City Building in Middle-Earth

[x] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[x] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[x] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
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[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
I just had a thought. Our current options that would use stone look like this:
[ ] Build an Outer Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
[ ] Build Docks (-5 Gold, -4 Stone)
[ ] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)

This is why I though that importing 2 Stone per year for 6 gold makes only limited sense, since we might not even be able to build anything with just 2 stone next turn.
So, how would people feel about switching to importing 2 Metal? I think that owing metal could open up some form of armament options next turn.

[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Metal per year at market value.
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Wait, we didn't build a mine? Despite being EXPLICITLY told that we need metal for an army, and that Wildmen were messing with our folks?
And instead we built a mercantile district? What kind of braindead fuckery is that?

We didn't invest in Wood for more housing, or Metal for a better military, or Food for a population boost.
Instead we went for gold. The equivalent of attempting to tech up in an RTS when you don't even have enough supply.
Y'all wanna get killed, I swear.

[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).

More wood because we need a backstop against harsh winters, and we need more wood for building housing, fortifications and fishing boats.
Militia because fuckit, if we don't we're all going to be murdered in our beds.
Stockpiling stone for future upgrades, and exporting Lebethron for gold.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).

We should consider the woodworking district first, before exporting e raw lebethron.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).

Seems reasonable enough to support.
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
We should consider the woodworking district first, before exporting e raw lebethron.
No, because we need the incoming gold NOW to defray our costs.
Let me show you the math.

We get +7 gold every turn from taxes.
Importing 2 Stone/turn at 3 gold each costs -6 gold.
A militia costs -2 gold/turn.

That means that unless we're exporting something, our net income is -1 gold/turn
Exporting 1 Lebethorn/turn (+3 gold) brings our net cash flow back up to +2 gold/turn.

Exporting processed goods is a luxury we cannot currently afford; we remain entirely too close to the edge of disaster as things stand.
Better some cash now than cash later.
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[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
great we almost ran out of wood.
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
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[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
TA 1980

Establishing a militia and sending them out to establish a guard around the logging camps and patrolling the area cuts down on native interference drastically, as they seem unwilling to fight armed men, even if they are only armed with a few shortswords and leather jerkins. Combined with an expansion of logging your supplies of wood increase markedly. Unfortunately you make no such fortuitous discoveries like Lebethron groves, but if nothing else an expansion of building material is very much welcome. With such an abundance there are plenty of calls to use it at once in the construction of an outer wall, but the long winter of the previous year is in the thoughts of all. There are several proposals as to how much wood to stockpile for winter.

[ ] Wood is urgently needed elsewhere.
[ ] One Years Supply.
[ ] Two Years Supply.

Then in mid-summer traders from Dol Amroth arrive carrying a cargo of quarried stone, in exchange for which they leave with a hold full of Lebethron and with no small amount of gold. While currently insufficient for anything major, another year of deliveries would be enough to open a dedicated area for the docks, or in two more years to finally renovate the center of the city.

The winter fares much better than the last, another warm episode allowing you to save your stocks of timber for more productive uses rather than simply breaking it up for firewood.

As you have reached a point where growth is slow and there are few options, from now on time will run automatically until your population grows or an event occurs. Please indicate any buildings you wish to build with your current resources, keeping in mind you may have stockpiled either 5 or 10 wood for emergency supply. If none are available, indicate what you want to see built first, and it will be built automatically when resources become available. At that point time will pause if more options are or become available.

---Available Options---
[ ] Build an Outer Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
[ ] Build Docks (-5 Gold, -4 Stone)
[ ] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
[ ] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[ ] Small Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Taxes)
[ ] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)
[ ] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)

Ost Falasuin
Strength: 1

City Center
Small Residential District
Small Mercantile District

City Center: 2
Farms: 1
Residential District (Wooden): 2/2
Total: 5/5

Population: +5
Mercantile District: +2 (Population: 1)
Militia: -2
Trade Agreement (2 Stone): -6
Trade Agreement (1 Lebethron): +3
Income: +2

Fishing: 3 Food (Population: 1)
Farming: 3 Food (Population: 1)
Total: +6 Food

2 Logging Camps: 6 Wood (Population: 2) [Special Resource: Lebethron]
Total: +6 Wood

Trade Agreement: +2 Stone (Market Price)


Income: 2 Gold
Treasury: 29 Gold.
Food: +1 (0/6 Growth) [3/5 Stored]
Wood: 8
--Lebethron: 3
Stone: 2
Metal: 0

Trade Good Import Price Export Value
Food 2 1
Wood 3 2
Stone 3 2
Metal 3 2
Lebethron 4 3
Hardwood 6 5
We could do with a Civics district, I think.

[x] One Years Supply.
[x] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)

BTW, @Sayle , do we have to worry about running out of trees (both Lebethron and ordinary), or are we currently harvesting amounts that are sustainable in the long term?
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[X] One Years Supply.

Keeping a small stockpile of wood for winter is just sensible. However, keeping more than a years' worth is a little rediculous.

Wood stocks: 8(-4 for backup) 4 remaining for projects.

[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
[X] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)

We desperately need a civic district to direct the training of proper men at arms, and to further cement the governance of the city. Our current housing is filled to the brim. We need another residential district.

@Sayle what is our current lebethron income? 1 per year? Or is it 0 with the trading?
[x] One Years Supply.
[x] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)

Seems legit, no need to horde.
[x] One Years Supply.
[x] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)

I think we messed up abit, since by not taking a food production building last turn we slowed our growth drastically. The next Population growth is, if not changed by a event, 8 years away. 2 years worth of food surplus to the stockpile and 6 more to finally grow.
[x] One Years Supply.
[x] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)

Since we obviously need more food, our 6th population should be a farmer, this further pushing back the need for another residential district.
[X] Two Years Supply.

In case of, for example, siege in the winter, or just winter bad enough shit's fucked, or if winter is such we can sell the surplus.

[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)

We need people to get more farms for more food for more growth, but we can't because we have no room for more people, I assume?
Because I want more farms, this slow growth will be a long-term pain in the posterior otherwise.
[X] Two Years Supply.

In case of, for example, siege in the winter, or just winter bad enough shit's fucked, or if winter is such we can sell the surplus.

[X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)

We need people to get more farms for more food for more growth, but we can't because we have no room for more people, I assume?
Because I want more farms, this slow growth will be a long-term pain in the posterior otherwise.
Sieges in winter generally don't happen because the harvest is already taken up, and there is no food in the countryside to feed your armies.