[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
Adhoc vote count started by prince84 on Jul 20, 2017 at 10:14 AM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of you minion's actions.
-[X] Moving In
I just wrote most of the turn and then realized that the options cost more M than we had luckily we had Spare G so I had Lesley go out and (Shudder) buy the missing materials but to prevent this in the future I ask that you add as Cost tally at the end of your plan.
[X] Moving In: The Light has proven that you can not trust it to not attack your home so you decided to move without their consent. This will likely anger them but you do not care. (Pick 1)
-[X] Underground Cistern: The Sanctuary was built on the ruins of an older human city and traces of it remain below ground. An example of this is a giant underground cistern that nowadays stands bone dry with the reconstruction and changes in the weather. It would make a secure base though costly to bring up to your standards.
Building: Underground Cistern
Area: Shadow Sanctuary
Rooms: 9 (5 would be filled by transferring your current rooms)
-Unexpected Access: All Hunting actions auto succeed first roll and combat missions start with an ambush bonus
-Sturdy Walls: Attacks on your base can not be ambushes
-Underground Access: You know it has an entrance to unexplored underground spaces (Gain Explore underground option)
-Building new rooms costs more (It is a big empty space you have to build everything)
-Added cost to moving in
-Beyond The Gate: The access to the underground is behind a reinforced heavy iron gate. Why did it need such a gate?
Cost: 25M, 5G
Difficulty: 25 Rolled 46+50=96 Success
Reward: Active Lair Changed to Underground Cistern
[X] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of your minion's actions.
-[X]Moving In
Cost: 0
Difficulty: Autosuccess
Reward: Adds your stat bonus to general action, Can change the way the action is handled.
As you did not have all the materials needed to make the cistern livable but staying in your old home is unacceptable you went out and purchased the remaining needed materials. While this will been seen as an unusual action in the community you are hopeful that any agents of the Light will think you are using them to repair your old home.
According to your master drudge work used to be one of the major uses for undead outside of battle and were very good at it. This is the only reason you were not surprised at the amount of work your undead could do under your leadership.
That is not to say everything went without incident. You found out that you were not the only one who viewed the cistern as prime real estate, as a small pack of Rodents Of Unusual Sized had moved in shortly after you had moved in. They showed no real interest in fighting so you…
(Pick 1)
[] Let them escape.
[] Killed them anyway. (Tutorial Battle)
In the end you have your new lair is set up and you no longer have to worry (as much) about the Light sending soldiers after you while you sleep.
Gained: Cistern Lair (Active), Ransacked home and workshop now (Inactive)
Lost: Extra 10G
[X] Mend Spell: If you are going to war you will need to be able to repair your forces on the go. The basic spell for that is Mend and while you have not learned it yet your master did go over its basic so all you have to do is put them into practice.
Cost: 1G, 3P
Difficulty: 55 Rolled 34+50=84 Success
Reward: Mend Spell LV1: Heal/repair damage to your units equal to ½ your Arcane stat.
The Mend spell is considered one of the basics of necromancy for good reason. Not only is it one of the most used spells in the discipline but it is also one of the simplest. So it was no surprise that once you start to put your theoretical knowledge of the spell into practice it quickly takes shape or more correctly puts the zombie you hacked apart back into shape.
Gained: Mend Spell LV1: Heal/repair damage to your units equal to ½ your Arcane stat.
You draw your zombies into what passes for their battle formation as Rodents Of Unusual Size (R.O.U.S.) begin to crawl out of various corners and pipes.
There are two groups each composed of five R.O.U.S. As you have scared them the second group will flee if you take more than 10 combat turns (two post) to defeat the first group.
Each side takes its turn simultaneously unless under the effect of a trait or boost that states otherwise.
Each type of being is group together in battle as a unit that acts as one.
Each unit possesses its own list of actions
Each battle post is made up of 5 in battle turns.
Each unit has a HP equal to the number of beings in it modified by traits.
Each attack each turn is your attack VS their defence and their attack VS your defence. (Bonuses added where and when they are relevant.)
Defending removes your attack roll and adds it to your defence total
Each post's battle plan is made by using three priorities. If the first priority can not be done the action moves down the list.
Example Lesley: Mend//Use (name) item/Attack.
If there is no damaged unit she will not cast mend and try to used the named item. If the named item would have no effect or was already used up she would attack instead. This sets the priority for the five turns in the next post.
Allied Forces
10 Zombies
If minions defeated automatically retreats
+5 to defense rolls per 10 Zombies
+5 to attack rolls per 10 Skeletons
Enemy Forces
5 R.O.U.S.
5 R.O.U.S.
Scared= -10 to all rolls
Vermin= Immune to Poison and Disease damage
Unit Actions
Use Item
Cast Spell
Magic Missile LV1: 1 guaranteed hit at Arcane strength.
Defect LV1: For 1 turn all missile based attacks suffer -10 debuff against your units.
Mend LV1: Heal/repair damage to your units equal to ½ your Arcane stat.
Escape (Attempt to escape the battle)
Distract (Draws 1 extra attack onto the unit)