City Building in Middle-Earth

Okay, I've changed my mind. @ctulhuslp @Pirx @ShadowNic94 Just noting you guys that I retract my plan.

[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)

Slower growth, but more balanced development. Okay. It got walls which sate my want for more defense.
[x] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[x] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
[x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[x] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[x] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[x] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[x] Convert to Administrative Center (+5 Taxes)
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
Adhoc vote count started by Spacegnom on Apr 26, 2017 at 9:10 AM, finished with 391 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
    [X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Houses of Healing (-2 Gold, +2 Prosperity)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
    --[X] Add one or two subdivisions and multiple gates to begin moving from a tiered defensive scheme into a more cellular structure.
    -[X] Send messengers to Imladris and to the Havens, letting them know of our survival and how we fare now, and asking if they have any new tidings of the Enemy. Thank them for their aid against the Witch King.
    -[X] Put together a small picked band of men from our Militia and the Chieftain's retinue. These will be the first of our rangers, and they will roam far and wide watching our borders.
    [X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Houses of Healing (-2 Gold, +2 Prosperity)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
    --[X] Add one or two subdivisions and multiple gates to begin moving from a tiered defensive scheme into a more cellular structure.
    [x] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [x] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
    [x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
    [x] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
    [x] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
    --[x] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
    ----[x] Convert to Administrative Center (+5 Taxes)
    [X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Houses of Healing (-2 Gold, +2 Prosperity)
    -[X] Send messengers to Imladris and to the Havens, letting them know of our survival and how we fare now, and asking if they have any new tidings of the Enemy. Thank them for their aid against the Witch King.
    -[X] Put together a small picked band of men from our Militia and the Chieftain's retinue. These will be the first of our rangers, and they will roam far and wide watching our borders.
    [x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
    [x] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    --[x] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
    [x] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[x] Open the docks (Shipbuilding Available - Increased Trade Quantities)
    [X] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Metal (Market Price)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
    [X] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
    ----[X] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
    [X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
[x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)

[x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[x] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
--[x] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[x] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[x] Open the docks (Shipbuilding Available - Increased Trade Quantities)

I'll go with a different sort of plan. The trade let's us continue making stone buildings which saves us wood which can be used to both keep warm, and to build ships whether that's for trade or fishing.

For the buildings I've gone with clearing a farm as it improves our buffer and increases our growth rate, and solves our housing in the short term. The second building I've went with is the mercantile district and woodworker's quarter, as this allows us to start turning our Lebethron into a more expensive product. After that, I went with a stone residential district to allow for more housing and to allow us to build ships.
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
--[X] Build an Outer Wall (-10 Gold. -8 Wood OR -16 Stone)
[X] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
----[X] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[X] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Taxes)
--[X] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
Ha! Called it.

[X] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Metal (Market Price)

I don't think the severe winter will continue this coming year, but it's still a priority to replenish our stores of food, fast. Metal because now that our basic town is settled we need something to give our militia, against the Wildmen leather armour could have been enough, if someone more advanced attacks us, however improbable at this point, it's a must to have metal armour.

[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)

[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)

Stone houses, plus stone walls, in the future if we convert the city centre in a citadel our defences will be quite high. Plus, now we can start to raise animals. If another strong winter comes, we can butcher them if we find ourselves in dire situations.
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
--[X] Build an Outer Wall (-10 Gold. -8 Wood OR -16 Stone)
[X] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
----[X] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[X] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Taxes)
--[X] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
Total cost: -37 Gold, -8 stone, -12 Wood OR -24 Stone
Income unchanged.
Total cost:-12 gold, -10 Stone, -10 Income/turn.
Was this not about building priority?

In which case...
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
[X] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
----[X] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)

I don't understand the trading part of it, so I'm leaving that to people who do.

To be honest, I don't understand the mechanics that this story is using, so my comments are more on things the city should start doing. Like training a civilian militia army in the mornings on one of their off days. Teaching and practicing hoplite formations? Sending away to the Elves (who were a great ally of Arnor) for advisors, both military and civil. So that they can train their own people and become an asset in the future?
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[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
[x] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[x] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
[x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[x] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[x] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[x] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[x] Convert to Administrative Center (+5 Taxes)
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
Once you've converted an area into something specific (especially if it's made of stone), it's difficult to convert to something else and probably won't come up.
Feel free to add 'wait for X surplus' before building to your build order.
Are we able to upgrade it after it's built? e.g. wood to stone.
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
[x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)

[x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[x] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
--[x] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[x] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[x] Open the docks (Shipbuilding Available - Increased Trade Quantities)

I'll go with a different sort of plan. The trade let's us continue making stone buildings which saves us wood which can be used to both keep warm, and to build ships whether that's for trade or fishing.

For the buildings I've gone with clearing a farm as it improves our buffer and increases our growth rate, and solves our housing in the short term. The second building I've went with is the mercantile district and woodworker's quarter, as this allows us to start turning our Lebethron into a more expensive product. After that, I went with a stone residential district to allow for more housing and to allow us to build ships.

problem si that farms are vulnerable to the weather, as we have recently seen, they do make fare more food than the other alternatives, fish already seem more or less protected from the cold (fishing is weather dependent, though) and having sheep? well mutton is tasty and should be protected from the cold (far better than grains) and gives us access to wool, which we could probably turn into another trade good. yeah, I like the idea of a woodworker's quarter but: we need to strike a careful balance between growth and security, this is my main point about opening the docks this tick, we want to AND we should do it soonish, but it will also put our name in the map and while local tribes are more or less dealt with, for now, enterprising corsairs could be an issue. not to mention that if we keep accumulating gold, without enhancing the prosperity of our people... they are going to start objecting.
Barracks help with that and we should consider house of healing soonish, mostly because if we start having more and more people in one place... disease might become a bigger issue (and iirc it also had a hand in the breaking of Arnor) same could be said about baths, for a long term prespective.

As for citadel in the center slot... we might want to do that, or build fortresses in close proximity to the city. quite frankly, we might want to go for an admin center, eventually, mostly because if we need to fight a siege, things have gone incredibly off script and, probably, Gondor fell and Rohan's been broken.
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
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Well, I seem to be a bit late to the party again. Anyway here's my plan, which is similar to the bandwagon with a few differences. Shepherding definitely makes good sense, and makes best use of our terrain.

Trade and Build Actions
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Houses of Healing (-2 Gold, +2 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
--[X] Add one or two subdivisions and multiple gates to begin moving from a tiered defensive scheme into a more cellular structure.

Special Actions
-[X] Send messengers to Imladris and to the Havens, letting them know of our survival and how we fare now, and asking if they have any new tidings of the Enemy. Thank them for their aid against the Witch King.
-[X] Put together a small picked band of men from our Militia and the Chieftain's retinue. These will be the first of our rangers, and they will roam far and wide watching our borders.

  • Our Prosperity is still low right now, and one assumes that has a bearing on both general public happiness, and also our rate of population growth. Growth is crucial right now and so getting basic medical services simply makes good sense. It also helps to regain the spirit of our lost civilised culture before people start to forget it.
  • On top of that, we don't urgently need a Barracks right now. The only enemy we had close enough for us to know about it have been wiped out. With our militia of Dunedain veterans, it was an utterly one-sided fight. The Misty Mountains are far away from us and so are the Dunlendings. We will undoubtedly face challenges in future. But right now, whilst we have breathing room, it's the right time to invest in future growth. A wall makes sense, but we don't need a more powerful military right this instant, we have nothing for it to do and our people are still impoverished. Ensuring growth now will allow us to build a much more potent army later on.
  • A force of rangers is a common-sense hedge against there being any threats we don't know about currently. When the time does come to invest more in military development, it can expand into a small but potent expeditionary, border watch and reconnaissance force.
  • Sending messages to Rivendell and the Havens also makes good sense. They're the only friends we have locally who might actually be able to help us in some kind of force if things go bad, or share useful information. Keeping lines of communication open with them is just good sense, as well as being the friendly thing to do.
  • A tiered system of defensive walls similar to that in Minas Anor makes no sense for an economic hub built on a river. The seven walls and seven gates were fantastic for Minas Anor because: i) it was a strategic redoubt rather than an economic centre so the massive inconvenience to trade from one gate per wall wasn't an issue ii) it was built into a mountainside which forced any enemy to take each wall iii) it was built into a mountainside, which meant stone was readily and cheaply available. None of these things are true for us. Our backs are to a river, which even if defended, will always provide and alternate and more attractive route of ingress to going through multiple defended strong points . Our city is intended to be an economic hub, which makes having only one large gate per wall incredibly inconvenient for commerce and transit. Last of all, stone is at a premium for us. Right now we're importing the stuff at great expense. Our location makes it much scarcer to quarry locally. A defensive schema which will eventually call for multiple stone walls is going to be incredibly costly for a city in our location, on top of all the other problems. A single strong outer wall, riverward defences and a cell-structure of wooden or smaller stone inner walls and strongpoints will provide equal or better protection, be more affordable, and pose far less hindrance to trade. Much like real estate, city defence is all location, location, location.
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
[X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
--[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
[X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[X] Establish Houses of Healing (-2 Gold, +2 Prosperity)
[X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
--[X] Add one or two subdivisions and multiple gates to begin moving from a tiered defensive scheme into a more cellular structure.

Special Actions
-[X] Send messengers to Imladris and to the Havens, letting them know of our survival and how we fare now, and asking if they have any new tidings of the Enemy. Thank them for their aid against the Witch King.
-[X] Put together a small picked band of men from our Militia and the Chieftain's retinue. These will be the first of our rangers, and they will roam far and wide watching our borders.

Looks aight to me, time to get the bandwagon moving? Also cute doggos can't be wrong so there's that to consider.
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As a heads up, I won't be counting X person votes. Sorry, you've got to read what it is you're voting for!

Just repeating.

  • On top of that, we don't urgently need a Barracks right now. The only enemy we had close enough for us to know about it have been wiped out. With our militia of Dunedain veterans, it was an utterly one-sided fight. The Misty Mountains are far away from us and so are the Dunlendings. We will undoubtedly face challenges in future. But right now, whilst we have breathing room, it's the right time to invest in future growth. A wall makes sense, but we don't need a more powerful military right this instant, we have nothing for it to do and our people are still impoverished. Ensuring growth now will allow us to build a much more potent army later on.
I think the reasoning is that barrack gives Rule of Law

Thank you for your support. You may want to change the format of these votes so they're definitely counted, as @Salbazier notes.

I think the reasoning is that barrack gives Rule of Law

That's a fair point, but we already constructed law courts quite recently. I think we have enough rule of law for the moment, especially since we don't seem to have much civil strife currently. We're definitely going to build Barracks relatively soon as well, but providing basic medical services, encouraging population growth, and preserving our culture seems like the lower-hanging fruit.