[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
--[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
---[X] On that note, also look for things that could help Sakura survive. Her body is full of those worms, even if you kill Zouken instantly, she might die.

We can pass any resemblance to Rin's appearance as her wierd cousin/sister that came to visit.
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[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
--[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
---[X] On that note, also look for things that could help Sakura survive. Her body is full of those worms, even if you kill Zouken instantly, she might die.

eh, works for me
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting
[X] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 10, 2017 at 1:31 PM, finished with 25 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
    -[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
    --[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting
    [x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
    -[x] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
    [x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
    -[x] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
    --[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
    ---[X] On that note, also look for things that could help Sakura survive. Her body is full of those worms, even if you kill Zouken instantly, she might die.
    [x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
    -[x] Go back to reading the tome. See if you still remember a bit of it after the long ass reading session.
    --[X] See if you can find some sort of Sympathy spell/ritual especially. If you want to kill Zouken, you need to kill all of his worms at once. Hopefully you have something.
Meet Natsui Kinoko - 4
[x] "Eh, just let her find out in her own time, in the mean time..."
-[X] "I got a new look, might as well get a new dress"
--[X] Loot her wardrobe for anything interesting

I silently entered Rin's room (with Presence Concealment on). Opening her closet I found that while she had a lot of red and black clothing, there are some things that I find more interesting. A white button dress shirt, one of her skirt, a pair of her Grade S Zettai Ryouiki (heh), and interestingly a blue version of her jacket. Dispelling both my Presence Concealment and my outer clothing (interestingly both my underwear and robe changed shape to match my body, magic clothes, who knew) I spent a good while carefully tailoring my look to my desired preference. I left the first few top button unbuttoned and wrapped the jacket around my waist to give myself that certain carefree look. Finally, for the finishing touches I looked around the make up table and found a nice pair of black and red ribbons for my very own twin tails. Looking in mirror of the make up table, I was satisfied with my look. "Okay I got the look, now I need a name... Sufficient Velocity? No that's stupid. Rin Vegas? That's stupid and confusing. What else...! Got it! From now on I'll be Natsui Kinoko! It's the perfect name for someone such as me!"


"Crud." I looked behind myself, looking at Rin as she slowly gain consciousness.

"Wha... oh hey me... mind getting me off the... wait..." It took literally 5 minutes for her 'not a morning person' brain to process the scene in front of her. Finally, light starts to come back to her eyes, quickly she stood up, well she tried to, first she clumsily fell to the ground before quickly but awkwardly standing up, already pointing a finger at me. I can already see the steam coming out of her ears. "OKAY WHO ARE YOU AND WHY THE HELL DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME?!"

I shrugged. "I'll explain over breakfast Master."

30 Minutes later

"So let me get this straight, since your Presence Concealment is weak, you thought it be best if you took on a disguise and used me as your base?" She said, eating breakfast cereal while still in her pajamas.

"That is the basic gist of it." I said from the other side of the table.

"Okay so what's your cover?" She cocked her head.

I gave a cheerful smile. "From now on I'll be Natsui Kinoko, your 17th removed cousin who just came back from U.S.A. Florida."

"17th removed cousin? Seriously?"

"It makes senses from where I'm standing."

She gave a sigh. "Okay I understand why you would want a disguise, what I don't understand is why you would... wait... you're not thinking about..."

I gave a mischievous smile.

"That is..."

[Later that day]

"...the worst plan ever." Rin said to herself while everybody was too preoccupied with what's in front of them to hear her. That thing they're preoccupied with just so happens to be me.

"Okay class, this is Rin's rather distanced cousin who just came back from U.S.A. Florida. Her name is Natsui Kinoko. She travels a lot but she hasn't been in Japan for quite some time. I rather like it if you all help her adjust." The plump history teacher said as he turned to me. I smiled.

"Hello everybody!" I said in perfect English. The rest I said in Japanese. "It's been so long since I've been here! I hope to make fast friends with you all!" Keeping my smile on, I scan across the room, many of them are already talking among themselves, many of them are giving a disbelieving look. Rin's keeping a poker face on but I can see sweat falling down her face, Shirou was looking at me with a curious but ultimately indifferent look, Shinji has a cocky smile, Issei is looking at me with a suspicious look.

After an awkward silence, the teacher cleared his throat. "So Natsui, we got a few empty chairs, not sure why so many of our student haven't been coming to school lately, must be flu season or something."

I tapped my chin. "Hmmm..."

[] Sit by Rin

[] Sit in front of Shirou

[] Sit by Shinji

[] Sit by Issei

[] Pull out a 4 sided dice out of your ass and roll it in order of the chairs listed on the vote
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I protest! Reading the book was clearly the dominant vote! QM oppression! Viva la revolution!

Ahem. Thats what I get for not updating my vote I guess...

[x] Sit by Shinji
-Scan him for a certain book/astralized servant
[X] Pull out a 4 sided die out of your ass and roll it in order of the chairs listed on the vote

Dice is plural. Die is singular.
But, the real question here is how big is the die?
Hydrochlorinate threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Seating arrangements Total: 1
1 1
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[X] Sit by Shinji
-[X] Say that you'll sit by "handsome over there".

Make wakame think we like him. When the time comes we will gouge out his head, chest, stomach, knee and leg and kill him the way a witch should!
...where did all those posts come from?

I swear they weren't there a second ago

Alright, let's see

[X] Sit by Rin