"My name is..."
You take the tired old fan, opening it up to reveal the brilliant blue crane in flight and you remember.
Your mother giving this to you, of how she actually smiled, because you had been such a good student.
It was one of the only time you can remember those blue eyes showing actual warmth.
Images float by as more comes back to you. Long hours in the dojo practising over and over until every motion, every step was perfect. Your sensei praising you for your skills...
You look down at your wrist and see
[] Nothing (Kakita Bushi Origin)
[] A small blue crane tattooed there (Daidoji Bushi Origin)
[] A small black crane tattooed there (Daidoji Scout Origin)
Yes, you were good; you had to be, you were...Crane. Not anymore though, you were cast out.
Familiar feelings burn in you as you remember why.
[] A duel gone wrong; your daimyo cast you out rather than give you permission to seppukku. It was the only way to show how much that you were being punished. The guilt of cutting down your friend in his prime weighs at your soul.
[] You didn't mean to sleep with the daimyo's spouse, okay you did, but you didn't mean to get caught. But that's always been the way, your wants leading you into trouble. As punishment for your sins you were banished from the Crane and stripped of your name. But even now you aren't sure if it wasn't worth it. The familiar ardour grows within you.
[] For any samurai ,to stand in battle is supposed to be a great honour, glory, but for you...you ran, the charge of the Matsu broke you--- when you had loudly sworn that you would not break. But their roars, and your weakness led to you being forced to make good your words and give up your name. Painful shame still stabs at your heart from within.
That...yeah that was--- an experience you admit. Which lead to you leaving the Crane lands and heading west past the Unicorn into the Hinterlands and the Shield Cities.
"Samurai-san?" Jubei asks.
"My name is..."
Your face grimaces as your head pounds, you thought you had it. K something? no it was an H...augh.
"Sorry I don't remember yet" you finish lamely.
Jubei gives a tired smile.
"It'll come back to you. You feel up to moving?"
"Hai, hai" you say standing up.
Your bones creak, with disuse. How, long have you been in bed?
"Good. Sister Chou and Aya have been waiting for you." Jubei says rising.
As you watch him leave, you find yourself realizing that he was intentionally making himself smaller. He looks like he could bench press a horse if he wanted to, now that he isn't crouching down.
Putting on your clothes and putting the fan near your heart, and daisho at your waist, you walk out of the room into the courtyard.
The too bright sun burns your eyes and you hold up a hand to block it. Looking around you see that the courtyard is rather small a cross shaped walkway leading from the quarters you were in towards three other buildings. One looks like the Shrine to Goemon-no-kami, fortune of Heroes. The other seems to be the quarters for the monks in attendance, which leaves the last one as the entrance hall where most people pray to the fortune.
In the middle of the courtyard is brother Jubei, and two women.
One is a rather plump woman in miko robes but extremely dark skin...an Ivinda you realize, one of the people of the Ivory Kingdoms. Where are you that a gaijin can be a priestess?
The other woman is a slim athletic woman with dark hair cut short in a bob and a face that reminds you of the Kitsuki.
Well that is more normal at least.
You walk towards them and while it still hurts to bow, you bow politely to
[] All of them
[] Jubei and the normal woman but not the gaijin
Well you've shown what you think of Ivinda.
The other two women bow back along with Jubei, although you aren't sure what either are thinking. The Ivinda nods.
"Hello Samurai-san I am Sister Chou servant of Juroijin. Brother Jubei says you still don't remember your name is that right?"
"Hai" you say after a moment.
"Well hopefully it'll come back to you Samurai-san. Do you remember anything else?"
"Hai, I remember my past, just my name doesn't seem to be coming to me."
Chou brings up a hand to her chin and rubs it while thinking.
"Hmm I'm not sure why that would be, perhaps it is you trying to resolve between your first name and second name?"
"Maybe..." you say with a shrug.
"Will you consent to let me examine you Samurai-san? I am trained in medicine and may be able to help, and I want to be sure your wounds are healed."
[] Yes
[] No
[] Name?
(Currently by my count we are in a four way tie)