Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

Whatever offer you make here will be considered by the Lannisters (and the dice gods). They may fiddle with your terms and throw in some of their own, particularly if the offer is too lopsided in your favor. You'll then be given a chance to vote yes or no on that deal. Because you all wanted to save Ned you've sacrificed some agency at this stage (independence, supporting other claimants) but might regain it at a later stage.

And yes, Yoren has brought Arya to Robb's camp. She and Gendry won't be accompanying him to the Wall.
whatever we do, please keep in mind that the rock is loaded with gold. so we have to demand as much of it as possible in return for the prisoners.
Guys guys guys.


We have the advantage here, but it would be out of character for Ned to abuse it and pushing too hard will result in Casterly Rock going to war.

We have to be able to justify our decisions legally at least.

Tywin, as far as I can remember, is guilty of nothing more than believing his grandson was the legitimate king. He's super dangerous, but we can't really justify more than ransom.

Jaime IS guilty of incest, cuckolding the king, and putting a bastard on the throne. Execution or taking the Black.

Cersei is the same as Jaime plus possible regicide. Unfortunately, she's the one we are negotiating with. Best we can hope is she joins a convent.

Tyrion is similar to his dad as far as we are concerned. Ransom.

Cersei's children are guilty of nothing except disgusting parentage. Joffrey is a psychopathic monster, but has done nothing but try and take what he believed to be his rightful thrown. And they are the most important bargaining chips. I think our best bet is to make them wards of various lords.

Gregor Clegane. A monster and criminal. Technically we could offer him the Black but it would piss off the Riverlands. Execution. Possibly in Dorne.
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A few dangerous assumptions have been made:
  1. This isn't negotiating a surrender. Cersei may be desperate, but she thinks she can win this. Otherwise she would have either killed herself and her children or fled to Essos.
  2. Terms such as Joffrey being killed or taking the black will be outright anathema to her. She is demented when it comes to protecting her children.
  3. The Tyrells will never drop Renly for Robb. Even if Renly didn't have close connections with the family, he's a potential king, while Robb is the heir to the frozen ass-end of Westeros.
Cersei's children are guilty of nothing except disgusting parentage. Joffrey is a psychopathic monster, but has done nothing but try and take what he believed to be his rightful thrown. And they are the most important bargaining chips. I think our best bet is to make them wards of various lords.
This is something I absolutely refuse to budge on. Joffrey might not have done anything yet, but he claimed to be king when he had no right to the throne. We have to completely remove him from succession by any means. He has to go to the Wall.
Guys guys guys.


We have the advantage here, but it would be out of character for Ned to abuse it and pushing to hard will result in Casterly Rock going to war.

We have to be able to justify our decisions legally at least.

Tywin, as far as I can remember, is guilty of nothing more than believing his grandson was the legitimate king. He's super dangerous, but we can't really justify more than ransom.

Jaime IS guilty of incest, cuckolding the king, and putting a bastard on the throne. Execution or taking the Black.

Cersei is the same as Jaime plus possible regicide. Unfortunately, she's the one we are negotiating with. Best we can hope is she joins a convent.

Tyrion is similar to his dad as far as we are concerned. Ransom.

Cersei's children are guilty of nothing except disgusting parentage. Joffrey is a psychopathic monster, but has done nothing but try and take what he believed to be his rightful thrown. And they are the most important bargaining chips. I think our best bet is to make them wards of various lords.

Gregor Clegane. A monster and criminal. Technically we could offer him the Black but it would piss off the Riverlands. Execution. Possibly in Dorne.

We cannot actually punish them for their crimes, since we're not the authority in King's Landing, Joffrey is still King. So I don't think Ned is in any position to send people to the Wall or execute them. Only those that Robb hold, and commanding him to send Jaime to the wall is going to be taken as an insult by Joffrey and Cersei.
[] "Tywin and Gregor are to be sent to Dorne. You will flee to Essos with your children and a thousand gold dragons, to be taken back from Lannister vaults later. I mean, even if we leave you here in King's Landing, the Stormlander, Reach, and possibly the Dornish army - now that the defeat of the Lannisters is certain - will come to crush you. Tyrion will be released and made Lord of the Westerlands and rest of the PoW will also be released. Jaime can go to the Night's Watch if he confesses to fathering your kids, which will automatically remove them from any line of succession."
-[]When she asks how she can trust us: "Need I remind you that I am a man of my word, and also don't want your children to suffer for your sins."
-[]Add whatever monetary/land deals are appropriate for repaying the damage their pillaging cost, and then some, to be paid to the Riverlanders and the Starks.
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We cannot actually punish them for their crimes, since we're not the authority in King's Landing, Joffrey is still King. So I don't think Ned is in any position to send people to the Wall or execute them. Only those that Robb hold, and commanding him to send Jaime to the wall is going to be taken as an insult by Joffrey and Cersei.
We've been told that the Crown lands aren't really willing to fight Robb (assuming we don't start pillaging).
We are effectively negotiating with the Lannisters to avoid further war. Cersei is just the last person capable of negotiating on her family's behalf.
Tywin, as far as I can remember, is guilty of nothing more than believing his grandson was the legitimate king. He's super dangerous, but we can't really justify more than ransom.
He ordered the Mountain to rape and pillage in the Riverlands. So Hoster Tully has full authority to execute him. Plus it would be foolish to let him return to be Lord of the Westerlands after humiliating him like this. You don't want that man holding a grudge against you.
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We want:
  • Eddard and Sansa freed.
  • Ice returned
  • Baelish, dead or alive.
  • Reparations for damage caused in the Riverlands and against House Stark and their vassals... basically a fuckload of money/gold/silver.
  • Joffrey sent to the Wall or killed, they can decide.
  • Myrcella and Tommen disinherited. Possibly given to the faith(?)
  • Tywin Lannister sent to the Wall.
  • The transfer of the Golden Tooth and associated mines to House Stark.(?)
We'll give them:
  • Jaime Lannister, sans his arm. Disinherited, regardless of whether he continues as a Kingsguard.
  • Martyn and Willem, the sons of Kevan Lannister.
  • Some minor Westerland nobles.
  • Not killing them all. Truly, we're magnanimous in victory.
  • The release of Tyrion Lannister, the heir and soon to be Lord of Casterly Rock, pending the transfer of a large sum of gold.(?)
The places where I've put (?) are places where I'm not quite sure what to do.
We want:
  • Eddard and Sansa freed.
  • Ice returned
  • Baelish, dead or alive.
  • Reparations for damage caused in the Riverlands and against House Stark and their vassals... basically a fuckload of money/gold/silver.
  • Joffrey sent to the Wall or killed, they can decide.
  • Myrcella and Tommen disinherited. Possibly given to the faith(?)
  • Tywin Lannister sent to the Wall.
  • The transfer of the Golden Tooth and associated mines to House Stark.(?)
We'll give them:
  • Jaime Lannister, sans his arm. Disinherited, regardless of whether he continues as a Kingsguard.
  • Martyn and Willem, the sons of Kevan Lannister.
  • Some minor Westerland nobles.
  • Not killing them all. Truly, we're magnanimous in victory.
  • The release of Tyrion Lannister, the heir and soon to be Lord of Casterly Rock, pending the transfer of a large sum of gold.(?)
The places where I've put (?) are places where I'm not quite sure what to do.

You keep thinking Cersei has acknowledged defeat.

She hasn't.

These are not terms of surrender in her mind, and unfortunately she hasn't lost all the cards.

On top of that, she's probably hoping we kill Tyrion, just so she can inherit the Rock.
Evrything go in war,
do you remenber we are rebelle
i know that stark is a good men
but its war
Perhaps we should try to end the war quickly so that we can concentrate on the White Walkers. Here's what I suggest:

[X]Ned negotiates a truce between Stannis and the Lannisters. Stannis takes the throne but his daughter marries Tommen so he will be the next king.
In return for Stannis's cooperation, the North and the Lannisters will help him fight off Renly.
Ned proclaims that only Joffrey, not Myrcella or Tommen, is a product of incest.
Myrcella marries Robb so we know the Lannisters don't stab us in the back at the closest opportunity.
Jaime takes the black and Cersei joins a convent.
Tywin and Tyrion gets released in exchange for Ned and Sansa.
They give us Ice back.
The Lannisters pay us a good chunk of gold in reparations.
Also, Baelish gets executed.
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You keep thinking Cersei has acknowledged defeat.

She hasn't.

These are not terms of surrender in her mind, and unfortunately she hasn't lost all the cards.

On top of that, she's probably hoping we kill Tyrion, just so she can inherit the Rock.
Did we read the same update? Cersei has basically prostrated herself to us. We're offering her the life of her family, something that neither Stannis nor Renly will do.
Additionally, Cersei will not actually inherit the Rock until we kill Tyrion, which I don't plan to do. After Tywin is sent to the Wall, Tyrion can basically order the payment himself.
Gregor remains in our custody to do as we see fit, Tyrion we can hold as a hostage to get more from Cereal. What we should want is Ned, Sansa, Ice, and any survivors released and the bones of all those that did not survive.

All this making Joffery take the black, she is not going to go for it and besides they have Stannis and Renly to worry about as well both of whom would want to get rid of Joffery.
Did we read the same update? Cersei has basically prostrated herself to us. We're offering her the life of her family, something that neither Stannis nor Renly will do.
Additionally, Cersei will not actually inherit the Rock until we kill Tyrion, which I don't plan to do. After Tywin is sent to the Wall, Tyrion can basically order the payment himself.

Yes, we have. The update where it specifically says the Lannisters are not out for the count just yet, and Cersei is trying to turn us against Stannis.

If you're citing Cersei spreading her legs for us, she spreads her legs for goddamn minor hit jobs.
Jaime for Sansa
Tywin for Ned
We keep Tyrion as ward.
Ice and Reparations to the Riverlands, for the North remaining neutral between Joffrey and his uncles.
Tyrion would make an aweful hostage/ward, Tywin and Cersei don't care about him when it comes down to it.

Gregor goes to Dorne.
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If we want to truly get the upper hand in further negotiations, just command Robb march towards King's Landing and siege it. THEN even Renly and Stannis will come to us for terms (i.e. "Nice you are doing this, but in the name of which King are you doing it, huh?").