Ghosts of the Ancestors. (A Cultivation Riot Quest).

Voting is open
Okey, I'm mostly done with the update (expect it tomorrow at the latest) and im working on the new actions and shop items.

And I wanted to ask if there is anything you want to be able to buy? Here's a none final list for what is currently going to be added to the shop.

[] Buy an advanced healing elixir (+2/4 HP a turn for 5/6 turns) for 7/15 contribution points.

[] Buy a mending elixir (+8 HP) for 7 contribution points.

[] Buy an advanced mending potion (+20 HP) for 15 contribution points.

[] Buy (and install) a basic Qi gathering formation (+0.5 multiplier for Qi gathering) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the fields of lava (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Fire Qi for one turn) for 20 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the hot springs of Yang (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Yang Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space high in the mountain (+1X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering pure Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic protection talisman (consume to negate HP loss from attacks) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic artifact weapon (+10 to combat rolls) for 20 contribution points.
And I wanted to ask if there is anything you want to be able to buy? Here's a none final list for what is currently going to be added to the shop.
Well its probably beyond what we can afford , but maybe an options to buy some armor?, or if applicable the option to buy some seeds\rent a field so that we could take advantage of guang new alchemy skills.
Oooh, Qi Gathering Formation... Would want that for sure. And yeah, maybe renting an alchemy space for said alchemy? Not sure though on its mechanica... Would want the protective talisman though, since it's a safety option for our descendant.
Well its probably beyond what we can afford , but maybe an options to buy some armor?
Basic armor shouldn't be that expensive, I'll add an option.

or if applicable the option to buy some seeds\rent a field so that we could take advantage of guang new alchemy skills.
He doesn't have the alchemy skill (it's the ghosts who have it and you'll get an action to actually teach him) or the herbalism skill (which would be required to grow herbs for use).

And yeah, maybe renting an alchemy space for said alchemy?
I did mean to put alchemy tools on it but I didn't think of adding a rent option, I'll add both to the final list though.
[] Buy a basic artifact weapon (+10 to combat rolls) for 20 contribution points.
oh, this is a fairly significant bonus, yeah.

and we'll likely want to keep the advanced healing (the 15 cc one) active each turn, as it helps us both in recovering now and in gathering blood qi later...
The Blind Eyes of Justice. (start of turn 6).
A.N: We'll I'm pretty sure I got everything but we'll see, anyway I hope you enjoy this.

For a moment there is silence.

Into this silence Guang Li steps forward, standing next to Ma Fen who fell into a combat sentence at his advance, and uttered a single word "No" conveying both his and his ancestor's convention.

There is shuffling and nervus muttering as the struggling disciples move to his side, forming a protective ring around Shu Cai rising form, Guang Li can see the hesitance in the crowd around him.

It's one thing to strike a wounded opponent and his single companion, it's quite another to start a brawl against a dozen disciples, especially that while in theory numbers are on their side, only one of them can get the prize and they must watch to the knife in the back as well as the one in the front.

From the conner of his eyes, Guang Li spots young master Meng Qi and he looks absolutely livid at someone daring to defy him but curiously he doesn't seem to make any move to interfere, just clenching his fists and glaring.

Without his intervention, the crowd loses its energy and for a moment it looks like they would disperse and no fight would be had.

Then someone puts its finger on the scales of fate.

High above the clouds the sound of thunder could be heard as the heavens move to strike at the one who dared interfere with fate. As down below the voice of the young master bellows "a phoenix rebirth!" all eyes turn to him at his words "a phoenix rebirth for each of those scoundrels you kill!".

Guang Li closes his eyes at the young master words and falls into a combat stance, conflict is now guaranteed, the prize too high to disregard. Even a foundation establishment cultivator would move if a phoenix rebirth pill was on the line and the young master offered a dozen of them.

A single one would change the fortunes of any disciples in this square and likely their grandchildren too.

With such a prize on offer it is not a surprise that all hell breaks loose, Guang LI deflected a fist aimed for his head and ducked under the sword following not long behind it, he desperately pushed his assailants away hoping to get space to only limited effectiveness.

Behind him he heard screams and felt the heat as someone decided to breath fire and burn the gathered disciple's, more chilling than their screams of pain are the sudden quitting of several voices.

Besides him, a sword is skewered through one of the disciples who stood in Shu Cai defense and he falls to the ground, dead.

And now Guang Li needs to defend himself from three different angles, he puts up an admirable fight but this is beyond his skills.

Guang Li body is quickly covered in cuts and bruises as he franticly attempts to dodge and block as many attacks as he can. Somone manages to sweep his legs and Guang Li fells to the hard ground.

His ancestors swarmed the first disciple attempting to take advantage but they didn't gather the energy and will for fighting in the last few days and there was nothing they could do about the second disciple.

Guang Li could only watch slowly as the disciple swung his sword for his heart.

There was nothing he or his ancestors could do.

And so he died.

The disciple's sword broke upon Guang Li skin as Heaven's authority made itself known.

Guang Li wasted no time to take advantage of the respite given to him and struggled to his feet only to see an axe form a third disciples coming for his face.

"Enough" a voice thundered through the square, freezing all the disciples in place.

Guang Li raised his head toward the voice and saw an older man floating just above the square, he was adorned in the green and red robs of the sect elders and he looked, angry as he stared down at the disciples who just a second ago were brawling

"Now" the elder started "anyone cares to explain what the hell is going on?"

Thing's took a swift turn from there; members of the judgment hall rushed onto the square and took everyone into custody. Guang Li himself spent a day in one of the holding cells as they took testimonies and witness accounts to understand why a full brawl occurred within the sect grounds.

It was only later, after he was released -and fully healed of his injures after he was deemed to not have been in the wrong- That Guang Li discovered the true extent of the damage done in the brawl.

Aside from the square being completely ruined, seven disciples died and two dozen more were injured. It took another week for the elders to come up with suitable punishments but not before Guang li was called twice more to report his testimony.

In the end, disciple's which participated in the brawl on Meng Qi words but not killed anyone, received a black mark on their record, a small contribution points fine and a week of stay in the cells of the judgment hall. Where they could not cultivate or do much else then reanimate on their deeds and thoughts.

Three of the of the four disciples that actually managed to kill each received a large contribution point fine -which from Guang Li poking around understood was paid out to the families of the killed disciples- and sentenced to one year in the judgment hall cells.

The disciple who decided breathing fire into a crowd of disciples was a good idea had his dantian shattered and meridian raptured, crippling his cultivation, before he was expelled from the sect.

Meng Qi has gotten off lightly, he would spend no time in prison nor face any black mark on his record, only two months home imprisonment and a hefty fine paid by his father in addition to the sect confiscation of the offered "payment" of twelve phoenix rebirth pills.

A travesty for justice but such is the way of the world.

Since the end of the incident Ma Fen and Shu Cai began visiting and training with Guan Li and have struck something of a friendship with him.

His relationship with the disciples who stood with him is more strained, there is no bad blood between them as they had chosen to follow his lead on their own but the fact his choices led to four of their deaths and heavy injuries -now Heald- for the rest, the relationship has considerably chilled.

The true cost of defying the young master would not be felt until a few day after the punishment has been meted out, when Guang Li has purveyed the sects catalogue in the mission hall and been informed -by a rather irritated attendant- that because of recent events his name has been put into the trouble makers list and as sect policy he must pay a surcharge for his every purchase from the sect.

Apparently, Meng Yan, Meng Qi father has used his influence to bend things so Guang Li would be identified as one of the main instigators of the brawl and put this name on that list even as he was otherwise not punished for "instigating" the fight.

With the influence of an elder behind the decision only another Eldar could counter act it, which means the only real way to remove it would be to join one of the halls and get their backings.

A difficult prospect.

Still life continues. Guang Li soon returns to his regular schedule of cultivation and work.

For the ancestor part, they continue to aid him as they watch the strands of fate for any event of importance, one is soon revealed to their eyes.

The sect made an announcement.

Guang Li is fully healed, gain Ma Fen and Shu Cai as a contact (they are effectively a single contact) their social link is 5 giving you a passive +1 to all rolls to teaching and learning non advanced skills (this includes ghost rolls) additionally they van be called to provide an additional +5 to such actions, the struggling cultivators contact consider Guang Li to be heavily in their debt.

Due to your altercations with Meng Qi shop prices have risen by 1.5X the easiest way to get rid of this penalty is to join one of the halls.

-1 charge of the shield of heaven.

Turn 6.

Event tracker.

Time: 3 turns. (end of turn 8).

Type: Social, combat, turn, optional.

Description: the sect has announced it is organizing an expedition to the caves of ten thousand reflections, a valuable and important secret realm in the possession of the sect. while the elder and inner disciples in charge would delve deep into the caves in search of valuable cultivation material, hundred of spots on the higher levels were open for outer disciples, so long as they possessed the contribution points.

Delving into the caves would be dangerous, two out of three disciples who enter don't make it out but those who do come out all the stronger for it.

Failure: injury, possible death.

Success: resources, knowledge

Requirements: buying a spot on the expedition.

From time to time, you'll get optional events. Some you will get by default, some are secret and can be unlocked by various routs and they are completely optional, its your job to conclude if the opportunity they give is worth the danger and cost in attending them.

Don't feel as if you're required to take optional events most of the game is designed with you taking none or few of the optional evets. Of course this means that they can be utilized to get ahead of the curve… if you can survive them.

Qi reserve [20/29]
-pure 14.
-Yin 6.

Hp [28/28] +4 a turn.

Active effects:

Healing pill- +1 HP a turn. Turns left: 2.

Ma Fen and Shu Cai social link- +1 to all rolls for learning/teaching non advanced skills. Turns left: social link.

Elixir of pure thought- +2 to all rolls for learning/teaching skills. Turn left: 1.

The shit list- all shop costs rise by 50% (the shop costs is the base cost to make it easy for alchemy calculation).

Shop (requires 15 votes to buy something)

CCC- 19.

Default- points will be used instead of pure Qi (at 1 to 1) when pure Qi runs out.

[] Buy a spot on the expedetion for 20 CC.

[] Pay the fee for one of the hall exams (required to get accepted by a hall) for 20 CC.
-[] The Alchemy hall. (medium alchemy skills).
-[] The exploration hall. (medium cultivation, medium combat, high survival).
-[] The judgment hall. (high cultivation, high combat).
-[] the contracts and oaths hall. (high cultivation, high social).

[] Buy fire Qi. 2 CC for 1 point of fire Qi.

[] Buy Yang Qi. 4 CC for 1 point of yang Qi.

[] Buy water Qi. 8 CC for 1 point of water Qi.

[] Buy a body reforging elixir (2x progress to the first body refining action to the turn) for 2 contribution points.

[] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).

[] Buy a meridian impurity expulsion pill (+2 to next attempt to clear meridian) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a calm Qi pill (+2 to all QC breakthrough attempts in a turn) for 5 CC.

[] Buy a Ox strength pill* (+10 to strength for a 3+x rounds) for 5 CC +X.

[] Buy A willow drop pill (advance a single sub stage in you QC stage) for 10/20/40/80** CC.

[] Purchase basic lessons (+3 to skill progress bar) for 1 CC.***

[] purchase advance lessons (+10 to skill progress bar) for 3 CC.***

[] Buy a technique.
-[] which one?

[] Buy 2 common herb for 1 CC.

[] buy a rare herb for 8 CC.

[] Buy basic alchemy tools (reduce cost and progress required to concoct pills by 20%) for 40 CC (renting them for a turn would cost 10 CC).

[] Buy an advanced healing elixir (+2/4 HP a turn for 5/6 turns) for 7/15 contribution points.

[] Buy a mending elixir (+8 HP) for 7 contribution points.

[] Buy an advanced mending potion (+20 HP) for 15 contribution points.

[] Buy (and install) a basic Qi gathering formation (+0.5 multiplier for Qi gathering) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the fields of lava (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Fire Qi for one turn) for 20 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space in the hot springs of Yang (+2X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering Yang Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Rent cultivation space high in the mountain (+1X multiplier applied after meridian's to Gathering pure Qi for one turn) for 40 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic protection talisman (consume to negate HP loss from attacks) for 4 contribution points.

[] Buy a basic artifact weapon (+10 to combat rolls) for 20 contribution points.

[] Buy basic armor (reduced HP damage form attacks so long as the armor is intact) for 10 CC.

*There is a variant available for all the other attributes.

**the cost is dependent on the stage you are on (IE: a QC 1 pays 10, while a QC3 pays 40).

***rare skill double the cost.

Guang Li actions.

[X] Help the struggling disciples (pay off debt).
[X] open a meridian. – 5 yin Qi

[X] visit the library in search of techniques.

[ ] Map Guang Li body [36/100]. Reduced progress needed to refine the body.

[ ] Teach Guang Li.

-[ ] Cultivation. [0/75]. Raise the cultivation skill to 4.

-[ ] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.

-[ ] Breakthrough [23/100]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 2.

-[ ] Fellowship [17/75]. Raise the fellowship skill to 4.

-[ ] alchemy [0/50]. Raise the alchemy skill to 1.

[ ] Seek knowledge from the collective.

-[ ] knowledge of internal alchemy [0/100] unlock internal alchemy.

-[ ] Knowledge of advanced alchemy [10/250]. Unlock advanced Alchemy actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of refining [0/50]. Unlock refining actions.

-[ ] Knowledge Of Qi [37/100]. Unlock advanced Qi actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of the bloodline [0/250]. Unlock bloodline actions.

-[ ] Knowledge of your demise [0/500]. Knowledge about the slaughter.

[ ] attempt to search for information on the caves of ten thousand reflections. [0/50] information.

[ ] Look to the stars for hidden knowledge of the future [0/500]. Reveal the event in the event track permanently.

[] Search for common herbs [0/30] 2-5 common herbs, 5% for a rare herb.

[] Search for rare herbs [0/30]. 1-2 common herbs, 20% for rare herb.

[] Brew a pill 1/2- the ghost of wisdom will direct the brewing of a pill to the exact requirements [0/20]. One of two actions needed to brew a pill.

-[] which pill/elixir? (look at the shop, basic costs are the amount of Common herbs needed, any item over 10 CC requires a single rare herb in addition to its cost in common herbs, items over 30 CC require two).

-[] and how many are you brewing? Current max 5 items at a time.


[ ] Screams of death- with the refinement of their blood lost, the ancestor may now focus their power to fell even great enemies. Result dependent on total roll.

[ ] Restless anger- infuse the anger of your demise into Guang Li body and soul and let him push beyond his limits at a cost. [2/8] +1 to all of Guang actions this turn per completion of this action. -1 Hp per time taken.

[ ] silent hunters- with Guang Li passing the tests and now being part of the sect proper there are many new mission available for him, some of those are hunting various small spiritual critters that make their home around the sect. the perfect pray for invisible ghosts. [2/15]. +1 contribution point.

[ ] Cut away life- using the precise application of wrath cut away a portion of Guang Li life force for the power within. -1 Hp per time taken [0/30] +1 blood Qi.

[] body refining (Warth version)- utilizing the power of wrath and blood the ghosts of the Guang may refine Guang Li body to Strang and secret purposes.
-[] refine his nails. 1 Blood Qi, -1 HP per time taken [0/20]. Gain natural weapons I.
-[] Refine his heart. 1 blood Qi, - 1 HP per time taken [0/40]. Gain blood surge I (may be active during events for a bonus at the cost of a penalty for al the next scenes of the event).
-[] refine his eyes. 1 blood Qi, -2 HP per time taken [0/50]. Gain blood seeking eyes I (reduce the critical hit threshold)*
-[] refine his mind. 2 Blood Qi, -4 HP per time taken [0/100]. Gain wrathful mind I (increase combat dice to d12, large increase to comprehension of combat arts/skills).*

*mutually exclusive with the Qi version.

[] The life line- with some work and adaptation the wrath ghost can crave a path into Guang Li lifeline making drawing the power of blood for his body far easier, by necessity they would go slow as to not hurt him [0/300]. Reduce the needed progress for the cut away life by 5.

-[] the fast route. -5 Hp, 3x time the progress.

[] Aura of death- with better control the ghosts of wrath can subtly wave an aura of fear and intimidation around Guang Li. [0/10] +1 to social rolls.

[] Wrath and Sacrifice- with advance applications of blood and vitality the ghosts of wrath may extend the duration of many of the miraculous medicines Guang LI imbues. 1 blood Qi [0/50] a semi-random (things like the healing elixirs or other low value stuff are excluded) positive effect gains an additional turn to its duration.


[ ] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[ ] water Qi [9/10].
-[ ] Yin Qi [9/17]
-[ ] Yang Qi [0/60]

[ ] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [58/100]. Advance to QC 2 mid.
-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Refin Guang body. variable cost.

-[ ] Refine his skin. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined skin II (+3 Constitution*).

-[ ] Refine his muscles. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/50]. Refined muscles II (+3 Strength).

-[ ] Refine his blood. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined blood (+1 Constitution, +1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his nerves. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined nerves (+1 Dexterity).

-[ ] Refine his senses. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [0/40]. Refined sense I (+1 Perception).

-[ ] Refine his organs. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined organs (+1 Constitution, slight toxic resistance).

-[ ] Refine his Bones. Cost 2 Qi per time taken [0/60]. Refined bones (+1 Constitution, reduced injury rolls).

-[ ] Refine his mind. Cost 3 Qi per time taken [0/100]. Refined mind (+1 Intelligence. increased comprehension speed).
--[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[ ] Clear a meridian acupoint. Cost 5 Qi per attempt DC 9 (12/15/18) [1/670 Cleared]. +1 open meridian. (note: 3 failures so far).

-[] use X Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).

[] brew a pill 2/2- the ghosts of Qi will give the energy and essence required for the brewing of pills. [0/20] the second action required for the brewing of pills.

*this replaces the refined skin I trait so the actual bonus of the action is +2 but the total is +3.

Yin. (discover more about your bloodline to unlock further actions in this category).

[ ] Nurture Yin- as ghost of the dead, you are binges of Yin inhabit Guang Li body and let his roots nurture of your power but be careful for even those of the Guang cannot stand the chill of death for long. -2 Hp per time taken. [6/100] advance Guang Li Yin root to grade 16.

[ ] The power of thought- flood Guang Li mind with Yin Qi and show the power of thought and mentality Cost: 1 Yin Qi per attempt. [0/50] +1 to all learning/teaching actions next turn
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Such is the way of the world, the "reward" for such righteous actions delayed only by the will of the heavens. Perhaps if we were strong enough it would not be so. Perhaps it wouldn't be so righteous if our lives were not at stake. For now, learn how to work with others. With such a commotion, it may be needed to build some basic support, and avoid making even more enemies.

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] Fellowship [17/75]. Raise the fellowship skill to 4.
KSn5Ynoh threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Fellowship Total: 5
1 1 4 4
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[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [9/10].
sunrise threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 3
2 2 1 1
[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.
Shard threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 9
4 4 5 5
[X] Condense Qi in Guang Li Dantian. Cost 1 Qi per time taken [58/100]. Advance to QC 2 mid.
-[X] use Water Qi (Default is pure so only include this if your using another type).
RulerOfNothing threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Condensing Total: 11
6 6 5 5
so, Meng Qi was willing to throw his weight around to get away with murder for a petty reason, and when he got pushback was willing to spend up to a dozen expensive pills and make a big enough scene that it could not be covered up. how the actual fuck is that idot still alive? yeah his family would protect him, but he turned a schoolyard squabble into a major incident. That kind of poor judgment can't be well regarded by his clan, and would reduce his value each time he pulled shit like this. Well, either way, we are going to need to get better at murder.

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.
random_npc threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Combat teaching Total: 9
3 3 6 6
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Oh shucks he's going to try to open a meridian. We probably need more Wisdom ghosts to work on either bloodline or demise. What is up with heaven's shield?

[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] Yin Qi [9/17]
ScribeTransient threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 9
4 4 5 5
[X] attempt to search for information on the caves of ten thousand reflections. [0/50] information.
Ulvlar threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 7
4 4 3 3
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [9/10].
zinay threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: water Total: 9
4 4 5 5
[X] Gather Qi [0/3]. Gain 1 Qi. (every 3 points of progress here give 1 point of Qi).
-[X] water Qi [9/10].
Yeah, getting to higher realms should help us not die every time we don't ace an event.
wrecksalot threw 2 6-faced dice. Total: 9
3 3 6 6
Honestly, I think we should skip the Cave of Ten Thousand Reflections. We have *plenty* of stuff to focus on just getting our foundation in place... like joining the alchemy hall, which we should do. Paying an entrance fee to get an optional event that we then need to pay a penalty to survive isn't great.

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] alchemy [0/50]. Raise the alchemy skill to 1.
Sirrocco threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: alchemy training Total: 5
3 3 2 2
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so, Meng Qi was willing to throw his weight around to get away with murder for a petty reason, and when he got pushback was willing to spend up to a dozen expensive pills and make a big enough scene that it could not be covered up. how the actual fuck is that idot still alive? yeah his family would protect him, but he turned a schoolyard squabble into a major incident. That kind of poor judgment can't be well regarded by his clan, and would reduce his value each time he pulled shit like this. Well, either way, we are going to need to get better at murder.

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] Combat. [25/100]. Raise the combat skill to 5.
I think after pushback is because of someone meddling with fate.
Then someone puts its finger on the scales of fate.

High above the clouds the sound of thunder could be heard as the heavens move to strike at the one who dared interfere with fate. As down below the voice of the young master bellows "a phoenix rebirth!" all eyes turn to him at his words "a phoenix rebirth for each of those scoundrels you kill!".
Honestly, I think we should skip the Cave of Ten Thousand Reflections. We have *plenty* of stuff to focus on just getting our foundation in place... like joining the alchemy hall, which we should do. Paying an entrance fee to get an optional event that we then need to pay a penalty to survive isn't great.

[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] alchemy [0/50]. Raise the alchemy skill to 1.

Yeah I am not sold on it, but we have made a powerful enemy so we need to drive at being exceptional. Def interested in the alchemy hall, but as you can see above I am looking to expand our crafting skills with refining.

Also @uri di you plan to add an inventory section? I believe we should have 3 basic herbs stored.
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