Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

Ok, on the premise that Ned's honor will require him to declare for Stannis...

Need makes two offers. The first is a simple hostage exchange. He offers Jaime and Kevan's sons in exchange for himself, Sansa, Ice, any of his men who still live, and a negotiable amount of gold. His army may also delay temporarily.

The second offer is one that tries to get House Lannister's support for King Stannis. House Lannister acknowledges that Joff and his siblings are bastards. Cersei is either banished along with Jaime, or Cersei is put under house arrest and Jaime takes the black. In either case Joffrey takes the black, Tommen is squires with House Manderly, and Myrcella becomes House Stark's ward. Tywin takes the black, Tyrion either takes the black or otherwise foreswears his rights to Casterly Rock. Kevan becomes Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and swears for Stannis. We release the older of his twins. The Golden Tooth is ceded to the Riverlands, and the Lefford heiress is betrothed to Edmure to secure ties. The crown's debts to House Lannister are null and void.

In this case we secure the Westerlander army being raised for Stannis. No Lannister blood is spilled, but they are weakened and cede the throne in exchange for a better chance of their house surviving.


This is Cersei. She won't ever go for that. Though the Golden Tooth being part of the Riverlands is very tempting indeed...
[X] Plan CM 1.0
-[] Jaime will be exchanged for Ned, Sansa and any of his men still imprisoned by Lannisters. The other noble hostages stay with the army as 'insurance'. Tyrion and Kevan's sons' release can be negotiated if Cersei makes a counter-offer.
-[] The North and Riverlands will also receive fair compensation directly from Casterly Rock's coffers for the damage caused and men lost.
-[] You will also be given back Ice, that book 'proving' Cersei's incest and Littlefinger's head right the hell now.
-[] The Northern host will not march on King's Landing.

Huh I skimmed over the Littlefinger's head part, s/o to Ves for mentioning it.
Guys, this isn't our war. And even if it is, we've won. If they come back for us after we let them go, who cares? We can crush them again, and increase our legend. Therefore:

[X] An escort for Ned, Sansa, any of our surviving household (if still alive), and Barristan, along with whatever personal items of ours we want (from Ice to Sansa's dresses, for all I care). We also want Baelish and Varys in chains with us.
-[X] Weregild for any of our household killed by the Lannisters.
-[X] In exchange, we give them back Kevan's sons and Jaime, and withdraw our army to the Riverlands.
-[X] Exchange of prisoners to take place halfway between our army and King's Landing, with Robb bringing as large an escort as he wants.
-[X] If they want Tywin, Tyrion, any of the others, etc. that is to be agreed upon with further negotiations once we're back with our army.
-[X] We won't execute any of the hostages who haven't committed obvious crimes until further negotiation (so we can't execute Tyrion, for example, but we can execute Gregor).

This gives the two strongest negotiators (Kevan and Cersei) the people they want, while also not costing them anything except money, and also letting them keep playing at ruling the kingdom until Stannis or Renly attack them, while getting us out of there alive, with what we need, which is what we wanted.

And if anyone comes at us asking for things for free, well, we still have lots of valuable hostages, a large army with elite cavalry in a central position from which it can threaten either King's Landing or the Westerlands, and all our people. Personally, I want Ned and Cat to crown Robb King of the North and Rivers, but that can wait until we see how things pan out with Renly, Stannis and the Lannisters.

People could vote for this by voting for your name, but a plan name might help.
Actually, what would people think about marrying Alyssane Lefford to Robb instead of Edmure? That would strengthen ties all around.
Actually, what would people think about marrying Alyssane Lefford to Robb instead of Edmure? That would strengthen ties all around.
Mmmm, wouldn't be against it, she's probably a strong woman, a good match for Robb, however she is a westerner and a southerner which won't make her popular, and not to mention it'll be hard to rule the Golden Tooth from the North

Anyway I think Baelish will probably flee to the Vale, if he vanishes from the city we will need to inform all the Vale Lords we can by raven that Baelish knew about Joffrey and actively betrayed Lord Stark. Knowing Lysa she'll harbour him and that might kick off a civil war due to the love many Vale Lords hold for Lord Stark....
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This is a vote about negotiation with Cersei, not Barristan.

Unless you're implying she can make him do what she wants, in which case I'd like to point out what happened to Mandon Moore.
Not really, what I meant is that since he has saved Ned and Sansa Lives, we should include in the deal that he will be allowed to leave King´s Landing safely and that he will not be punished for the actions in the Sept of Valor.

If we were dealing with someone honorable, Barristan´s safety would be taken for granted, but with Cersei and Joffrey in command better safe than sorry...
Actually, what would people think about marrying Alyssane Lefford to Robb instead of Edmure? That would strengthen ties all around.

Difficult to sell to the Northern lords. Catelyn Stark is already a Southron. Now the heir to Winterfell marrying South again? And not even a good Riverlander woman but someone from the Westerlands? It's a no go.
Difficult to sell to the Northern lords. Catelyn Stark is already a Southron. Now the heir to Winterfell marrying South again? And not even a good Riverlander woman but someone from the Westerlands? It's a no go.

Marrying North seems like a good idea, honestly, -and if you would excuse my language- fuck the South and it's politic, plotting, etc etc...
Not really, what I meant is that since he has saved Ned and Sansa Lives, we should include in the deal that he will be allowed to leave King´s Landing safely and that he will not be punished for the actions in the Sept of Valor.

If we were dealing with someone honorable, Barristan´s safety would be taken for granted, but with Cersei and Joffrey in command better safe than sorry...
Again, I'd like to see them try after he gutted a Kingsguard like a fish.

If that doesn't satisfy you for some reason, I'll point out this - with knowledge that Barristan will join Daenerys' side, do we really want to see this murdermachine live?
[X] Plan CM 1.0

This is the strongest plan right now, but has a major hole. Specifically it doesn't address what will happen to Tywin. Cersei will want that ironed out.
In not addressing Tywin, it addresses Tywin.

He will remain a hostage until hostilities are completely ended, and this entire affair is resolved.
If he's not mentioned in the deal, obviously it means he stays a hostage.
True, but wouldn't Cersei want some clause that allows for Tywin's eventual release, or at least guaranteed safety? Something solid to cling her hopes on.
Want the Golden Tooth region for the North.

Dat sweet shiny gold.
Force Lord Lefford to marry his daughter to Edmure when we go and let Robb run rampant through the West. It's close to Riverun so it's more manageable for him, Edmure is less valuable than Robb at the moment and it ties the Golden Tooth to an actual Riverlord, the Future Lord Paramount no less
Force Lord Lefford to marry his daughter to Edmure when we go and let Robb run rampant through the West. It's close to Riverun so it's more manageable for him, Edmure is less valuable than Robb at the moment and it ties the Golden Tooth to an actual Riverlord, the Future Lord Paramount no less
But we don't want that horndog Edmure getting all that precious gold! GOLD FOR THE STARKS. Srsly. Then invest it. Like how Jon and Eddard II did in And Now My Watch is Ended.

GOLD. I blame this song. It won't leave my head.>_<