the apbs?

An alert would probably be less likely of we went around dusting the homeless but even too many of them might start raising alarm vbells
We just need to remove the dust, personal belongings, bone fragments and clothes on people we lifeforce drain to death. I'm sure there are already plenty of unexplained disappearances in Brockton Bay, as long as we don't go overboard and kill too many or leave obvious evidence that it is a parahuman doing the killings, the police/PRT shouldn't care too much.

If we're picking off gangsters, we should be more wary of the gangs reacting to their missing members. I suggest focusing on the merchants first in this case, and even then, I would suggest sticking to low level members and not going after the parahumans for the time being. Getting stronger while retaining anonymity should be our first goal, so anonymous that even coil can't find us.

I feel like we should make a good estimation of our current strength. Current character sheet says we can toss a couple of tonnes with ease and our combat mastery seems to be good enough to shoot oni lee's grenades out from midair. This is making me really look forward to when we get stronger, as Shounen anime protagonist/antagonist power levels Vs Worm power levels seems hilariously OP against most parahumans. Not to look down on parahumans since the sheer variety of powers they have access to makes them dangerous, but we should be fine against most of them.

One thing to experiment on later is attempting to allow our Black Arsenal to mimic tinkertech.

If we ever gain a high range teleportation though, like Strider's, I feel like we should expand to less monitored areas, e.g. the poorer countries where parahuman feudalism is already starting to take root. This should allow for more inconspicuous energy draining and an easier area to set up a power base.
@SkyCrab I mostly agree, especially if.we focus on targeting overlooked groups like the homeless. I was mosrly reposnding tp the idea of breaking into jails and disapearing people. However, not sure how much the gangs in Brobkton Bay "disappear" people versus just going for overt displays of violence.

As for gangs getting worried, now I'm wondering if we could go and provoke an a conflict or maybe frame one of the gangs for something that makes the PRT crack down. Usually people say to leave the gang status quo to prevent another power from filling in a power vacuum. Perhaps we could be the vacuum filler
As for gangs getting worried, now I'm wondering if we could go and provoke an a conflict or maybe frame one of the gangs for something that makes the PRT crack down. Usually people say to leave the gang status quo to prevent another power from filling in a power vacuum. Perhaps we could be the vacuum filler
We could do that, one way of provoking a conflict I can think of would be to add negative emotional energy to gang members, but I'm not sure if that won't just make them sad instead of angry.

I'd prefer using a master power to provoke a conflict as provoking a conflict ourselves is more dangerous and complicated. We should technically be able to develop a master like power, but I'm worried that it would take too long and wouldn't be subtle enough. Another thing we could do is create minions that look like gang members or are clones of gang members we've kidnapped, and get them to spark a conflict, but I'm worried that depending on how it's done people may see through the ruse. Most gang bosses in BB aren't stupid.
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[X] Plan Ebon

This is the bandwagon and I agree with the plan but to choose a name I'd have gone with Problem Sleuth for the reference or maybe some reference to the Midnight Crew instead or somesuch
Just A Typical Morning for an Ebon Lord Incognito
[X] Plan Ebon

You wake up to an unfamiliar ceiling. It takes a few seconds to remember that you are no longer in your own world and that you are sleeping in an abandoned cargo ship. It's six in the morning according to your phone which reminds you that you pick up a charger or a USB cable to charge your phone's battery.

Wait. Shit. Since your phone is here with you, your replacement that the original will have already made will be in trouble with your parents for losing his phone. Well that sucks for him. You broke your phone once before during a fight with some idiot punk and you caught shit for doing so. It took ages to get everyone's contact details and apps redownloaded as well.

You suppose it's no longer your problem. You wonder if your phone could work in this world. Cellphones can't be too different in this world. Leaving that thought aside for the time being, you prepare for your second day on a parallel Earth. Cleaning up is simply a matter of transforming the dirt, sweat, and grime on your body into minute amounts of Ebon Power. It's no substitute for a nice warm shower but it's good enough for your current circumstances.

After you've freshened up with some ebon-made water, you head back out into the city. Being early morning, it's fairly easy for you to slip out from your temporary base without being seen. It's imperative that you find a new place soon. You're sure that sooner or later, someone will realise you're living in a boat. For now though, you make do going out in your Ebon Noir identity and carrying your normal clothes in a reversible backpack. When you've found a place away from any spying eyes, you change back into your civilian clothing and no-one is none the wiser.

On a slight whim, you seek out the local prisons in Brockton Bay. It takes you a good chunk of the morning to find them. There are a couple of prisons to be found in Brockton Bay. You had bee thinking about how to secure a steady supply of Ebon Power and the idea of draining prisoners in their cells had seemed promising. However, with your current capabilities, you most likely wouldn't be able to pull off something like sneaking into a cell without being caught. If you want to go draining prison inmates, you'd have to send your Shadows or learn how to go invisible and phase through iron bars.

Though it does make you wonder what they do for supervillains. From what you can see, the prisons around here aren't much different from the ones back home if with somewhat better security measures but with what you know so far about parahumans, you doubt these prisons would be able to hold a supervillain for long unless they were particularly weak or their powers were ill-suited for escape. Having memorized the address of the prisons, you have a quick brunch at a small cafe.

After paying for the large meal, you start looking for a pawn shop. With you ability to create non-complicated material, something like gold is rather easy to make for you. In the privacy of a public toilet, you create several different gold necklaces to pawn. A couple of minutes and suddenly you're carrying around what is probably a couple thousand dollars worth of bling. It doesn't take you long to locate a pawn shop and thanks to a fake driver's license courtesy of those punks from last night, you were able to get some usable cash without much issue. You had to make a big show about how you inherited these gold chains from your rich uncle who passed away recently but eventually you leave the shop with a small bundle of cash hidden on your person.

You now have 3000 dollars in cash.

With that done, you head back to the library to continue your studies of this world and Brockton Bay.

For the rest of the morning, you search up news articles, history sites, forums, and Parahuman Online. As you learn more about this version of Earth, you find yourself getting increasingly annoyed and horrified at the terrible state of things. Brockton Bay was a pretty terrible place to live in if you didn't have cash or influence. With the city practically in the hands of gangs run by supervillains as well as several other smaller but nonetheless dangerous crooks and villains, it's little wonder why the poorer areas of the city are in bad shape.

You also find out that the ninja that you fought last night, Oni Lee, was a member of the Asian Bad Boyz, ABB for short. According to what you found, the ABB was controlled by a powerful cape known as Lung who had once fought the Endbringer Leviathan to a standstill. You are honestly confused to why someone like that is running a gang in a city like this when he could obviously do so much more with that kind of firepower. Still, you suppose it had to do with the fact that after that particular Endbringer battle, Japan had been demoted to a third-world country with millions dead thanks to the hydrokinetic monster.

Those punks that graciously donated their life force to help fuel your powers were part of Empire Eighty-Eight. Empire Eighty-Eight was a gang of white supremacist or neo-nazis as far as you can tell. It was a powerful organization with possible connections to other racist and white supremacist groups all around North America. In your books, Nazis were always acceptable targets for violent testing and fight practice. With about a dozen capes on its roster though, Empire Eighty-Eight was not to be underestimated. You could probably take them but it would take time and probably most of your strength and there's a good chance that you could actually get badly hurt. Something to put on your to do list, you suppose. It's fine to be a little bit racist since everyone was a little bit racist but to make it your guiding ideology was just stupid.

There was a number of smaller minor gangs like the Merchants but you didn't really care about learning more than where they tend to be based around. The Merchants sounded like a group you could probably take over within a day if you were lucky.

Man, with how things are in this city, you could probably go around draining negative energy and make a huge profit in Ebon Power. Of course, draining too much negative energy was likely to make people reckless, arrogant, and suicidally overconfident. Lack of fear and the likes tend to do that. Gotta keep the balance after all.

After checking up on the villains of Brockton Bay, you switched your focus to the local heroes. There was the Protectorate, the Wards and there was New Wave.

The Protectorate was government-sponsored superhero team and the Wards were their...sidekicks? Heroes in training? Whatever. New Wave was a group of heroes consisting of two related nuclear families formally known as the Brockton Bay Brigade, who changed their name after deciding to reveal their identities to the world. They believe in superheroes without secrets and full accountability, though the movement stalled upon the murder of one of their members in her civilian identity. Frankly, you have to say that New Wave dropped the ball there.

Life isn't a comic book and superheroes tend to be able to do their thing because nobody knows who's behind the mask, especially villains.

You were reaching the limit of your attention span and decided to get off the computer after getting the basic idea of who and what the heroes were able to do. You also take a bit of time to memorize the whole PRT rating systems they used to describe the threat levels of a cape's superpowers.

You wonder what rating people would give your current self.

Leaving the library, you take a seat on a bench nearby and think about what you were going to do for the rest of the day.

What do you do to fill in your afternoon?
[ ] (Write-In)
[X] Go back to the ship graveyard and start converting the insides of the ships into EP while leaving the outer hulls intact so no one sees anything happening.
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[X] Buy a map of the city and take a walk around as much of the city as you can doing both a) draining negativity from the air for more EP and b) marking down which gang had control of a particular area.

edit: plan also works as a impromptu patrol out of costume, which means nothing to us as we can instantly be in costume
Can't drain negative energy at this time. Not high enough rank.
Can't drain negative energy at this time. Not high enough rank.
ohh, damn, saw this part and thought we could
Man, with how things are in this city, you could probably go around draining negative energy and make a huge profit in Ebon Power. Of course, draining too much negative energy was likely to make people reckless, arrogant, and suicidally overconfident. Lack of fear and the likes tend to do that. Gotta keep the balance after all.
[X] Buy a map of the city and take a walk around as much of the city as you can doing both a) draining negativity from the air for more EP and b) marking down which gang had control of a particular area.
Can't drain negative energy at this time. Not high enough rank.
btw are we able to convert raw materials into EP?

edit: whoops, I meant how much and what is the efficiency. idea on converting the old ship graveyard into power

[X] Go back to the ship graveyard and start converting the insides of the ship's into EP while leaving the outer hulls intact so no one sees anything happening.
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