Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

You're a liar because you keep making claims you can't back up. Everytime I call on you to prove your claims you ignore it. So. Uh. That's a fact. And you're ignoring the fact that I proposed her to be Paramour. That's tots better. Just need to find bisexual waifu now. There's the Redwyne girl. She is cousin to Loras and Marg. That's strong gay/bi genes there.
Yeah, the only kingdom that even practices paramourship to my knowledge is Dorne who have to be special snowflakes on everything.
Yes you're right, I can, thank you for noticing
You're a liar because you keep making claims you can't back up. Everytime I call on you to prove your claims you ignore it. So. Uh. That's a fact
And the fact that you go around calling people Liars and act very insultingly (you've given no excuse for calling me Moronic or the TV comment FYI) even when they try to back up their claims makes you a douche. So. Uh. That's a fact.
That's tots better. Just need to find bisexual waifu now. There's the Redwyne girl. She is cousin to Loras and Marg. That's strong gay/bi genes there.
These sentance explain so much....

You think we're in an anime with harem endings.

The fact you think any wife would be okay with a paramour and that honourable Robb Stark would allow himself to have a paramour or the bastards that come with it show you really are just here for wish fulfilment. Jon was Ned Starks shame and Robb grew up seeing that and seeing how his mother treated him. That fantasy ain't happening.

Also it's actually kind of insulting to the homosexual community how you basically assume there is a 'gay gene' or that because one member of the family is it must have spread. It's not an overly big thing but still, makes you seem like a douche.
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You're a liar because you keep making claims you can't back up. Everytime I call on you to prove your claims you ignore it. So. Uh. That's a fact. And you're ignoring the fact that I proposed her to be Paramour. That's tots better. Just need to find bisexual waifu now. There's the Redwyne girl. She is cousin to Loras and Marg. That's strong gay/bi genes there.
Hey man, you are talking about Robb Stark.

Robb "Honor before reason, I married a girl I just met and slept with due to grief, in order avoid dishonoring her" Stark.

I mean, there is creative interpretation, and there is going straight against character.
Damn, has anyone seen Crimson Moon on in the last few hours? I'm pretty sure his plan is in the lead, and I hope he's willing to add the bit about the bastards.

Or that Charcolt will just add securing them if he doesn't change the plan in time.
Ignoring the pointless arguing, what are you guys thinking for once Robb reclaims his father and sister? Because Ned coming into the picture might complicate things in regards to Robb leading the army.
Ignoring the pointless arguing, what are you guys thinking for once Robb reclaims his father and sister? Because Ned coming into the picture might complicate things in regards to Robb leading the army.
With Ned in charge he probably wouldn't approve of raiding the Westerlands like most of us want, and he also wouldn't approve of just going back home to the North because he'd want to declare for Stannis.

Honestly, we might get lucky if the Greyjoys decide to attack. Then we'll have a legit reason to keep out of the Baratheon's succession war and we'll be in a prime position to defend against the Wildling invasion.
Violation of Rule 2 and Rule 3: There are legitmate ways to express your displeasure about someone on this site, but writing a ficlet about them having gay sex is pretty far from that.
You found yourself frowning as Cersei once again stormed out of the room, your cheek still red and stinging. The woman was... difficult to say the least. Still, you were hopeful that you could see yourself and Sansa safely removed from the city before she wore you down enough to accept her absurd propositions. Myrcella as Robb's mistress, honestly. The very though was ridiculous.

Although... perhaps as a hostage to the throne's good behavior...

You were interrupted by a cough, as a pair of Lannister guardsmen who had just entered the room began to backtrack. "Apologies, my Lord Hand. We saw Her Grace leave and thought you were all done in here."

"That's fine. I was just preparing to leave. The room is yours."

You were halfway out the door when you paused. "The two of you look familiar. Have I met either of you before?"

The one who had spoken earlier did so again. "Aye, my lord. At Pyke. The two of us were given the honor to serve in Lord Robert's retinue. I am Ser Mychel Uvin."

His companion offered you a surly bow. "Ser Jon Danjew."

"Ah." Truly there wasn't more to say. You were hardly inclined to chat with Lannister men, however talkative they appeared. One thought pricked at your mind, however, even as you exited the room. What exactly had the two of them needed the empty room for?

You about faced and swung open the door. "Oh! Oh Gods!"
With Ned in charge he probably wouldn't approve of raiding the Westerlands like most of us want, and he also wouldn't approve of just going back home to the North because he'd want to declare for Stannis.

Honestly, we might get lucky if the Greyjoys decide to attack. Then we'll have a legit reason to keep out of the Baratheon's succession war and we'll be in a prime position to defend against the Wildling invasion.
We can skirt around that. Send him North to raise a second host at Winterfell just in case and our negotiations don't mention not declaring for Stannis anyway.

This works because now he's out the way and Robb can burn the West to the ground with his 18,000 angry Northmen and now Ned can either give us more troops down south, hear about the Wildlings and move to the wall, or chase off the Greyjoy invasion if it happens.
Also Renly is going to be too busy trying to take Storms End and possibly Kings Landing to attack us straight away anyway.

We should also probably put Edmure in charge of a Riverlander army and plop him in Harrenhal to defend our southern flank from attacks out of the Crownlands and to keep the Lannisters penned in, when we declare for Stannis, if we're lucky some Crownlands Lords might seek to join us there and add their strength to Edmures
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Ignoring the pointless arguing, what are you guys thinking for once Robb reclaims his father and sister? Because Ned coming into the picture might complicate things in regards to Robb leading the army.

With Ned in charge he probably wouldn't approve of raiding the Westerlands like most of us want, and he also wouldn't approve of just going back home to the North because he'd want to declare for Stannis.

Honestly, we might get lucky if the Greyjoys decide to attack. Then we'll have a legit reason to keep out of the Baratheon's succession war and we'll be in a prime position to defend against the Wildling invasion.
We could also see a situation where the Stark army splits some forces off to return to Winterfell with Ned to further secure it, while Robb continues to lead the army that stays south. Ned might work on securing more explicit alliances or neutrality that Robb can then confirm in-person.
Ned and Robb love one another dearly, obviously. That said, a new power dynamic has emerged. Robb now has a great deal of respect, particularly among a younger generation of Northern nobility who view him as their leader. He has some pretty incredible victories to his name, and achieved them at a time when Ned was completely powerless.

That means that the Starks, while a close family, don't always have to agree. Demands and requests which are out of character for Ned (such as taking Myrcella as a hostage, with appropriate counters) can be interpreted as Robb playing politics from his unique position of "leader of House Stark until the negotiations conclude". He can't go too far, but his influence could get you Myrcella (in exchange for something) which could transition into some form of alliance (and romance) should the leading Baratheons prove untenable to Ned's honor.

This will broaden when the players select which one of them will take charge of the southern war and which will see to the North's defenses.

I'm tempted to sig this, may I?

All of you can feel free to sig anything I've written.
This will broaden when the players select which one of them will take charge of the southern war and which will see to the North's defenses
Oh Robb will lead the southern war no contest, he's a far superior general and a far more inspirational warrior and is far less constrained by his honour in the facet of war.
Eh a lord protects his home first so Ned heading up North to heal his leg and to stomp out the Greyjoys and wildlings is fine. Plus @Charcolt could we annex the Iron Islands if the Greyjoys attack?
Uhh guys, does cat know that littlefinger set up ned to die?
cuz according to the currenty winning vote, we get his head.
So if we kill him, wont she get mad at us?
Or will lysa attack us because we killed her lover?
Uhh guys, does cat know that littlefinger set up ned to die?
cuz according to the currenty winning vote, we get his head.
So if we kill him, wont she get mad at us?
Or will lysa attack us because we killed her lover?
With Catelyn we can just drag Baelish before her and tell her exactly how he betrayed us. She's not going to see him as a childhood friend after that.

Lysa, though? Lysa will definitely be our enemy after we kill Baelish.