So... right now we're in the "setup" phase. We're reacting to the situation, trying to get ourselves functioning and stable. Reactive is fine for the first turn or two, especially when we've just been tossed a number of things to react *to*, but we ought to mix some proactive in there as well, and for that we need to plan ahead and do things in steps. So... what kind of things do we want to plan ahead to do?
This is mostly intended as a "let's start the conversation going" post, more than anything else, but I have a few things that I see.
First, there's the generic stuff.
- Obviously, we'll want to progress along on cultivation, both in increasing our realm and in developing further skills. The first step on this is to go talk to someone to ask for the manuals. Given the current family structure? That's probably our older brother. He's the stern mentor figure in our life. The rest of the steps boil down to "do cultivation things", "consume cultivation resources", and "do whatever the manuals say that we need to do for the next step." We should probably get the manuals soonish, but it doesn't need to be immediate.
- Obviously we'll need resources to fuel this (and other stuff). In our case? We're not the most talented among our family. (Hi, sis!) We're not the leader. We are one member, which means that our primary resource-gain action should probably be "do the thing we've specialized in". In our case, that's ensuring that the medicine hall is running well, slowly build it as an econ engine, and personally craft pills and elixirs. Developing/researching new pills and elixirs is part of this too, though it's not a priority. Flowing Ivy works just fine as a way to turn alchemy actions into resources of various sorts.
- As a sort of secondary resource thing, we're going to want to build cred within the family. Some of that is going to be baked into the earlier part - causing the medicine hall to thrive under our influence, and provide benefits. Some of it is going to be various opportunities that pop up - bandit-busting and the like, or perhaps special orders for desperately needed alchemy supplies or whatever.
Those are the two that are baked into the genre. Past that?
- Dealing with our older sister. We might decide that we want to improve the relationship there. There's obvious opportunities that one can seize (like allowing her to pound us into the dirt here) but other than those, i think the first step there is to figure out what she values. What are her ambitions? What does she care about? As a dedicated alchemist, we're something of a support character. If we can position ourselves so that we're providing clear and obviously beneficial support so things that she values, in a way that she personally couldn't do just by turning over her hand, then I suspect that we could garner some respect for that. Past that, it's possible that getting good at combat and cultivating faster might cause her to chill a bit, but I wouldn't depend on it. One of the things that she's disdainful of is our cultivation speed, and we're already cultivating at a fairly impressive rate. We're just not up to her standards. We will never be up to her standards.
- Dealing with our younger siblings. They're spoiled and useless and harass the underlings. I suspect that most of the family is quietly embarrassed about them right now. We're a Sage. We're actually good at teaching people things. If we can be a clear and material part of turning them from a couple of wastrel hellions into contributing members of the family with clear roles in life, I imagine that that could get us quite a bit of family rep... and they'd stop being an embarrassment to us, too.
- Getting into the whole "spirit beast" thing. Personally, I *do* want to play around with spirit beasts. I think it's an interesting and potentially useful combat style, and I expect that there will be some cool stuff to play with there. There might even be spirit beasts that could help with alchemy directly. Weirder things have happened. Regardless, this is a somewhat involved process. It involves hitting up the clan archives for a copy of School of the Spirit's Command, training it up, and acquiring a beast by some means, at bare minimum. If we're going that far, we'll probably also want to be researching applicable alchemical formulae (which our family will find value in, I'm sure) and putting in the effort to acquire a spirit beast that will actually be directly and meaningfully useful.
- General upgrades to the fief. We're not really ready to start on this one yet, but eventually it might be cool to find ways that we could actually make meaningful improvements to the Barony and the lives and productivity of the people in it. First step? Figure out how. Figure out how we can leverage the skills, abilities, and assets that we have to make long-term improvements. Of course, that's going to require knowing more abotu what's out there now. Like... standards of medical care? It's probably not beyond us to set up a system that would have a peasant-tier doctor/alchemist in every village to take care of local medical issues... but do they already have that?
Is anyone seeing any that I'm missing? Does anyone have reactions to the ones I have here?