I'm going to try for a write in here, since I don't really like any of the available options. Thus, false assasin excuse (and considering hercules is fictional and they share a legend it might also be true). It has some lore issues considering Medea was summoned in canon, but there shouldn't be anything knowably false here and you can't have everything.

[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit who's appearance I hold; the legend is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend stored within the grail, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. I still have all the abilities of legend, though, so there isn't any issue.
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[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit Medea; the legend of Medea is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend of Medea, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. i still have all the abilities of Medea, though, so there isn't any issue.
I'm going to try for a write in here, since I don't really like any of the available options. Thus, false assasin excuse (and considering hercules is fictional and they share a legend it might also be true). It has some lore issues considering Medea was summoned in canon, but there shouldn't be anything knowably false here and you can't have everything.

[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit Medea; the legend of Medea is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend of Medea, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. i still have all the abilities of Medea, though, so there isn't any issue.
[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit Medea; the legend of Medea is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend of Medea, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. i still have all the abilities of Medea, though, so there isn't any issue.
Might I suggest replacing "Medea" with "who I said I am", in order to avoid revealing the whole Medea thing to Kirei and Luvia?
Might I suggest replacing "Medea" with "who I said I am", in order to avoid revealing the whole Medea thing to Kirei and Luvia?
that's fair. Makes it read a bit more awkwardly, but it does cover that. On the other hand, its not like Medea has any real weaknesses from her legend and rule breaker's ability is rather divorced from the story, so we wouldn't really be giving up that much (and by contrast might make luvia think we trust her).
Votes closed. Now writing.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 18, 2017 at 11:58 AM, finished with 38 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete..."
    [X] "I...have some extra information and memories beyond what I should, but I do have command of all my powers and knowledge as far as I am aware."
    -[X] Telepathically: "I will provide more information to you later, in private."
    [X] "I... I may not exactly be Medea and I might be from another part of the Kaleidoscope..."
    -[X] Make sure to reassure them that we do have all her powers so far, and judging by our cursing we've picked up some of her instincts and mannerisms too. We just have the wrong memories...
    [X] "I... I may not exactly be Medea and I might be from another part of the Kaleidoscope..."
    -[X] Make sure to reassure them that we do have all her powers so far, and judging by our cursing we've picked up some of her instincts and mannerisms too. We just have the wrong memories...
    --[X] "So we need to investigate the Greater Grail I presume? Preferably with a Caster class. A proper Caster class anyway. I can do it on my own, but it would take some time."
    [X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit who's appearance I hold; the legend is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend stored within the grail, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. I still have all the abilities of legend, though, so there isn't any issue.
    [X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit Medea; the legend of Medea is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend of Medea, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. i still have all the abilities of Medea, though, so there isn't any issue.
Hugs yall - 10
OOC: Sorry this is a bit short. The last update burnt me with its long length.

[X] "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete..."

For a while I was silent, clear discomfort on my face. Finally I spoke. "I... My memory...."

Rin only stared at me with an unreadable expression. Luvia and her maid are looking at me with a scrutinizing look along with Archer. The fake priest simply looks at me with those eyes of his, those blank piercing eyes of his. "My memory is... kinda scrambled and incomplete," I had to force myself to say it.

Rin soften her face a bit. "How much?"

"I... tried not to think about it too much." I'm sweating, I feel nausea, like something's pushing back something in my head. Hazy memories that are trying to break free but can't, like my brain's trying to protect me or something. "Rin uh..." I grabbed her hand and stood up. "Outside with me, please," my face was pleading. I nodded to the others in the room.
I feel an uncountable amount of swords, spears and axes pierce my entire being. I died unceremoniously.
She nods. "Please excuse us."
A red spear thrusts out of my chest. A surprised look on my face.
"Oh no, please take your time," Luvia said, acting strangely permissive of it.
A skull faced man takes my heart and curses it.
Leaving behind the room, I took Rin just outside of the building where I summoned the strongest boundary field I knew around us. "How much do you remember?" Rin asked me, but it wasn't with a harsh tone. It was more concerned asking than a harsh demand.
My neck, she's choking my neck with chains!
"I know bits and pieces of my legend, enough to know who I am but..." I looked down with a distraught face. "It's all over the place and just to kick me while I'm still down I had to relearn my own magic just so you wouldn't think I'm useless. It's like, I'm pretending to be her instead of being her."
I hold a man to my chest, crying.
She looked concerned. "Why didn't you tell me this?"
I caressed my master's face as I fade away. I felt regretful that I couldn't spend more time with him.
I looked at her with a face that's clearly was holding something back. "Didn't I tell you, I wasn't trying to think too much of it," my head hurts so much. "Even when I did I simply brushed it off the best I can."
The mud. It's drowning me, corrupting me, changing me. I'm scared.
She looked angry now. "You dummy," she was holding my cheeks now. "What were you thinking trying to bear it all?" Oh, that's why she's angry. "If you had told me from very beginning I would have helped."
A young man was stabbing me to death. Tears of anger. Tears for his lost friends.
"I didn't think you would, considering how badly you reacted to finding out that I was an Assassin." She grimaced at that statement, mostly because it was very true.
I had a talk with a young fine girl. We became fast friends.
"I know I said that but..." She considered her words carefully. "I know might be the last person you'd expect to help you but..." Oh my Zeus she's hugging me now. "A cold heartless bitch is something I'm not."

"Somehow I don't too surprised," I said as I returned the hug. My head started hurting less, gotta check that out later or something. I felt a warm feeling inside as well as that strange feeling that I'm forgetting something especially since I felt like I've stopped expending Prana or something. Oh well, it didn't matter at the moment.

"Am I really that transparent?" She said playfully.

"Only to those who pay closer attention." I said slyly, getting back some of my playfulness. "I noticed your classmates can't seem to see pass that School Idol mask that you wear so tightly on your face except maybe that one guy but whatever."

"You mean Issei? Don't mind him he's like that. Anyways when we get back home we'll figure out how to get your memories back properly."

"That sounds nice..."

"Hey, Assassin? Why did you go quiet?"

"Because I accidentally collapsed the boundary field."

Looking back towards the house, Luvia, her servant (grail one) and her other servant (the actual one) were staring at us as we stood there still hugging other. For a while silence ruled with an iron metaphorical fist. Finally it was Luvia who broke the silence. "Miss Tohsaka? Isn't that unbecoming of your station?" It wasn't a hostile question, it was more curious than anything.

"It's not gay if you really need a hug." I said plainly. Much to Rin's surprise (she was blushing).

Luvia shrugged. "I guess some emotional support needed for the affliction you're suffering from. I won't pry." She was looking towards the city as we both got out of the hug. "My maid sensed a battle happening in the city via one of our surveillance crystals. Care to join us? The priest has decided to return to the church but what about you two?"

[] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."

[] "We'll be there with you on the front line."

[] "If you don't mind, we'll be heading back to our home. Try not to die will you?"

[] Write in
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So the servants can be used for battle outside this particular place in Japan? Unless Luvia is bullshitting us I guess. AU is AU

[x] "Zelretch! This is your doing isn't it!?"

Ahem now I got the crazy option out of my system

[x] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."

If I remember my lore correctly the servants can battle it out in Fuyuki because the Grail system shoulders most of the burden. Sure they draw off their masters but the Grail system is doing the heavy lifting.

It is pretty difficult to maintain the mere existence of a servant outside the Grail system radius much less have them fight. Illya could summon Berzerker but she was in immense pain and strain until she reached Fuyuki.
If I remember my lore correctly the servants can battle it out in Fuyuki because the Grail system shoulders most of the burden. Sure they draw off their masters but the Grail system is doing the heavy lifting.

It is pretty difficult to maintain the mere existence of a servant outside the Grail system radius much less have them fight. Illya could summon Berzerker but she was in immense pain and strain until she reached Fuyuki.

Eh, I'll handwave that then. I'll give the explanation that it's part of the side effect with messing with the ley lines in Fuyuki. Because I'm a cheap bastard like that. :V
I feel an uncountable amount of swords, spears and axes pierce my entire being. I died unceremoniously.
She nods. "Please excuse us."
A red spear thrusts out of my chest. A surprised look on my face.
"Oh no, please take your time," Luvia said, acting strangely permissive of it.
A skull faced man takes my heart and curses it.
Leaving behind the room, I took Rin just outside of the building where I summoned the strongest boundary field I knew around us. "How much do you remember?" Rin asked me, but it wasn't with a harsh tone. It was more concerned asking than a harsh demand.
My neck, she's choking my neck with chains!
"I know bits and pieces of my legend, enough to know who I am but..." I looked down with a distraught face. "It's all over the place and just to kick me while I'm still down I had to relearn my own magic just so you wouldn't think I'm useless. It's like, I'm pretending to be her instead of being her."
A hold a man to my chest, crying.
She looked concerned. "Why didn't you tell me this?"
I caressed my master's face as I fade away. I felt regretful that I couldn't spend more time with him.
I looked at her with a face that's clearly was holding something back. "Didn't I tell you, I wasn't trying to think too much of it," my head hurts so much. "Even when I did I simply brushed it off the best I can."
The mud. It's drowning me, corrupting me, changing me. I'm scared.
She looked angry now. "You dummy," she was holding my cheeks now. "What were you thinking trying to bear it all?" Oh, that's why she's angry. "If you had told me from very beginning I would have helped."
A young man was stabbing me to death. Tears of anger. Tears for his lost friends.
"I didn't think you would, considering how badly you reacted to finding out that I was an Assassin." She grimaced at that statement, mostly because it was very true.
I had a talk with a young fine girl. We became fast friends.

[x] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."
Hmm...I guess the invisitext is the memories we inherited of past wars? I mean, every Hero gets records, and we're a strange case already.
All Fate routes? The way Medea died in all timelines I mean.

There is something very galling in the way we play a servant that never came on top.

Eh, well, no Servant really did? I guess Gil, but...

It's not like we're playing Lancer or something.
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Hm upon reflection the memory scramble thing is technically accurate since we're just basically a person shoved into a Medea body without the proper memories stored in her.
[X] "We'll be in the back lines. Assassin remember? Plus I still haven't quite emotionally recovered yet."

Normally with an Assassin you'd want them flanking or setting up a pincer or rear attack...but Medea's a shitty assassin for the class.