Shimmer, Glimmer, & Gleam - A Quest of Loss & Gain

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[X] Escort them out of the city with you in exchange for the artifacts they looted and intel on the museum's security
[X] Escort them out of the city with you in exchange for the artifacts they looted and intel on the museum's security
[x] Suggest that they attempt to flee over the water; Nattie and the skank might pick them up

Isoldt is a bit busy at the moment, and leaving the city isn't entirely safe right now, what with the whole anomaly in the way here. If they want to have another go at it later when they aren't an active impediment to progress here, that can be their business. Right now, they can make a reasonably safe trip back to Orchid and the Fleet, and let the military experts clear out the danger. They may even be useful in working out some of the details on those trade routes later, but not if they are dead from not knowing what they are doing now.
Well fuck me running. I don't think I'd quite translated that to like, pages.

Also we'll be calling after I go to bed, it's been. Well, the job hunt continues to go poorly and the depression got hands. Such is death.

The numbers I've heard from people involved in the publishing industry say that 80k-120k is pretty typical size for a novel aimed at adults. This varies a lot by author and by genre (romance tends to be on the short side because it most often has a small cast and a tight scope, fantasy tends to be on the long side for a laundry list of reason), but it's like the one-minute-per-page rule for screenplays: the aproximation is good enough to give ballpark estimates a lot of the time.

My sympathies about job hunting and depression. Each is a bitch by itself and they have an unfortunate tendency to coordinate with each other.
I am completely lost since I have been busy with classes, but theres a tie here, so Im just gonna...

[X] Escort them out of the city with you in exchange for the artifacts they looted and intel on the museum's security

Tie Broken! (For now, hopefully)
But DID the tie get broken -
Scheduled vote count started by Morrowlark on Feb 18, 2025 at 2:42 PM, finished with 16 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Escort them out of the city with you in exchange for the artifacts they looted and intel on the museum's security
    [x] Suggest that they attempt to flee over the water; Nattie and the skank might pick them up
    [x] Suggest that they attempt to flee over the water; Nattie and the skank might pick them up. But do ask for intel on the museum's security before you let them go. Consider it a trade in information.
But DID the tie get broken -
Scheduled vote count started by Morrowlark on Feb 18, 2025 at 2:42 PM, finished with 16 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Escort them out of the city with you in exchange for the artifacts they looted and intel on the museum's security
    [x] Suggest that they attempt to flee over the water; Nattie and the skank might pick them up
    [x] Suggest that they attempt to flee over the water; Nattie and the skank might pick them up. But do ask for intel on the museum's security before you let them go. Consider it a trade in information.
Worry not, you were in before I called; the usual rules stand.

EDIT: Wait a fucking MINUTE -
Yeah... its technically one of the options but altered soooo.... *shrugs* I tried.

Ties are synonim with this quest at this point. Im just waiting for some embodiment of ties to just appear out of nowhere and just look at us in dissapointment.
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Where The Heart Is 19: The Even Longer March New
"Deal goes like this. You throw down arms, right now. That's non-negotiable, you people are gonna hurt yourselves with those antiques and worse, you'll hurt the antiques."

The woman with the revolver-rifle scoffs, almost amused in spite of herself. "You and your...organization...are all heart, huh?"

"They are. I'm not. However, my father did raise me with standards, and y'know? They tend to work out better for people around me than feelings do." You jerk your head in the direction of the suburbs. "You almost went to your fuckin' deaths. The whole of suburbia's a damn manifestation, maybe one that's been frozen into place, maybe being maintained by some kind of survivor. 's what all the shelling is about, we're disrupting the dreamscape, but set foot on anything that isn't ashes and odds are you'll starve to death. Now, what you do with that information is up to you, you're fuckin' adults. But. I do have an offer on the table when you throw down your arms."

She looks at you. Looks at the survivors she's with. Looks at your gaggle of corporate goons playing at soldiering like the dipshits they are. And she lays down her rifle before stepping back. Her followers, taking the hint, do likewise. "Let's hear this offer, Ms...?"

"Captain," you correct. "Captain Isoldt Young, Threshold Ltd. Civilian Rescue. You might have heard our broadcasts, no hard feelings if you assumed it was a trap."

"We did."

"I would have too. My ad reads could be better." You dig out a cigarette and light up, in no particular hurry; after a deep drag you toss the pack below, where a mousy little twink jumps a good four feet straight up to catch it. Damn. Wish you could do that. "We're willing to escort you out of here. You'll be fed, you'll be protected as best we can, and most importantly you won't die in a cookie-cutter hellscape. But I've got a job to do, so when you see the other side of this city and we turn you over to your new home out in the farmlands, I want every detail you can give me on every museum still in this city, so we can grab and preserve the artifacts and information. Sound fair?"

"...Why? Why is that what you want to spend your time on in this situation, it's - there's higher priorities for survival, isn't there?"

You take another long drag.

Trickle smoke out your nose. "Bold of you to assume that I care if anyone lives or dies. That's the deal, and I don't owe you an explanation. Yes, or no?"

"...Fine. Yes."

You call for your men to collect the arms the new people stole, and to re-establish the perimeter. It's gonna be a long godsdamned walk and it's gonna be so painfully fucking celibate.

Ah well. Back to it.

You will shortly be Jackie, the Kitten Whisperer. Pick 2 that have caught her curiosity about this community.
[ ] The defenses
[ ] The birds
[ ] The old people
[ ] Wherever those spiders are going
[ ] The fuckin' nerds
[ ] Write-in? [subject to veto or edit]
[X] Wherever those spiders are going
[X] The birds

Cats do be distracted by these IRL, so why not in the Glass Apocalypse? Also Nice to see ya Morrowlark!
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