City Building in Middle-Earth

[x] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[x] Open a Mine [+2 Metal] (-5 Gold)
[x] Your timber is far too valuable at this juncture to use, even for defenses.
[x] Store enough food for a year of no production.

Precaution first before expanding.

[x] Build a Logging Camp [+3 Wood] (-5 Gold)

More logging camp because right now we have a deficit (4 pop versus 3 wood/turn). Can't build walls, new disctrict, nor forge metals without wood.

[x] Build a wall around every new district, separating the settlement into sections as they are built, each lightly fortified.

I'm not sure if the Anorian style of fortification would be effective with tiny settlement like this.

EDIT: also, the Anorian model would require a whole new circle of districts to be built before a wall is added. Efficient perhaps but, the outer new districts will be left vulnerable until we made a circle
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[x] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[x] Open a Mine [+2 Metal] (-5 Gold)
[x] Your timber is far too valuable at this juncture to use, even for defenses.
Gold is already there.
Coal? Maybe charcoal, but I think that can covered by wood already.
Mithril is only available in one place so its pointless to add it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt Mithril found at Erebor, Moria, several other Dwarf cities as well as in the glittering caves (that eventually became mines/a dwarven settlement) behind Helms Deep?

I'm fairly sure it was Helms Deep mithril the Dwarves used to build a steel and mithril gate for Minas Tirith to replace the one destroyed by the Ram, Grom, during the War of the Ring.

Also, again, correct me if I'm wrong on my Middle Earth geography, but based on where our settlement is, isnt the abandoned port-city-come-citadel Lond Daer literally on the other side of the river?


[X] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[X] Build Small Mercantile District [+2 Taxes] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)
[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.
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[X] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[X] Build Small Mercantile District [+2 Taxes] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)
[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt Mithril found at Erebor, Moria, several other Dwarf cities as well as in the glittering caves (that eventually became mines/a dwarven settlement) behind Helms Deep?

I'm fairly sure it was Helms Deep mithril the Dwarves used to build a steel and mithril gate for Minas Tirith to replace the one destroyed by the Ram, Grom, during the War of the Ring.

Insofar as I am aware, mithril was only ever mined in Beleriand, Moria, and Numenor. It's not clear where Gimli got the mithril for Minas Tirith's new gate.

Also, again, correct me if I'm wrong on my Middle Earth geography, but based on where our settlement is, isn't the abandoned port-city-come-citadel Lond Daer literally on the other side of the river?

Wrong river!
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Insofar as I am aware, mithril was only ever mined in Beleriand, Moria, and Numenor. It's not clear where Gimli got the mithril for Minas Tirith's new gate.
By the end of te Third Age, only found in Moria, so my guess is they just reopened the mines there.

I don't see any mentions of other locations though.
Insofar as I am aware, mithril was only ever mined in Beleriand, Moria, and Numenor. It's not clear where Gimli got the mithril for Minas Tirith's new gate.

Wrong river!

Lond Daers on the Grayflood isnt it? I always get the rivers mixed up as I can never find a descent map of the Enedwaith and Eriador.

I always believed that, as Gimli lived in the Glittering Caves dwarf city and was an important figure mining there, he found the Mithril in Helms Deep. Its never said whether he goes to Moria.

Also, I dontbelieve Moria was recaimed by the time Minas Tirith got its shiny new gate, so I dont think the Mithril came from there.
[X]Store enough food for a year of no production.
[X] Build Small Mercantile District [+2 Taxes] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)
[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.
[X] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[X] Build Small Mercantile District [+2 Taxes] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)
[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.
[X] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[X] Open a Mine [+2 Metal] (-5 Gold)
[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.

Metal for a military.
Better walls because wildmen can be as deadly as any host of the Necromancer.
Food reserves are a national security imperative.
[X] Store enough food for a year of no production
[X] Build Small Civic District [+2 Prosperity] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)
[x] Store enough food for a year of no production.
[x] Open a Mine [+2 Metal] (-5 Gold)
[x] Your timber is far too valuable at this juncture to use, even for defenses
We don't have the wood for walls......... and waiting for stone is so much easier.....
3 wood/turn, with the possibility of putting up a logging camp soon.

As for stone, the perfect is the enemy of the good.
Defenses can't wait until we are good and ready, not if the Wildmen are already tracking our population.
It's the same reason we're working with a metal mine now, instead of booming more population.
3 wood/turn, with the possibility of putting up a logging camp soon.

As for stone, the perfect is the enemy of the good.
Defenses can't wait until we are good and ready, not if the Wildmen are already tracking our population.
It's the same reason we're working with a metal mine now, instead of booming more population.
We use wood a turn if we run out then there will be problems wait for a second lumber mill before pushing for walls, unless of course you want us to possibly face a winter without wood mind you.
[X] Store enough food for a year of no production.

[X] Build Small Mercantile District [+2 Taxes] (-2 Gold: Demolish Shanties, -5 Gold: Build District, -2 Wood)

[X] Build a stronger wall as each 'circle' of the settlement is completed, much in the model of Minas Anor.
We use wood a turn if we run out then there will be problems wait for a second lumber mill before pushing for walls, unless of course you want us to possibly face a winter without wood mind you.

Right now you've rolled a 10 and a 9 for winter severity, so you've not actually used any wood yet. If you run out of wood you have to import it, which costs money - that's the downside.
We use wood a turn if we run out then there will be problems wait for a second lumber mill before pushing for walls, unless of course you want us to possibly face a winter without wood mind you.
No we don't.
Ever since we allocated people to logging, we have produced a total of 6 Wood over two turns.
We spent 2 Wood on a residential district; we've been stockpiling excess production since.
TA 1979

There is some debate over the construction of fortifications, and in the end of a ringed layout is decided on. While individually walled districts would have allowed greater flexibility, the stronger walls will hopefully prevent any attackers breaching into the settlement proper. Your advisers estimate it will take just as much wood as it took for the whole district to erect the exterior wall, while stonework along the bank of the river will be needed for a firm foundation at the water's edge. That will need to wait until you have a supply of quarried stone. While you can enclose the city immediately given enough wood, that will require almost twice your annual supply.

Therein lies the problem. The Wild-men, who you have identified as tribal men dwelling in Eryn Vorn, have been harassing your workers at the logging camps and engaging in acts of petty sabotage. It has not yet escalated to violence, but it has had a surprising degree of effectiveness and you lost nearly a third the felled timber this year to fires and theft. This becomes even more concerning when yet more refugees arrive down the river to join with you, filling your residential capacity to the breaking point.

In the end, everyone agrees on one thing: the settlement needs more resources to grow. For the moment at least housing is sufficient, but there are plenty of projects that need doing. Fortunately a solution to your resource woes appears in a passing Gondorian ship, who agrees to pass any word of trade agreements you are willing to make to the merchants of Pelargir and Dol Amroth far along the coast. The quantities they could ship are limited over such a distance, but could be extremely valuable in your fledgling state.

(Trade Agreements are renegotiated only occasionally, so choose carefully. There is no limit to how many you can have simultaneously, and different offers appear each turn.)

[ ] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.
[ ] Import 2 Metal per year at market value.
[ ] Export 2 Wood per year at market value.
[ ] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.

The end of the year breaks the unseasonably warm winters you've been having, and for the first time the need for firewood simply to survive becomes an issue, a notably harsh and lengthy season almost killing the crops. Fortunately it never quite reaches that point, although double the firewood is used compared to a normal winter. When TA 1979 dawns with a brisk but warming spring it is to the naked relief of every person in Ost Falasuin.

With the harvest coming in, you can turn to address the Wild-men problem. You have no formal fighting force at present or guardsmen, which makes a cheap military solution challenging and it will remain so until a civic district is in place. You could establish a force-at-arms immediately, but that would be a notable drain on your treasury.

[ ] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[ ] Do not establish a militia.

The other option is to simply set your new population to logging as well, and power through any shortcomings caused by Wildman mischief. But there are other tasks they could be set to that may be more valuable.

[ ] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[ ] Open a quarry. (-2 Gold, +2 Stone)
[ ] Open a mine. (-2 Gold, +2 Metal)
[ ] Build more fishing boats (-2 Gold, -2 Wood, +3 Food)
[ ] Clear more farmland (-2 Gold, +3 Food)

Your Small Mercantile District can be converted into a Woodworker's Quarter for -2 gold, removing the current +2 taxes bonus and replacing it with a 2 Lebethron to 2 Hardwood conversion.

---Available Options---
[ ] Build an Outer Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
[ ] Build Docks (-5 Gold, -4 Stone)
[ ] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
[ ] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)

Ost Falasuin

City Center
Small Residential District
Small Mercantile District

City Center: 2
Farms: 1
Residential District (Wooden): 2/2
Total: 5/5

Population: 5
Mercantile District: 2 (Population: 1)
Income: 7

Fishing: 3 Food (Population: 1)
Farming: 3 Food (Population: 1)
Total: 6 Food

Logging Camp: 3 Wood (Population: 1) [Special Resource: Lebethron]
Total: 3 Wood



Income: +7 Gold
Treasury: 29 Gold.
Food: +1 (0/6 Growth) [2/5 Stored]
Wood: 2
--Lebethron: 3
Stone: 0
Metal: 0

The harsh winter has increased the price of wood.

Trade Good Import Price Export Value
Food 2 1
Wood 4 3
Stone 3 2
Metal 3 2
Lebethron 4 3
Hardwood 6 5
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[X] Import 2 Metal per year at market value.
[X] Build Docks (-5 Gold, -4 Stone)
[X] Do not establish a militia
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).

Screw the attackers.

[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)

Okay, with the harsh winters we seem to somehow need more wood than food. Fair enough.

[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.

We do not need that much of it sitting around, we need basic infrastructure more at the moment.
Also, with expanded logging camp we'll have 2 Lebethron/turn and will have a growing stockpile for use anyway.
And more stone will allow us to expand quicker, be it walls, docks or whatever.
[X] Establish a militia (-2 Gold per turn).
[X] Build another logging camp. (-2 Gold, +3 Wood)
[X] Export 1 Lebethron per year at market value.
[X] Import 2 Stone per year at market value.