That's better. Man, didn't knew you can do that.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 15, 2017 at 6:04 PM, finished with 19 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
    -[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."
    [x] Support Rin
    [x] Don't do anything
    -[x] Do something else
    --[x] Talk to Archer
    [X] Get out, you can't take this stupidity
    -[X] Tell them they're being idiots as you go out
[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."
Just caught up, this quest amuseth, watched.

[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."
[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."
[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."
Why is writing hard? - 8
OOC: Character interactions, why are you so hard to write?

[X] Scold them both for their unprofessional behavior
-[X] "Girls Business first, you two can flirt later."

I couldn't stand this. I spoke out loud. "Oh come on, this is becoming unprofessional of both of you." All eyes came on me, a strange servant who bares a striking resemblances to her master, even the maid came into existence slightly to hear what I have to say. "We all came here to talk and already the first that happens is a thinly veiled pissing match. Of course while Miss Edelfelt started it-"

"Hey!" Luvia looked at me accusingly.

"Thank you!" Rin was glad that someone was backing her up, or so it seems.

"You also have some fault in this as well my dear master."

"Huh?" This time Luvia was confused, she legitimately never expected a servant to do that to their own master.

"What the hell?!" I see a vein pop up on her forehead.

"While you haven't blown up exactly yet, your easily seen pent up rage was fueling Luvia's aggravating comments about you, plus that one apathetic comment from you didn't help." I said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

Rin was still glaring at me but even then she's still considering what I said. After a while she give a sigh and slouched in the couch. "Fine, maybe some of it was my fault but can we at least say that she started it?"

"Why you..." Luvia was starting to get out of the couch.

I face palmed myself. "Girls, business first, you two can flirt later." Suddenly everything stopped. The tension now was so great that I can feel the air being forced out of my lungs, I stood firm regardless. The two masters stare at me as both Archer and the fake priest raised an eyebrow. In the corner of my eye I saw the maid preparing a first aid- no wait she's not preparing a first aid kit she's preparing a goddamn hospital.

I sighed, ready to accept whatever horrible fate awaits me. Rin was slowly turning red, with anger or confused teenage hormones I'm not sure. Luvia on the other hand had a somewhat opposite reaction. You see, she's confused as all hell. If maguses were like computers, then she'd be probably be going through a blue screen of death right now. She'll reboot sooner or later. Will some files become missing or corrupted? I don't know, both prospects are fine with me.

Rin spoke up first. "Listen you, I don't know where you got the idea but I would never feel any sexual attraction towards a person of the same gender. Besides I only met just her today!"

Luvia was still sitting statue stiff solid until her maid came and shocked her on the neck with a hand held taser. Like Frankenstein's Monster she came to life. "I have no idea what kind of servant you summoned Miss Tohsaka but that statement I shall not let pass!"

"I dunno, you two are quite similar." I said nonchalantly as I go twirl with one of my twin tails.

"Huh?!" Both said at the same time.

"We have-"


"-in common!" Both said in perfect union.

I was greatly amused. "Oh? Shall I list the similarities between the two of you?" I had a sly smile. Archer was standing next to a window, ready to escape at a moment's notice. The fake priest was still on the couch doing a flipping Gendo pose while the maid was laying down bricks for a fallout shelter.

"Go ahead Assassin, you'll find that there are non!" Rin almost growled out.

"Likewise." Luvia said, before thinking to herself for a bit and whispering. "So it's assassin huh, this war's going to be a bit more easier then I thought."

Crossing my legs over I muster as much of a smug aura as I can before talking. "For one thing, you're both heads of your own family."

Rin gives a huff. "That's a simple one, next!"

"You both have anger issues."

"We do not!" Both shouted at the same time before they glare at each and looked away.

I know they both use the same type of magic but I need a good explanation as to how to explain to my knowing of it. Looking at Luvia's dress a bit closer I noticed that it had hidden slots in it, same thing with Rin's clothes. I gave a smile. "I see that you have hidden slots in your dress Miss Edelfelt. You wouldn't happen to use the same magic as my Master, do you?"

She was caught off guard. Looking to Rin even she gave a confused look. "I didn't even told her my magic yet."

"Oh master. While you were off sleeping I took the liberty of checking around the house and I have to say, your gems were quite well made." The first half was a bluff but the second half was more genuine on my part.

Recovering, Luvia looked as if she was wronged. "That's because these Tohsaka rats stole my family's greatest secrets including one of our magic crests!"

I didn't give Rin a chance to retort. "It also seems like you're both extremely healthy. Quite the well built bodies you got there girls, almost as if you both know martial arts or something." I'm keeping in my snickering so hard right now.

Both were surprised at my observation and before they said anything the priest spoke up. "It would be interesting for all of you to know that Rin is my personal student in the art of bajiquan." The fake priest said with a proud smile. Rin doesn't seem to like that statement, not because of the contents itself but rather the man who said it. "And if I remember right, I heard the young Edelfelt head is quite a fan of wrestling." The fake priest gave a chuckle as Rin gave Luvia an odd look. I have no clue why he's only started to talk now but I get the feeling that he wants to chime in on the action and see what reactions these girls had.

She simply crossed her arms and gave a huff. "Go on, tell me what's wrong with lucha libre? I can do whatever the hell I please and if I want to train my body in the art of professional wrestling then so be it."

"It's just that..." Rin was still processing the information. "I'd never expect a Finnish high class to be so interested in such a frontal style of combat."

"And I never expected a commoner to bother training in any martial art at all."

They were both silent for a while. The air is tense. Looking back I saw that the makeshift fallout shelter was complete. I could see her peeking out of the eyeslot with those plain brown eyes of hers. Archer already opened the window halfway and the fake priest was still in that goddamn Gendo pose.





After the long enduring silence the two simply sat down. "So..." Luvia started. "It seems we both got on the wrong start..."

"Yeah..." Rin was twirling her twin tail a bit. They both remained silent again.

Well at least they're not tearing at each other's necks but Zeus is this awkwardness choking as Tartarus itself... Man I really need to figure out where I'm getting all these Greek based swears and stuff. I looked back and forth between the masters. Luvia seems to be in deep thought, Rin's being harder to read then usual. I'm not quite sure how things will go from now on, hopefully for the better. Oh well, wait and see I guess. Now then for the time being...

[] Don't say anything. Let things go naturally.

[] Try asking Luvia some questions to break the ice (Limited to three, to reduce infodump and to make it easier on me)

[] Write in
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"That's because these Tohsaka rats stole my family's greatest secrets including bits and pieces of our magic crest!"
I thought they stole the whole thing because of how the spliting thing works. I can't remember what it's called, but they get two full Crests every generation.

Also, Rin doesn't know, here at least. She was musing on it in an earlier post and thought they both died or something I think?
I thought they stole the whole thing because of how the spliting thing works. I can't remember what it's called, but they get two full Crests every generation.

Also, Rin doesn't know, here at least. She was musing on it in an earlier post and thought they both died or something I think?

My own knowledge of the VN is quite limited. I knew a past Tohsaka stole secrets from the Edelfelt up to and including their Magic Crest but I kinda didn't know how and how much of it.

Also, Rin doesn't know, here at least. She was musing on it in an earlier post and thought they both died or something I think?
Rin was talking about how the twins had participated in the Third Holy Grail War with the eldest surviving and the youngest dying.
My own knowledge of the VN is quite limited. I knew a past Tohsaka stole secrets from the Edelfelt up to and including their Magic Crest but I kinda didn't know how and how much of it.

Rin was talking about how the twins had participated in the Third Holy Grail War with the eldest surviving and the youngest dying.
The way it went from what little I know about it, which could very well just be fanon, is that RIn's ancestor defeated one of them and... likely either outright seduced her, unlikely knowing how Magus' are, or forced her into some kind of Geass.

Considering they only have one Crest to pass down, the Tohsakas didn't get the Sorcery trait that allowed for two heirs though.

Double post but votes would be nice.
No, no votes for you. ...Mostly just waiting on someone who might actually have good ideas for ice-breaker questions.
We could ask Luvia about her wrestling interests, citing curiosity about how it has changed since our time. Capping it off by asking if they still do it in the nude.
I guess I can wait. Until then that 'NOW KISS' vote has given me some stupid ideas. :V
We could ask Luvia about her wrestling interests, citing curiosity about how it has changed since our time. Capping it off by asking if they still do it in the nude.
I was kind of thinking about something a bit closer to business. Both of them are at the stage that they're beginning to eye each other with the beginnings of respect, which is enough to get them to talk at least.
[x] Don't say anything. Let things go naturally.

Got nothing really and it seems I was worrying for nothing earlier/.