You shrug, she didn't ask for your opinion but your support, so you'll give it. Even if you hate the idea of going across the desert.
"Of course Bayushi-sama." You say.
Sora nods, as if on some level glad that you didn't make a fight of this.
"Thank you, we'll head towards the oasis."
"Hai, how will Brother Jubei know to go over there though?" You ask.
Sora tilts her head, an equivalent of a shrug.
"I presume you have an answer?"
You think for a moment.
"We have two skilled shugenja, granted neither of them are great friends with the Air Kami between the two of them, something should be doable Bayushi-sama."
"Very well"
And with that you begin your track across the hot desert plateau, the heat beating down on you, even Sora eventually for practicality gives up her body suit, revealing the traditionally handsome woman underneath. For your part, you feel like you'll go mad if you don't distract yourself from the heat. You take a sip of water and walk beside Izu, who is of course shirtless and wearing a set of pants, but nothing else.
He looks over to you.
"I see that a bird with untrimmed feathers suffers from the heat."
"Izu-san, you don't need to talk like that around me you know."
"I know, but I like talking like that around people."
"...Are you saying that Ise Zumi talk in nonsense to...get a rise out of people?"
"The humble mouse never tells the cat that there is a hole in the wall until he is inside it."
"So yes"
"I never said that"
"You didn't deny it either."
"True enough, alright for your sake I'll desist. What does Megumi-san wish from this humble mendicant?"
"A distraction if I am being honest, mostly I just wish to talk with my friend is that so wrong?"
"I suppose not, but in truth there is not much to discuss since your revelation, while I doubt we'll be attacked before tomorrow, it remains the truth that we will have to fight attackers coming in until the oasis, and even there we will be assaulted."
"Are you worried?"
"To walk with life is to walk with death, I am not worried, but I am understanding of our position. We all die, the question is how."
"I want us all to come through this and live." You say looking down at the sand.
"We all want that, but that is not in the cards as the fortune tellers say."
"You seem fatalistic."
"On the contrary, I am free"
"...I don't follow."
"Why do you not want to die?"
"Because it means I have failed my duty, it means that I let down everyone, it means I can't do the things I want."
"And yet, if you die, you will be judged as good and given another chance to fulfil your destiny in another life. There is no end, there is no beginning, there is merely the Dance"
" because you know you can try until you get it right, you don't mind death?"
"If you want to put it that way, yes."
"You've changed a lot since her..."
"My sensei reached my old self, but if you're asking whether or not I still enjoy women...then yes I do, but I no longer need to fill the empty void with the embrace of a beautiful woman"
"But you still would if one asked?" You ask dryly
"It would be rude not to help a woman in need" He says in response.
With well practised wit you and he begin to tease each other, neither truly meaning it, and the day although still hot passed quicker for it. You opt to spend the next day doing much the same, but sometime in the afternoon as you were about to subtly imply that he was more a cactus flower than a lotus your instincts screamed to get down as people appear on the edge of your vision.
Without thought you drag Izu down, you see a barrage of arrows where you stood, others are also down, Sora standing over the body of Yukiko, and Kyoko collapsing to the ground with arrows pointing out of her every which way.
"Kyoko!" You shout heading over to her.
The arrows haven't hit anything serious, but she can't move. You put your hand on your sword and rise looking around for the attackers...but they're already running away. You see Sora take a knee and shoot twin arrows into the backs of two of them. You concentrate and draw twice, the sand coming in a shower of dust as you cut into two more.
You almost chase after them before Sora yells at you to stop. You grunt and take a position around Kyoko, watching anxiously as Yukiko begins work on the fire shugenja. Izu and Ayeko join you.
"We can't be hit by that was only luck that let us react in time to make sure it wasn't worth" Sora says.
"How did they find us so quickly though?" Ayako wonders.
It was a fair question, given the circumstances, Sagon knowing you had left, but which you went? That should have taken more time. After all Sora had completely changed the plans. For a while you wait for Yukiko to fix Kyoko, who offers her own answer.
"...Long range communication, always had a group in the desert for this...merely directed them based on our tracks."
"So this will happen again unless we move faster."
All eyes look at Yukiko, she's grown in power since your journey from the monastery.
"I may be able to cast a water spell even in this heat...but we'll be running nearly blind, a leader will have to guide us and react in time to avoid any obstacles" she says finally.
"Someone with good perception and some reflexes should do it. Which means Megumi-san or you Iuchi-san" Izu says.
Sora looks torn, on the one hand you are essentially a walking ambush detector, and very vast when you put your mind to it. But you're not as good at seeing things normally as Yukiko is.
"Iuchi-san are there other risks with this spell?"
" powerful enough that I will likely need to rest for a day or so after casting" Yukiko admits.
"I'm not sure I like that." Ayeko says.
"Do you have another idea?" Sora asks, mildly testy.
"They're following our tracks right? Then we need to cut south to the mountains and lose them in one of the valleys."
"That will add weeks to our travel time" Kyoko says instantly doing the math.
"It will, but we will be able to make up time by hugging the Spine of the World, and we can avoid the roads." Ayeko declares.
She might be right.
Sora seems on the fence about it.
[] Volunteer for Yukiko's Spell.
[] We'll make a further detour, support Ayeko's idea.
[] Write in?