Well, that certainly got a rapid flurry of responses.
Various thoughts on implications
- The Barony start has much lower pressure to advance, but at the same time they don't actually have the resources to advance us all that far themselves. Our family is going to be a lot more chill about things, but we're also going to have to start self-funding in a big way much sooner. Primary obligation/threat is doing our part in dealing with spirit beasts and bandits and such.
One thing I notice about the Barony is that it's pretty poor in a number of ways. That's part and parcel of the fact that our family can't provide us with but so much, but it also means that it's the pick that lets us actually start contributing in a meaningful way to our family holdings and actually ahvign a positive impact. All of the other starts have higher expectations in part because until/unless we meet those expectations we can't actually do a whole lot that might pay back the investments that our family has made.
- The County start has better resources/prestige/etc, but the expectation for rapid cultivation progress is higher, and the "deaaling with danger" thing switches from hunting down bandits and spirit beasts to something much more intrigue-focused where we're dealing with various ambitious clans, one of which is an outright enemy.
- With the Marchioness, we are already failing at the expectations placed on us. Our recent breakthrough is just a matter of having made up some of the distance we had fallen behind. It makes us a shame to our (incredibly wealthy and powerful) family, and it casts doubt on the idea that we will ever progress far enough to be truly useful. There is Even More External Intrigue, but the real endboss is the crushing weight of expectation.
Of those...?
[x] Your Mother, the Baroness
Honestly? I don't like the idea of being a disappointment to our family. We took the build that is arguably best at self-funding, and this lets us do "travelling around the barony making life better for our people" rather than ugly intrigue fights with other clans. If we can progress at a solid clip, that's great, but even if we can't, we can find a niche in the family of "he may not be incredibly talented, but he is useful" and have the family continue to be happy to have us as a scion. If that means slower progression overall...? So be it.