Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

With the points made above kept in mind, here it is (feel free to make adjustments):

[X] Plan Neutrality
-[X] Ned, Sansa, Ice and any still living men of our household are exchanged for Jaime and Kevan's sons.
-[X] Robb's army will withdraw to the Riverlands, thus giving the Lannisters a chance to deal with the Baratheons.
-[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Lannister men can be ransomed back. Tywin goes last.
-[X] Somewhat high but bearable reparations for all the losses.
-[X] As long as Cersei's line are on the throne, the North and all territories under its rule don't acknowledge the King of the Iron Throne as their sovereign.

Remove the last line and its perfect. A simple hostage swap with reparations given to the winning side.

[X] Plan Neutrality
Guys, this isn't our war. And even if it is, we've won. If they come back for us after we let them go, who cares? We can crush them again, and increase our legend. Therefore:

[X] An escort for Ned, Sansa, any of our surviving household (if still alive), and Barristan, along with whatever personal items of ours we want (from Ice to Sansa's dresses, for all I care). We also want Baelish and Varys in chains with us.
-[X] Weregild for any of our household killed by the Lannisters.
-[X] In exchange, we give them back Kevan's sons and Jaime, and withdraw our army to the Riverlands.
-[X] Exchange of prisoners to take place halfway between our army and King's Landing, with Robb bringing as large an escort as he wants.
-[X] If they want Tywin, Tyrion, any of the others, etc. that is to be agreed upon with further negotiations once we're back with our army.
-[X] We won't execute any of the hostages who haven't committed obvious crimes until further negotiation (so we can't execute Tyrion, for example, but we can execute Gregor).

This gives the two strongest negotiators (Kevan and Cersei) the people they want, while also not costing them anything except money, and also letting them keep playing at ruling the kingdom until Stannis or Renly attack them, while getting us out of there alive, with what we need, which is what we wanted.

And if anyone comes at us asking for things for free, well, we still have lots of valuable hostages, a large army with elite cavalry in a central position from which it can threaten either King's Landing or the Westerlands, and all our people. Personally, I want Ned and Cat to crown Robb King of the North and Rivers, but that can wait until we see how things pan out with Renly, Stannis and the Lannisters.

We're just giving her enough rope to hang herself - I'm sure she will believe her chances to win the war are still high enough after Jaime's release, so she won't object too much.
I'm more opposed to explicitly saying it as part of the deal. Leaving it as implicit is not a problem and her fault if she does not realize it. Also at this point I would want us to pull into a defensive pattern and let. The Westerlands and Reach drain their strength
[X] Plan Neutrality

Added benefit of making the Lannisters the Baratheons' problem. I can live with this.
With the points made above kept in mind, here it is (feel free to make adjustments):

[X] Plan Neutrality
-[X] Ned, Sansa, Ice and any still living men of our household are exchanged for Jaime and Kevan's sons.
-[X] Robb's army will withdraw to the Riverlands, thus giving the Lannisters a chance to deal with the Baratheons.
-[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Lannister men can be ransomed back. Tywin goes last.
-[X] Somewhat high but bearable reparations for all the losses.
-[X] As long as Cersei's line are on the throne, the North and all territories under its rule don't acknowledge the King of the Iron Throne as their sovereign.


We can demand high reparations, the Lannisters can afford it plus we want to drain their reserves so they don't have an easy time to fund a new army with sellswords.
Don't ask for Baelish and Varys in chains, they will just use their connections to escape somehow. I wouldn't trust them to die unless they're called upon without warning and killed immediately.
I'm more opposed to explicitly saying it as part of the deal. Leaving it as implicit is not a problem and her fault if she does not realize it. Also at this point I would want us to pull into a defensive pattern and let. The Westerlands and Reach drain their strength
Fiiiiiiiiine, it's done.
Guys, this isn't our war. And even if it is, we've won. If they come back for us after we let them go, who cares?
inb4 Lannister join forces with Euron Greyjoy, Melisandre and the Summer Islands to wage war on us.

More seriosuly, I'd love to skidaddle back to the North. I simply don't trust Stannis or Renly not to fuck up.
Sending Tywin to Dorne is something the Lannisters will never accept. The idea is ludicrous.

Cersei was prepared to kill the court, her children and herself before surrendering to Stannis in canon.

And that was when she couldn't delude herself into thinking reinforcements were just a bit away.

Mind you, she knew Joffrey and her children would be killed. There was no good option for her there.
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Remove the last line and its perfect. A simple hostage swap with reparations given to the winning side.

[X] Plan Neutrality

I fear that I can't get rid of the last line. With Ned publicly declaring that they are bastards, how can he then justify bowing to them? He can't. It would be too OOC and would undermine everything he said.
See whatever we chose needs to leave us the freedom to act on the situation. What I see is the North-Riverlands army assuming a defensive posture and waiting to see what happens to the south. End goal has to be removing the Lannisters from power, but if we can let the reach do the bleeding instead of us all the better.

Edit- to clarify that means getting our assets out without commuting to peace or support or anything else.
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I fear that I can't get rid of the last line. With Ned publicly declaring that they are bastards, how can he then justify bowing to them? He can't. It would be too OOC and would undermine everything he said.
He isn't swearing no oath of fealty at all and its implicit that war will break out if the Lannisters try it. No need to grandstand when its obvious both sides know war will happen again. This is Cersei buying us off until she can deal with the Baratheons which Kevan knows will end in failure. The goal here for both sides is to switch hostages and focus on other things (Balon will still attack us).
See whatever we chose needs to leave is the freedom to act on the situation. What I see is the North-Riverlands army assuming a defensive posture and waiting to see what happens to the south. End goal has to be removing the Lannisters from power, but if we can let the reach do the bleeding instead of us all the better.

We can hopefully use that time to fortify the heck out of our territories.

We can demand high reparations, the Lannisters can afford it plus we want to drain their reserves so they don't have an easy time to fund a new army with sellswords.

The reparations in my plan are mostly to appease our lords and men. I believe that they will probably be a case for the dice gods in how high they go. In the end, they are what we can best give up in this situation/can best adjust to a lower or higher amount to get our other demands through.

He isn't swearing no oath of fealty at all and its implicit that war will break out if the Lannisters try it. No need to grandstand when its obvious both sides know war will happen again. This is Cersei buying us off until she can deal with the Baratheons which Kevan knows will end in failure. The goal here for both sides is to switch hostages and focus on other things (Balon will still attack us).

Yeah, war is very likely. But that last demand will appease anyone who heard or heard about Ned's words, is IC and will give us cause to declare independence. Of course, Cersei will not care about it and will want to attack us. But right now, hopefully she'll think: "Yeah, those savages won't bow to my children, but just you wait until I've dealt with all the other traitors and than I'll come and kill you all."

At least it will also give us some time, with the hostages not being exchanged at once. With Tywin going last -- and Cersei always wanting him to acknowledge her -- this will be an additional deterrent for her to not attack us too soon.

@Charcolt, are we negotiating with Cersei or are more reasonable people like Kevan also present?
Secondly, does the fact that we're playing as Ned limit us in regards to the negotiations? Could we actually let Joffrey marry Sansa or some shit like that?

Petyr Baelish, dead or alive?

Who cares about Baelish? If we want him dead, we'll send an assassin. He's not worth giving anything up for him in the negotiations. Revenge is best served cold and we're the Kings of Winter -- we know how to do this. ;)

Edit: Besides, with him ruining KL's economy, he'd even be helping us! :D
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Actually in regards to Baelish we should mention he is the one who indicated Tyrio hired the assassin that went after Bran. Just drop that into conversation, let her realize that and her paranoia at why he was trying to drive conflict between Starks and Lannisters do the rest
Who cares about Baelish? If we want him dead, we'll send an assassin. He's not worth giving anything up for him in the negotiations. Revenge is best served cold and we're the Kings of Winter -- we know how to do this. ;)
Let me guess, this plan ends with Littlefinger walking away from Ned's corpse saying "Carry on with your assassination?"
We can hopefully use that time to fortify the heck out of our territories.

The reparations in my plan are mostly to appease our lords and men. I believe that they will probably be a case for the dice gods in how high they go. In the end, they are what we can best give up in this situation/can best adjust to a lower or higher amount to get our other demands through.

Yeah, war is very likely. But that last demand will appease anyone who heard or heard about Ned's words, is IC and will give us cause to declare independence. Of course, Cersei will not care about it and will want to attack us. But right now, hopefully she'll think: "Yeah, those savages won't bow to my children, but just you wait until I've dealt with all the other traitors and than I'll come and kill you all."

At least it will also give us some time, with the hostages not being exchanged at once. With Tywin going last -- and Cersei always wanting him to acknowledge her -- this will be an additional deterrent for her to not attack us too soon.

Who cares about Baelish? If we want him dead, we'll send an assassin. He's not worth giving anything up for him in the negotiations. Revenge is best served cold and we're the Kings of Winter -- we know how to do this. ;)

Edit: Besides, with him ruining KL's economy, he'd even be helping us! :D
The whole point of the negotiations is to swotch hostages and have a period of peace. So why throw in a declaration of war that Cersei will be forced to respond to? Its implicit war will happen because we won't swear an oath to them so why shout it out?Lets get our gold and let Cersei think she won while we build ourselves up with Lannister gold to face Balon and possibly annex the Iron Islands while she and the Baratheons rip each other apart.
Let me guess, this plan ends with Littlefinger walking away from Ned's corpse saying "Carry on with your assassination?"

If none of our people are in KL, why should Littlefinger be able to act against Ned? He didn't the last decade until he actually had the chance to influence us through Lysa. But as any trust we have in Lysa should be about zero right now, there's no chance of that. And assassins are always possible from any directions, not just Littlefinger's. So, sure, Ned could mention Littlefinger pointing his finger at the Lannisters and perhaps Cersei would actually do something about him. But he's not worth losing something else in this negotiation.

The whole point of the negotiations is to swotch hostages and have a period of peace. So why throw in a declaration of war that Cersei will be forced to respond to? Its implicit war will happen because we won't swear an oath to them so why shout it out?Lets get our gold and let Cersei think she won while we build ourselves up with Lannister gold to face Balon and possibly annex the Iron Islands while she and the Baratheons rip each other apart.

We won't declare independence. We'll just not acknowledge the bastard as our sovereign. There's a difference. Joffrey can still tell all and sundry that he's the King of the Iron Throne and also of the North. We'll be our own kingdom de facto, but not de jure.

Also, now that I'm thinking it...pity Robb couldn't conquer the Golden Tooth before this went down. That castle as our western border would have been good...
[X] Plan Neutrality 1.1
-[X] Ned, Sansa, Ice and any still living men of our household are exchanged for Jaime and Kevan's sons.
-[X] Robb's army will withdraw to the Riverlands, thus giving the Lannisters a chance to deal with the Baratheons.
-[X] If, after a year, no Lannister attacks happen upon our territories, then Tywin and Tyrion can be ransomed back. The various other nobility can be ransomed back immediately. -[X] High reparations from the Westerlands and the Iron Throne.
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