And cue Ned falling into depression because he failed to save his daughter.The thing is that most of the people likes Ned a lot more than Sansa, so I have taken the option that may save Ned´s life, even if we put Sansa in danger.
Aside from that, last time there was no army marching undisputed to King´s LandingI fear Ned is becoming/channeling his father here with a trail by combat.
Joffree should be wary, the last time a Stark issued a trial by combat, it didn't end well for the King that ignored it then.
And execute Sansa as well. But at this point the thread is dead-set on Ned not giving a false confession even if it puts Sansa in the firing line, so we're fighting a lost battle there.
Barristan is, according to canon, among the crowd, he literally can´t be nearer...
The thing is that most of the people likes Ned a lot more than Sansa, so I have taken the option that may save Ned´s life, even if we put Sansa in danger.
Kill Tywin and Jamie, Sack King's Landing.
If they kill Ned and Sansa they have zero leverage over us, so we retaliate and execute every hostage we have, then proceed to take King's Landing and then abandon the city to whichever Baratheon happens to win.
Nah, that's what the Lannisters did in the last war. King's Landing people did nothing to us. Let's just focus on exterminating the "royal" family.
Oh yeah, the Westerlands are a perfect target for our wrath. I'm just not keen on sacking King's Landing because that might turn the Baratheons against us. They don't want a burnt husk of a city--We should also take the opportunity to ravage the countryside of the Westerlands as much as possible, we could put Roose Bolton in charge and order him to cause as much terror and devastation as he possibly can and to get creative.
I also agree t we should avoid sacking King´s Landing.Oh yeah, the Westerlands are a perfect target for our wrath. I'm just not keen on sacking King's Landing because that might turn the Baratheons against us. They don't want a burnt husk of a city--
Wait. That's all the more reason not to sack King's Landing.
If we start fires there's a chance they'll reach Aerys' wildfyre caches. Boom, there goes our army.
We can also lay siege to King's Landing with strict orders to our army not to pillage, loot, burn, or otherwise harm the civilians. If we starve the city out we get dead Cersei and Joffrey without sacrificing our army to green flames.We could threaten to not stop ravaging the Westerlands unless they give us what we want.
No arguments on my part, so long as we avoid blowing ourselves up.I also agree t we should avoid sacking King´s Landing.
But the Red Keep is a perfectly viable target...
And maybe let Bolton flay some people as to scared them into surrender.We can also lay siege to King's Landing with strict orders to our army not to pillage, loot, burn, or otherwise harm the civilians. If we starve the city out we get dead Cersei and Joffrey without sacrificing our army to green flames.
Alternatively we have crannogmen slip in during the dead of night, sneak into the Red Keep, and slit the Lannisters' throats.
No arguments on my part, so long as we avoid blowing ourselves up.
There's the ancient ban on flaying that I'm not too keen on lifting (I mean, he flays in private, but I don't want to legitimize it), so we could just give him the go-ahead for everything else.
This is why I'm backing trial by combat. Dramatic miracles like Barristan the Bold leaping from the crowd, staff in hand, to declare himself our champion would be incredibly cool, but that's not the option at hand. Right now it's all about stretching out the moment of truth for as long as possible. If we can keep this going until Kevan gets back to the Red Keep, we're in a stronger position than we are right now.The trial by combat is the only thing that might save him for a time, at least. Nothing's more important to Joffrey than looking like a good and just king. His image would suffer if he doesn't allow for the trial by combat.
IIRC technically flaying is banned only in the North due to the old rivalry between Starks and Boltons. It's still frowned upon in the South, but it should be possible.There's the ancient ban on flaying that I'm not too keep on lifting (I mean, he flays in private, but I don't want to legitimize it)
I don't think flaying is actually legal in the south, especially since Jaehaerys I gave all kingdoms except Dorne a unified code of law.IIRC technically flaying is banned only in the North due to the old rivalry between Starks and Boltons. It's still frowned upon in the South, but it should be possible.
Just saying that if we want to send a message to not fuck with Robb, we may have a method.![]()
Once day, when the sage Nasereddin was visiting the capital city, the Sultan took offense at a joke that was made at his expense and immediately had Nasereddin arrested and imprisoned. Nasereddin begged for forgiveness but the Sultan was furious, and ordered him to be executed the next day. That morning, Nasereddin went before the Sultan and said. "O mighty Sultan, you know me as a man of great wisdom. If you but delay my sentence for a year, I will teach your favorite horse to sing!"