2025-AT-08: Staff and Aleksey A E

That was a case of a Ukranian user buying nazi memorabilia to spite other users who were treating putins propaganda as being something worth talking about, rather than dismissing instantly.
Genuinely do not give a shit. Maybe don't buy a Black Sun patch next time.
Honestly, that wasn't a case of someone just buying nazi memorabilia.

That was a case of a Ukranian user buying nazi memorabilia to spite other users who were treating putins propaganda as being something worth talking about, rather than dismissing instantly.
There have been a bunch of tribunals and appeals that failed on the basis that another user's actions do not justify misbehavior. Trying to justify any action by "but X person did Y" is not something that is going to find much sympathy.
There have been a bunch of tribunals and appeals that failed on the basis that another user's actions do not justify misbehavior. Trying to justify any action by "but X person did Y" is not something that is going to find much sympathy.
Mate, they got infracted for what they said and did, and that was never overturned. If you have a better idea as to why they weren't perma banned for that then I'm all ears.
Coming into the thread of a guy who was just perma'd for being a bargain deal Hitlerite and all round horrendous guy to run defence via concern trolling. Great look!
Too lenient, actually. Anyone who goes "I'mma support Nazis" should be banned on the spot. Why it took so long for Aleksey to get the boot when he stayed as long to say heinously racist, homophobic, transphobic and Islamophobic shit speaks negatively of how the site handles his kind.
If by, "his kind," you mean, "members of populations currently suffering genocide," then I find it easy to imagine that authority figures may have justly extended more grace to this asshole than they may have to other assholes.

It's right that he was infracted then. Sharing his spite here wasn't doing anyone any good. If, in some fantasy scenario, someone somewhere could redeem Nazi iconography to oppose Russian aggression, it wouldn't be this guy.

And it's right that he's permabanned, now. Holy Unuttered Safeword of the Passion, that's a righteous permaban.

And I'm not going to dig through his posting history and can't see his infraction history, but from his behavior in the tribunal he sure does seem like the kind of person who would have been permabanned earlier.

But I don't think the administrative response to that one post speaks negatively of how they handle 'his kind.'
If by, "his kind," you mean, "members of populations currently suffering genocide,"

no pretty sure they mean nazis and other similar strains of reprobate. Who and where he is legitimately doesn't matter showing off your cool genocide enjoyer badge in response to something you don't like. Allowing someone like that to linger for so long around a community like this was a foolish bit of exceptional leniency, if that's what it was.
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I really don't believe someone who was just offended by being smeared by association with neo-Nazism and had no neo-Nazi inclinations would respond by buying a Black Sun patch. Far as I'm concerned they were at least fascist-adjacent the whole time.
I don't think an average person would even think of that as a possibility, let alone go do it!
And if they had extended that grace toward him saying all Russians are orcs and must be exterminated I don't think anyone would complain. That was not what he was doing.

Speaking an SB user more than an SV user, he was the exact same way there and earned his permaban there in the same fashion.
Mate, they got infracted for what they said and did, and that was never overturned. If you have a better idea as to why they weren't perma banned for that then I'm all ears.
That's not what I was talking about - what you said came across as implying that their behavior was somehow acceptable due to the circumstances of the infraction. If that wasn't your intention, sorry for misreading it, but that's how it seemed to me, and it seems others.
I'm not surprised about the perma, I just assumed that Aleksey was a different user than the user who bought Nazi merch to win an internet argument. I just had mentally filed that under the list of things that got people banned nearly on their own, like threatening the ability to run the forum, or writing Islamophobic stories, or calling trans people sick freaks, I thought that was "Collect 200 points, go directly to User Review" territory. It still feels like it should be on that list.
I don't think an average person would even think of that as a possibility, let alone go do it!
If I'm remembering the incident correctly, the discussion was during or around the ... discussions in the early part of the Russian Invasion, when people were talking about (Neo)Nazis in the Ukrainian military. So it at least would've been topical to the discussion being had at the time.
And if they had extended that grace toward him saying all Russians are orcs and must be exterminated I don't think anyone would complain. That was not what he was doing.

Speaking an SB user more than an SV user, he was the exact same way there and earned his permaban there in the same fashion.
Uh, I would. The liberal Russophobia flying around is utterly disgusting anyone who traffics in ethnic prejudice and genocide advocacy should be dealt with as quickly as possible. No, you don't get a free pass even if you're being invaded by Russia. If you have examples of the mods ignoring this please share them with the class.
That's not what I was talking about - what you said came across as implying that their behavior was somehow acceptable due to the circumstances of the infraction. If that wasn't your intention, sorry for misreading it, but that's how it seemed to me, and it seems others.
Mate this is the text from the mod post that was made when the thread was closed.
mod post said:
As some of the rhetoric in this thread has evidently convinced a Ukrainian poster to purchase fascist iconography out of spite, it no longer merits a continued existence.

Just what sort of conclusion should I take from that?

If everyone thinks that I was implying that their behaviour was somehow acceptable, then your going to have to explain to me what part of what I said implied that?
Honestly, that wasn't a case of someone just buying nazi memorabilia.

That was a case of a Ukranian user buying nazi memorabilia to spite other users who were treating putins propaganda as being something worth talking about, rather than dismissing instantly.
As somebody who has to live in the same country as Aleksey and other people who act like him, I am personally grateful to everyone who is willing to consider actual evidence of people who act like Aleksey existing in this country despite somebody as untrustworthy as Putin claiming there are people who act like Aleksey in this country, all memes about "believing sky is red if Russia says it's blue" be damned.
If everyone thinks that I was implying that their behaviour was somehow acceptable, then your going to have to explain to me what part of what I said implied that?

I'll give it a shot. I initially glazed over your post because the syntax was kinda fucked up and I couldn't work out what you meant. On review I'm still not actually clear what side you're taking.

Honestly, that wasn't a case of someone just buying nazi memorabilia.

That was a case of a Ukranian user buying nazi memorabilia to spite other users who were treating putins propaganda as being something worth talking about, rather than dismissing instantly.

"Honestly, that wasn't a case of someone just buying nazi memorabilia."
First sentence. Could be a defence or an 'it's even worse than you think' angle, depends on the follow up.
But given the entire thread is already agreeing that it's the worst thing ever, correcting them on the degree is kinda pointless? So it's easy to see why playing defence might be the assumption.

"That was a case of a Ukranian user..."
So this is where I have the biggest problem. Because I'm pretty sure a major part of Aleksey's justification for why their behavior was okay was classic "I can't be bigoted because I'm X" and this pushes close to that.
Combine it with the first sentence and it sounds like apologia.

The rest I really struggle to parse despite knowing exactly what you're talking about. I couldn't tell you what you've done wrong, but something about the sentence structure doesn't work for me.
Just what sort of conclusion should I take from that?
That that mod probably shouldn't be modding high intensity political threads ?

Like... that was just a shutting down of a conversation that was uncomfortable on the basis of something that has a long history of not being a valid reason on SV; the behaviour of other users. Noone, IIRC, on either side of the discussion about whether the people ideologically descended from proud nationalist and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, the people who put SS patches on their kit, might be a bit Nazi was even infracted.

But this thread isn't about that, so I will refrain from further commentary in this regard.


What I will say, now that I'm not sleepwalking my post, is that Aleksey A E has a long history of highly questionable, to be as mild as possible, rhetoric and positions such as 'people who call people who wear Nazi patches Nazis are the real bigots', 'I am a Banderite but only the nationalist stuff, not the Nazi stuff' and general bigotry towards any group you care to name. The amount of good faith that was extended to him is mindboggling, because at no point did he ever moderate himself or move off of, or at least keep quiet about, his hateful and bigoted opinions. That it took this long to suss out that maybe we don't want him on this forum, when people have been spamcleaned and perma'd for lesser offenses, is a obvious black mark on moderation, but at least he's been removed now.

I understand granting clemency, I understand wanting to give people chances - and god knows I'd be perma'd if moderation weren't generally fairly willing to be lenient - but we don't want to be a Azov bar any more than we want to be a Nazi bar, or a Hamas bar, or a Zionist bar, or a MAGA bar, so in this case I feel like there was too much tolerance.
Just what sort of conclusion should I take from that?
That moderarion is human and can in retrospect be wrong and/or dumb.

I always felt like adding that essential agreement to the premise was a dumb mistake by the moderator who wrote the post, but I can only guess at what they were thinking. The premise itself was rejected in the council, and the moderators assent to itdoes not mean a unanimous agreement among staff and/or moderators.
I'll give it a shot. I initially glazed over your post because the syntax was kinda fucked up and I couldn't work out what you meant. On review I'm still not actually clear what side you're taking.
Mate, if I was taking someone's side I would have made that incredibly clear. If it isn't clear, then the safe assumption is that I'm not taking anyone's side.

Like I said above, I looked at the available evidence and then posted a theory, nothing more.
Mate, if I was taking someone's side I would have made that incredibly clear. If it isn't clear, then the safe assumption is that I'm not taking anyone's side.

Like I said above, I looked at the available evidence and then posted a theory, nothing more.
What theory is that, exactly? Because if everyone thinks you're doing apologia for a Literal Nazi, maybe step back and consider why people think you're doing apologia for a Literal Nazi. Just spell this shit out, man; quit the weird "I already said it mate" stuff. Clearly, no one is grasping the point you're trying to make, so could you please say it one more time to the people in the back?
Does it even matter at this point? Like, given some of the other stupid things I've seen people do, I can see it as at least *plausible* that pure "that'll show those internet people" spite could have been the motivation there, but... remove that entire incident, and there's still enough reason for a ban. Multiple bans worth of reasons for a ban, even.
