Shimmer, Glimmer, & Gleam - A Quest of Loss & Gain

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[x] Curious; excited to try it for yourself

[x] Prisoner 17065, the cripple

Wanna see if this is Jill

[x] Approach

Got time to kill and information to gain.
[X] Curious; excited to try it for yourself.
[X] Prisoner 17099, the kid.
[X] Approach.

Will this get us/the kid killed? Maybe, but so will everything in this new world. I'll take the chance.
[X] Curious; excited to try it for yourself
[X] Prisoner 17099, the kid
[X] Approach
[X] Remember your fumbling but oh-so-pleasant experiments with your cellmate
[X] Prisoner 17059, the veteran/your cellmate
[X] Approach
I will call this tomorrow, as healing and being late on my other Quest have both taken a lot of energy out of me. Thank you for your patience with me during my recovery.
Scheduled vote count started by Morrowlark on Dec 28, 2024 at 8:11 PM, finished with 16 posts and 11 votes.
The Law of the Long Arm 4: The Kid
You sigh, close your book around a finger to hold your place, and get up. You're out here trying to enjoy your porn and people gotta bother you. Well, no, the kid has to bother you, and that's a bit different. It got hauled in around the same time you did, and the thing about being Inside...

...The thing about being Inside is that when the light from the Panopticon is on people, they know they're guilty. You do too, when that thing glares at you. You know it the way you know you need air to live. When that light is on you, there is no understanding who you are without the guilt, without the certainty that this is your punishment, that you have earned it, and that without it you would come undone, and unmade, and be destroyed. When the eye of the Panopticon turns towards you, you are a convict, and so too are the other Inmates, and you know, you know, that they are base, and they are vile, that they are unworthy of human love and human society, that they are different, that they are unclean, that they are unwhole and unwholesome, and so too are you.

But even knowing this, even being reminded of it every time the light that you always see and cannot see sweeps past the light that is behind your eyes, neither you nor anyone else thinks the kid deserves to be here. There's a little pukestain vermin nine cells down from you, murdered its wife and kids in their sleep, and even that little shit stepped up once to defend the kid from an Inmate who thought it could have what the kid needed, here Inside. No one fucks with the kid. It doesn't belong here.

The kid isn't like you.

So you go over, and you try not to look irritated at it, and you raise your eyebrows and you wait. It chews the inside of its cheek, and won't look directly at you.

We have to get her out of here the Wolf murmurs, and its voice is so sad.

"Hey um," the kid says, at last. It clicks its tongue, and then its voice gets, if anything, even lower. Its eye flicks towards the Panopticon, so yours does too, but the light is elsewhere. "...I need a shiv. Can't explain why."

"...You don't want a shiv, kid," you say in as low a voice as you can.

"You're right. I don't. But I need one." And then the kid turns its collar out, and there's a whole pack of cigarettes hidden between its wings, lashed there with twine. "I know you can get me one. Please."

Everlasting fucking Lady, friend even to vermin like you...

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[ ] Agree
[ ] Refuse

Short update but all I can ask is that you let me cook.
This is a serious question, do we want to get a kid a weapon in a prison?

Very specificially is it worth it to give a kid a shiv in this shithole of a prison when we don't know what the consequences are for both us and the kid??
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[ ] Agree

It feels best to help the kid. Feels really bad to give it a knife, but it's best to have the kid on our side/in our debt just in case.

Also to the surprise of nobody, the Panopticon is nightmarish. Yay.

[X] Accept and offer your help. Someone needs to keep this kid out of trouble.
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Oh, so that's your username, a lark of tomorrow! Nice.

But kid, mate. The pigs won't care about your age if they catch you. And I know, I know, that I'm your best bet, and that if I refuse you'll go and ask someone else, maybe even someone who doesn't care enough about you, or worse. And that if I explain the dangers to you, you'll nod and think 'this adult won't help me' instead. So.


[X] Accept and offer your help. Someone needs to keep this kid out of trouble.
[X] Accept and offer your help. Someone needs to keep this kid out of trouble.

One, because this is the right thing to do. Two, because the wings.

We know several people with wings, we know ONE 'kid' with Wings, and Wolf just said 'we need to get HER out' after Orchid did the it default. Assuming Wolf is the way to circumvent this stolen name and identity effect by Orchid, I have a terrifying suspicion that this is Marie somehow. And if it isn't Marie, this is still a Kid in the hellish Prison that would make the Star Wars Empire in Andor drool.
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