It'll be apart of the next post that I'm working on right now. Since there wasn't an appearance image attatched to the original plan, y'all are gonna have to vote on the ones in the imageset for said next post. (Though even if there was said image attatched to the plan, there's still gonna be a appearance vote just incase. Just with the added option to keep the current appearance from the plan or pick a different one instead.)
And if you're not satisfied with either, the option to upload your own and vote on it, is always welcome either way.
Not gonna lie, I was surprised how much support for a genderfluid character to be created, got. Was kinda expecting typical male v female but hey, it was pretty exciting how close the votes were though.
PM's a much less gender-conforming setting than most, even if it doesn't go all the way. The fandom very much reflects that. We probably won't get any explicitly transgender or genderfluid characters on account of PM's previous encounters with South Korean gender politics, but that just means we've gotta do it ourselves.
[X] Plan: Original Sin
-[X] Cain
-[X] Male
-[X] 18
What an interesting name you have.
Named after one of the first Sinners in Biblical Mythos.
Your parents must either love you or hate you.
So your name is Cain, the youngest son of two.
(There would've been a daughter. That's what your mother murmured, focused on undoing the knots in your hair. The child version of you couldn't help but wince from the pain.
Your parents wanted one so badly. Of another child, a little sister running around and kicking up a fuss. Surely, spoiled to all hell. Sadly they couldn't support another child, there just wasn't enough money to go around.
They were already struggling with just two children. No matter how much you wanted to fit yourself in a neat, small box. So you don't have to make them spend more money on you. It's better that way, to be less of a burden. Mother and Father had always talked about money, how much things cost, how much things would continue to cost with the increasing prices. Everything was getting more and more expensive.)
The memories began to distort. They always did when you thought about your past.
Though as important names are, so is your appearance. It's part of your identity, how you always distinguished yourself from your older brother. The more excellent and prodigy son. (He was the firstborn of course, it was all too expected of him.)
What do You Look like Now?
[X] Image 1
Image 1
[X] Image 2
Image 2
[X] Image 3
Image 3
Note: For appearances that make it so your character looks like he has an impressive physical build with a 6-pack and looking generally broad/bulky, it doesn't change the fact that Fortitude is your demerit. It'll just add a Perk to make people think twice until they actually engage you in battle and find your physical prowess doesn't live up at to your appearance at ALL and invite a lot of mockery to your reputation.
[X] Image 4
Image 4
[X] Image 5
Image 5
Note: For appearances that make it so your character looks like he has an impressive physical build with a 6-pack and looking generally broad/bulky, it doesn't change the fact that Fortitude is your demerit. It'll just add a Perk to make people think twice until they actually engage you in battle and find your physical prowess doesn't live up at to your appearance at ALL and invite a lot of mockery to your reputation.
[X] Image 6
Image 6
[X] Image 7
Image 7
[X] Write-In
Note: If you plan to put an appearance image that makes it so your character looks like he has an impressive physical build with a 6-pack and a five o'clock shadow, it doesn't change the fact that Fortitude is your chosen demerit.
It'll just add a minor trait to make people think twice until they actually engage you in battle and find your physical prowess doesn't live up at all. In fact the opposite and it'll invite more mockery to your reputation.
Charming, aren't you? With such a pretty tongue, it's the rule of law to have an equally impressive face.
Moving on from these vain matters, I'll have to ask you since you did say you spent the last 4 years as a part of a Syndicate. Or well, not all four years with your 'stellar' reputation. As sociable as you are, the past always finds a way to catch up.
Of the Four, Which Syndicate do You Call Home?
[X] Church of Re-Establishment
Threat Level: Urban Plague
Affiliated with the Thumb
Earnings: $$$
"Our God's dream still remains unfulfilled…"
"We can wait decades, or centuries and still be kept waiting. We will not wait. Today, we are gathered here to pledge to fulfill that dream."
"That This City will burn and we will hold the match to create a New Kingdom of God."
[X] The Orchestra
Threat Level: Urban Legend
Affiliated with the Index
Earnings: $$
"The sound of Music beckons you. And you seek to be etched into the heart of The City, Flute."
"Do you hear it? Do you hear hervoice like I have?"
[X] Moon Beasts of the 12th Pack
Threat Level: Urban Nightmare
Affiliated with the Middle (For a Family needs a Dog in every family picture to be perfect.)
Earnings: $$$
"Answer the Call, for the Hunt comes to District 12 once again."
"Pffft… Rebuild the pack? That's what they always say. Nah, we only came here for one thing and one thing only."
"Ol' Pack Leader wants to settle the score."
[X] The Vagabonds | Commedia Del'la Arte Troupe
Threat Level: Urban Myth
Affiliated with the Ring
Earnings: $
"The whole world is but a stage. Why cry, when you can laugh instead?"
"And so close your eyes and perform to the thunder of their applause. This is a story that will never end."
"For an end to this play would be a terribly, sad one, indeed."
QM Note: Note that the earnings don't matter much on the decision to see if you can pay rent, food, amenities like air conditioning and heat, and the Head Tax. You can easily pay all of it with your current salary no matter which Syndicate you joined. It's just the extra amount of money that you can get at the start, if you want to decide to buy augmentations and replace your current ones from the get-go. With the base amount being $ (No extra money with some savings incase of a medical emergency) to $$$ (Hefty amount)
And as every Syndicate is a subsidary Syndicate from one of the Five Fingers, you too must pay monthly tribute to them. For most, it's money. For the Index, it's Prescripts. And for the Ring, it's Art. None from the Pinky since not much info has been revealed about them yet to create original content or something inspired from them. Other people would say otherwise but I don't got much ideas tbh.
This one took a far longer time to post LOL. Apologies about that, I'm very finicky when it comes to reformatting and making stuff look good so I had to reread and recheck this post since some of this was copy and pasted from notes and the other half was improv on the spot so it's always a tossup to make sure things don't break. But man do I love the spoiler text tab and its tab functions to make things look neat. It looks pretty that way...
[X] Image 6
this one looks least like a stick in the mud. I especially like the one with him holding up a bottle of alcohol. seems like a good fit for a kind but envious man.
[X] The Vagabonds
A laughing charismatic fool filled with envy. this fits well, especially since as the lowest earning, it makes even more sense for our main character to be envious. he's sold his soul and still has so little.
It was either the 12th Pack or the Church. But....Cain was the first Sinner, and I doubt the Church would treat us well. Well that and the fact that I just like the idea of Cain being desperate for a new family after his old one went up in flames. so much so that he would resign himself to being the Attack dog's OF the middle.
It's pretty hilarious that, after choosing Fortitude for our demerit, we could potentially immediately head straight for the Finger that has the combat style based most around brawling and being buff XD.
Though, jokes aside, maybe now might be time to think of some build synergies? Because with our demerit to Fortitude, we aren't exactly built for Melee combat.
It's pretty hilarious that, after choosing Fortitude for our demerit, we could potentially immediately head straight for the Finger that has the combat style based most around brawling and being buff XD.
Though, jokes aside, maybe now might be time to think of some build synergies? Because with our demerit to Fortitude, we aren't exactly built for Melee combat.
I'm very surprised a lot of people are beelining for the Moon Beasts option, even with the Fortitude demerit. That's actually hilarious LOL
But to drop some hints about this Syndicate though it very much does seem obvious from the name of it, this Syndicate values physical prowess and strength. Cain, however with his build, will struggle very hard in this Syndicate if chosen.
Even though the benefits from joining this Syndicate can help lessen some of the impact the Fortitude demerit has on him. (And that's only comparing him with a baseline human/Grade 8-9 Fixer.) He will be seen as the runt of the pack. For the worse since in this timeline, it's the Syndicate that he has joined the earliest out of all four and hasn't improved much if at all since joining in standing.
And on another note since votes are going be a bit split, so is the vote results for whichever wins instead of a combined option via plan ig. If it helps much, whichever Appearance vote has the majority will win and so does for the Syndicate as separate things ig.